2010-02-01 00:38:52 UTC
The rich woman decided to test the son-in-laws, whether they show kind, affection on her. so, she called his first son-in-law...
rich mother-in-law: Dear son-in-law 1, i wish to go boating, will you please accompany me ?
1st son-in-law: yes, sure..
while they are on boat, the mother-in-law wanted to test him, so, she fell down in the river. Immediately, the son-in-law 1 dived into the river and saved her. she was happy.
Next day she presented a new maruti car to him..''it is my present to you - please accept. your mother-in-law''
Next week, she tested her second son-in-law and he too saved her and also she presented him a new maruti car. ''it is my present, please accept - your mother-in-law''
3rd week, she called hre 3rd son-in-law. As usual she fell in the river. The 3rd son-in-law not like the 1st and 2nd and scoleded her..
3rd son-in-law: you die my dear mother-in-law. is your daughter a woman ? she is a rakshashi, bad spirit..what you taught her ? you did not grown her well. you die. i don't want a maruti car from you. i like my bi-cycle. it is enough for me..
Thus, he did not saved his mother-in-law and returned home lonely. The next day he found a new foreign car stood before his home with a note..''it is my present - please accept. your father-in-law''