You ever feel like the world would be better off without whites?
Consistent Logic
2016-01-17 11:27:39 UTC
- genocide against native americans
- nuking hiroshima
- spreading a plague that nearly destroyed europe
- world war I
- world war II
- starting a war with muslims all around the world

- kicking mexicans off of their own land

- genocide on their own race over albino yellow hair and inbred blue eyes

- child molestation (which was legal until only 200 years ago)

- mass murder

- suicide

This is what they bring to the world when they're not copying other races' and trying to call it an "invention"
161 answers:
2016-01-17 21:35:23 UTC
No the world would not be better off without whites. Unless you would prefer to live in the stone age! Then it would be. You seem to have a very prejudice and misinformed view of history. Hiroshima? A white thing? They saved that part of world from Japanese rule. Whites weren't ruling it. That covers your WW2 thing. Plague? as another person stated it was brought to the whites by other culture's but the whites were the ones who came up with a cure for it that helped all cultures. Child molesting being legal, genocide of blond hair blue eyed people? I'm sure no one has an idea of what your talking about there. Mass murder and suicide? Again, man you way out there! The Mexicans? there are signed documents to this day where the Americans bought the land from the Mexican government, and Mexican outlaws tried to take it back by attacking Americans and lost.That's what the movie's are all about. The Alamo and so on.

If white's were never here to explore and inhabit, someone else would have done it, most likely the far east. Do you like the way you live now or would you like to live like China?
2016-01-18 12:59:46 UTC
LOL, I am white and I often wonder this. :-D However I would not endorse genocide and killing others.

I think this question would be better expressed as 'You ever feel like the world would be better off without whites, arrogant entitled privileged attitude towards others. Yes, it would be a better place.

I wouldn't say we are all bad, it is just how we have been raised. But that is no excuse. It would be good if whites could learn a little humility (well, I think it would be good if everyone, regardless or ethnicity, could learn this actually) also to learn and appreciate what others go through. Also recognizing others humanity. Learn to listen to others without the need to want to fix things or dismiss what they go through or feel personally attacked. I still need to learn much of this. In fact I think we would all benefit if everyone regardless of ethnicity learned to respect others.

Another thing I think whites or more what I mean as privileged people could learn is to listen to others concerns without the idiot smirks that some can get as if someone else suffering is the most amusing thing they have heard and they feel safe in the knowledge that it will never happen to then. This last attitude that privilege people have is one that really succeeds in crawling up my nose! :-(

I am a white female but as someone with a small disability from a young age I have had that condescending smirk from others whenever I have detailed my concerns...UGH! horrible!
2016-01-17 20:27:48 UTC
That is basically like me saying. Do you think the world would be better offor all Whites.

No poor people, rapists, perverts etc.

By grouping everyone together as one it's called racism, stereotyping and discrimination.

The only reason white people caused those things you said is because mainly white countries were developed. Even now countries of non white people are mainly developing countries. They don't have the power to start genocide etc etc.

Whites have brought a lot to this world. Medicine such as penciline. A British white man thought up sewers. The world may not be as developed as it is today if it wasn't for white people
2016-01-17 17:36:21 UTC
NO! because every living creature on this planet has its pacific cause. A lot you don't understand about how one being is designed to manage or destroy another.

That may seem like an outrageous and absurd answer. But if you look through history it's always some creature is design to manage the other on a grander scale to make room for another species to take its place. They was put here to do exactly what they were designed to do. Discover cure conquer and destroy, even if its the very land they eat, sleep and live upon. For example, look at George Bush how he had his private little war and killed the very person that kept that Region of the world in check. Now it open the doors for another to bring terror to our planet.

It's money to be made fighting terrorism.

A unused weapon is a useless weapon in the eyes of our planet managers. It all come to for the good of man kind and to manage your fears in compliance to an order there forefathers set before them just for starts.Hm
2016-01-18 11:03:30 UTC
That's a harsh statement. I think things would be better if whites would just take a moment and try to rationally THINK about why it is they dislike certain other ethnic groups. After some thought, they would realize there is no logical reason for the hatred, and everyone would get along so much better. But a part of me also thinks that many whites are just genetically predisposed toward hating anyone they deem as "different", and nothing can be done to change that viewpoint. Regarding your question, I'm on the fence, leaning toward "no".
2016-01-17 18:54:39 UTC
No, the world would be a better place without racism. And it would also be better off without Entitled ignorant pricks like you who feel like they should be excused from all ridicule because they're not "White".

The world would be better off without many things:

The ability to use Religion as an excuse to be an as*hole




Homophobia/Biphobia and all hate against all sexualities (There are gays who hate straights, etc.)


Life threatening illnesses






Kim Davis

There are so many things the world would be better off without, I could go on forever, but it would be pointless
2016-01-17 18:19:25 UTC
We should have a white history month and list all the inventions and cures ect that the white culture has given to mankind so that people like you can learn to appreciate us. Also a white invented basketball. At least be thankful for that. While were at it, lets have a Jewish history month too. Most black people are very nice but too many have been taught to dislike white people by other blacks and by white liberals. There is an old saying though, Be kind to everyone you meet for everyone is fighting a battle. Its not easy being white either.
2016-01-18 06:59:50 UTC
Lets go into depth, white people are a subrace of the caucasian race and the arabs too belong to a subrace within the caucasion branch, arabs were some of the first known to enslave, therefore the world would be better off without the arabs, but theres more; arabs are sometimes assumed to be mildy black and mainly caucasian resulting in a combination of sometimes springy hair and a high density of it, this would throw the blame on the black people as they not only are one of the ingredients to produce arabs but are also responsible for all races being produced, this leads onto to one last thing, HUMANS, black people, Im sorry theres a little more, the black race is the first assumed human race and therefore I take this statement off of races and onto the human race, the world would be better without it. End of story.
2016-01-17 13:22:06 UTC
I hope that you know by saying 'white people' you include every 'white person' Including the spouses of people of every race, the parents of people of every race, best friends, in-laws, coworkers. I hope you know this includes Obama's mother, the black woman who is married to a white man or the Hispanic man happily married with his 'white wife'. The little black girl whose mother is white. The little Asian boy whose father is white. The white men who adore and care for their Native wives. The women who were shunned as 'sluts' because they had a relationship with a black man. William Lewis Moore who was assassinated for aiding the civil rights movement. And, very possibly, some distant ancestor of yours. So would the world be better of without 'white people' you decide that.

I can say it would be better off without all the things you listed but that wasn't 'white people' that was just evil and racist people. Much like the world would be better off without human trafficking in African and Asian countries. Bad people and good people; it's a far better way to group people.
2016-01-17 14:45:15 UTC
Well, think for a minute, is anyone actually purely WHITE anymore? We are reaching a place in time where humans today are no longer just one race, they are mixed with many other races. For example, I am white but a pacific islander as well...without me is the world a better place? You cant generalize whites anymore because they are mixed with other races. Therefore, to discriminate or feel opposition to whites, would be to discriminate other races: black, Hispanic, Asian.

Instead of thinking about everything bad that has happened and playing the blame game. Think about how YOU can make the world a better place. You cant improve this world by yourself and by not having peace with others. Do you think Hitler's whiteness caused his insanity? Or do you think it was his inability to cooperate and find peace in all races~ Jews, non blond people, etc. Thinking about what the world would be like without a race is the exact same thinking that drove Hitler to killing millions and millions of lives. Dont go down that road.

And what about Mao? He wasnt white, he was asian and he still cost the lives of millions of people and caused the worlds WORST starvation. But it wasnt being an asian that drove him to do this horrid things, it was his carelessness and hidden hatred for his OWN people (asians!).

Think carefully, the color of your skin does NOT reveal you inner thoughts and beliefs. You either join the race of haters, or join peace, equality and the rest of beautiful humanity.
2016-01-20 03:50:07 UTC
I'm guessing you are black?

I think all racist people should go run into on coming traffic.

There are racist whites and blacks. Along with racist Chinese people, Russians, etc.

why is there ALWAYS a debate between whites and blacks??

There are bad people and good people in ALL RACES. Not just whites or blacks.

F*ck you and this question.

I am a white person and I don't give a sh*t whether someone is black, white or purple! If you are nice and not some racist lowlife, then good. Other than that, go F*ck yourself.

I don't understand why we have ignorant dumbas*es like you.

The world would be better off without racism.

You cannot exclude one race because of a few idiots in that race. Like I said, there are good/bad people in ALL RACES.

Racists people can burn in hell.
2016-01-20 07:22:27 UTC
If everyone believed in the same God, had the same skin color, and looked the same, someone would come up with a reason to have a war. Maybe north against south east against west, us against them. Face it this world is phucked up no mater what you believe in or how you look. It's never gonna change. One thing I know for sure. we will go extinct like 99.9% of all the species that have lived on this planet. There will be a start over point and Eventually when the sun explodes everything will cease to exist.
2016-01-20 07:01:31 UTC
I personally am a black man of islam and i wouldnt say that it would be better without them. I would say it would be better if "they" (Many controllers) didnt display infuriority thoigh media and history teachings and didnt teach majority of there kids that they are superior then any other race. I believe that through these teachings of american history has brought out a lot of silly minded people (majority all from the south) but i think a lot of minds are messed up from power and greed. Which is not exactly something that has to do with race (even tho it is a lot of coucasians that think like this) but has to do with logic and being kind hearted and open minded. I feel like time will cure this all when the overheads of our society die off. In order to move forward the old generations have to die out to bring new ways about to the world. The people of the future will be a lot more open minded and kind hearted to all because they are more use to what the older generation wasnt. #Faith
2016-01-19 14:59:20 UTC
I'm against this for two reasons

First of all I'm white so that would mean I wouldn't exist

Secondly I don't agree with this because in all the situations you described there were always some group of white people who denounced what was going on as unfair.
2016-01-18 09:15:29 UTC
I will set a side my irrational set of mind to argue and say your a racist and be logical and think beside the point. If white people never existed everyone in the world except Jamaica would be dead. The island beach life calms you down. There would be no boats, no planes, no cars, no foreign trade. Everyone would steal from one another leading to mob wars and pilliagings and all Africans, Native American Indians, Asians, Japanese, Hindu Indians, Portiricans, and other races would kill each other over land, property, currency, and food/agriculture.

The Mexicans would not exist. Native Americans would fight over religion and America would be a bunches of Native American Indian Burrial Grounds. They would wipe each other out especially the Mayans till everyone starved to death and died. The Asains, Mongolians, and Spain would wipe out the Africans, Hindu Indians, and Arabians, and then turn on each other till they destroyed each other. First China against Mongolia, then the winner
Steve H
2016-01-20 21:31:42 UTC
Virtually all of your points are invalid:

1. You do realise that native Americans aggressively fought to defeat the invaders yes? It wasn't a one way battle, but the invaders had greater numbers and superior weaponry. I'm not saying the invasion of the Americas is righteous by today's standards, but for back then "might is right" was a common expression. Anyhow there was no genocide as there as hundreds of thousands of people who claim native American heritage. If genocide had occurred that number would be zero!

2. The Americans had every right to nuke a serious aggressor, that was not only one of the perpetrators of WWII, but also refused to surrender when they were beat. Do you honestly think the Japanese wouldn't have nuked their enemies if they had the chance?

3. The black plague wasn't deliberately spread and most likely began in the far East, then infected rats were transported to Europe. Whatever the case no one willingly spread the plague.

4. WWI was begun by Turkey, Germany and Austro-Hungary. You're trying to hold all whites accountable for something that happened 100 years ago.

5. WWII as per #3 but also Japan was one of the perpetrators of that war. Last time I checked they're not considered to be white.

6. Islam initiated the war at their inception when they went on a rampage across Europe, Asia and Africa.

As for current times: If they would just stop attacking us then we would leave them alone.

7. Who says it was Mexican land? If you're referring to the acquisition of Texas or other Southern states into USA, there was a lot of tussling back and forth between the English, French and Spanish conquerors. The Spanish gained all of South America (except for Brazil) and part of North America.

8. What genocide of yellow haired blue eyed people do you refer? Do you mean a war that occurred over 100 years ago between peoples fighting over land?

9. Child molestation has unfortunately gone on throughout the eons and all of us have distant ancestors that are guilty of it to some degree (yes black and Asian too), but guess what? It was Europeans who made it illegal and now you criticise whites for ever allowing it to happen?

10. As for mass murder that has occurred throughout every culture. Certain individuals go crazy and you blame all whites for it?

11. Finally you may have a valid point.

Suicide is rife in peoples of European origin and one of the reasons is because of idiots like you pointing the finger and making them feel guilty for things they haven't done.

12. As for inventions: Europeans have invented far more than your puny race or tribe ever has. Why don't you crawl back into the hole you live in and refuse to use modern computers because your backward people quite likely didn't do anything of benefit for the world.
2016-01-19 16:00:00 UTC
No, I don't think it would, but without them, the Native Americans would still be alive, there would be almost no slavery (in America), and there would be no Holocoust. So on some level, yes, but I guess we need whites to be where we are today, because America would never be as it is today if Columbus never discovered it. You probably wouldn't be here, and the world wouldn't be as diverse. But one white person we could definitely do without is trump.
2016-01-21 19:46:14 UTC
Okay it's never even about America anymore, it's just "whites". I just say if you have a problem, go back to Africa because it's not just us. The world would be better off without evil people maybe, but not whites. Also, yahoo? To start controversy? Very pathetic in my taste.

Nice chatπŸ˜’πŸ’…πŸΌ
2016-01-20 04:40:21 UTC
Did you know, there are still black tribes who own black slaves. Child sex may have been banned 200 years ago but by whites. Are you unaware of child brides? All these tea towel and women's nightie wearing bastards are marrying 7-year-olds and also hanging children for farting or crimes just as bad. If a woman complains, her husband cuts her nose off, that is if there is no acid handy. We all did wrong but are doing something about it. That is white people, not blacks. They still sit and feast on their dead granny in some places. Did you know you can put all the world's greatest black inventors into a medium size biscuit tin? There was the guy who invented Regge regge sauce and that is the end of my knowledge. Glass houses.
2016-01-19 19:26:56 UTC
Thats kind of like saying, "do you think the world would be better off without blacks", because of them we wouldn't of had all of those genocides and whatever you named it since there wouldn't be any blacks to kill off. Overall blaming whites for the wars etc makes no sense at all. lol everyone is the same and being white/black doesn't make you more or less willing to do horrible things.
2016-01-18 10:32:33 UTC
No. I do not. I think that the world would be better off with more people becoming followers of Christ, whether they are white, black, yellow, brown, or purple. To answer your question about the world "being better off without whites"..I personally believe that the world would be better off without racist whites..but the same goes with racist African Americans, racist Asian people, and other races of racist people. Judging people by the color of their skin is just as silly as judging someone by the color of their hair.
2016-01-18 03:30:55 UTC
You certainly have some valid points, not so sure about the " copying other races' and trying to call it an invention" bit though, likewise the child molestation, mass murder and sucide, all a bit doubtful to be laid at the white mans door.

All outweighed by the benefits that the white man has brought to civilization to be honest
2016-01-18 06:33:46 UTC
Well in that sense... History lesson. Japan had over 200,000 women kidnapped for daily rape and torture by their soldiers for over 3 years (look up comfort women). Africa sold their own people to being slaves. Most child traffickers are actually between the middle east and South America. A lot of those places you can't even go to without the threat of being raped, murdered or robbed, Their own government issues the warning.... BOOM!!! Everyone can be bad. It does not matter what color you are... Stupid.
2016-01-18 03:07:56 UTC
If that's how you perceive the world, you have a profound problem. Look at the positive achievements of whites over the centuries and you will see that if it wasn't for their massive contributions to industries, inventions and discoveries, our world would be in a poorer state.
2016-01-18 08:45:09 UTC
I think the world would be better off without humans
2016-01-18 16:46:37 UTC
What's really the difference between white people or another person from a different nationality?

The only difference is colour of skin.

Everyone bleeds red, everyone breathes the same air. Everyone has feelings..
2016-01-17 14:50:41 UTC
Wow, aren't you vile. No, the world would not be better off. Now why don't you list all the faults other races have? Whites are already fewer than they have every been and are getting fewer all the time. Don't be such an asshole.
2016-01-18 16:22:15 UTC
I'm a black man saying every color has their history, every color has dark things they've done, and good things they've brought to this world. People should stop looking at color, and look at the fact that we are all human, all living, and all with emotions, dreams, and fears. I could cry all day about slavery, and negative stereotypes of my color, but instead choose to forgive, rise above, and turn a cheek; because you can't have love, compassion, and empathy, when all you only choose to have hate, fear, and anger in your heart. Stand together, hold hands, and walk together for everyone of you is someone great.
2016-01-17 19:15:42 UTC
white people aren't the only ones who murder other people or rape. yes, there has been bad white people, but there is also bad Asians, and bad black people, and bad people in every single race. do you think the world would be better off without Muslims because they are terrorists? noooo. there are some bad Muslims (ISIS) but there are plenty of great ones too. just like there are bad white people, there are plenty of great normal white people who will cause you no harm and are just trying to live their lives. no race is completely good or bad
2016-01-18 09:38:20 UTC
Do you know that is wrong. It like saying that about any other race, it's racist. If you don't like white people that's fine but keep everything to yourself and your consular. People learn people grow if you have a concern about certain people actions. They will hear and hear to reason but it's not like whites are not only causing troubles to the world so there is not much point to push the blame one race when it's many. Every single one has to learn to grow and learn together peacefully.
2016-01-18 01:20:00 UTC
Most of the people who control the world are white..... And they plant the idea of white people are superior and the other races are below them. However the variety of races makes us different form each other which is wonderful but not in a racial way......beside if we are all white or black the life will be boring. some of you may say i racist but i think everyone should take care of himself and try to accomplish something useful for the humanity instead of wasting our time in judging people according to their skin or eyes color .
2016-01-19 08:49:22 UTC
You have a very selective view of history. There is an entire world of non-white conflict going on even today that you fail to acknowledge. Now yes, imperialism is pretty atrocious, and it happens to be predominantly whites who have picked up that ball and claimed that role in history, and it was probably inevitable that some race would claim that role (even though lumping whites together is ignorant of the differences of the groups that make it up). Europe had many competing nations locked in races for power that wound up dominating other parts of the world, but they had the same roots of conflict you can find anywhere. Don't expect me to do all your research for you.
2016-01-18 08:26:27 UTC
The world would be better off without racists, oh yea.

By the way, brutal murders are also commited by people of other races. How can you justify that?
2016-01-17 21:25:48 UTC
Interesting that your expository about wrongdoing lists nothing done by any other race during that period or the MANY wrongs done by races other than whites since the beginning of recorded history.

Your racism is showing and it is not pretty...but it does let us see just how ignorant and limited you are intellectually. Keeping your posting history concealed also shows us you are both afraid and ashamed of your intellectual shortcomings.

Your childish racial rant is reported and I am moving it somewhere more appropriate for such pointless drivel and will move it out every time you move it back.
2016-01-20 15:50:38 UTC
I'm keeping my answer short. Race doesn't affect what you do. This is exactly the same reason why Donald Trump has haters. A muslim, a white, a black, a mexican--they're all people. Each of them are likely to commit a crime same as they are all likely to be innocent.
2016-01-17 12:29:47 UTC
No. Every time a user posts something this hateful, I can't help but think your life must be desperately miserable to want to eliminate a whole race of people. Any level-headed person can see how stupid that mentality is. Just go achieve your goals instead of blaming your misery on others. Good luck.
2016-01-17 23:40:57 UTC
Man why do you feel the need to get on the internet to post stupid **** like this?

Do you really have that little to do with your life, where you just sit around, trying to start flame wars on the military section of a Q&A site?

Sounds like you should consider your choice of living.

Small hint mate, if you have water in your mouth while you pull the trigger, you get more of an explosive death.
2016-01-18 04:27:08 UTC
I feel that the world would be better off without PEOPLE.
2016-01-18 09:41:13 UTC
I'm not going to waste my time looking to see if someon else has already made a similar comment. Yahoo took one of my questions off the site because I made a joke out of British dental hygiene. How in the heck is this question still here?
2016-01-18 10:13:34 UTC
White are crucial to global progress. They received the most amount of genetic material from Adam & Eve. With that a few things benefited, like advances in science and technology, art and music. More information about it in urantia book.
2016-01-19 01:34:44 UTC
The trouble with that assumption, is whites were the only ones in power. You have no idea what other races would have done in their position. Tribes are quite brutal, but they're limited in the damage they can do because they're primitive. We have no way of knowing what other races would have done. As one example Mayans were barbaric and, mass slavery has existed across tens of thousands of years when only non white races existed. It surely says more about human nature than white nature.
2016-01-19 11:13:47 UTC
Beg to differ. Show me the paid DNA analysis

and I'll agree to the facts thus proven rather

than an unsupported claim based on the skin

color of anybody this same minute as to what

race they'll claim to represent.
2016-01-19 15:41:23 UTC
No I do not. I am caucasian myself and I find this very offensive. White people actually did miracles in the world, too. Do you know how much trouble you could be in for this? I HOPE this is just a troll question.
2016-01-17 18:08:28 UTC
Lol... The plague that spread through europe originated in Asia... Actually the mongols (asians) were besieging the city of caffa, in the process his army. Sickened with the plague, launched corpses of their dead soldiers into the city and infected it. Which in turn spread to the rest of europe. Every race is just as guilty of ******* up the world as any other... You cant tell me that people in africa never committed atrocities. (Examples) liberia, sierre leone, and shaka of the zulus was pretty keen on killing people. Muslims have killed est. 590 million non Muslims since they have been around.
2016-01-18 14:59:08 UTC
NO, its obvious that you are jealous of white folks. White folks have brought us modern technology and modern medicine. Simply put: whites (as well as Asians) have advanced the human species in a positive fashion through their superior intelligence.

Simple-minded folks like you promote hatred towards whites because you are jealous of white people's superior intelligence and good looks.
2016-01-19 08:25:49 UTC
This is not what MLK fought for. He fought for rights for everyone, so that no longer would anyone look at a person and think they know exactly who they are based on their race or gender. He did not fight for the rights for people to be racist and to then be racist back. These things were definitely horrible, but saying that this could be an eleven-year-old white girl's fault is just rude.
2016-01-18 14:05:31 UTC
The world, without white people, would revert to primitivism, within a few months.
2016-01-18 07:23:16 UTC
Life is colourful because of the different races. Eliminate whites, the world would lose out in my view.
2016-01-17 21:51:17 UTC
No. I can't think of world without any particular race. The world as this is must consist of all races- black, white, colored.
2016-01-17 14:52:25 UTC
No the world would be a better place without ignorance, and believe me, what you're saying is ignorant and without a cent of validation...
2016-01-18 10:39:23 UTC
Sounds exactly like the hatred and vitriol spewed forth by reverend Jeremiah Wright of Obama's Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.

2016-01-17 20:52:22 UTC
You can't put all white people in the same boat. You can't judge a whole race, by the actions of a few idiots. Uhh, I'm done, I can't anymore....
2016-01-17 13:37:07 UTC
No. While many white people have been guilty of the things you listed, it's not fair to generalize all of them. Genocide is cruel and unethical no matter which group is the victim.
ms manners
2016-01-17 11:44:11 UTC

I think the world would be better off without haters like you.
2016-01-19 09:02:09 UTC
The world would be a better place without humans.
Jake No Chat
2016-01-18 05:55:34 UTC
I have asked myself that question, but I think the answer is NO.

I think the world would be a better place without racism, greed and intolerance.
2016-01-18 05:22:40 UTC
You ever feel the world would be better off without racist assholes like you? Your what? 10?
2016-01-17 13:39:14 UTC
Yes I do some times feel like that. But aren't there bad people in every race? What's wrong with people wanting to be with their own race or who they feel accepted by. We been so worried about fitting in or conforming everybody that we made it wrong to be who you are. Proud to be who I am black or white.
2016-01-17 11:28:47 UTC
Silently protesting Muslim woman ejected from Trump rally - β€Ί 2016/01/08 β€Ί politics β€Ί dona...

Jan 9, 2016 - "Donald Trump should issue a public apology to the Muslim woman kicked out of his rally and make a ...
Philip H
2016-01-17 11:35:01 UTC
Liberals just Love to create racist biases and generate problems where none existed.

Support Liberty and equality world wide.

That is what Constitutional Conservatives seek to accomplish.
2016-01-17 11:30:45 UTC
LOL - The lower classes were enslaved before so called black people were even around.

And all you had to do was enter

All you had to do was get in

Take the devils cash and all his power

Then meet his friends the jinn

You'll blame it on the sunshine

You'll blame it on the skin

You'll blame it on everyone else

When talking bunkum standing face to face in sin.
2016-01-18 07:52:48 UTC
- nuking hiroshima

was the best option for everyone

- spreading a plague that nearly destroyed europe

that was rats

- world war II

one white lunatic

- starting a war with muslims all around the world

muslims actually started this war on christians living in the east

- child molestation (which was legal until only 200 years ago)

every race molests children

- mass murder

every race commits mass murder

- suicide

every race commits suicide
2016-01-19 20:05:58 UTC
No better off without the world and me and my mom and everyone else.
2016-01-18 11:19:09 UTC
Well a lot of whites have invented many things so there probably wouldn't be as advanced technology as there was today if they didn't exist
2016-01-17 17:18:39 UTC
I have yet to encounter a "white" person although an albino I once met came very close but it turned out she was pink in the most important places though...
2016-01-18 15:58:28 UTC
2016-01-18 01:34:46 UTC
No. God knows what's best, the whites have their part to play whiles the black, the red Indians. I mean everyone is important.
2016-01-17 19:59:04 UTC
Questioner user name "CONSISTENT LOGIC".. . . , .Um-m-m, REVEREND Jesse Jackson

formed a "Rainbow Coalition" with a goal for ALL individuals to Learn then CO-EXIST without

negative "behavior" on the basis of Origin, Nation or Religion. What happened?

, ,

Ho-Mo-sexuals STOLE the "rainbow" motif as THEIR SEPARATE symbol. So >> HUH?!

, ,

Please consider GREAT Human achievements. One remarkable event was Stating the GOAL

of landing on the Moon. There were TWO Overt motives to make that happen. FIRST, Political

Dominance; SECOND National Pride (bragging rights) WELL, "Consistent Logic" it wasn't

ACCOMPLISHED by Whites only! EVERY company, contractor, supplier, Field of Scientific

study and progress INCLUDED EVERY imaginable, possible "kind" of PERSON to make it happen!

, ,

YOU, by your question, SEEM to feel Extreme Serious ANGER towards one group - "whites".

You sadden the rest of us and demean YOURSELF every minute you carry that burden.
2016-01-18 05:33:39 UTC
The world would be better without racism.
2016-01-17 12:17:48 UTC
Lol, I laugh at the idea of what would happen to the black people of the world if whites disappeared, they would probably starve.
Ben w
2016-01-17 13:33:08 UTC
First of all, they are not even really "white", but pink or red. Isn't that why you have the "Pink Panther" instead of the "white panther", and isn't that why you have the Scottish Albino Robert Burns writing " My love is like a red, red rose"? The "white" was taken from the Bible (an Asian creation, by the way, not a "white" one) where "white" stands for everything"'good" and"'color" for everything bad. Well, Europeans are definitely "colored", despite any assertions to the contrary.Secondly, these moronic "white" (so-called) cave-dwellers and animal-skin wearers wouldn't know how to build houses, furnish them, dress themselves, even comb their hair or even brush their teeth or even clean their own faecal waste hadn't Asians shown them how.

They couldn't even count past ten till mathematics arrived from

Asia, nor could they read or write till cuneiform showed the blue-eyed lemur-monkeys how.Their real "religion" in Britain was the Halloween garbage one sees here in the U.S. the Nor-***** had their "valhalla" and 'Odin" and other such garbage religions. The South had their Jupiter and Mars and Venus and such like "gods and goddesses". Until Emperor Constantine "BORROWED" Christianity from its native place-ASIA! Most of these so-called 'white scholars' are too dumb and ignorant to know any Geography or History.They are also congenital liars. They make up falsehoods. These blue-eyed lemur-monkeys also pretend to be "horrified" at Jihadi beheadings when Henry the 8th beheaded all his wives, Queen Mary of Scotland was beheaded,along with many others, witches used to be burned alive in Europe as late as a few short years ago (it happened in Switzerland in the late 20th century), Joan of Arc was burned alive by the English-Rubbish, the Guillotine was in frequent use in France and on and on and on. Marx and Engels are said to believed in the extermination of many useless European races such as the Scottish Highlanders (British Albinos from Alba), the Basques, Serbians, Bretons (from which comes the word "Briton") and others they probably didn't care to mention .
2016-01-18 09:59:43 UTC
I find all of the races to be quite similar over all.

They all like to **** **** up in their own special ways. Now that is culture, it's a beautiful thing.
2016-01-18 21:51:06 UTC
I'm not white and think your just being a shlttt aasshole

Don't you know we bought land from Mexico (aka illegal immigrant drug smugglers)
2016-01-17 21:48:54 UTC
There is no consistent logic in your question or the details you provide. You are inciting hatred, bigotry, violence - there is no peace in your heart. Who is teaching you this stuff? Are you allowed to read western newspapers or speak to people outside your race or faith? You should question those who plant the seeds of intolerance in this hatred will consume you.
2016-01-19 23:29:58 UTC
I feel our greatest moment in all WhiteBoy history was when Alan Shepard rode his Apollo rocket to the moon and when he arrived, produced a golf club and a few Titleists and commenced to play golf on camera, on the moon...This is the bad-*** moment in all history. Greatest moment in Sub-Saharan Black African history???...MJ moonwalking on the Grammys...coincidence???...I think not...fore...
2016-01-18 09:09:20 UTC
Oh please...other raced people have done bad stuff too..many whites were victims within the 'white' community too...not every white American owned slaves...but many Africans in Africa owned slaves, during civil war in america, northern whites died trying to free or protect black people...many graveyards full of young solders who died for the union...American Indians killed each other and fought for territory, and many left their tribes to became american, they were given a choice...therefore, many of 'whites' have American Indian ansestors, I do...The Emperor of Japan was a cruel cruel dictator...ask any Japanese person, do they want him back? MUSLIMS provoke war, since before the Crusades...they have it coming, sorry..they are barbaric (burning Christans in cages in 2015) please define genocide..and..define white...Obama is half white, Romney's father was Mexican, are jews white? Greeks? Haley Barber is Indian...KEANU Reeves is it's Martin Luther King's birthday...he was killed for trying to change society with new thought...named after a white German monk named Martin Luther who in 1517 tried to change society with new thought...he was chased for years, schedualled to be burnt at the stake for heresy...his 'new' thinking divided Europe, people were tor tortured and killed..white against your history. Ps- Women and girls were married off as soon as possible, life expectancy used to be 35 years of in four would died in childbirth...women never had rights until the 20th century...Mary, mother of Jesus was said to be '12' years old when she gave birth to Jesus...
2016-01-17 18:54:00 UTC
Whites No Muslims Yes followed by those that steal Valor on Yahoo Muslims love this so no one would miss them

by ParisLove2(f): 5:35am On Oct 28, 2012 Ayatollah Khomeini's Book On Sex: For Shias

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, wrote extensively on Islamic Jurisprudence. A two-volume book, which was published originally in Arabic, was called β€˜Tahrir al Wasilah’. Translated into Farsi, the book is called β€œTahrirolvasyleh.” Khomeini also had another treatise on Islamic rules for living, called in English, β€œThe Little Green Book.”

It is useful to understand what an esteemed Islamic leader such as the Ayatollah teaches his followers. Here are some excerpts from β€œTahrirolvasyleh” which Muslims probably don’t want you to know about Islam:

A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby. However, he should not penetrate vaginally, but sodomising the child is acceptable. If a man does penetrate and damage the child then, he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl will not count as one of his four permanent wives and the man will not be eligible to marry the girl’s sister… It is better for a girl to marry at such a time when she would begin menstruation at her husband’s house, rather than her father’s home. Any father marrying his daughter so young will have a permanent place in heaven. ["Tahrirolvasyleh", fourth edition, Qom, Iran, 1990]

A man can have sex with animals such as sheep, cows, camels and so on. However, he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm.He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village, but selling the meat to a neighbouring village is reasonable.

If one commits the act of sodomy with a cow, a ewe, or a camel, their urine and their excrement become impure and even their milkmay no longer be consumed. The animal must then be killed as quickly as possible and burned.

Wine and all intoxicating beverages are impure, but opium and hashish are not.

If a man sodomises the son, brother, or father of his wife after their marriage, the marriage remains valid.

During sexual intercourse, if the joystick enters a woman’s vagina or a man’s anus, fully or only as far as the circumcision ring, both partners become impure, even if they have not reached puberty; they must consequently perform ablutions.

A woman who has contracted a continuing marriage does not have the right to go out of the house without her husband’s permission; she must remain at his disposal for the fulfilment of any one of his desires, and may not refuse herself to him except for a religiously valid reason. If she is totally submissive to him, the husband must provide her with her food, clothing, and lodging, whether or not he has the means to do so. A woman who refuses herself to her husband is guilty, and may not demand from him food, clothing, lodging, or any later sexual relations; however, she retains the right to bepaid damages if she is repudiated.

It is not illegal for an adult male to β€˜thigh’ or enjoy a young girl who is still in the age of weaning; meaning to place his joystick between her thighs, and to kiss her. ["The Little Green Book"]

Paedophilia is legal in Iran and Most of the Islamic Countries Sharia 65.4
2016-01-17 22:52:47 UTC
honestly the world would be a better place without all of us. let's be real.
2016-01-19 06:11:53 UTC
World needs all in it
2016-01-18 13:06:37 UTC
Kidding? If it wasn't for us whites we'd be living in caves!
2016-01-19 20:46:25 UTC
Nope... better off without humans, definitely.
2016-01-17 11:28:55 UTC
That's a fairly one-sided view, amusingly-named "Consistent Logic."
2016-01-17 16:53:26 UTC
If it weren't for whites who would control the slaves?
Third Earth Age
2016-01-20 19:02:29 UTC
I'm white, why don't you come on over and try to eliminate me? I'm waiting.
2016-01-17 17:09:57 UTC
It would be a better world if all people believed and prayed to god. He sees no color. We shouldn't either.
White Locust
2016-01-18 05:50:14 UTC
You can not single out any group for any demographic quality. Nobody's perfect , but no group of any kind is all bad.
2016-01-18 09:19:44 UTC
The world would be better without racism. EQUALITY FOR ALL !!!
2016-01-17 20:20:19 UTC
no, not all "white people" are the same and not only white people do that stuff. i guess you're not white and that is why you are asking this question, quit being racist!
2016-01-17 11:40:44 UTC
You're clearly not a history major.
2016-01-21 14:18:08 UTC
We keep TRYING to leave you to yourselves (googel white flight) but you 1. Keep following and 2. CRY about how you NEED us to SAVE you after we leave (flint, detroit, etc)
2016-01-17 18:25:21 UTC
You would be stuck in the 16th century if it weren't for Caucasians!!
Leo D
2016-01-17 18:14:33 UTC
Nobody report this question. Let bad ideas like this one speak for themselves, so we can show why they're bad ideas!
2016-01-17 12:07:41 UTC
Thanks for proving your RACISM - it isn't just " Whites " but smart people know this ... The world would be better off without the many stupid , hating RACIST people ... no matter their color / race ... like YOU :) !
2016-01-18 01:20:44 UTC
Honestly the world would be a lot better if there were no black people(*******) or muslims(terrorist).
2016-01-21 22:55:37 UTC
It is true though that even after the civil war, racial predigous against blacks still existed and operated to violently.
2016-01-17 11:35:32 UTC
It would be rubbish, we'd still be living in mud huts with 56k dial up internet.
Alan H
2016-01-18 07:58:03 UTC
Sadly, atrocities have been carried out by people of every race
2016-01-17 23:19:07 UTC
Billions of NO. There are oppositions to all things, it takes just as much to balance it out.
2016-01-17 20:14:09 UTC
You are oblivious to the genocides and oppression by Blacks in history. Black cultures can be just as inhuman.
2016-01-18 09:33:10 UTC
hey Rachel is being racist like you because shes saying all the bad people in the world are black

shame on u rachel
2016-01-19 02:59:39 UTC
i hope for your sake this wasnt a serious question, are all muslims terrorists? no? are all whites murderers? no? are all blacks committing crimes? no ? You can't tarnish people for others actions.
2016-01-18 10:14:30 UTC
Um no. Im half white. My hubbys white.
Dennis M
2016-01-17 18:46:06 UTC
The air force will kick u out at the drop of a hat, they eat their young...
2016-01-17 11:39:31 UTC
the irony of all this is that the majority who says all these things are white liberals.
2016-01-18 06:53:40 UTC
Simply amazing!
2016-01-17 11:30:59 UTC
No. It would be better without blacks

Blacks have the lowest IQs, no civilization, no inventions, no culture, no empathy, no morals, ape-like facial features.

Blacks don't even have their food culture or attire. Pathetic!
2016-01-18 13:19:13 UTC
Then who would have advanced Africa? You really think you would have gotten their on your own? You had it handed back, perfect colonies and you blew it. Oggabooga boooga!
2016-01-18 00:27:09 UTC
well im sure there are other things ppl did of other races that were bad really shouldnt matter what you is the deed you committ
2016-01-17 20:51:03 UTC
if there were no whites then world wont see these technological developments. innovations.
2016-01-17 14:25:19 UTC
Why all the self disgust? Did you stay up past your bedtime or something?
2016-01-19 14:45:48 UTC
And live in Shanties with no indoor plumbing ?
2016-01-17 11:38:03 UTC
I agree.

Just line em up one by one and let take care of them. My knife will make quick work of it.
2016-01-18 07:19:53 UTC
I have an award winning answer. You're an idiot.
2016-01-17 11:28:47 UTC
Nope. I wouldn't be here if that was true. I loved my dad. I love my moms people too.
2016-01-17 15:04:39 UTC
No. And there always "blacks" complaing about "white" cops always shooting them for no reason and stuff, but I recently heard of "blacks" shooting and killing "whites" and rebelling. And all this labelling because of the color of skin....
2016-01-19 08:17:18 UTC
No, it would probably be worse and you'd be living in the stone age.
2016-01-18 01:01:55 UTC
I would say something legitimate, but everything there is to say has already been said.

Only one thing left to say. Fack you, you racist biatch.
2016-01-18 00:21:37 UTC
What is your problem exactly? "There is only one race the Human Race and while one of us is a slave none of us is free."
2016-01-21 03:54:18 UTC
and then just talk about who the whites were, i guess
2016-01-17 17:14:28 UTC
It don't matter if you're black or white.
2016-01-18 01:40:23 UTC
No, everyone's different and equal.
Elyse Rose
2016-01-18 14:51:52 UTC
I know nothing, and I can prove it. Want to buy a cigar?
2016-01-23 13:54:21 UTC
You forgot to mention colonialism/neocolonialism and mass rape.
2016-01-18 01:34:04 UTC
Why do you call yourself consistent logic? You are a total moron.
2016-01-18 07:06:33 UTC
Gosh, what an incredibly uninformed & racist thing to say!
2016-01-18 20:41:26 UTC
I don't think so
2016-01-18 09:42:24 UTC
Everyone needs to learn to have love and compassion for each other.

Please stop the negativity and hatred for one another
2016-01-17 12:49:31 UTC
Than who would black men worship? Lol
Harmony Mitchell
2016-01-17 12:36:19 UTC
I think we all take responsibility and we all have our good and bad people,
2016-01-18 10:47:47 UTC
Don't forget, we can't dance either.
2016-01-20 11:51:07 UTC
Laundry day would be easier
2016-01-17 12:47:17 UTC
Well im white so no.
2016-01-19 15:12:51 UTC
You're an idiot
2016-01-18 17:29:57 UTC
People of all races commit crimes.
Atsa me Atsa you?
2016-01-17 11:34:00 UTC
Where would tax money come from to pay for welfare, food stamps....on and on....?
2016-01-17 18:55:39 UTC
You are not informed
2016-01-17 15:03:17 UTC
No. Just morons.
2016-01-18 09:23:39 UTC
What a strange person you are!
2016-01-18 04:48:51 UTC
No what the heck
Billy Butthead
2016-01-18 09:44:19 UTC
Hands up don't shoot.
2016-01-18 15:00:42 UTC
You sound pretty racist if you ask me.
2016-01-18 11:20:25 UTC
no whats wrong with you
2016-01-18 15:08:51 UTC
That would pretty much be racist.
2016-01-18 08:44:48 UTC
2016-01-18 08:43:39 UTC
2016-01-18 08:17:38 UTC
2016-01-17 19:52:44 UTC
2016-01-17 12:40:47 UTC
2016-01-17 11:44:20 UTC
Summertime is racist.
2016-01-18 06:19:41 UTC
2016-01-18 08:38:12 UTC
2016-01-18 04:48:39 UTC
2016-01-18 13:00:44 UTC
2016-01-17 20:23:26 UTC
**** you
2016-01-18 05:44:13 UTC
maybe maybe not
2016-01-17 23:16:55 UTC
2016-01-18 09:37:59 UTC
No!!! You are vile...
2016-01-18 14:39:35 UTC
2016-01-17 21:55:58 UTC
NO !
2016-01-18 19:01:02 UTC
2016-01-18 11:28:50 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.