i can't find any jokes about change management?
2012-08-23 00:24:08 UTC
i'm being a trainee right now and my boss ask to me joke about change management for her presentation. i can't find a good one even just one. can you help me please?
Five answers:
2012-08-23 22:03:52 UTC
Managing change is like wiping your bottom after you take a dump.

If you do it well, your fingers won't smell.

No, wait, if you do it well, you will clean up in the end.

What's the difference between change management and an orgasm?

If you don't know, you can be very happy with your work.

If your left foot is "CHANGE" and your right foot is "MANAGEMENT', what happens if you start doing CHANGE MANAGEMENT CHANGE MANAGEMENT CHANGE MANAGEMENT? (maybe said like a train choo-chooing)

You start going places.

How many change management professionals does it take to screw in a light bulb?

It depends, how many change management professionals can you /fit/ in a light bulb?
2016-12-15 18:37:35 UTC
Jokes About Change Management
Authentic Storm
2014-05-04 08:52:10 UTC
Is it a joke? Its not the topic to joke about.
2012-08-23 08:57:22 UTC
Ask her how to give change for a penny.
2012-08-23 01:59:39 UTC
"I Quit!"

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