2012-05-02 17:38:26 UTC
So, I have a fun idea.. (you: Yeah you just wrote that... Idiot)
Here it is: If you know someone who's named MIKE, ask him one (or all) of these following questions:
1: Hey Mike, do you wanna touch my breasts? ( Girls: don't let him do it! just ask him, and see what he answers! Guys: It could be really funny!)
2: Hey Mike, do you have any lipstick I can borrow? (again guys: It could be funny to see his reaction!)
3: Hey Mike, do you want an eggplant-sandwich?(Mmmmmmh, it tastes so amazing!)
4: Hey Mike can I borrow a dress from you, to wear for prom?(Guys can ask that too! it just makes it even more fun!)
When you have asked him one(or 2, 3, 4) of these questions, post his reaction as an answer to this question! ex: I asked Mike number ________ and then describe his reaction!
(If you don't know anyone who'a named Mike, then just ask another GUY, or girl hmm....)
Please don't write any "hater" answers.. I'm just joking around!)