THE WORLD IS LITERALLY GOING TO END!!!! im serious this is no joke READ NOW!!!?
2008-02-10 22:49:54 UTC
Ok well not literally idk, i just wanted to get people to answer the world really supposed to end in 1212???i heard so many stories like this from tv and my friends and stuff but i was wondering what the real story behind this is????? i heard that its like the last day on some like wierd ancient calender or something??? WTH? IM JUST CURIOUS AS TO WHAT THE LOGIC IS BEHIND THIS... AND WHERE DID THIS PREDICTION EVEN COME FROM???
Twenty answers:
2008-02-12 07:04:27 UTC
Very funny but not true.
2016-05-26 13:01:12 UTC
Don't really want to get too involved in this but... There is a definite pay gap for the same work. Just like tall people get paid more than short people on average. Also there is more constant sexualization of women which has to do with the idea of being feminine. Third, ever tried playing a contact sport as a girl? Despite the fact that there will be girls who are as strong as boys (not regularly mind you, women normally have low testosterone levels) girls have a very hard time getting involved in contact sports. Fourth, lets say you wanted to be in the military. You cannot join special ops, and you cannot have a frontline combat role.(despite the fact that women tend to have better stamina than men, if they are trained equally) Oh and the firm only needs to find some obscure random reason such as "we don't feel she's qualified" which (unless it is so obviously BS) will kill any court action. But, it is true that many women act like there is a lot of overt sexism when there isn't. There's still plenty of sexism in general on both sides and some is legitimate while some isn't. And maybe you should wear something that people would associate with a lesbian and try walking around. It's uncomfortable at best. Dangerous at worst. And it would be more dangerous for a guy who looks "obviously gay". If you have the time, go online and read the "intelligence report". It's a bit biased because it does have a goal (to remove all hate organizations such as the KKK etc) but it doesn't present false information at least.
2008-02-10 23:22:00 UTC
Yes the Mayan calender ends in Dec 2012 (1212 already passed) and predicts the end of the world. Why anyone thinks a native people of Mexico which started to decline in the 8 & 9 Centuries have any prophet abilities is beyond me. These are the same people who say Europeans on horseback and thought they where some sort of man/beast creature. They where so prophetic they didn't see he epidemics, and invasions that finished off their civizilation.

On December 22, 2012 people will add this nonsense prediction on the pile of other doomsday predictions that have come and gone in the past.
2008-02-11 00:28:33 UTC
i've heard that in 2011 that some countries will come to an end, like they will dissapear because of the rate of waters rising but the world coming to an end..i dont think so.

oh yeh and in your question it says 1212? so considering its the year 2008 i really dont think so..
sky b
2008-02-10 23:08:22 UTC
Ephesians 3:21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.

Ecclesiastes 1:4 One generation passes away, and another generation comes;

But the earth abides forever.
2008-02-10 23:17:12 UTC
Astronomically speaking, the Universe dies of Entropy after 4 billions of years. The earth and sun die a little earlier.

Biologically speaking mankind dies in a couple of centuries if we keep on polluting our earth. But life on earth continues... who knows, the cockroaches or rats may evolve and become intelligent.

Theologically speaking, each religion gives a different version.

Practically speaking, for anyone - the world ends the day they die.
2008-02-10 23:00:04 UTC
AZTEC indian calender ends on oct.2012,and claims to be the end of all time.problem is earth is schedule for a tilt on that month due to all planets been aligned
2008-02-11 02:01:17 UTC
There used to be a rumour going around that it was when the three nines meet. But ofcourse 1999 has been an gone long ago.
2008-02-10 23:03:04 UTC
the mayans had a calander that ends on 12/21/2112 check history channel dot com for more info
2008-02-10 23:09:58 UTC
people have always been parinod

and if you go back ten twenty years or longer

they said the world was going to end in 2000

so you know

people always have something to say

there dumb lol
2008-02-10 22:54:40 UTC
There is absolutely NO way to predict the apocalypse. It is bound to happed, it could even happen as your reading this, but no one knows exactly when.
2008-02-10 23:04:09 UTC
Bill Gates must be mad...He wasted his whole life amassing this fortune, but now he only has 4 yrs to spend it.
Johnny Appleseed
2008-02-10 23:40:10 UTC
i dont know who the hell JSR thinks she is. but she just called bullshit on the mayans, thats some bad joojoo.

that girl is getting in some kind of freak accident soon FO SHO.
2015-10-14 22:18:57 UTC
well 3 years later…it didnt end haha :)
2008-02-10 22:54:28 UTC
considering it's 2008 right now, i don't think the world has ended
Krizia ^_^
2008-02-10 22:58:05 UTC
no one knows when the world is going to end, only God knows... so we are to live it wisely everyday, like its going to be our last.
2008-02-10 23:32:40 UTC
No. I think life will be longer than that.
2008-02-10 22:54:06 UTC
NO. its definitely not true...
2008-02-10 23:02:11 UTC
no...i dont believe it
2008-02-13 03:58:38 UTC
earth is safe.....!

The truth: and its fascinating earth history.

the back story: in 4000bc. there were changes in administrating the then known world. there were changes in administration every 6,000 years and the story is in this last change ending in 2012 dec 23 or as its called

"the Mayan end of the world," thing.

It can be explained in bible terms, but more accurately in Historical factual terms, noted in 138 countries around the world. now History of this date.

At the 4000 bc mark a meeting of 12 leaders voted and the biblical "Marduke" was to be the next supervisor of the known world then. This was a half-breed son of one of the 12 voting members called (en = lord / ki = scientific symbol for earth was really a title like "land lord.") his real name was Lucifer and he was an older man, marduke name was actually "Steven." This group had 7 votes in the group of 12 and manipulated the voting to there advantage. Marduke was not one of the twelve.

The remaining 5 were lead by a nephew of "enki" called the title of "En.lil" (meaning En = Lord / lil = command) or lord of command who was in complete control of the mission of the twelve and all under them (about 600 at that time) his real name was "Evan or Even."

In 10450 bc there was a huge flood in that area, and it was the end of the "ice age."

These people had been on earth for a long time, and after the flood set out about the world to "kick start" off the civilizations who survived.

Prior to 4000 bc things were going fine Babylon was built as a show place with many modern advantages at the time. it was a walled city.

There were no thought of crime, there was no sickness, food was plentiful and there were schools established to teach science and math including space and orbits.

There were no thing as Kings or Slaves or religions. Things were pretty good and the rebuilding of earth was on coarse.

Then 4000 bc came; Marduke upset all this work, one of the first things done was to charge to "Hammurabi" to write criminal laws. Prior bad behavior was not allowed, and the few people who did were simply banished, and not allowed to live with the local city people.

All that changed, with the new "Hammurabi Code" crime was allowed. If you stoled a chicken say, you had to pay 3 chickens "only if you got caught." A system of attorneys were established to administer the criminal law. As today you could steal a hundred chickens, then if you got caught you payed up 3 chickens and were free to steal as many as you could until you got caught again, for another 3 chickens.

This created a immediate "criminal class" who set out to steal themselves rich rather than working. Truly this made Mr. Hammurabi the Great Grandfather of Crime. Not the great "law-giver" as your history books tell you.

Then Marduke demanded everybody call him a "God," and he appointed "Kings" to rule over the locals and govern them.

The Kings were the newly rich from the fruits of the new crime wave created by the law, who could give Marduke the products he wished. Who payed the most got to be Kings.

Then education was banded and people got stupid quick and depended on the educated Kings to lead them.

In this new system if you didn't work you were killed and replaced with one who would not complain.

After a couple hundred years of this our new earth was in shambles and the "5 who voted against marduke" were appalled, and protested the treatment of earths peoples.

There was now wars between Kings, to gain more land and people.....and you can guess the rest of history as you know it.

Marduke resided in Italy and around his secret city there were 7 hills where residence for the 7 who voted for him lived in grand palace's. (as it says in the bible "the whore of Babylon sits on the 7 hills of Rome.) Note here in later years it was the Pope who sold kingdoms as Franchise Business to bring Rome more wealth. That ended with the end of WWII and with war with the "Roman Axis"

Long story short....the 5 were really mad at the ruin of all the thousands of years of building and educating that had taken place. Marduke was given Rule over 3 regions that were Africa, Europe, and China (the whole Continent) but not the 4th region....the American Continent. I doubt that Marduke was ever here, or even known about this Continent. Although he was banished to Haiti most of his life. He was a Half black and half white, off spring of "Enki" and at that time was a bad no no for this all "white group of blue eyed, flying, high tech group, who had a very strict code to live by...much like a military army command, with ranking leaders.

Enki had a rank of 50 as well, as Enlil had a rank of 50 and was much younger which why this got pushed to that "vote." Truly only Enki could hold that office, but he put his Marduke in charge and by law......he could do that....and he did.

Ok now that you got the back story now i will explain what you really want to know.

By 3760 bc fighting had broken out among the "12" and things were real bad. By 3112 bc Marduke demanded that all the opposing "5" were to be banished from the 3 regions and remanded to live only in the fourth region "americk" or America. When they landed in the Gulf of Mexico region the Mayans were told that they would have to wait 5125 years until the end of Marduke's rule before they could enjoy the good life as it was before Marduke, in their rule.

The need of a accurate calender was needed and they taught the Mayans the ways of accurately counting the Years until the end of this "Criminal era world" would end, and life would resume as before.

The new marduke rules were none of the 12 (or 600) could teach or help the citizens of earth in any way. The five obeyed but the 7 did not, and used this to gain control of the "5" remaining land and city's they were in-charge of and building. As in modern history, not much has changed.

Now the 12 are called gods, and marduke the supreme God.

That stupid rule stuck, as you know a "Zuse" and "Mars" and the like. The truth is there is a Supreme Person, his name is "Anu" (a new) and on the back of the dollar bill. (the word Annuit is the plural of Anu or Group of Anu or family) the phrase on the back of a dollar bill is "Anu and group/family Protects Us." A phase that would send Shivers down Mardukes he has never been "off Earth (Air'th)

air is the unusual quality for which Earth is named.

Well not only in 3112 bc was the 5125 year waiting period set. In 3760 bc the Hebrew race was given their 6000 calender. in other countries the same was true until about 1250 bc in china. Although the Muslims came up with one in 760 ad was the latest calender waiting till 2012 ad.

so bud! it ain't no secret at all, this is in 138 countries written on stones, tablets, and giant monuments to the counting of years like the Pyramid of Giza or the "Great temple of the Sun" in La Venta, Mexico.

Rome has perfected "Lying" and has built a world order on telling lies, hence if you have been paying attention, about world history.....many people have tired to get the truth from any "catholic." That simply is not going to happen. Even greats like George Washington, and Winston Churchill who said when asked about a new treaty with the Irish catholic's explained " well the catholics will only obey the laws they like but they will not obey the laws that they dont like!" which is so true. So why even have laws?

On to times you Sept 11 th 2001 this is the end of the 6000 years in "sun years" but not in "earth years" This was like the fireworks at the start of the New Year, some guys decided to make a splash and a "Insurance Claim" in the same time. When the work was started on the World Trade Towers in 1971 New York sold 30 Year Bonds to raise money to build the first building. New York had filed for bankruptcy (see 71-72) and could not sell Bonds. So the Port Authority separate could by law sell bonds for improvements of the Port of New the Trade towers were the new improvements. The secret deal was that the city of New York promised to Pay Off the 30 year bonds to come due in 2001 for the Port Authority. Well in 2001 New York city could not do that ( or would not).

David Rockefeller was holding 250 million in bonds maturing in 2001, the JP Morgans held 180 million in loan bonds, investor in "Brown Brothers" were holding another 460 million in loan bonds. Then there were another 500 million in Bonds to others who bought them. Unions, banks, investors and even "Bin Laden industries."

New York had over sold the bonds to float the money stole from New York city budgets for the last 50 years. The original construction price was $ 225 million for the whole thing. Its a scam.....they couldn't instead off a insurance fire......a Attack from Muslims seemed to be sell able to a stupid public.

By law each bond and its amount has to be insured against loss,(just like a house to protect the mortgage company and investors) each bond comes with its own insurance, for repayment..........Then to add insult insult to injury, 3 weeks before 911 a man leased all the Trade Tower Complex and re-insured his holding for 3.5 Billion bucks from the world most wealthy insurance "re-insurers or insurance companies."

so all in all this is about a 10 billion insurance fraud.

To sell this whole event.....they pin it on the "profi

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.