Something that annoys me about the game 'Rock, Paper, Scissors'...?
2009-06-16 06:04:19 UTC
Now, I can understand how rock beats scissors, and how scissors beats paper.. but how the heck does paper beat rock? What does it do? Wrap itself around the rock and leave it immobile? Why can't it do that to scissors? Infact, screw the game, why can't it do that to people? Why aren't students being suffocated by their book as they take notes during a class? I'll tell you why, because paper can't beat anything, a rock would tear paper up in 2 seconds.

When I play rock, paper, scissors I always pick rock, then when somebody claims to have beaten me with their paper, I use my already clenched fist to punch them in the face, and then say, "Oh, sorry, I thought your paper would protect you, stupid ****."
27 answers:
2009-06-16 07:55:49 UTC

I love the ending x
2016-04-09 06:02:53 UTC
Meh, my brain knows how (Paper covers rock, Rock breaks scissors, Scissors cut paper), but my hands were never any good at it. Really, something about having to throw out the hand gestures too just threw me off....I guess I'm clumsy, un-coordinated that way. ^_^ Or....maybe it was that I didn't do it a lot until a buddy got me started on Live Action Role Playing games (Mind's Eye Theater, which uses Rock-Paper-Scissors as a semi-random element). Problem with that one was, there were people there who had been *doing* this for years, and basically with them the R-P-S wasn't random, they knew every mind-game and dirty trick you could pull on the challenges. O_O Never mind that they *also* had the uber characters too, and didn't *need* it.... But I digress. Point is I've been owned so many times on Rock-Paper-Scissors that I don't even like it anymore. I won't even play because I choke too much and it's *not* fun to always lose. -_- In short: I wish I *were* that guy who had never heard of it. Thanks for your time. ^_^
2009-06-16 07:34:11 UTC
Many have posed this question in the history of rock, paper, scissors. And I have the answer.

The rock is a small rock, the paper is a big sheet of paper. When the paper thrower places the paper on the rock, it actually creates a hang-glider of sorts connected to the rock. What happens next is the rock is flown away, only to be dropped over a cliff to smash into a bunch of tiny pieces.

And the paper just floats in jubilation.
Bartemis Crowl
2009-06-16 12:22:42 UTC
It very obvious, paper is not in fact paper in the way that we see it. When someone says paper in a game of 'Rock Paper Scissors' they are actually referring to the high density high-versatiltiy unit created by scientists at NASA.

This flat, cloth like object is impervious to rough blows, high temperatures, low temperatures and is utterly shock proof. However, it CAN be destroyed by a sharp cut, as applied by a pair of scissors.

Therefore, it beats a rock, which can hammer it in vain but achieve nothing, but loses to scissors.

And I think you should always pick scissors. Then when anyone says that they won, you can simply stab them and say 'Oh, didn't your rock protect you?'
2009-06-16 07:29:29 UTC
All rocks can do is fall, Dearest.

If a huge rock fell flat on scissors, the scissors would break.

If a huge rock fell on a piece of paper, which is flat and unaffected by weight, would not be tainted(torn)

Therefore! Paper has held a higher resistance to the rock.

And contrary wise, seeing as scissors contain blades, and move (generally) horizontally, that would break the papers composition.
Matilda Penrose
2009-06-16 06:28:24 UTC
lol, I never thought about that. But you're right, and it's pretty funny when you put it that way. I guess the person who made the game just decided to make paper beat rock because they couldn't think of any other way since scissors beats paper and rock beats scissors. You have a creative way of looking at the game and the person who made it probably didn't think of it. :D
2009-06-16 08:19:30 UTC
I have always wondered how they played this game in the stone age. Obviously paper & scissors had not been invented then so it must have been a bit of a long winded game.
2009-06-16 06:14:31 UTC
hmm you make an interesting point young padawan.

perhaps it should be renamed rock sledgehammer scissors.

then again a sledgehammer would still beat even the most smug scissors.

maybe they should rename it "all hail sledgehammer, shun the peasant rock and feeble scissors"

god im lonely :( lol
2009-06-16 06:11:40 UTC
thanks for the laugh! i've never really thought about it, but you're right. paper is worthless. and now that most of us are going "paperless" and using the computer for almost everything, will paper be replaced with "p.c." or "laptop" in this game? rock would beat those, too.
2009-06-16 06:09:58 UTC

I don't get it either. Try thinking of something that can beat rock. Maybe a hammer/jack hammer or something of that nature ;)
2009-06-16 13:53:15 UTC
Ha ha! Not only is your joke funny but your delivery is comedic too. Have a star.
Emma O
2009-06-16 08:25:50 UTC
Ur a retard!

The paper wraps around the rock and covers it, thats how u win!!

Uve way to much time on ur hands thinkin bout rock, paper, scissor
2009-06-16 06:17:29 UTC
Something has to beat rock, otherwise people would choose rock every time.

Rock beats scissors beats paper beats rock etc. etc.
Darcy C
2009-06-16 08:25:31 UTC
hahaha lol, im so gunna do tht nxt time i play :P

star 4 u of course, my kind of humour
2009-06-16 06:13:25 UTC
Congratulations on uncovering this conspiracy by the manufacturers of A4.

Personally If I was you I would go into hiding, they are coming for you now...
2009-06-16 06:38:50 UTC
ooo its like a restraining order a piece of paper does **** :)
Tarquin Lightfoot
2009-06-16 06:23:03 UTC
HAHAHAHAHAAAA that's good stuff....

I cant help but think of the episode of friends where Joey plays it and plays the "Fire" hand lol =)
2009-06-16 06:09:08 UTC
It starts as a kid, arguing about a simple game.

I wonder how you're going to turn out.
2009-06-16 13:17:36 UTC
lol I think I'll do that and see the reaction
2009-06-16 06:08:06 UTC
lol thats funny
2009-06-16 07:23:27 UTC
haha thats funni, i like jokes, good one
2009-06-16 06:10:59 UTC
Lol! :')

That's a good idea.

I may used that one time.
Yuno Gasai The Beautiful Yandere
2009-06-16 06:50:04 UTC
thanks for the laugh... i trying to think of a reason for why paper would beat rock but no... TIME PARADOX!!!!
2009-06-16 06:11:40 UTC
awsome keep punching people
White rabbit
2009-06-16 06:19:32 UTC

thats so funny!!

and tru, well said.

2009-06-16 06:15:17 UTC
lmfao....thats made my day......i love that word **** lol
Lover of God!
2009-06-16 06:37:42 UTC
haha that's really funny!!! but i agree it is weird!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.