My son told me he's GAY!? What should I do?
2016-03-26 08:21:07 UTC
Hi, my 15 year old sold recently informed me he's gay after church today. I was shocked. I didn't know what to do. I felt sad and confused. I told him I'd talk to him after dinner. What should I say? I'm a Christian and I know homosexuality goes against the bible, but I feel like I should accept him? I don't know what to do? I've never though about something like this happening, can someone please tell me what to do?
294 answers:
2016-03-26 08:31:55 UTC
You should accept him. In Leviticus, the things there are mostly unreasonable and society today has broken nearly if not all of those rules. Being gay isn't a choice. If God didn't want him that way, God wouldn't have made him gay. Your son is entitled to live a happy and fulfilling life, and if a male partner is what it takes for him to be happy, so be it. Avoid calling him confused or saying he is "going through a phase." He might be, but it does not matter. It isn't a good thing to tell him. He has so much courage for telling you. You should be happy that he trusts you enough to give you this information. Why should there be a limit on who he may love?

It may be uncomfortable for you, but you will get used to it. You love your son. He is still the same child, the same person that you raised. Him preferring men will not change that.

Love him unconditionally.

I'm proud of you for (assumingly) not blowing up at him. He has not done anything wrong.

I am glad that you are asking for guidance, and hopefully will accept him.

Best of luck to ye.
2016-03-27 16:27:03 UTC
I understand how hard it is to accept that someone in your family is gay or lesbian. Believe me, my entire family is Catholic/Christian/Jewish, and therefore, I find it a sin to be gay/lesbian because God put Adam and Eve, not Adam and David (I just threw that one out there). I have an uncle and a cousin that are both gay. For instance, my cousin was working towards becoming a doctor, but then decided not to and got tutoring. He also has a cartilage piercing, which I find super weird. My uncle is successful and I don't have much of a problem with him being gay, despite the fact that I feel super close to him. I don't mean to scare you, but your son may get made fun of and end up committing suicide-NOT TO SCARE YOU! Of course, some people do that which may be why you are so afraid, but, as I said before, he may become a success. Even though he's gay, he still wants to feel like a part of the family. If you need help, see a therapist/shrink. Whatever you do, DO NOT TELL YOUR SON THAT YOU ARE NOT HAPPY WITH THE FACT THAT HE'S GAY!!!!!
2016-03-27 20:08:32 UTC
Religion is a funny thing. It tends to contradict itself and bring up laws from hundreds of years ago which can be confusing and misleading and nobody knows exactly what the original teachings were because the bible has been rewritten by every monarch that has ever wanted to break in a new scribe. But despite this, the fundamentals of the bible remain clear to this day. It preaches honestly, love, and acceptance. This is your son. He hasn't turned gay over night, or been bitten by a radioactive ladybug or whatever. He just hasn't told you before. His interests, personality, feelings .etc are exactly the same as before you knew he was gay. He is the same boy you raised. And you need to accept him for what he is because that is what the bible tries to teach. And if you can't, he will find happiness without you.

The simple fact is, If you accept him as he is, he will be happy. If you reject him, he will probably resent you and himself for years to come, but he will be happy eventually. And either way he'll still be gay.

So you see, the question you should be asking is, "Do I want to be a part of my son's life, or do I not?"

He'll be happy no matter what you do. But you have to decide whether you are there to see it.
2016-03-28 04:24:30 UTC
If your god makes mistakes, then he is not perfect. Therefore. he is not any better than us and you should now go with Allah and kill all gay people. Either that or maybe you could stop thinking of yourself and consider all the pain this kid has been through. If you kick off because he is gay, then you may just as well kick off because his eye colour doesn't suit you or maybe his height is not to your liking. Did you know, a fox has as many cubs as food allows. If there is a food shortage, the litter drops to one or two pups or sometimes none at all. This system will not work with us as we are the best hunters on the planet. Lots of birds and animals will only produce offspring if the temperature is high enough. Again, no use for us as we control fire. Other animals only produce at a certain time of year.

No good for us as we have imagination and can become sexual at will. What would god do to stop us from overpopulating? Problem solved. Every so many babies, simply flick a switch and these people won't breed but will still be able to get on with whatever they are on this earth for. This is my own theory but it makes a lot of sense to me. I'm an accelerator and your son is nature's brake. If it had not been for this remarkable idea, we would have died out due to over population many thousands of years ago. I have autism and one of the traits of my shade, is to go deep in thought about things. This enables me to often come out with things that nobody else has. If I were a god, I would use all the same methods to stop the overpopulation of animals, and as for intelligent humans, I would use the flip a switch method. I would put my bottom dollar on it if every female in the world at childbearing age became pregnant today with triplets, (remote but possible) two of each set would be gay and that would even the population again.
2016-03-27 17:10:37 UTC
He's your son. Support him, be there for him, try to understand. I myself, don't know much about the bible, but I do believe that homosexuality is god's/natures way of controlling human population and providing us with couples that may not be able to have children with their significant other but can therefore adopt children who wouldn't find love and care otherwise.

Your son can't control what kind of people he's attracted too. God loves all or at least mine does. I think the bible is a foundation for us all to build our beliefs and morals upon. I believe that he'd appreciate our own opinions and not agreeing with him with everything he did/does as long as our heart and our morals are in the right place. God made him the way he is because he wanted him that way. That includes his sexuality.

You son needs you right now. Go hug him and tell him you love him no matter what. It's ok to take some time to adjust to the idea of him being gay. But remember, he is no different to who he was before he told you.
2016-03-27 19:33:11 UTC
It's great that you want to stick to the Bible, but I think this "homosexuality" thing has gone too far. I mean seriously if God didn't want Homosexuals why would he/she have created them? It's awful that we are against these people who aren't doing anything other than loving someone. I have Homosexual family members and they are really nice people, all of them. It's depressing that it's okay for our priests to do unholy things (that I am not mentioning) and get away with it, but we can't have two people who love each other be together because "It's against God", well so is the things that those priests are doing. Anyway my rant's done, Sorry. As I was saying, he's your son you should still love him and accept him no matter what. I know someone who is Homosexual and he told his father, his father never accepted it, it's really sad because he doesn't treat him the same just because of his sexuality.
2016-03-26 09:02:50 UTC
Tell him that he is still your son, no matter how he develops. A lot of kids want to feel alienated to parents who don't understand, to excuse them for running-away. It could very well be a brief phase which will come and go inside of a few months, and so doing anything right now, such as great declarations of how he should live his life, are meaningless, long-term. Don't push, you will only push him away. Tell him you are aware that there have been countless gay men who have made the world a much better place, in every field from Science, Engineering, Culture, and the Arts, as well as the more mundane, day-to-day people who just work and get the job reliably done. Gay people account for over 10% of both male and female genders here in the UK, and they have done, all evidence suggests, for many centuries.
2016-03-27 20:52:02 UTC
You should still love your son. Being gay isn's a sin. Some Christians may say it is, but it really isn't. I believe in God, and I am bisexual. God is all-loving. He wouldn't punish someone for loving another.

Also, you don't need to go to church to be Christian. The church changes the meaning of the Bible and tells lies about God. You can read the Bible and pray at home. Being a Christian is about having a personal relationship with God. Talk to Him and ask Him the questions you have. Only He knows the answers, not anyone on Earth.

I hope you learn to love and accept your son for who and what he is. You should watch Prayers for Bobby. Your son isn't going to Hell and neither are you.
Genie C
2016-03-27 12:18:51 UTC
Accept him. He is your child and as a Christian God will judge you more harshly for abandoning your child then supporting him. Being Gay is not against the bible. Love him and support him. Point him in the right directions. He obviously feels comfortable enough to come to you and tell you so you've done a great job as a parent so far. God has made him this way. It's not a choice as some like to say. He is still your son.
2016-03-28 11:10:40 UTC
Love him.

Simple as that. He's you're son. Now, theres a couple diffrent camps so I'm going to give my veiw from both points as I'm not sure what camp your in Ok? I mean no offense by My words.

Now if you'e in the 'god doesn't make mistakes and there is a plan for everything' camp then the answer is clear, Your son being gay is the will of god, And if he didn't want it that way, it wouldn't be, right? There's a reason your son is gay.

Now if your in the 'even god makes mistakes' camp stop and ask yourself, Is your son a mistake? No, he's not, that's the obvious answer. Right now he's probably very scared. He told you because he loves you, He wants you to know and understand him.

Maybe you can't wrap your head around it now, and That's ok to tell him, explain your surprised, and your not sure how to feel, But make it clear you love him. Offer to talk to him more, and understand his feelings, Give him a chance to explain his love to you.

Most of all, Support him, Let him know he's safe with you. He's going to face a lot, if he's come out to you he may be planning to come out to others, and some will not be happy. He'll need support and love. Your his parent, He needs your support and love. And judging by your question and uncertainty, I think you already know You want to be there for him regardless. :)
2016-03-28 12:54:21 UTC
Show him you love him. I know it's hard to accept a gay person if you're a christian, but he is your son and he can't help he's gay. Think of it this way: being gay is a sin (don't freak yet) and so is lying. Every sin is the same in God's eyes.
2016-03-27 21:37:52 UTC
In the bible it says to accept everybody as they are. As a proper mother you should accept your son because you love him. It is the 21st century and yes it will be hard for you to accept it but this is even harder for your son. He would have been terrified to tell you that. He needs you right now. He needs someone to support him because it's not easy being 'different'. Even if you don't accept him for who he is, he will still be gay, it is who he is and he can't change, I'm sure he would if he could.
2016-03-27 18:16:07 UTC
Leviticus 18:23

You shall not lay with another man as you do with a women, it is an abomination.

What you do is pray, pray Long and pray hard.

Talk to your pastor.

If your married talk to your husband.

Then you do what you feel God is leading you to do. No matter how hard, no matter how wrong.

God may lead you to not accept this, he may tell you to disown your son. Maybe he'll ask you to make that hard choice. God has done it in the past, he always asks us to choose him over loved ones. If he is calling you to do something drastic than you must do it.

On the other hand, he may lead you to accept what your son is feeling. To love him unconditionally. Then you must also do this.

At all times above all else God is to be feared, obeyed, and loved. When you have your life to God you sold away all right to disagree with what he wants. You have no right to refuse him anything. Didn't he ask Abraham to give up the life of his only son? And didn't he forgive the women at the well?
2016-03-28 00:27:44 UTC
I am Catholic. I have read the bible and I know that homosexuality goes against everything in it. I have hid the fact that I am bisexual from my parents for almost 3 years now. I know how hard it is to come out, even to your closest friends. I find that I get offended by homophobics and it will probably be the same for your son, at first.

Your son has built up enough courage to come out to you. You should respect that, no matter your own beliefs. Do not tell him to 'be straight' or to 'just like girls.' You should be happy that God blessed you with a son.

I know that this is hard to come by at first, but I promise it will become easier.

I trust that you love him, no? Well he needs to know that. Pull him aside one day and tell him something like;

"I've been thinking lately. About your sexuality. I don't care if your gay, straight, transgender, bisexual. I love you the way you are. Your love for men is no different from the love that I have for your mother."

Something like that. IDK.

I wish you good luck, and whatever you do, do not tell your son that you do not approve of him being gay. BYE!!!
2016-04-03 13:51:18 UTC
Keep your R'rse as close to the wall as possible when he's around. There no no point in sticking your neck out, is there, or sticking anything else out for that matter.

Try to be understanding, considerate and kind . There's been may a fine relationship ruined by an over display of friendship.
2016-03-28 14:22:09 UTC
I'm guessing at 15 on a Monday if church is on Sunday, you'd ask how school was, what plans for the week were, and if he finished his homework. You might have work you brought home, or be preparing for tomorrow. I'm not sure what you are actually on about. Your life didn't change. His life didn't really change. He just told you something really personal about himself. Wouldn't it make more sense to ask "I'm gay, and I don't know how to tell Dad"? He told you. You're close. You're doing something right. Dont change anything! Dont mess it up.
2016-03-27 18:33:16 UTC
This isnt really an answer to the question but whatever. I dont really believe that BEING gay is an abomination to the Lord, I believe more that acting on it and pursuing your gay feelings is an abomination. Just please do NOT tell your son that you're disappointed in him. Love him

And accept him. Its only his fault if he goes after a guy, but he's still your son no matter what :)
Grace Elyn
2016-03-28 08:57:49 UTC
No one can tell you what to do. There can be some great suggestions but ultimately it comes down to how you feel about your son. Obviously you still love him based on your details. So start with that. Just love him and love him unconditionally. It will be hard for him out there in the world but make sure he always knows he can come home to you and be loved. No matter what!

The whole thing with you being a Christian, (I'm one too so not judging) yes the Bible says it is wrong. But it also says lying is wrong, stealing is wrong. There are tons of sins but not one of them is greater than the other. Don't treat him differently based on that alone. That is between him and God.

Good luck!
2016-03-28 07:14:04 UTC
NOTHING. He is the exact same person he was before he told you. Although no doubt with a lot less on his young shoulders. The bible can be interpreted in many ways. There are hundreds of thousands of gay Christians in the world. My daughter came out to us last year and when we told our church we were told they would pray for her to get better. I told them she wasn't ill and didn't need curing. We have since found a gay friendly church who love and embrace everyone - no matter there sexual orientation. Be supportive of your son and stick by him no matter what. He is going to go through a very tough time when his peers find out. Be there for him and talk to him. Educate yourself on all things gay for when the questions start. It's an eye opener. But most of all, LOVE YOUR SON. Goodluck, and godbless.
2016-03-26 11:24:23 UTC
Thanks for posting your question. I can only imagine how devastating this is for you. You love for your son and want to show you care, but you know that God does not approve of homosexuality. There's a lot of pro-gay propaganda in the world today (i.e. TV shows, music, politics, etc.) which makes people believe that the lifestyle is okay, but it still goes against God's standard of what is right and wrong. Scriptures like Leviticus 18:22, Romans 1:24-27, Corinthians 6:9, 10 leave no question about that. Though you will always love your son no matter what, please do not feel pressured to accept homosexuality as okay. That's not homophobia; that's obedience to God.

When you talk to your son, if you haven't already, I suggest that you thank him for feeling comfortable enough to talk to you about his personal feelings and then ask him delicately why he feels that he's gay. Then listen to what he says. You may not understand everything he's feeling, but the best thing you can do is listen. That will help keep the lines of communication open between the two of you. Also, since you both attend church, it may be beneficial to share with him Genesis 2:18, 22-24 which talks about Jehovah God creating the perfect partner for the first man Adam -- a woman. You can ask, did God create another man to make Adam complete? Since God is perfect (Deuteronomy 32:4), wouldn't he know who would make the best partner for a man? God's feelings on that have not changed. (See Malachi 3:6)

Below is an excerpt of an article that I feel will be beneficial to you son if you share it with him; it's entitled, "I'm Attracted to the Same Sex - Does that Mean I'm Gay?" Since he's 15, reading the thoughts of someone close to his age will hopefully resonate with him:

"Fact: In many cases, same-sex attraction is nothing more than a passing phase.

That’s what Lisette, 16, who was at one time attracted to a girl, found. She says: “Through my biology classes in school, I learned that during the adolescent years, hormone levels can fluctuate greatly. I truly think that if more youths knew more about their bodies, they would understand that same-sex attraction can be temporary and they wouldn’t feel the pressure to be gay.”"

To read the entire article, click the link below. Encourage him to visit If he didn't have the link, he and you can access the article under Bible Teachings < Bible Questions Answered < Teenagers < Sex, Morals and Love < I'm Attracted to the Same Sex - Does that Mean I'm Gay?

I hope this information is helpful to you. Even if your son resists your efforts to share scriptural thoughts with him, you can know that you tried to give him God's point of view. In the meantime, pray for strength and calm. As Psalm 55:22 states, "Throw your burden on Jehovah and He will sustain you."
2016-03-26 18:34:49 UTC

I know it might be shocking, but let's just face it, no one expected it to turn up like this, right? so, it's very normal to be shocked at this point; however, don't let anger takes over you and your decisions. You should be very careful with the decision you are about to make, and as you read my comment, keep in mind that you are the only one who has the right to decide what to do, unless it's going to affect your son's life badly.

-Try to act as though you accepted him. Don't go very hard on him, and try to talk him over once in a while, but don't let him feel like he's done a crime; this only is going to make it worse.

-If you keep trying with him but to no avail, then you should try to change your way of thinking a little bit. Pray for God to forgive him. He just cannot control it; otherwise, he would've restrained himself once he knew that you dislike it. Remember that homosexuality is now accepted. And he is not the only one you find to be gay.

You are his mother, and I know how much you do love him, and consulting us tells a lot about you and your relationship with him. Love him, and ask your God to forgive him.

Hope that helps
Dennis Sagt
2016-03-26 08:58:03 UTC
Did you love and accept him before you knew of his homosexuality? He's the same person after he told you that he was before he told you. Love and accept him now. This doesn't mean you accept his lifestyle. Anyway, at 15 I hope he's a virgin. His sexual preference is only part of him. He's also generous or not, has a short fuse or not, likes the outdoors or not, is an extrovert or not, on and on.
2016-03-27 16:04:21 UTC
I am a christian as well. God created your son the way he is and god loves him the way he is and so should you. It is not your place to judge him so just love him. All sins are equal so if homosexuality is a sin, it is no more of a sin than not accepting your son for who he is. God says to love everyone. EVERYONE. He doesn't say love everyone except homosexuals. Your son is going to face many unique challenges and he will need your support. Be there for him. It's ok to tell him that you are having trouble accepting this, but make sure he also knows that you love him unconditionally. Let him feel comfortable being himself at home because sadly when he leaves home, he doesn't have the same security. Please please PLEASE stay there for your son even if you don't agree with him. Love him as hard as you can. He needs you.
2016-03-27 00:55:39 UTC
There isn't anything for you to do. He say's he's gay and many boys go through a gay stage when growing up. He may grow out of it, he may not, but either way he is still your son. His sexuality should make no difference to you, and it's for him to reconcile his religious beliefs with his sexuality, not for you.

Just sit him down and tell him it's alright.
2016-03-27 09:55:43 UTC
He's your son. A lot of people think coming out is worthless, but not when you have a fear of your parents not accepting you based on the gender you are sexually attracted to. Your son is the exact same person, except, he is attracted to males. Even if you may not agree with it, accept him. He needs to know that you still love him and that he's not some freak who isn't loved by his family. I understand that the bible says it's wrong, but the pope says you'll get into heaven if you're a good person.
2016-03-26 22:25:24 UTC
Being gay is not a sin. Let him know you care and understand him no matter what.


Matthew 8: 5-13, Matthew 19: 4-5 and Matthew 19: 11-12, they talk about homosexual relationships

In Matthew Jesus explains:

(1) eunuchs are born that way;

(2) eunuchs are made that way by man

(3) eunuchs who promise their lives to God

Please note Eunuch was and still is a recognised word for being Gay.

Leveticus, Genisis, do not slander gay, if you read properly it is talking about rape and lust full sex.

Romans 13:8-10 reads as follows:

Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law. The commandments, 'Do not commit adultery,' 'Do not murder,' 'Do not steal,' 'Do not covet,' and whatever other commandment there may be, are summed up in this one rule: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.
2016-03-27 16:08:36 UTC
I would suggest you two don't discuss the subject once everything is ironed out. Don't accept it, but don't deny. Go on like before he said anything. That will be the best to deal with it. Just ask him not to tell you about any crushes, dating, etc. The best thing for you 2 would be just iron it out and then go on like before you knew until you think you can handle knowing more detailed info about his lifestyle You can't change and remember judge not or ye shall be judge. You have sins to pay for don't think it is you job to save someone even your own family from a sin which is fully impossible. Remember we are born to sin.
2016-03-27 06:45:50 UTC
I am a non-believer but I must say that I find your attitude refreshing. I can't give advice from a christian point of view but the fact that your son felt able to inform you that he is gay speaks a lot of the level of trust between you. There are many fine examples of gay Christians, perhaps you could do some research and point him in their direction for support. I hope that your church is one that teaches acceptance and that allows you to openly be proud of your son, if not may you find the strength to support him whatever.
2016-03-27 19:35:14 UTC
Its like this man, if you catch you're son smoking what you do is you make him smoke so much he will never wanna see another ciggarete ever again, Same priniciple applies to this my good man,

What you wanna do its call the gayest fairys the craigslist has on offer my man,

Then you gonna lock yo son in his room with these puffies and not let him out untill he cant handle no more,

Hes gonna walk a lil funny, Maybe even talk a lil funny too but you will know hes good to go man,

He will never wanna come face to face with another penis for astleast a week my man
2016-03-28 08:16:22 UTC
WELL, SO YOU DECLARE THAT YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN,AND BY DOING SO,YOU ADMIT,that you live in a fantasy world of make believe and delusion,you are so fu**ed up by your RELIGION,you are quoting things from your bible that do not exist ?so now remember the Bible does not state any where in it,that it is against homosexuality,we now know that people are born gay,and the gay sequence that causes both sexes to become homosexual,in their chromosomes which make up their DNA,is now found in about a quarter of the worlds population,that is why most families have a gay some where in the family,at the same time you CHRISTIANS believe that your god created every thing including the gay gene,so being gay was also designed by him,check mate,right,leave your son alone you pathetic pompous prick.
2016-03-27 12:48:27 UTC
Well as a mother myself if my son were to tell me he was gay I would smile and ask him what he likes about guys. The thing about all of this is as much as it is scientifically wrong to have relations with someone of the same gender, no one can help what they feel and it just makes things worse if parents don't approve of their child's feelings. He is most likely inexperienced therefore is a really just sexually curious or confused but at the same time he may not be and might actually be attracted sexually and romantically to Males. Your mother is supposed to be your first friend. And if your mother disapproves of you being gay than it makes you feel terrible and as if you lost your first friend and that you can't tell her things anymore. I hope that it doesn't bother you too much but be honest with him about your feeling while at the same time supporting his decisions and feelings so he doesn't feel outcasted and end up depressed. Every child wants their Mother and Fathers approval.
2016-03-30 12:46:57 UTC
Ok, I'm a Catholic. It is wrong if you ACT upon being gay. There is no sin in BEING gay. But you have to stay in celibacy your whole life. If you act upon being gay than it is a sin. Be kind to him, being gay is a hard thing (especially being christian). Also, I think people that are gay are not born with it, it is merely psychological. Like maybe molestation...? Talk to him.. Btw, I' 15 to. And I could not imagine what he's going thru. ..
2016-03-26 08:45:27 UTC
It is understandable why you are in a confusing situation. On the one hand you want to be true to what the Bible teaches about morality, and rightly so. On the other hand you have a family member who claims to be interested in going against that and living a lifestyle that the Bible does not approve of.

Before you do anything, perhaps it would be good for you to remove your emotions about the issue of homosexuality from a pop culture standpoint and even about your son, and review exatly what the Bible has to say about it. A found a great balanced article showing what the Bible teaches about homosexuality at

After reviewing what the Bible teaches, it is important to help your son to understand it as well. Maybe you two can go over the article in a calm, relaxed atmosphere. Be sure to allow him to express himself and reassure him of your love for him, but also be sure to let him know that you cannot encourage any behavior that is not in harmony with the Bible. Also, it may be good to take a look at this article at which shows that perhaps your teenage son is not really gay, that his feelings could just prove to be a phase. Either way, it is impotant for you as the parent to lovingly help your son to see the wisdom beehind the Scriptures. Remind him that God never asks us to do something we are incapable of doing, but at the end of the say it all comes down to choices. A straight person who wants to be in harmony with the Bible must learn to exercise self-control and choose to do things God's way that have His approval by not committing fornication, and the same is true of those with homosexual tendencies. Actually, all of us have some tendency or other that we have to get under control in order to have God's approval, be it a violent nature, an alcoholism, drug addiction, sexual immorality, stealing, a bad temper, being envious of others, etc. It is possible to overcome all of these things with God's help, despite what you may hear others telling you about t being beyond his control. Remember, it's all about choices.

I wish you both the best.
2016-03-27 16:45:31 UTC
I'm a devout Cristian. The law of love which Jesus put above all else actually commands you to be understanding and welcoming to your son. It doesn't mean condoning promiscuity or a gay lifestyle under your roof. But that would be the same for a hetero-sexual child.

What is vital is that your son understand that any relationship should be about personal love, unselfish and harmless...then demonstrate that yourself!!!

None of us are how can we expect it of others before we care about them? God bless your family...
2016-03-26 09:04:25 UTC
I say you should apologise to your son, and when he asks why, you should tell him that you had thoughts earlier that the bible was more important than the fact he's gay. You should profusely apologise for even thinking that your son's sexuality is un-natural, and for taking the word's of 4th century bigots in the bible over nature.

You don't need telling what to do: you lazy f&*kwit ! Have you considered thinking for yourself instead of following like a lemming?
2016-03-26 10:28:42 UTC
So does premarital sex, go against the Bible that is. Did you have sex outside of marriage? Stealing is also against the Bible. Ever take the boss's pens and paperclips? Ever yak on the phone to your mother during business hours? Ever get handed an extra $20 at the bank accidentally and NOT return it, justifying that "that's their mistake, not mine"?

Being gay is NOT the sin that separates one from God. DISBELIEF is the sin that separates us from God. Sin is sin is sin is sin is sin, and ANY wrongdoing is sin. Jesus says, Let him among you WITHOUT sin cast the first stone, and that was for a sin that a woman committed that warranted the death penalty. If Jesus doesn't condemn us, who are we to condemn someone else?

Accept your son. He's your son. LOVE him, and show him the grace and mercy of God. Encourage him in his faith and TEACH him that God does NOT hate him, God LOVES him forgives US ALL our sins -- even the ones no one sees -- and encourage him to continue in his faith. Better to be gay and saved KNOWING that Jesus loves you than to be gay and not saved, believing the LIE from satan that you're less in God's eyes because you have a sin issue like every other person on the planet. THAT is the crock of sh*t that satan would have our gay brothers and sisters believe, that God doesn't love them. And we as Christians have certainly done our part to make them believe that, in complete sin Christians are for this.

LOVE your son, ACCEPT your son, ENCOURAGE your son to continue in his faith, and pray before you speak to him, and BE COOL. You do towards him what you would hope that God will do towards you.
2016-03-29 06:19:57 UTC
First of all, how DARE you condition an inoccent mind to have delusional thoughts about an imaginary friend.

Religion is evil as all it does is justify any action, contradict itself, and encourage people to have the delusional thought of a god.

You are a bad parent.

Now you've found out he's gay? Don't tell him you support him, would you say that to a straight person about their sexuality? The best way to make him feel normal is to just say "ok cool" or just ask him occasionally if there's a boy in his life as you would a straight guy ask if he's met a girl (in that friendly awkward "dad your embarrassing me" kind of way.) The worst thing you can do is make it seem like he needs your approval for his sexuality.

I am a gay guy myself, and see so many people who are gay growing up to be overly camp because of society's label. It's absolutely fine if he's naturally feminine, but absolutely he is doing the opposite of being himself if he starts a limp wrist and says "hey guuuurrlll".
2016-03-28 08:55:49 UTC
Accept him. I was raised a Christian (I am thirteen but a few years ago I became an atheist while my family are still Christian's) and if God didn't want gay people to exist, then he wouldn't have created him. God apparently loves all of us equally, despite our flaws, so if he still loves YOUR son, then why shouldn't you?
2016-03-26 08:25:07 UTC
You can both accept him and love him, AS WELL as discouraging homosexual activity.

If your son truly is gay, that's okay. God loves him and you should love him all the same, too.

The only issue is what he does with his homosexuality.

Just like pre-marital sex, it's not the desires we have that condemn us, but rather the act of acting upon them.

Ultimately though, it's his life. Give him the freedom to do what he wishes so long as it doesn't harm others.

Encourage him to think about the values you have taught him, encourage him to consider why you believe what you believe, but ultimately, you should let him choose. Be as absolutely honest as possible with him.
Orla C
2016-03-28 08:15:36 UTC
He's your son. So what if he's gay? It's not that big a deal.
Mollie Amberrr
2016-03-27 17:35:36 UTC
He is still a normal human being and he's your son, you should support him in every way.. Gays already get judged and bullied by people on social media, at school and in the streets. I don't think he needs his mother disowning him or acting different with him, he will already be going through enough
2016-03-28 05:55:26 UTC
You don't necessarily have to agree with his sexual orientation, but you should still love and accept him as a person, because he is your son. The way I see it, is that people are branded with labels ALL THE TIME, to make it easier for other people to define them and create a barrier between them and that other person. You've gotta look past those labels though and just see that person as simply a human being. That's the most important thing. We are so much more than our labels.
2016-03-28 09:29:30 UTC
Accept him, don't condemn him or try to make him go against his feelings, in Christian belief, it is Satan that "twists" the mind to make same genders attract. Despite this being the Devils doing, this doesn't exactly make homosexuality evil, God would see them the same as the devil twisting ones body to prevent them from them from having the ability to have babies.

Being gay isn't something you can control, proof of this, I can't control my attraction for women. I have never been attracted to a man because my feelings don't allow it, just as you sons feeling don't allow him to attract to women. God won't punish someone for doing something they can't control, if you have to kill someone because they are attacking you, it was what you had to do, and God won't punish you for that.

This is gonna sound cheesy as **** but your son was destined to be gay, no person can change that, not even himself.
2016-03-26 09:53:08 UTC
I felt sad and confused.

- Try feeling proud that your son is honest and wants you as part of his life and supportive because his is STILL your son.

I'm a Christian and I know homosexuality goes against the bible,

- So is eating shrimp and pork and wearing cotton/poly, but either you are intelligent or cherry pick what is convenient.

but I feel like I should accept him?

- Unless you decide to hate your own children.

I don't know what to do?


can someone please tell me what to do?

- Would you disown your son if he was born with a cleft pallet or a club foot? He was born this way, accept it or decide you are a psychopathic bigot and will hate your own flesh and blood because a 2000 year old plagiarized fantasy says you are supposed to.
2016-03-27 07:05:34 UTC
Are u wanting man's opinion or God's truth? Answering that will help you decide what to do. First off, love him, regardless of God seeing homosexuality as a sin, he still loves your son. Romans 1 tells us what God sees homosexuality as (Paul's speaking & tells us all he preaches he learned from Christ). Christ even tells us the definition of marriage in Matthew 19. He called sin for what it is, sin. He did so because He loves us. You can still love your son without loving his sin. The church is falling, just as we were told would happen, & is accepting sin as okay. Many say they were "born that way", but Christ told us we were to be born again. Nowadays, you disagree with someone & it's considered hatred. Jesus disagreed with many because He knew the truth & spoke it out of love and because He loved us. Imagine if Jesus decided not to speak truth & not to tell us what sin was, we'd all be lost. It's not easy, in the end God always comes first. Prayers! Love u in Christ. God bless!
2016-03-26 23:33:08 UTC
You should inform him that "being gay" is a choice that gay people make at some point in their lives, usually after the age of puberty, unless they've been indoctrinated into the gay lifestyle by corrupt parents. It is a choice. They either decide to follow their own feelings, or to obey God. And in this matter the two are mutually exclusive. Just as a person who gets into committed relationships, decides whether or not to commit adultery or cheat. That is a clear decision they make at some point. And it is no different. They either decide to follow their lust, or God.
2016-03-27 02:42:25 UTC
You need do, nothing! He's always been your son and he always will be.

He's still the same person he's always been.

But it may be that your community and his have some underlying reason for homosexuality not being right, so as his parent he will require and deserve your unconditional support in his path through life.
2016-03-28 08:21:11 UTC
I don't think being gay is against bible rules, and even though I'm not religious, I think that God would respect the fact that you accept his decisions and still love him and support him. Another thing - God made him that way for a reason. I don't think you will ever know what this reason is, but respect the fact that God did that.

Another thing: God wouldn't have created homosexuals if he said that being gay/lesbian was wrong.
Judith Battey
2016-03-27 20:28:00 UTC
Unconditional love and support. Get involved in the LBG community with him. I imagine that in high school he is bullied a great deal. Deal with this with an open mind. Don't ever tell him or someone else tell him that being gay is wrong, unnatural, or evil as some may think. You gave birth to him and loved him unconditionaly then and he will need your love and support for many years.
2016-03-26 09:01:17 UTC
Rather than addressing what you should do now, I wanted to address what you have failed to do in the past.

You have obviously failed in raising your child. Not because he thinks he is a homosexual, but because he apparently thinks it is okay to announce that at age 15.

That means you have failed to establish the ground rules in the home.

What are the ground rules? Your child must understand that either they live by the rules you establish, or they don't live there at all.

As a kid growing up, anytime I got into a conflict with my parents in a rebellious manner, my dad made it very clear that there are some things that are not open to negotiation. And if I did not like that, I was welcome to pack my bag and head out the door. I could go live somewhere else. And my dad was dead serious.

Okay, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that if I wanted some place to live, I had better get in line with the house rules. That means I obey my parents. That means I don't talk back to them. That means I follow the rules. It boils down to learning respect.

Ever since I was a little kid, I knew who the boss was in our household, and it WASN'T ME. My parents were in charge. Did I get spankings as a kid? You bet I did. Not a lot because I'm a fast learner. But my parents were careful to balance love and discipline. I knew my parents loved me. I knew they had my best interests in mind.

That's just background information. I wanted you to understand how I grew up. And how I came to respect my parents.

The issue here isn't homosexuality. The issue is sin. So let's set aside that issue.

If I told my parents, at age 15, that I was going to engage in fornication with my girl friend, this would be a total outrage, and it would trigger some real life consequences. I would be packing my bag, and looking for a free place to live. I knew that.

And because I knew that, even if I wanted to do something like that, I knew the worst thing I could do is announce it to my parents. My parents would "go nuclear."

Being a smart guy, I knew how to get along with my parents. And I knew it wasn't necessary or advisable to announce my sins ahead of time to my parents.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If your son, at age 15, thinks it is okay to announce his intentions pertaining to homosexual sin, then you have failed to establish his understanding of what the house rules are. So you brought this on yourself.

2016-03-26 10:13:30 UTC
I was in your son was 18 when he told me. Your boy is a bit young to know for sure...but some kids know earlier.

My son is a kind loving man. He is a doctor..never wanted to be gay but when he met his partner in his 30s, also a doctor...became happier. He is still your son and just needs your love and support...a lot of boys can't tell their fathers but yours obviously knows you love him and won't be homophobic.

Our whole family love our son...his sisters and nephews and nieces...he is their favourite uncle.

Courage my friend...I know you will think of the right thing to say.

Mo Ma and Grandma
2016-03-26 12:26:12 UTC
The fact of the matter, there is noting you can do, except pray and read your bible and ask God to change him, maybe God will have mercy on you, but you are sinning against God because you are in the churches, because the church age is over and maybe God is trying to get your attention to get out of the churches, because Satan the man of sin is ruling in all of the churches, Satan wanted to be like the most high God, so God granted Satan, his wish to rule in all of the churches and the world, until the end of the world. Satan was bound and chained for 1000 years but the 1000 years is up and now Satan the man of sin is loosed upon the world like a roaring lion, seeking to destroy everything that God Jesus Christ has created from the begin of the world because Satan knows that he only has a little season until God Jesus Christ comes back to judge the living and the dead and too destroy the heaven and the earth by fire, the second death, where the heaven and the earth shall be burned up, by the hell fires. Read Revelation 18:4 read Matthew 24:15 read 1 Peter 4:17 read 11 Thessalonians 2:3-4 read Galatians 5:17-23 read Romans 1:17-32
2016-03-27 12:50:51 UTC
That's still your son but being gay is a sickness send him to Christian camps and things like that because he can't continue to allow the devil to use him .
2016-03-28 06:46:34 UTC
Does it make a difference? He's still the same person, but he's chosen to tell you the extent of his personality. If you can't accept the genetics of a child that you created, then you're not fit to be a parent in my eyes.
2016-03-26 22:04:04 UTC
You earnestly talk to him the difference between the bible and what our society via LGBT doctrine is saying "sexual orientation" not definitively proven by the way. Tell him Jesus Christ loves him unconditionally. That you love him as God would but at the same time you cannot part ways with your convictions, and you raise him as you would an ordinary son. It is societies myth that you have to embrace everything their homosexuality stands for any more than your wife would have to stand for if you were sexually active with other women. You can be under the same roof, you can love him as Christ would, you can be part of his school activities and achievements. You never said if he's a Christian himself, he was raised as one, but you haven't said what his personal experience with God is, be there, show love, at the same time you don't have to recognize his choices, they will say they have no choice, but that's another big myth. He's falling into the societies popular culture of popularity and that is to claim every type of sexuality. STAY FIRM, BUT STAY LOVING!!
2016-03-27 05:55:55 UTC
My son told me he's GAY!? What should I do?

Yes, you should accept it, he's your son for crying out loud.

Anyone that thinks that some age old book is more important than their child has deep mental issues that should be addressed, ASAP. . .
2016-03-26 09:03:51 UTC
First understand that a lot of kids today put that label on themselves too soon. With most kids the first sexual encounter they have is with the same sex because that is the one which they are most familiar with. Approximately 10 to 15% of the population are confident heterosexuals and 10 to 15% confident heterosexuals. Everyone else is to some degree in between. This is perfectly normal. Social norms bring a large majority of those in between to the heterosexual side. Today homosexuality does not carry the stigma it did in the past, so many kids with their first encounter or first attraction just assume that they are gay and act that way even though they may have heterosexual attraction as well. You want to discuss it with him and find out if his attraction is exclusively towards guys or does he also have attraction to girls. Either way just let him know that he will be loved no matter what his attraction is.
2016-03-27 06:38:31 UTC
Accept him. If I were in your shoes, I'd joke around by telling that boy what kinds of people he'll bring home on a date. Honestly, sexual orientation means nothing to me. If your son is gay, let him be gay, but he's still your boy. One should not stop his/her child from loving. Such is foolish to consider because he is still your boy and you should accept him for his sexuality.
2016-03-26 18:31:34 UTC
Who cares if your son is gay.. It's just a sexual orientation. And stop making such a big deal out of this... You are acting as if the world is going to end because your son is a homosexual.
Life Forevermore
2016-03-26 19:57:39 UTC
Morally while he's under your parentage/authority, he's not permitted to indulge in sex

whether twisted or straight. Legally when he's of age, he indulges only if out of your


Hmsxlty precludes Christianity/church. Don't mix.

Until he becomes adult you prepare him for the stark reality of this unBiblical

persuasion . Teach about the health risks (std's etc) and how to manage on

his own since he'll no longer have your support (you cannot afford to be tainted).

Why contaminate your Godly space with his perversion? Prepare to send

on his own to make own bed and lie in it. To accept is to shipwreck your

Salvation. Is his twisted choice worth that to you?
2016-03-28 06:46:23 UTC
As a churchgoer you should take comfort in the knowlege that God made all men and women. God is infallible, so it must follow that being gay is not a bad thing as it is the will of God. It is man who has interpreted God's word in a self serving way to ailenate all gay people. Accept your son, he is part of you, you loved him before, why not now? The love of a parent for a child must surpass all other considerations.
2016-03-28 11:00:14 UTC
Don't turn on him, that's what leads to suicide. Support him and be there for him, there's nothing you can do to make him straight. People are born who they are and if you think you're having a hard time think about him.
2016-03-28 08:41:14 UTC
You need to accept your son, not accepting him would be absolutely devastating to him. Not accepting him is actually considered a form of child abuse and is so for a good reason. You don't have to stop believeing in your faith or approve of homosexuality altogether but you need to accept your son for who he is and not try to change him. Let him know that you will love him no matter what and that your duty as a parent is more important than your faith. Nothing is more important than your job as a parent.
Madeline W
2016-03-27 22:01:12 UTC
Of course you should accept your son - not only is he your child but he's also a human being. He's not causing/promoting harm or hate. Please don't be one of those parents who shuns their child because he's gay. Being gay is as much as a choice as being straight is (not a choice at all). I never chose to be straight, I was born this way. You didn't chose to be straight, you were born that way. He didn't chose to be straight, he was born that way.

And God and Jesus loves gay people too... Please let your son know that you will always love and accept him. Please do not show him anything except love and acceptance.
2016-03-27 17:05:57 UTC
Listen I have a nephew who is gay and I to am christian the best advice that I will give to you is LOVE HIM! Don't treat him any different. It might be a phase, it might not but LOVE HIM! Pray for him, and just treat him the way you would always treat him. I know it will be very difficult for you, but he really needs to know that you don't love him any less or look at him any different. I know the bible says it is wrong. But GOD says LOVE your child know matter what. Do not JUDGE remember that.

2016-03-29 11:55:10 UTC
Tell him he's not. Give him some encouragement. Give him the speech about how just because everyone else is jumping off the cliff doesn't mean he has to. Encourage him to make heterosexuality the new homosexuality. Make it cool again. Tell him that heterosexuality is nothing to be ashamed. Tell him about all the great heterosexuals throughout history that no one seems to care about anymore. Tell him to embrace who he really is. Tell him that sexuality is a choice. If it weren't, you wouldn't be able to walk down the street without being raped. Then just sit back and hope he's not a deterministic zombie sex slave.
2016-03-28 18:21:36 UTC
Just accept it and love your son like you always have. It might be strange at first from accepting that your son is gay but, it's totally fine.
2016-03-26 09:45:57 UTC
Accept him for who he is because he is your son, after all. Remember that unconditional love for your children is a key part of Christianity. Also remember that sexual orientation is not a choice, and your son can't help being gay.
2016-03-27 18:08:03 UTC
You tell him that you re his Mum and that you love him. Nothing else matters. It s not wrong, it s not a sin, and, please, please do NOT label him. He s a human being who has a sexuality. It s part of who he is; it s not the entirety of what he is. Support him nut don t shield or overprotect him: he ll end up with a false impression of how the world will treat. But most of all love. The truth is if you can t do that you don t deserve to be called Mum . My friend told his parents he was gay. The very same night they kicked him out of the house. Where did they expect him to go? How did they know he was going to be safe. A year later, with no reconciliation, he was dead from a brain tumour. His parents were shocked at his funeral when we, his friends, who d supported him, picked up the pieces of his shattered life and help him start to piece them together again, put a roof over his head, would not offer them comfort.
2016-03-27 09:45:40 UTC
I hope my son never tells me that and I can't offer any advice from mom to mom in that way but I can tell you from someone who once thought she was lesbian or bisexual and engaged in all kinds of sins, that God's arm is not too short to reach him. I would ask God what to do and just love him and keep your relationship open. Only the Holy Spirit can convict the world of sin so pray without ceasing. Fast and pray and find people who will come alongside and pray with you in agreement. (hugs)
2016-03-26 08:55:03 UTC
What to do about it is simple. You love your son enough to pray for him, show him the error of his ways with love, assure him that you still love him & pray some more. Sometimes, it's not what you can do but what God can do. Do you think if he had said those words to Jesus, that Jesus would turn & walk away from him ? Of course not. Now if your son becomes belligerent in his disobedience, then it may become necessary to back away from him. God dealt with vile people & gave them over to reprobate minds. Unless God clears his heart & mind, he will not come back. You must pray quite a lot.
2016-03-26 09:00:59 UTC
If you cannot put love before religion it will be A DISASTER!

He is entitled to his own beliefs and lifestyle just as you are of yours!

Since it is suggested that homosexuality may well be linked to genetics, polution of the environment with human hormones and much more he may well have no choice in how he feels and it is certain the only way you can change him is to make him hate you if you are not loving towards him!

Your son is no doubt going through a seriously scaring and terrifying time now and needs your understanding and support!

Good luck!
2016-03-28 06:12:10 UTC
The bible is a source of peace and hope. Your child is your own flesh and blood. God loved Jesus and never would he want you to not accept your child for who they are. So accept him. It's hard to be yourself, it's hard to come out and for him to have the courage to is something you should be proud of.

Be grateful that he's able to come out to you, because alot of the time, children keep it secret. As they're afraid of the outcome. So show your son there's nothing to be afraid of. Even though it's hard to take in all at once.

Yes, it will take some time to sink in, but that's understandable. Your son would understand that because it was most likely hard for him to take in himself.

Nobody has control of who they fall in love with, so it wasn't your sons choice. He was born that way.

I respect and thank you for not posting a 'criticizing' post towards your child. As he is your child and can never be replaced.

Does it really matter, his sexual orientation? Aslong as he is in good health physically and mentally, then everything will come together. Who he loves shouldn't matter, to you but himself. Aslong as he's healthy.


Me (anonymous)
O Man
2016-03-26 18:36:52 UTC
You should reassure him that you love him regardless of his sexual porientation and that you are there for him if he needs you. Just because some dated book that CLAIMS to be the word of god says homosexuality is wrong, doesnt make it true. The bible was written man years a go by man, and has beeen retranslated many times. It conains many errors in it sucxh as claoims that the world is flat, bats are birds, etc. It cewrtainly isnt something that should be used as a morality guide when it endorses slavery, the disempowerment of woen, and violence against those who are meant to have sinned (Sinners are to be stoned to death according to the bible).

Any dieccent parent would love support their child regardless of what they were provided thjey are not doing harm to others or themselves. They would want their child to be happy and fullfilled as a human being (which means accepting themselves as they really are). If you dopnt then you have no business being a father.
2016-03-26 08:36:03 UTC
That's all a person can do is accept him and you don't have to approve of his gay lifestyle. Tolerate it, that's all
2016-03-27 21:43:06 UTC
I am a Christian who has many people in my life who are gay/lesbian. I believe that being gay, even though a sin, is just as much a sin as anything else so we shoulnt be quick to judge them. But I do not believe God has in any way "made him gay". I think that each person is tempted by certain things and that sometimes people are quick to assume that if they are tempted by gay desires, they must be gay. Do not treat your son any differently than you already do. He is experiencing a tough temptation. Show love to him but at the same time help him. This link is very insightful on this topic. I HIGHLY recommend you read this.
2016-03-26 08:26:00 UTC
Accept him. He's your son and you should love him despite your religious beliefs. I think parents who go through the same situation make the same mistake: don't over comfort. Being gay is pretty normal in this society, so talk to him normally and love him just the same:)
2016-03-27 15:00:03 UTC
ya know there are a lot of chritians here saying being gay isnt against the bible. clearly these people arent able to detach themselves away from christianity and make up lies as how being gay is not against the bible. You have two options.Either accept that being gay is a sin or accept that the bible was not written by god and is fake.You cant have it both ways as the christians commenting here want you to beleive. You ask yourself this why is your god so full of hate and anger? how can being gay be a sin when god himself creates intersex people, sex chromosome disorders ,genital disorders, you cant put a label on such people as being gay as straight as they have no definite fixed gender. hence this is prove bible was written by illiterate homophobic people who had no clue about the complexities in human sexuality and sexual development . Or you could just do what your bible says and tell him he will burn in hell forever(how evil of your god to do that) anyways read these verses from the bible:

Leviticus 18:22, leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:26-28, and 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
2016-03-28 09:07:44 UTC
I am sure he knows what the bible says on the subject. If it were my son I would ask him about his feelings and why he thinks he is gay. I would accept it as I would not really have a choice, but at the same time I would be praying every second for him to realize it is wrong and to repent. All you can do is pray about it. Those who say you should love your kids unconditionally have no idea what they are saying. You cannot just stop loving them obviously but at the same time you do not want them to be condemned in God`s eyes.
2016-03-27 15:17:21 UTC
when you were pregnant with him (assuming you're the mother) did you love him unconditionally? If you knew he was going to be gay, would you love him any less? would you abort him? I'm guessing not. Accept him because chances are he's trying to accept himself. And if you believe your God will not accept him, maybe you should rethink your interpretation of your religion
2016-03-28 02:33:58 UTC
i have two solution for you, THE FIRST ONE to accept him as he is, no one can find out what is your sexual orientation from your face? being gay is not something you can see on his face or body neither personality, it is his sexuality life, what happen in his own room is not someone's business, just because everybody loves orange juice but you love an apple juice that doesn't make you creepy. SECOND ONE, if you are not comfortable to see him gay, try to make him hang out with girls and spend a lot of time with them
2016-03-27 21:14:39 UTC
Simply keep in mind these two simple facts: Whatever you do, he's still gay. He's also still your son.
2016-03-28 10:22:27 UTC
Homosexuality does not go against bible. You say you are Christian so I suppose you follow 'New testament' and Jesus teaching. Jesus did not preach against homosexuality. Some homophobic Christian ministers do. You might want to read a book called 'What bible really says about homosexuality'.
The Not-So-Loved Apostle Paul
2016-03-27 08:04:07 UTC
You're old enough to have a 15 year old son, and you do not know what to do? That's hilarious!
2016-03-28 04:34:38 UTC
You should congratulate him on his courage to come out. It can be the hardest thing for someone to do, especially someone in a religious family. You should also try your absolute best to accept him because no matter what anyone says, he can't change. You should also feel blessed because he trusts you enough to tell you his probable biggest secret. Feel proud about that. Love your son no matter what because he loves you.
2016-03-27 11:37:33 UTC
Tell him his your son no matter what who cares if he likes guys if that's what makes him happy accept that you shouldn't be upset about that he can't help if he feels attracted to guys
2016-03-27 05:26:33 UTC
This question really calls to me to answer, as I am a lesbian and a devout Christian.

The first thing is this: you feel like you should accept him. Sounds like God wants you to do just that.

The first thing to understand: the bible actually never refers to homosexuality as a sin (except in Leviticus, but thats about equal with eating bacon c;) and if you need evidence of this fact, ill do a quick summary for you.

Basically there are six versus's in the Bible that reference homosexuality--here is a quick review of them-- If you watch the video you will see that there is nothing wrong with supporting your son.

Just remember God loves you, and your son. He loves us all, and he is coming back. Soon. Very soon.
Beb B
2016-03-26 08:27:59 UTC
I didn't talk to my mom for eight years after I came out. She had a problem with it because of her church.

At the end of the day, all you lose is time. And that time you can never get back. Now my mom has passed on, I wish I had those eight years back. I blame any church which would say that a parent should not talk to their own child.
2016-03-27 12:59:00 UTC
A more adequate question is- if disowning and hating your son makes you a "good" christian are you able to live with being a horrible parent?Would you be happy missing his best moments in life and not helping him in his worst?

If your religion demands you to be a bad parent, to hate the very child you raised, ask yourself what would muslims do THEN say does that really make me any better than them?

Maybe instead of worrying about your sons sexuality you should ask " Why would i want to love any god who says not to love my child?"

Though as far as biblical law is concerned on the christian terms last i checked

Jesus- loved a whore, defended adulterers, befriended even the worst scumbags, and gave only one commandment to be followed to the letter.

" and a new commandment i give to others as i have loved you."

Not- " love others as i have loved you UNLESS they're black, arab, gay, dont believe in me, homosexual, bisexual, or anything you dont like."
2016-03-26 23:42:03 UTC
Read the New Testament if you are a Christain. Where does it say that in the New Testament? It says only GOD knows a man's heart. Doesnt say anything about a man's sexuality.
Mis Music☮
2016-03-26 08:38:34 UTC
Accept him for who he is, he is still your son and has done nothing wrong.

He has trusted you (an obvious religious person) with this information that is not easy to confess, and whether you want him to be gay or not isn't going to change it, he cannot help who he is attracted to.
2016-03-28 02:36:14 UTC
What should you do? Love him. Seriously, its your son. This is why i hate organized rligion. For a god that says he loves all of his children and we are all equal, he does a damn good job teaching sorry but you should not put so much faith into something that causes you to judge your own child. No matter what, a teenager should be able talk to his parents about anything without being scared that it will be used against them..its hard enough growing up. if you cant accept your own child because your god said something was wrong with him, than your god is not worth worshipping
2016-03-28 05:05:39 UTC
You should be real parent and accept him for who he is.

He has not changed. He's still your son and still the same kind loving person.

You made the decision to become a mother and therefore you have to accept the possibilities of what your children will become.
2016-03-27 15:21:20 UTC
People sin everyday and if being gay is a sin which is ridiculous that it even would be. God the same guy who tells you not to hate and to love everyone but if you're gay you're going to go straight to hell. Not true. You can be gay and still be religious and accept Jesus Christ as your savior. God loves everyone and I don't think he is going to send every gay person to hell. Even people who have murdered somebody can still go to heaven if they give there life to god and ask for forgiveness, the same for gays. Please accept your child and do not disown him
2016-03-27 00:36:45 UTC
Love him and accept him the way he is and remind him that God created him that way and that every person is unique and precious to God in a way that only God can know. Each soul was created for a reason. Then tell him that there will be many people on both sides of the issue that will try to pit him against either God or his natural inclination of being gay. Some hateful people on here have advised you to kick him out of the house. REALLY? At age 15? That's child abuse/neglect and certainly not Christian love. Also let him know there will be many on the other side of the issue that will encourage him to abandon God and church. I would tell him that the bible is complicated and many will twist it to fit their needs. But to never forget that God is on his side and will never abandon him as long as he believes in Him. Encourage him to lead a moral and upright life as a gay person and not to get involved in the drug scene like so many (gay or straight) kids do now days. Gay marriage is legal now so gay people can now live in recognized,monogamous relationships just as straight people can. Lastly, some people (gay or straight) could choose to devote themselves to God in celibacy. It's a special gift to God that not many are capable of but should be the goal of all of us since that is how we will all be in

heaven. God may create people that have tougher circumstances here on earth but have a stronger bond with him than others in order to be able to respond to celibacy here on Earth. St. Paul teaches that celibacy is preferable to marriage but is not expected of all. Most of all teach him that whether he chooses to serve God as a single person, a married (to the same gender in his case) person or a celibate person, thanks to new laws he has the opportunity in this country to live the same quality of life as a heterosexual person and that many people were discriminated against and even killed for being born gay and that this is a new and exciting time in our country where old stereotypes such as either having to be gay or be Christian are finally being replaced with common sense. By the way I am a Roman Catholic.
2016-03-27 16:03:12 UTC
Accept it and support him. The worst thing for you both is making a big deal out of it. It'll only end up pushing him away and he won't trust you anymore. You can't help who you love

2016-03-27 06:05:15 UTC
Love him with all of your heart. He loves you which is why he wanted to be honest with you. You may not now much about being Gay but do research. Go to PFLAG meetings you will find that Gay people are as normal as you. Please let him be. Many kids whose parents do not accept them take their own lives. Best to have a live Gay son, than a d3ad Gay son.
2016-03-27 18:24:33 UTC
Be there for him he's still you're son.
2016-03-27 11:18:52 UTC
Nothing,you can't do nothing,he made his statement on how he's gonna live out his life as a homosexual and there's nothing you can or anybody else can do about it,but live with it forever.
2016-03-28 06:32:40 UTC
Love him. Don't change anything. Don't act like he isn't and just love him. My brother told my parents and my dad who is a preacher. My brother was scared to death to tell my dad and my parents came to me asking what they should do. I told them what I'm telling you. He's still your son no matter what you believe or how you feel about it your job is just to love him.
2016-03-28 12:59:26 UTC
Love him exactly the same as you did the moment before he told you.

He is still your son, and he still needs you to be his parent.

He knew he would be disowned for it, but he still trusted you enough to tell you. Please respect him for his bravery and honesty.

If you really can't deal with it, just ask him to not do it inside your house.

Love him the way god made him (which happens to be gay).
2016-03-26 21:29:13 UTC
im gay and was raised by my parents roman catholic. i have this to say- if you raised him up good, then goodness will remain in him. there is no change other than his sexual preference which is a deeply personal matter and may not affect you and your family so much. if you still love him and accept him, guide him to be a proper, respectable gay man. please do not alienate or hurt him as an attempt to "straighten" him out. it will be a futile attempt and will only hurt him mentally, emotionally, and physically. likewise to you as well. he will remain as he is because its in his nature. i have to tell you this about gays: gays are the most parent loving child you can have. at the twilight of your days, gays will be by your side no matter what hurtful thing you did to them. if you can at least spare him your love and understanding he will give you all his love and understanding.

i'd like to take this opportunity to thank my mom and dad for understanding me. i loved you till the end of your days. rest in peace.
2016-03-27 05:28:49 UTC
Definitely don't move to any Middle Eastern country for a start.
2016-03-27 19:32:42 UTC
You should really accept him, nothing can really make someone change their sexuality, unless something attracts them but it's kinda hard to do that so just accept him and he'll respect you :)
2016-03-27 19:27:01 UTC
I think everyone has a right to be happy and live the way that makes them happy. I would just be supportive and love him the same as you did before he opened up to you.....don't let this stand in the way .
2016-03-27 03:51:40 UTC
My son TOLD me he is GAY ! ? What should I do ?

WHY would he tell you that if It was NOT TRUE ?

So you treat him like you did yesterday A PERSON who is your SON

.What part of him Being gay has anything to do with you ?

It only has relevance to HIS sexual partners .

So What part do you play in his Sexual Emotions or partners ? NONE .

what he is is in a sense just telling you IN ADVANCE that he will NOT be bringing a girl over for dinner or have as a girl as a date

. he is just informing you to NOT be Surprised about who he is attracted to
2016-03-27 11:49:46 UTC
Don't take advice from this place for an issue like that. Tell him what you think. He is your son.
2016-03-28 04:49:30 UTC
Assuming homosexuality goes against the bible you should talk to him about him. It is probably your fault for not encouraging to be with girls aswell more than boys in the beginning because he probably is used to be with boys so much that he has slowly took the wrong turn and decided to be gay. If he was with girls and boys in school then he would not have been gay. Since he is school ask him to be with girls rather than boys at times v

Because this would help you and him. Stop him from seeing his gay partner then slowly he might take the right turn. If this does not work then turn to God because he listens to anyone and everyone regardless what they are :)
2016-03-27 10:59:04 UTC
Tell him to get into and stay in shape (if he isn't). The gay world is very 'lookish'. The fat are left behind.
2016-03-31 15:00:59 UTC
My family is all Christian Orthadox, (meaning, we follow the bible and God strictly, to make it to heaven.) , but you have to listen. Who do you listen to and obey, your son? or God?

For do you want to be judged by everyone saying "how did you not accept you son being gay" or by Jesus "how did you let your son be gay"

And if your son can't help himself, you can't let him get married to another man! Jesus made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.

Most of all, just ask your priest/preacher.
2016-03-27 15:26:36 UTC
I believe and I think it should be his choice. Just because he "commits a major sin," which I don't really believe, doesn't mean you shouldn't love him. But I think God really chose to get people together to be gay. I
2016-03-28 08:42:28 UTC
For starters, you should stop sending him to Catholic priests, that's probably what has started this whole thing about gay.They probably molested him and now he thinks it's okay to be gay. Sodom and Gomorrah,Adan and Eve,not Adam and Steve.
2016-03-28 08:01:49 UTC
Love your beautiful son for who he is.

You cannot change him.

He will need all the support he can get in today's world.

If you reject him he may not survive.
Sweetdaddy Rex
2016-03-28 08:03:30 UTC
NOTHING; If he is, he,IS ! Never thought it could happen in my family; I have a Grandson that is gay, and a daughter that is lesbian. I don't like to be around it, but I still love them !
Henry W
2016-03-28 08:29:14 UTC
there are plenty of love for everyone,

soldier take bullet and grenades, for their friends and brother, more than many normal lover would do.

parents waste soo many times to taken care their children,

etc but they are not gay or lesb just simply because they didn't do anything sexual.

anything below 18 needs parental guidance

and your son still have 3 more years to decide

tell him to chill out
2016-03-27 00:39:17 UTC
First of all throw out your Bible. Because your son being gay clearly proves that your Biblical prayers (actually manipulation) are ineffective. Homosexuality proved to be stronger than your false god. Also leave your church because that is brainwashing centre. Then you and your son should have no problem once all that brainwashing effects slowly start to fade away.
2016-03-27 16:02:22 UTC
Don't try change him, let him know you support him. Just show him love even though you are a christian and that's against it.
2016-03-26 09:47:14 UTC
Don't make the common error of worshipping the bible. Do you really believe that God created anybody that He doesn't love? He loves your son, and you should too, even if his sexuality is gross.
2016-03-27 04:03:31 UTC
What do you mean by "what should I do?" What does that mean? You didn't know before, now you do know, and that's the end of it. The only thing that happened is he gave you some information. Now go on with your day.

Hey, my friend told me that he ate pizza yesterday. What should I do??????
2016-03-26 23:20:19 UTC
Just remember to make him feel loved and accepted. I m also gay and have come out and I didn t experience really any negativity after coming out (I shrug off and laugh at any I get, anyway), but I know that making your child feel alienated and unaccepted won t help the situation. It s alright for you to be confused, as you haven t experienced anything like this - just make sure you support him and know that it s a part of him.
2016-03-28 01:38:51 UTC
First of all, don't get all verbose like these other answers. Discover the gay life yourself before you form an opinion.
2016-03-28 07:12:38 UTC
FIRST make sure he knows what "GAY" means---Seriously! A LOT of people do not know that Homosexuality is defined as being sexually attracted to the SAME sex/gender. You would be surprised at the number of guys who think they are "gay" for the silliest of reasons. Not being good at or not having an interest in sports., being "Artistic", or not conforming in other ways to the stereotypical male role. To such people, the "sex with other guys" thing is just "Something else gay guys might do"---and they may not be involved with actual homosexuality at all. Such folks are often termed "pseudohomosexual" people who think they are gay for misunderstood reasons--and some may even adopt the Gay "lifestyle" for a while, before deciding it is "not for them" and move on--A common story, especially with younger guys.---So first make sure this is not the case first. Most Pseudos come from Christian or 'sheltered" family situations where HS is not discussed, and they get the wrong ideas about what it is.

What if he really IS Gay? Homosexuality is a congenital Birth defect that causes one to be attracted to the SAME sex when puberty kicks in. From a Christian POV, God does not hold us accountable to a birth defect. However the ACT of homosex would be sinful in the same respect as Heterosex in the case of unmarried couples. and the person is expected to refrain from either ofsuch sexual behaviors.---A person may not have a choice to whom he is attracted to sexually, but he/she DOES have a choice whether or not to engage in the physical act of sex.

There IS a difference. You can't be held accountable for your preferences, but ACTING on your urges may be "Sinful" in most Christian contexts.-----Assuming we are not dealing with real "Screwball" Fundies here.
2016-03-28 08:02:05 UTC
Homosexuality is too disgusting and unnatural, but there's nothing you can do I guess. Sorry about this, but maybe you gonna have to compromise. I hope your son do change and overcome his weakness.
2016-03-27 01:00:21 UTC
What can you do? You can only do one of two things; kick him out of your house and lose your son or you can open your mind and understand that he was born that way and he is reaching out to you for your love and support. I suggest that you tell him that you love him and always will. Allow him to live his, but he might have some rough times because surely he did not ask for nor make that problem for himself. It is just the way he was born and he is still your son.
2016-03-26 12:25:23 UTC

SATAN IS A Master manipulator FATHER OF ALL LIES He knows how to blind our minds DECIEVE us confuse us about our sexuality

do not let satan win just like she said in her song ''I see u working overtime BECAUSE U OUTTA HERE SOON!"

the end is near Jesus is coming pray ask Him for help to GUIDE u because there are lgbt in hell satan knows his time is coming God will end him so he wants to destroy us b4 God destroys him + the demons
2016-03-26 14:54:03 UTC
You are getting a lot of support from the homosexual community. Is this

what you want to do , join them ?

I know that Jesus commanded His disciples to hate the family, a teaching

that the churches have twisted. If you support your son you are supporting

the evil that satan is bringing into the churches. I would help my son to

manage in the world and prepare to go on his own.
2016-03-26 22:09:12 UTC
Forget Church and the Bible. He is your Son and you will keep on loving him regardless. This is not a life choice he has made but rather a genetic issue. My daughter came out to me some years ago and we now share a better relationship than ever because the strain and pressure is gone for her and she knows we love and accept her.
2016-03-28 06:29:13 UTC
Be nice and tey as best you can to understand him, even if it makes you uncomfortable.

He may be nervous enough already. Coming out sometimes causes a lot of chaos in their lives (especially for boys).

Please don't make him feel bad about it.

He can't help who he is. The depression stats for gay/trans/les are high.. And the suicide rates are not pretty, so please try to be "cool" about it.

Just support him (:
2016-03-28 07:07:18 UTC
Dear worred mother,

Hello. I am William. I see that yourself is confused, because your son has confessed that he is gay. This may be a confusing thing for you, and yes shocking. But not to worry, because you have the Lord on your side. Your son is dealing with a sin that may be hard for many like your son to get over, but still not to worry, as long as you have the Lord on your side. Letting your son getting tangled up in such a sin is not something you should accept. Let the Lord be with your son. Don't let your son suffer having to deal with this sin. This sin is bad, just like every other sin is. Nothing is impossible with the Lord on your side, as with the Lord being with your son. Like Preacher Paul Walker puts it in one of his sermons as he rambles about one type of sin called sexual immorality, he states in part of his sermon "Its not even fun for a season, don't buy into that lie. I'm sick and tired of hearing that lie. 'Sin is fun for a season', not for a saint. Not for a saint. Pour vomit down your throat. Is that fun for a season?" So now, don't let your son deal with this sin, for if you care enough about him, you would not accept this, but yet let the Lord be on your side and give your son to the Lord. Let your son have some time with the Lord. Help your son get in contact with the Lord. Help him pray to the Lord that he can get over this sin, because sin like Paul Walker states is like "pouring vomit down your throat." Sin is not fun. We all struggle with sin, but its not something we should keep, but we should give up. Let your son turn to the Lord, and tell him all about how the Lord will be there for your son. Don't let him suffer any longer.

I will have some scriptures down below in the comment section. Thank you, and have a nice day.

Sincerely, yours William.
2016-03-27 15:47:40 UTC
You should accept him. People can't choose who they are. Do you remember the moment you "chose" to be attracted to your husband? Probably not, because it's not a choice
2016-03-27 10:55:05 UTC

He's still your son no matter what. God is testing you. God wouldnt approve if you condemn your own son. As a mother your decision must come from your own gut. Listen what your mind and specially your heart speaks. God bless.
2016-03-28 15:40:35 UTC
Let him know you accept and support him : this is how your son feels and is he can't help /change this and he should be aloud to express this , he needs to know you are on his side even if it means changeing your view x
2016-03-27 23:19:49 UTC
He's young.. This just might be a stage I can not say that I am right though
2016-03-27 12:05:27 UTC
Beat him with a bible. I'm just kidding. Just continue to live you life like you did yesterday. Nothing has changed.
earl adam
2016-03-28 02:13:16 UTC
SUPPORT AND ACCEPT. I am a catholic and have nothing against gay, BUT PLEASE DO TEACH YOUR SON TO BE PRIM, PROPER, DEMURE and DECENT. I live in the philippines and most homosexuals here are somewhat perverted, ill mannered, self righteous and like to criticize people. I've met some and are friends with the few who are well mannered, and they are hilarious companions. WHAT I ASK OF YOU IS PLEASE STILL GUIDE YOUR SON TO BE A DECENT PERSON. :)
2016-03-28 13:52:45 UTC
you should accept him but you can be honest and let him you know you don't understand but that you still love're his father so if you think God would look favorably on you casting him out you probably don't deserve a kid of any sexual orientation
2016-03-27 15:38:52 UTC
" While the Bible disapproves of homosexual acts, it does not condone hatred of homosexuals or homophobia. Instead, Christians are directed to “respect everyone.”—1 Peter 2:17, "Honor men of all sorts, have love for the whole association of brothers, be in fear of God, honor the king."The Bible makes it clear that God designed sex to be engaged in only between a male and a female and only within the arrangement of marriage. (Genesis 1:27, 28; Leviticus 18:22; Proverbs 5:18, 19) When the Bible condemns fornication, it is referring to both homosexual and heterosexual conduct. *—Galatians 5:19-21.
2016-03-26 08:28:14 UTC
"Nice" story. Command him to become ungay. If he does not obey you, and refuses to ungay, you shall stone him to death. That's what the bible says, Deut. 22:18-21.

OR if you decide to become a normal human, you'll accept him, respect him, support him and will both be happy.

Now quit trolling and have a nice weekend. 🙂
2016-03-27 10:45:24 UTC
Go with your gut and accept him for how he is. God doesn't make mistakes and it's not a choice.
2016-03-26 08:22:06 UTC
A lot of stuff goes against the Bible. Even the Constitution of the United States goes against the Bible. Let your son be who he wants to be. I would say church people need to learn respect, and don't be so interested in the Bible.
2016-03-28 11:40:07 UTC
Being gay is all down to the up bringing. Its not your fault, You didnt know. My nephew came out as gay, My sister used a trick people Have used in the middle east for years. Relpace his milk with goat or breast milk from now on. I wish You good luck. But go easy on him. Its not his fault.
2016-03-27 18:47:29 UTC
If you don't accept him, you don't love him. Simple as that
2016-03-28 06:49:00 UTC
Claiming that homosexuality is against the Bible means that you don't recognize Jesus dying on the cross.

Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law by becoming a curse for us. (Galatians 3:13)

By dying on the cross, he saved us from original sin, meaning all the dumb stuff people had to do to make up for it, such as sacrifices, circumcision, etc. were no longer required. Not allowing homosexuality was one of them.
2016-03-27 15:59:51 UTC
He is a weirdo if he is gay. Tell him the dangers of screwing in the butt. Slap him across the head. Don't accept this gay thing.
2016-03-28 10:15:13 UTC
it is hard but at the end of the day he is your son, and a bible can't tell you what to do with him... so accept him like he is and love him
2016-03-26 10:03:00 UTC
Pray for him and point out what it says in Romans 1:26 - 30. You can't force him one way or the other. Just love him and pray for him.
jacob f
2016-03-28 00:59:32 UTC
Quit being a ***** he's still your son.
2016-03-27 06:44:32 UTC
Support him, there's no God and he didn't chose to be gay anyway.
2016-03-28 03:35:22 UTC
Just go with your feelings.....Thank him for trusting you enough to tell the most personal & private thing in his life ....Then treat him the same way as you always did....The bible says a lot of things..... What if you said this to a woman politician, boss or police officer... 1 Timothy 2 12 ....I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet....?
2016-03-28 04:28:32 UTC
I doubt that god would have created your son with a predisposition for this sexual preference if it wasn t alright with him. The bible can be interpreted in different ways. It would be best though if your son held off on his commitment to any life style until he s much more mature.
2016-03-28 09:10:54 UTC
Of course you should accept it. There is nothing wrong with finding the same sex attractive, it is merely a preference just like one person preferring orange juice to apple juice.

He is your son and needs your love and support and you should help him with any problems he comes up against.
2016-03-27 17:51:52 UTC
You should love and accept him, that's what you should do. Jesus said to love everyone, right? So do that.
2016-03-28 09:30:08 UTC
Not give a **** he's your son don't be a ***** about it
2016-03-27 20:44:22 UTC
shouldn't be too hard a decision. you either choose to accept your son as he is or you let a 2,000 year old history book dictate how you should feel.
2016-03-26 20:00:05 UTC
Well. Personally, I think you must keep advising him. Try to be a good mentor. See who are his friends. Try to creat a healthy environment for him. Educate him and explain to him the consequences of this action. Try your best. The chances you can rectify his situation is considerably high as he is only 15 years old.

Good luck!
2016-03-27 19:47:54 UTC
Ahhh religion tearing apart families and starting wars since they started. Ya go for it dont accept your son, in the end is it worth it? Losing a loved one?
2016-03-28 02:56:42 UTC
Stop with this Religion brainwashing nonsense. If he is gay deal with it, for heaven's sake he is your son, not ******* satan. Would you go against your baby with some stupid religion ? I would die for my kids.
2016-03-28 07:33:48 UTC
He obviously thought he could tell you and you would take a deep breath and accept. As he is still very young he may just be going thru a phase but if not, he is your son and you love him.
Emmy Mae
2016-03-27 20:41:36 UTC
Love him. He's still the same person.
2016-03-27 15:25:19 UTC
You accept him for it and understand that he didn't ask to be that way. Those who think otherwise are ignorant and influenced by the masses.
2016-03-29 06:15:00 UTC
Tell him you're happy for him and then ask him what he wants for dinner.
2016-03-27 21:22:56 UTC
As a Christian he can be as gay as he wants but he can not act on it by having a same sex partner. You have to love him and pray for him that is all we can do as parents. Get educated on what it means.
2016-03-27 01:07:40 UTC
Send him to a mental hospital ASAP. Homosexuality is a dangerous and annoying disease, your son may still have a chance to be cured, but you must act fast. Good luck!
2016-03-27 18:18:03 UTC
If God truly loves all of his children, then you should too. It's really that simple. God bless.
2016-03-27 19:35:27 UTC
At 15 I am unsure anyone really knows what he/she is. The best you can do as his mother is pray for him, and let him know you love him unconditionally. Taking him to a therapist, etc. is both a waste of time and money. Good luck and God bless!
2016-03-27 09:57:54 UTC
Dear Blessed Friend, please pray for that dude! My brother told me that he was born to take acid and I don't believe that users are born that way. Only Jesus can help the troubled.
Special EPhex
2016-03-26 21:07:25 UTC
You must find a way to accept both your son as he is, and your faith. Through God, All Things Are Possible!
2016-03-27 16:56:46 UTC
you have to be a REAL SCUMBAG to even think twice about this.


consider this a learning experience to save you from being a BIGOT.

and maybe consider that your SH!!TTY RELIGION GOT THIS WRONG.

he's your child and he didn't kill anyone.

let him love who he wants to love.
2016-03-27 02:25:33 UTC
you don't need to do anything really, just accept him, by you asking this question, it just shows you are an ignorant person who believes homosexuality is wrong. SHAME ON YOU!
2016-03-26 08:34:05 UTC
"'If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."
2016-03-27 09:53:03 UTC
If you are his mother, then teach him to like females.

Give him head and show him the glory of a woman's snatch.
2016-03-28 02:44:16 UTC
You better be glad your son did not tell you he is a

Woman me myself I know I am transgender I really do want to be a woman I am male to female transgender pre op
2016-03-28 11:11:46 UTC
Mary Mother of Christ.was not proven to be gay neighther was God.Question the Carpenters Donkey
2016-03-26 19:39:22 UTC
Isaiah 53 is the prophecy of Jesus Christ confirmed by the Apostle Philip teaching about Isaiah to the Ethiopian in Acts 8 was literally fulfilled by resurrection of Jesus Christ. The prophet Isaiah mentions Noah flood in Isaiah 54. It about faith and the power of God Jesus Christ is Lord

If all the prophecy about Jesus Christ came to true to the exact letter why do you doubt him when he mentions sexual immorality
2016-03-28 09:52:45 UTC
Love your son more
2016-03-27 21:10:22 UTC
In such cases its his mother who can come forward and make her attracted to females. All that is to be done is to have his mother remain dressed in skimpy clothes wearing hot short pants and hot trunk loose tops without the bra and it should be her interest to expose her breasts partially and her hot thighs before her son to make her sexy. The main aim would be arouse him sexually. Allow him to touch the breasts, squeeze them and all that. This way he may change to being straight and let your family have more girls visiting your house.
2016-03-26 08:21:42 UTC
You should be grateful he's not an atheist
2016-03-28 06:03:58 UTC
I know it's hard but atleast he told u...

Plus its his nature, u can't do anything about it.
2016-03-27 20:45:27 UTC
Convert him to Islam or Jewish religion. then, he'll change his views
2016-03-28 07:13:40 UTC
You should love and accept him Gay or Straight,consult psychiatrists
Tammy Johnson
2016-03-28 05:47:47 UTC
God makes NO mistakes. It is all in His plan. Perhaps your sons purpose in life is to teach others like yourself tolerance and forgiveness?
2016-03-27 11:03:42 UTC
What difference does it make? Suppose it means he really loves Jesus. Would it be so bad if you saw Jesus make a second coming, and swoop your son off of his feet?
2016-03-28 01:53:57 UTC
hi i am from india (hindu) it is sin in all religious. story: take iron piece and attached with magnet's (many magnet ) in few months the iron changes its character into magnet if u under stand this story is good
2016-03-27 22:26:52 UTC
Treat him like any other normal person just becuase they are gay dosent make them any different from anyone else
2016-03-27 21:40:24 UTC
Read Corinthians to him about gay activity and tell him this activity can cause syphalus of the brain and early death and insanity.
2016-03-27 14:59:30 UTC
You must send him to a mental institution or a gay prison.
2016-03-28 05:37:20 UTC
Ask him what he likes abot being gay (the gender / the look /the giving or the getting ). Maybe you can convince that he is just not having the straigt experience so he did just chose the one that he did experience with .
2016-03-27 20:40:55 UTC
Accept him for who he is. He is your child, no one can ever replace him in your heart. All you need to do is be him as support him. If not he might rebel and that could cause serious problems.
Lani Schlemmer
2016-03-27 13:15:29 UTC
Accept and love him. He is your son-your blood- no matter what. As long as he is nit hurting people, doing drugs, sneaking around, backstabbing your family or you love him
2016-03-28 06:53:05 UTC
his sexuality should not define who he is - he is, after all, your son and i think that you should accept him just the way he is. confessing things like these are also hard, so i guess it took him some time to find it in him to tell you in the first place.
2016-03-30 15:42:54 UTC
Dont trust a stupid book someone could have made up! Hes your son that your certain of, he is your priority.
2016-03-28 12:12:42 UTC
the bible is also sexist, are you sexist? anyway try be understanding and just tell him you except him, be grateful he told you, you don't want to push him away or throw away your relationship with him.
2016-03-27 17:38:54 UTC
You should give your son a big warm hug and tell him you love him and you support him, because regardless of his sexuality, he is your SON!
2016-03-28 05:30:56 UTC
You should tell him that being gay is not good as he might be humiliated in the public next time!
2016-03-27 14:31:42 UTC
yawn. I clearly don' believe you.
2016-03-28 09:54:45 UTC
Nice post
2016-03-26 20:34:10 UTC
Proof that church makes people gay. You should stop making your son go to church.
2016-03-28 15:41:22 UTC
No Mother should ever have to ask this. No matter what your faith is or to what way of life you devote yourself, he is your son, your blood. No book or faith should ever even be considered in such situations.
Zee Que
2016-03-27 20:45:53 UTC
i believe his feeling are probably confused interms of mistaking it for brother hood. as i was growing up i felt a strong friendship bond between friends.... do not make him confused... show his a plug and the natural order of things
2016-03-27 22:06:02 UTC
Hug him, and tell him you love him no matter what. You should accept it because he is your child. Nothing is more important than your children. Even religion.
2016-03-26 17:54:07 UTC
There are several things you do need to DO.

One is....a rather simultaneous thing?

a) forgive NOT blame YOURSELF, OK? this, put all that happened on the Lord Jesus.

b) AND....ask the LORD to then FORGIVE YOU for NOT

seeing this, and NOT noticing ....just drifting along.

So often, we just are ASLEEP, are we not? Notice NOTHING,

and I think if you think back? Weren't there SIGNS? Now

that you know?

Next, I want you to PRAISE THE LORD. And do it UNTIL you

FEEL this praise, can you try to do this? You can do this,

even through tears.

I feel this has very little to do with your son. Your salvation is

about YOU, is it not? Will you let a young, unformed BOY

RUIN your salvation? Will you?

So, your boy is SEXUALLY 15!! and who knows for

how long, and going to CHURCH???

He stops going to church, you explain he cannot do both,

and he likely does not want to anyway.

He'd have to see the doctor, get checked (on a regular

basis for STD's)....and AIDS. Necessary, who knows

what the others have, where they have 'been'.

Then I'd HELP my son get educated wherever he is good

at it SO he could leave as soon as he was old enough.

BUT....lots will happen, guaranteed!! This story is NO WAY

over. So, I would not tell him because you DON'T know

what will happen in 3 YEARS.

Don't get stuck in the MOMENT, OK?

I'd certainly tell the prayer group at church, (lots have this

experience, believe it) and ask we ALL PRAY for this,

and FOR YOU.

You are the one SUFFERING, NOT YOUR SON.

He's having 'a good time' compared to you.

So, it's important you do NOT FRET, and you

PRAISE THE LORD. So then this incident is not

very important, he gets no attention for this at all.

LOTS will happen.

The best to you in your 'object lessons'.

Love in Christ,

EDIT...How was your son after church? Crying, upset,

hurt, confused? If so, then I'd tell him we'd pray together.

You know how your son was.

I would not tell his father...he does that.
2016-03-28 06:15:44 UTC
Afford a wife for him or try to fix his marriage with a girl.
2016-03-26 08:30:00 UTC
Tell him you love him and leave it at that. Just remember we are all born into sin, even you going to church are still a sinner. God is the one that judges us in the end. So, just tell him you love him.
2016-03-27 11:33:57 UTC
He is still your son
2016-03-28 18:05:50 UTC
Praise him for coming out in the first place, and tell him you support him because that is who he is and you love him just the same.
2016-03-28 05:29:34 UTC
Run away, start a new family in a new state.
2016-03-28 09:49:44 UTC
Support him as you always have done. It makes no difference that he is gay.
2016-03-28 09:32:11 UTC
Talk about it during a game of hide and go seek.
2016-03-26 09:53:18 UTC


2016-03-26 21:49:23 UTC
You take him to a Justin Bieber concert!
2016-03-28 06:42:47 UTC
Omg!! Take him to a counciller as he is in his teens and may change his thoughts now
2016-03-29 20:49:56 UTC
Let him quite busy in religious or humanity affaires.
2016-03-27 21:43:36 UTC
Accept him and support him when required. Help him to reach the top of the peak.
2016-03-29 09:47:10 UTC
So? He's still the same kid
2016-03-28 04:06:56 UTC
I think that you should talk to him about safe sex and things like that (just incase). That way he will feel that you accept him (although you may not), and will find it easier to talk to you about things in future
2016-03-27 01:49:04 UTC
Let him join some religious or spiritual organization.
2016-03-27 02:35:07 UTC

2016-03-27 00:38:07 UTC
Consult with a doctor.
2016-03-27 02:04:27 UTC
No big deal. We are in the 21st century. Be supportive and happy😀
military supporter
2016-03-27 05:50:11 UTC
Get out of religion and grow out of your childhood fairy tales like "god". It is time you become an adult and stop believing in boogie men.
2016-03-31 16:43:46 UTC
Ship him off to Vietnam.
2016-03-27 10:18:20 UTC
Your son ISN'T GAY. As a teenager myself, I have seen all that has been going on recently, and despite the fact adults think they know best, and *know* what's going on -they don't. Ever since LGBTQ became popular, teenagers have been following it like the gospel. One girl I've known my entire life turned around to me 8 months ago and told me she was 'pansexual'. Oh really? You're telling me she's been 'pansexual' her whole entire life and I never knew? Funny that, in primary all she could go on about was which boy she wanted to date. The whole popularisation of it all has influenced so many teenagers. It's made them think "oh, so it's alright to be gay then, it's popular, so maybe I'm gay" and now lowe and behold, everyone is gay! Unless you stop him in his tracks now and tell him he isn't gay, and that it's just his hormones and influences, it may become deep rooted and he'll turn out gay in adulthood. But more than likely when his hormones are regulated, he'll realise he's not gay.
2016-03-28 14:42:50 UTC
Because this is the joke section, tell your "gay" son you would love him just as you would when he is "happy".
2016-03-27 23:18:53 UTC
Wtf? What do you mean "what should I do" he's your son not an alien you ***** congratulate him he shared this with you then go walk on glass knowing you asked this bs question
2016-03-28 05:44:31 UTC
Tell him you will be there for him and stick to your word regardless of religious beliefs
2016-04-02 20:02:51 UTC
move on with life. it doesn't matter.
2016-03-28 09:13:31 UTC
nothing. it's no big deal.
2016-03-27 03:15:34 UTC
You should simply accept him as your son. Period.
2016-03-27 14:46:13 UTC
Accept it even though you raised him a lad
2016-03-28 14:45:55 UTC
Simply love him
2016-03-27 19:37:02 UTC
Sing the song from Avenue Q "If you were gay".
2016-03-28 02:41:01 UTC
ul just have to support him. i mean ricky martin, anthony callea and so many more men better to no the truth now
2016-03-27 20:15:54 UTC
You should let him know how you feel and your beliefs while making sure he knows that your love for him is unconditional.
2016-03-27 14:00:13 UTC
You tell him your not happy and it breaks your heart. Do not kick him out of the house like many Christian parents do .
Antony C
2016-03-27 17:35:03 UTC
Accept him
2016-03-28 02:54:37 UTC
Family sticks together no matter what. Support him.
2016-03-28 15:25:07 UTC
I'd bum him if I was you
The Football God
2016-03-27 04:20:46 UTC
Everybody dance now!
2016-04-23 21:29:23 UTC
imagine if u came out he probly was trying to tell you but didnt know how you have to accept him imagine if your mum didnt if you were you got to support him no matter what
2016-03-27 12:01:57 UTC
Accept him
2016-03-27 23:36:23 UTC
leave his AIDS ridden corpse in the ditch like any responsible parent already would have
2016-03-26 08:24:06 UTC
Love and protect him more than you ever thought you could and if your religion rejects him ; reject your religion
2016-03-27 10:14:34 UTC

which is not natural and really really weird
2016-03-28 05:53:05 UTC
Accept it
2016-03-26 23:30:30 UTC
Being the way God created you is not a sin.
2016-03-27 18:41:10 UTC
Get a new religion.
2016-03-28 00:15:49 UTC
well all you can do is love him.,..if he told you that......he wont change dont preach ,just care for him and support him..i think the new testament is the one to believe anyways ..God Loves all
2016-03-27 13:47:24 UTC
Accept him for who he is
2016-03-27 13:30:04 UTC
Do nothing, treat him like you always treated in.
Neckbearded Atheist
2016-03-26 08:21:50 UTC
You should be a good person, rather than a good christian.
2016-03-27 21:18:47 UTC
Kick him out!
2016-03-27 18:05:08 UTC
He probably was pulling your chain
2016-03-27 11:21:29 UTC
the bible was written by men of ancient mentality. go with your heart.
2016-03-28 12:28:09 UTC
Accept it!
2016-03-28 11:58:00 UTC
Lovd him
2016-03-27 00:46:56 UTC
Ask who he visited at church.
2016-03-27 07:43:46 UTC
If you truly love him, you will accept him.
2016-03-27 18:02:32 UTC
Bash him up
2016-03-27 17:13:48 UTC
Nothing do nothing be like u was before
2016-03-27 07:06:12 UTC
you need to cast that unclean spirit off him... lets hope he complies... or hes going to hell
2016-03-27 22:55:50 UTC
2016-03-27 18:19:14 UTC
get over it
Classical Liberal
2016-03-26 21:45:27 UTC
You love him, accept him.
2016-03-27 12:16:38 UTC
Slap him till he becomes straight...
2016-04-01 13:47:19 UTC
2016-03-27 12:05:21 UTC
RIP no grandchildren.... everything ends with him :P
2016-03-31 18:03:59 UTC
I know how you must feel
2016-03-27 00:31:01 UTC
You should accept him
Karolyn L.
2016-03-28 06:50:41 UTC
Christian God will judge you more harshly
2016-03-26 21:41:14 UTC
Be there for him and support him.
2016-03-27 14:35:13 UTC
Just be there for him
Symbolic User
2016-03-26 08:25:56 UTC
there is nothing wrong with being gay

answer my question?
2016-03-28 10:46:02 UTC
you need to accept him
2016-03-27 19:25:48 UTC
GOD loves him for who he is
2016-03-26 21:50:13 UTC
Disown him.
2016-03-27 09:13:29 UTC
You love him.
2016-03-27 18:58:00 UTC
forgive and accept him
B00ty Warrior
2016-03-27 23:36:23 UTC
well the question is what will god do, and how much of a christian are you?
2016-03-28 07:01:54 UTC
accept him or lose him. your choice
2016-03-28 09:33:05 UTC
accept it
2016-03-28 06:39:57 UTC
2016-03-27 11:29:43 UTC
love him
2016-03-27 10:39:30 UTC
What would jesus do? Remember his love for us is UNCONDITIONAL...
2016-03-28 11:14:02 UTC
love him that it
2016-03-28 16:49:09 UTC
You should do nothing....its the same him
2016-03-27 21:35:25 UTC
Nothing. There is nothing you can do.
2016-03-28 02:59:40 UTC
Kill him
2016-03-27 15:19:21 UTC
2016-03-28 05:21:30 UTC
Burn Him!
2016-03-28 15:23:02 UTC
Kill him.
2016-03-28 16:12:37 UTC
2016-03-27 12:52:43 UTC
spank him
2016-03-28 09:53:38 UTC
2016-03-26 08:42:32 UTC
New story please?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.