MOSt aswers EVEr! Everyone write whatever the hell you want as a response!?
2007-02-22 14:42:18 UTC
Alright the most creative response wins...

Theres no actual question for those wondering what to respond about.... just write....
108 answers:
2007-02-22 14:44:43 UTC
Queen of the Nile
2007-03-02 11:54:04 UTC
1 4 3= I Love You
2007-03-02 11:51:32 UTC
sedjhhbvbehfv fdhvdhbjsvjfg hyfdjv hvbxhcnghbv djh hjfdjg jhjfngiduvdf JNJBUI jhb jjo0buik jfdicvni jsdjnviosdop njsjsdjmnc jdjcn jdjhxcndkjiscki sjxsdiodcn sdkxc k dskjc,sdk dkxjmd dkxn sdkzxd sdjvn shsdf uhjgejhgioda;f[egd 9idgkljdjcbdfh uigsjnxuhredjg uifdb ujfb jhfuisivoap sjdbv jsdbvnzdujgv. dsujsdkjnvfjv hbjnb dgi rei riiiibvndjv!!!! idugbbuigd,lozjgjegujfd jhbfgbjhfdghrej jjjmn brjuj djdcbrdhbofg uhgerdn udg ujcfd bhjfgbjjd jdsgujdkredib ufb dx?!?! djshgvws ujf fsiosrewtg red cbfd giuhfdg uredgmndrfgb yuhvvvvvv yuhtgmn jrfgnm guihcbki dgjbn uihg h huib uihdg h nb uhkd ns uhgewmnoiijgvixjhbn ?!?!?
2007-03-02 07:45:53 UTC
jdsfhiuy hkhydfu uhfytsfjbewrkbug ;lkjkvyviy ,mncvmnbvhjgweiou ,fskhiofjs;dfy8 lkfuhsidfyf iuyfiushf siduyhfhf8udncjnbjyfhfyuebcmh msjdhiu kjshifuhla,mn bvmhgv msjfh olksjdnshudsfyru ;PPQ FKJSDFLOSI fgjfign,dj lsiug m jgkuhtleloki dkjghifukj gkdfiilskj lpowun,cbu sjzkxcpwhrbmdj jfighena,,vpqojd.,snvkh JFHSDFM SKJJDHMSDN! I think out of all that random typing I spelled bug and we.You guys should try this and them spell check. It's funny somrwhere in there I have a laxitive and a skyscraper.
2007-02-22 15:02:51 UTC
I was just wondering if someday ppl will be asked to do extra ordinary things just like your question pal !! and thought that one day we might be asked to gain our energy from sun rays in order not to consume too much food from our beloved earth or to be asked not to talk any longer and just listen and respond directly thru actions why should we actually talk and consume energy?? or we might use our memory for something new like remembering only our best memories rather than mugging up lots of information and maybe use our hair to make our clothes !! isn't that lovely =D
Eric DiLaurentis
2007-02-27 14:00:10 UTC
The conquest of the british empire in the area of the bishops layer in the candle of a dock in a little city with a guy and his fellow horse that will get shot boo hoo!
2007-02-22 14:56:30 UTC
She tapped her fingers on the table, making little pitter patter noises and watching the bones ripple. She noticed little around her, concentrating solely on the tapping. No one else was in the room, and even she seemed insubstantial, iridescent and shimmery. The feel of the room became darker, and the girl's face twisted, contorted, the bones in her tapping fingers protruding grossly. The noise grew louder, and louder, and upon reaching a frightening climax, fell deadly silent. She collapsed over her still hand, face crashing into the table hollowly. A white light moved over her body, before going dark, and taking her with it.
2007-02-22 15:17:26 UTC
This question was quite difficult. I believe that in order to answer it you must know a lot about nuclear physics and how to fix a toilet. Having said that, the answer is "stick you head in the toilet and flush. When you can't breathe anymore try inhaling through your buttox."

I tried this and all I have to say is...make sure you line the wall behind you with newspaper and have a shopvac handy.

Good luck. My answer is the shitz.
2007-02-22 14:53:34 UTC
We fell in love with him, despite the fact that he was a vast, perambulating humbug with a bee sting sword and a ladybug helmet --

when you lose something you cannot replace ---

so we decided to get him back, precious. We kissed the pages of the book and felt the electricity between the neurons was Him ---

I lie so composedly now in my bed ---

so we went to Baltimore; and at night we took a shovel and ---

it's a bad Idea to extract rotten morals --

we came home damp and dirty with a hank of hair clutched in our hand --

yesss, preciousss, we hates the yellow face ----

upon extracting the DNA we found that ---

lights will guide you home and ignite your bones ----

that I died of tuberculosis at 24 and none of this happened ---

and I will try to fix you.
2007-02-22 17:59:14 UTC
(1)Here's one that's a bit vulger and long:

There's a trucker driving along the highway in Nevada, and he starts to get really horny. He then sees a sign for a Brothel (whore house) 10 miles away. He begins to get very excited when he spots a note at the bottom of the sign which says: "Beware of Sandpaper Sally." He thinks this is a bit wierd but keeps driving and gets hornier and hornier. He finally gets to the Brothel, throws money down on the table, and says: "I want a whore." to which a woman repeats: "Okay, but the only girl we have left is Sally." He decides to take the offer and runs up to the room he's told Sally is in. He opens the door and sees the prettiest blond he's ever seen in his life, throws her down on the bed and procedes to have his way with her when he notices that she is a bit rough and dry down there. He asks what's wrong with her and she gets up and goes to the bathroom. She comes back and they start again. He says that it feels great and asks what she did. To which she replies:"I picked the scabs."

(2)Here's another:

Two guys are sitting at the bar, guy 1 turns to guy 2 and says, "I f*cked your mom!"

The bar goes silent, and everyone turns and looks at the two guys.

Once again guy 1 says, "I f*cked your mom!"

To which guy 2 replies, "Shut up dad, you're drunk."

(3)...and another:

There's a man walking through the desert with only his camel, when suddenly he gets the urge to have sex. Seeing that there's no one around, he tries to screw the camel, but it runs off. He runs and catches up to it and the man and his camel keep treking through the desert, when all of a sudden he gets the urge again. The man tries to have his way with the camel again, and once again it runs off. He catches up again and they keep walking until they get to a road where he sees a car broken down. The man goes up to the car and sees three of the most breath taking young women he's ever seen in his life, and asks if he can help. The women say that if the man can fix their car that they'll do ANYTHING for him, so he takes a look at their car and gets it running. Stunned, the young women ask what he would like them to do. To which the man replies, "Can you hold my camel?"

(4)One more:

Three men get snowed in at a ski resort and have to get a room. When they get to the room, they notice that there is only one bed. They figure that this isn't a problem and that they'll share the bed. They wake up the next morning and the man sleeping on the right side of the bed said, "I had the best dream that this beautiful woman was jerking me off all night!"

The man who slept on the left side of the bed said, "That's wierd, I had the same dream!"

To which the man who slept in the middle replied, "Uh oh... I had a dream that I was skiing!"
2007-02-22 14:49:05 UTC
dude u need too leave that beotch!!!!! seriously all she's gonna do is cheat on yah and keep getting more babys' dads'. Do u wanna keep raising kids that aren't yours? I mean seriously kids are expensive now-a-days.

So kick her out with all her kids and tell her don't let the door hit her where the good Lord split her! For real dawg.

Good Luck Dude! ;)

How was that lol
2007-02-22 14:46:47 UTC
One day there was a butcher. The butcher sang of a steak named Percy. The song was about Percy not getting eaten for three weeks, and then a crazy person ate him. The person is now in jail for eating a historical landmark. Then the customer the butcher was singing the song to and telling not to buy a steak hit him with a golf club and went to another butcher shop.


2007-02-28 08:05:58 UTC
I just want to tell someone i am going to NYC 18th March and can't wait.

I am a huge Newsies fan so will be shouting off the Brooklyn Bridge & shouting "Carrying the banner" everywhere i go

If you see me say hi

You won't miss me im British!
!DookDook! ♥
2007-02-22 15:53:28 UTC
Yay! What should I write about? My life story? My cat? My dog? My love of music? I'm torn! What's considered a creative response, anyway?!? Do you know someone gave me a thumbs down once because I answered with WHY?!?!?. Honestly, I bet they've wrote worse answers. Weeellll, I'm a motormouth, so I can do this for hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours. I've never understood spelling bees, once, I got fourth place, okay, I spelt disagree d-i-s-s-a-g-r-e-e, so I got fourth place, but the person after me spelt her word wrong and got third place! That's not fair! But, anyway. Someone's outside, my dog's barking, and my cat's trying to hear her and he looks really ugly. Do they time you while your answering? Because I'll be here all day! No, I don't think they do, I went somewheres once while I was supposedly "answering", you know, I went to wal-mart or something. Do you know for school I have to read a book every month and then do a report on it? I'm going to go crazy finding books! Hey, I've been writing for awhile, now! I should at least get one extra point for this! I don't check my e-mail for months at a time. I think last time I had like 17 e-mails I didn't even look at them, though. I was re-subscribing, or something like that my fan club member account and they e-mailed me and the e-mail would delete itself in 15 minutes, so I wasn't going to hum and ha about it and go and grab a cup of coffee. I play five instruments. Do you play any instruments, that's nice. I play the Clarinet, the Bass Clarinet, the Piano, and the Saxophone. My band teacher gave me a sax from the school to borrow while I was starting out, but it was in really bad shape, so we brought it to a music store, and it was over $400 in repair, so we rented a kind of new one, it was rented only once for about one month. It's a Jupiter Saxophone. Have you ever watched family guy? I lllooovvvee it when Peter out-farts Michael Moore! And my favorite person is Quagmire. In basketball, we each got to nickname ourselves, and one of the other teammates was Stewie, so I was Quagmire! GIGGIDY!!! My favorite game is The Sims 2 for the PC. Why, just today I made a vampire, he sang karioke all day. Aaahhhh, good times, good times. I used the StretchSkeleton cheat code on the sims 2, and I made my person looked like a turtle! You should of seen him climb up the stairs! Whatcha watchin'? I don't know what I'm watching, wait a second, I'm watching CBS Evening News With Katie Couric. You know how Katie was in the View, well, The View was once on family guy, I don't know if you saw this, but, they were all acting like chickens, and one of them laid an egg! Really, they did! Have you ever seen Happy Tree Friends, if you haven't, DON'T!! Sick show, truely sick. Aawww, my kitty's sleeping, and he's snoring! Do you have any pets? Cool. I told you I could go on forever, every key on my key pad is warm from my fingers. Geez! So many commercials! They're talking about pills. Bbbooorrriiiinnnggg!!!!! OOPS! It's on! They're talking about a guy that helped blind people. I think his names Jim. They're calling him a nerd! Have you ever seen Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends? I like Cheese! He's so annoying! But, I bet I could annoy Cheese though, I could annoy anybody! Ha, I bet I'm annoying YOU right now! Annoying is my special talent. Well bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, and bye!
2016-05-24 04:02:52 UTC
2007-03-01 20:05:00 UTC
Hey Hey Hey!!! i love taking pictures cause im so vain then i hang them all over my room & i say good night to each every night my twin is a nerd to bad we share a room

weel thats the story i thought of
2007-02-22 14:45:58 UTC
Yes, absolutely the British did use this strategy in their colonial empire expansion. However in the long term it didn't work out as the indigenous peoples clamored for their rights.
2007-02-22 14:47:23 UTC
yes whenever i feel bored i just call a friend and go for a ride in Mars .. u know the weather there is good and clean fresh air ...u can always o there and have as much fun as u want ....and yes for your question about animals they are always allowed and more than welcomed MARSIAN people are so very friendly :D
Radio Flyer
2007-02-22 14:46:24 UTC
Oogie Boogie.
silver rose
2007-02-27 17:17:48 UTC
flinstones, meet the flinstones

they're your modern stoneage family

from the town of bedrock

they're a page right out of history

let's ride with the family down the street

through the courtesy of speedy feet

when your, with the flinstones we havea yabado time

a dabado time, we'll have a gay old time!
2007-02-22 14:48:07 UTC
Whatever? Ok. Carlos Mencia is a fake. I HATE the color orange. Birds scare the crap out of me. My roomate doesn't wash her hands after she uses the restroom, and if she ever pisses me off, I have a drunken voice recording of her admitting it. Oprah Winfrey needs to just come out of the closet already and I stole my Grandmother's ring from my sister, but she thinks she lost it. Hmm....confessions. LOL. Thanks for letting me spill my guts!
2007-02-22 14:53:55 UTC
right here you go matrix.

Two irish men lying in a field south of dublin. the first irishman turns to the second and says, "which is closer dublin or the moon?"

laughing the second irishman turns to the first, smiles and says "you idi*t, you can't see dublin from here!"
2007-03-02 13:31:13 UTC
Someone already beat you to it in this category.. Just make the expiration date of this question longer so you can accept more answers.... And I say, dont you love it that the user 'man' is gone??♥
2007-02-27 19:54:24 UTC
Don`t worry if your job is small and your rewards are few. Remember that an oak tree was once a nut like you.
Valkyrie of Lor
2007-02-26 21:43:55 UTC
My life Goal's..I would like to own ...a Chicken, a puppy and a Bus... I could travel the world..(in my bus) Have my best friend at my side..(puppy) and ...well, as sad as it is...if I was ever really hungry..hehe..I could eat the chicken!!!

but..I know the answer is a vest...because a orange has no sleeves...
2007-02-26 17:04:42 UTC
MOS EVE are in capitals.

Which means:







Which is a program that decrypts copyright encryption codes from viacom entertainment which was made by Mister Ostrich. The programs name is Gobble-Gobble.

Which reminds me of a turkey

Which reminds me of thanksgiving

Which reminds me of Indians

Which reminds me of TeePees

Which makes me think I have ToPee

Which makes me.... :*( Oopsie
2007-03-01 11:01:43 UTC
Just need 44 more points
2007-03-02 08:36:43 UTC
OK so this telemarketer calls a house just out of the blue a little girl answers the phone (whispering) hello... (the telemarketer) hello little lady is your mommy around? (little girl whispering) yes but she is busy... (telemarketer) um OK is your daddy there? (little girl whispering) yes but hes busy too...(telemarketer) OK well um is there anyone else there... (little girl whispering) yes there are some police men here but yeah they are busy too... By now this telemarketer is getting freaked out... (telemarketer) is there anyone near you I can talk to that's a grown up? (little girl whispering) there is some fireman here too... but there busy (telemarketer) OK well what is everyone so busy doing...( little girl whispering) looking for me..... AND YOU THOUGHT IT WAS GONNA BE A DIRTY JOKE YOU PERV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-03-02 08:20:09 UTC
The bank keeps telling me that I have to have money in the account in order to take money out. Did you know about this rule? I sure didn't. Stupid Bank!
2007-02-26 05:39:58 UTC
Whatever the he*l I want as a response. lol
2007-02-22 15:04:58 UTC
This is awesome!!!! Guess what!!! I just got 2 points!!!!...well, actually I will get them, after I post it.....but...oh well.

Most creative response
2007-03-02 12:18:58 UTC
omg i actually did just sit there and count all those dots AHAHAHAHAHAHA now im very mad(there were 100 by the way so dont count them like i did) ummmmmmmm okay thats all

2007-03-01 20:18:45 UTC
A bear walked into a bar and asked for a beer. They said they do not serve beers to bears. The bear said "give me beer now". The Bartender said "I told you, We DO NOT serve beer to bears" The bear said "serve me a beer now or I will eat the barmaid". The bartender said "NO!" So the bear ate the Barmaid and said "now give me my beer". The Bartender said "no, we don't serve drug addicts here" the bear said "Drug addict, huh?" The Bartender said "yeah, drug addict because that was our Bar-biitch you ate! (barbituate get it?) lol.
2007-02-22 14:47:41 UTC
Way down south where banana trees grow

A grasshopper stepped on an elephant's toe!

The elephant said, with tears in his eyes,

"Pick on somebody your OWN size!!)

Boom-Boom, ain't it GREAT to be crazy?
2007-02-22 14:46:19 UTC
Don't know the question but the answer is 42.
just wandering
2007-02-28 10:24:38 UTC
A father watched his young daughter playing in the garden.

He smiled as he reflected on how sweet and pure his little girl was.

Tears formed in his eyes as he thought about her seeing the wonders of nature through such innocent eyes.

Suddenly she just stopped and stared at the ground. He went over to her to see what work of God had captured her attention. He noticed she was looking at two spiders mating. "Daddy, what are those two spiders doing?" she asked.

They're mating," her father replied.

What do you call the spider on top?" she asked.

That's a Daddy Longlegs," her father answered.

So, the other one is a Mommy Longlegs?" the little girl asked.

As his heart soared with the joy of such a cute and innocent question he replied "No dear. Both of them are Daddy Longlegs."

The little girl, looking a little puzzled, thought for a moment,then took her foot and stomped them flat, saying "Well, we're not having any of that brokeback mountain **** in our garden.

Bit long but a Naughty joke.?

Two best friends gotten divorced and decided to move to Alaska as north as they could go and never look at a women again.

They reached there and went to store and asked, "Give us enough supplies to last two men for one year."

The trader packed all together and on top of each one's supplies, he laid a board with a hole in it with fur around the hole.

The guys asked, "What's that board for?"

The trader said, "Well, where you're going there are no women and you might need this."

They said, "No way! We've sworn off women for life!"

The trader said, "Well. take the boards with you, and if you don't use them I'll refund you money next year.

"Okay," they said and left.

The next year this guy came into the store and said "Give me enough supplies to last one man for one year."

The trader said, "Weren't you in here last year with a partner?"

"Yeah," said the guy.

"Where is he?" asked the trader.

"I shot him," said the guy.


"I caught him in bed with my board!"

what did the 2 butt cheeks say to eachother

together we can stop this ****

Teacher:- "Right, there are five birds sitting on a telephone line. A farmer comes along with his gun and shoots one of them. How many are left?"

Little Johnny:- "None Miss".

Teacher:- "Could you tell me why?"

Little Johnny:- "Well Miss, when the farmer shot the bird, the sound of the gun would have frightened the other birds away".

Teacher:- "Well, the answer I was looking for was four. But I like your thinking."

Little Johnny:- "Miss, while we're asking questions, could I ask you one?"

Teacher:- "Its a bit irregular, but go on then"

Little Johnny:- "There are three women sitting on a bench in the park, eating ice lollies. One of them is licking the lolly; one is biting it; and one is putting it in and out of her mouth. Which one is married?"

Teacher (rather embarrassed):- "Err... I suppose it was the last one."

Little Johnny:- "Well I'd have said the one with the wedding ring. But I like the way you think."
2007-02-22 15:02:13 UTC
Who the heck r u? Comment back do u have a myspace
Bethe W
2007-02-22 14:45:14 UTC
Bananas, orange jello, Triumph motorcycles, and spider webs.
2007-02-22 17:38:54 UTC
whatever the hell you want as a response!?
2014-07-07 20:56:34 UTC
2007-03-02 12:31:48 UTC
I have woven a parachute out of everything broken; My scars are my shield.
2007-03-01 22:32:26 UTC
when i was little apparently i used to sing this song that went like this: i feel pretty o so pretty just like the onions do, i feel pretty....also my daughter now sings to herself: my name is bob, it rhymes with rob, it rhymes w/ doorknob, which rhymes w/ mob which means that im in the mafia but thats ok cuz my name is bob
2007-02-22 14:48:34 UTC
()))----------%---------- a rose! <3 a heart and :) just happy!!

("\(*_*)/") turtle

^_^ happy

@_@ confused

-_- annoyed

8D very happy

XD southpark laughing or mad face

':( dude with a gun to his head

>:) Teufel *devil*

>.< angry or tired

0:) engel *angel*

=~< The Scream

;) winking

:P licking lips

*_* stoned

>.0 I'm going 2 watch u under a magnifying glass 4 now on

0>:}< I will smite u!

Mushrooms....a whole bundel of multi-colored flying mushrooms... What the hell? So, they're cannibalic, multi-colored, flying mushrooms... Eeerrrr-oooooo EEeeerrrrrrrrr-oooooooooo BBllloooooppppppp! EEEeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-oooooooooooooooooooooo! WELCOME TO THE LAND OF MAGIC MUSHROOMS! MAGIC MUSHROOMS! MAGIC MUSHROOMS! WELCOME TO THE LAND OF MAGIC MUSHROOMS! WE ARE MULTI-COLORED HAPPY MAGIC MUSHROOMS! WELCOME TO THE LAND OF MAGIC MUSHROOMS! MAGIC MUSHROOMS! MAGIC MUSHROOMS! WELCOME TO THE LAND OF MAGIC MUSHROOMS! WE ARE MULTI-COLORED HAPPY CANNIBALIC FLYING MUSHROOMS! Hey man, these are some good shrooms, man.....tell your fish friend over there that he can have some toooo! WELCOME TO THE LAND OF MAGIC MUSHROOMS!

with love: Rosenrot_663
Billie R
2007-03-02 08:45:25 UTC
lifes a waste of time, times a waste of life, so lets get wasted all the time and have the time of our life! how do ya like me now!
2007-02-22 15:01:02 UTC
I think this was Bush's strategy when he invaded Iraq
2007-02-22 14:49:51 UTC
ha ha ha thats funny.. lol well its 2 free pts. for me lol well ill tell u about my day at skool..

i was at skool and it was ok.. i had fun i was a lil tired but i got through the day .. lol that my story..
2007-02-22 15:07:46 UTC
your a little 2 excited there arent u buddy?
2007-02-22 14:50:09 UTC
The National Poetry Contest had come down to two, a Yale graduate and

a redneck from Texas. They were given a word, then allowed two minutes

to study the word and come up with a poem that contained the word. The

word they were given was "Timbuktu."

First to recite his poem was the Yale graduate. He stepped to the

microphone and said:

Slowly across the desert sand

Trekked a lonely caravan;

Men on camels, two by two,

Destination Timbuktu.

The crowd went crazy! No way could the redneck top that, they

thought. The redneck calmly made his way to the microphone and


Tim and Me a huntin' went.

Met three whores in a pop up tent.

They was three, and we was two,

so I bucked one, and Timbuktu.

The redneck won hands down!

Mental Institute Answering Machine

"Hello, and welcome to the mental health hotline.

If you are obsessive-compulsive, press 1 repeatedly.

If you are co-dependent, please ask someone to press 2 for you.

If you have multiple personalities, press 3,4,5, and 6.

If you are paranoid, we know who you are and what you want. Stay on the line so we can trace your call.

If you are delusional, press 7 and your call will transfer to the mother ship.

If you are schizophrenic, listen carefully and a small voice will tell you which number to press.

If you are manic-depressive, it doesn't matter which number you press, no one will answer.

If you have a nervous disorder, please fidget with the hash key until someone comes on the line.

If you are dyslexic, press 6969696969.

If you have amnesia, press 8 and state your name, address, phone number, date of birth, social security number, and your mother's maiden name.

If you have post-traumatic-stress disorder, slowly and carefully press 000.

If you have bipolar disorder, please leave a message after the beep, or before the beep, or after the beep. Please wait for the beep.

If you have short-term memory loss, press 9. If you have short-term memory loss, press 9. If you have short-term memory loss, press 9. If you have short-term memory loss, press 9. If you have short-term memory loss, press 9.

If you have short-term memory loss, press 9. If you have short-term memory loss, press 9.

If you have low self esteem, please hang up. All our operators are too busy to talk to you."

It's time once again to consider the candidates for the annual Stella Awards. The Stella's are named after 81-year-old Stella Liebeck who spilled coffee on herself and successfully sued McDonalds. That case inspired the Stella Awards for the most frivolous successful lawsuits in the United States.

The following are this year's candidates:

1. Kara Walton of Claymont, Delaware, successfully sued the owner of a nightclub in a neighboring city when she fell from the bathroom window to the floor and knocked out her two front teeth. This occurred while Ms. Walton was trying to sneak through the window in the ladies room to avoid paying the $3.50 cover charge. She was awarded $12,000 and dental expenses.

2. Jerry Williams of Little Rock, Arkansas, was awarded $14,500 and medical expenses after being bitten on the buttocks by his next-door neighbor's beagle. The beagle was on a chain in its owner's fenced yard. The award was less than sought because the jury felt the dog might have been just a little provoked at the time by Mr. Williams who was shooting it repeatedly with a pellet gun.

3. A 19-year-old Carl Truman of Los Angeles won $74,000 and medical expenses when his neighbor ran over his hand with a Honda Accord. Mr. Truman apparently didn't notice there was someone at the wheel of the car when he was trying to steal his neighbor's hubcaps.

4. A. Philadelphia restaurant was ordered to pay Amber Carson of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, $113,500 a! after she slipped on a soft drink spill and broke her coccyx (tailbone). The beverage was on the floor because Ms. Carson had thrown it at her boyfriend 30 seconds earlier during an argument.

5. Terrence Dickson of Bristol, Pennsylvania, was leaving a house he had just finished robbing by way of the garage. He was not able to get the garage door to go up since the automatic door opener was malfunctioning. He couldn't reenter the house because the door connecting the house and garage locked when he pulled it shut. The family was on vacation, and Mr. Dickson found himself locked in the garage for eight days. He subsisted on a case of Pepsi he found and a large bag of dry dog food. He sued the homeowner's insurance claiming the situation caused him undue mental anguish. The jury agreed to the tune of $500,000.

6. A jury of her peers awarded Kathleen Robertson of Austin, Texas, $780,000 after breaking her ankle by tripping over a toddler who was running inside a furniture store. The owners of the store were understandably surprised at the verdict, considering the misbehaving little toddler was Ms. Robertson's son.

7. This year's favorite could easily be Mr. Merv Grazinski of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Mr. Grazinski purchased a brand new 32-foot Winnebago motor home. On his first trip home, having driven onto the freeway, he set the cruise control at 70 mph and calmly left the drivers seat to go into the back and make himself a cup of coffee. Not surprisingly, the R.V. left the freeway, crashed and overturned. Mr. Grazinski sued Winnebago for not advising him in the owner's manual that he couldn't actually do this. The jury awarded him $1,750,000 plus a new motor home. The company actually changed their manuals on the basis of this suit, just in case there were any other complete morons buying their recreation vehicles.

This had most of the state of Michigan laughing for 2 days and a very embarrassed female news anchor who will, in the future, likely think before she speaks. What happens when you predict snow but don't get any.... a true story. We had a female news anchor who, the day after it was supposed to have snowed and didn't, turned to the weatherman and asked: "So Bob, where's that 8 inches you promised me last night?" Not only did HE have to leave the set, but half the crew did too they were laughing so hard!
2007-02-27 14:44:56 UTC
well good luck dude and thanx for the points 0;-)
2007-02-22 14:50:17 UTC
Jesus saves. Hugs not drugs!!! HPV AWARENESS. Ok thats all I got for now. Peace love and chicken fries!!!
all about me!!!
2007-03-02 10:03:08 UTC
Do u like monty python and the holy grail!!??
2007-02-28 09:00:14 UTC
neo dude youve followed the rabbitt to long bubby...get out of that hole its doing something to your mind
2007-02-26 21:46:57 UTC
is George w. Bush the president.....orr is he the royal emperor????? doesnt make sense but oh well
Elle J Morgan
2007-02-22 14:45:06 UTC
You'll need to beat Oprah hers was 38,000
2007-02-22 15:10:55 UTC
I really like Mrs. Murph's answer!!
2007-02-27 15:49:05 UTC
pumpkin pie! pumpkin pie! pumpkin pie! Pumpkin pie! pumpkin pie! Pumpkin pie! pumpkin pie! Pumpkin pie! pumpkin pie! Pumpkin pie!

How much wood would a wood chuck wood if a wood chuck could chuck wood! Pumpkin pie! pumpkin pie!
Rickey W
2007-02-26 10:59:40 UTC
Pie are square
2007-02-27 11:42:50 UTC
...sometimes I get the feeling she's watching over me. And other times I feel like I should go.....
young, hot, and Aussie! (chick)
2007-02-25 21:47:11 UTC
remember open speed limits- forget labour! baby gum!!! josh's wicked ute! balls deep boxers! command tactical team! g string! lalalalalalalala!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you for listening
2007-02-22 15:07:36 UTC
My hamster is lazy! I am fat so I am going to run on my tredmil!
2007-02-22 14:46:12 UTC
There once was a man from Nantucket....
Oh! Crud
2007-02-22 20:01:52 UTC
keep on giving stars people
Omni D
2007-02-22 14:45:14 UTC
Oh, Mandy...well you came and you gave without taking....
d.a. b
2007-03-02 12:43:32 UTC
so yeah.. i am sitting her at work typing instead of actually working.. my boss is an a**hole.. thats right i said it... hahahahaha i feel liberated!!!!
2007-02-28 11:14:07 UTC
Four score and seven years ago...........LOL

Good luck with the most answers ever!@1!!!!!!!!!
Jessica T
2007-02-22 15:00:45 UTC

that would be 117 in regular english.
2007-02-27 20:51:33 UTC
pack sand
2007-02-22 15:14:42 UTC
Pork? Are you insane?
2007-03-02 09:28:54 UTC
all is one; and one is all--come down to earth and find the wall!!
2007-02-22 14:45:29 UTC
chicken pox
2007-03-02 09:35:29 UTC
(Wayne's World response)----> Thanks a pantload, dude, for the two points! I got twwoooo points, i got twwoooo pooointsss! SHWING!!!!!
2007-03-02 08:33:15 UTC
wow cool question - i just want 2 points to get closer to getting to level 2 so thanks x
2007-02-22 14:48:49 UTC
boo. lights up like fire in the sky.
2007-02-22 15:43:02 UTC
man!!! this is the only question i ever got right!!!
2007-02-22 14:44:54 UTC
whatever the hell you want
2007-03-02 09:46:01 UTC
2007-02-22 14:54:56 UTC
tacos and pie and cheese and DIMMU BORGIR IS ONE OF THE GREATET BANDS EVER
2007-03-02 06:43:02 UTC
hell no
2007-02-26 13:10:07 UTC
Diamands are a mans best friend and I am HAPPY!!!!!!! : ' )
Rotten Johnny
2007-02-22 14:46:25 UTC
Once upon a time in a land not so far away lived a rather homely princess named Enid Grosspuke Pubic-Hare. She was quite ugly and spent most of her time filing the bunions off her feet, trimming her facial wart hair, and designing beautiful mini-skirts for the women of the court (who often teased and tormented Enid publicly for their own enjoyment). Enid, though hideous as the day is long, was very sad and had a good heart, and more times than not, cried herself to sleep, wishing, praying for her fairy godfather to come to her and grant her the wishes that were promised so many years ago but were never delivered. (Her fairy godmother died 3 years earlier from a very mysterious accident involving a can of creamed corn, a batting cage, and a gallon of ordinary household bleach.) It seems that he had been missing now, having gone into seclusion for fear that he would be implicated in his wife's death. But, alas, the Princess's prayers were never answered and she usually fell into a deep sleep, dreaming of trains and tunnels and naked slaves and banana nut muffins and other items of sexual perversion.

One particular night when the Princess was particularly despondent, she left the dinner table prematurely and much to her parents dismay, locking herself in her bedroom in the highest tower, and took to writing in her diary, thoughts of her woes and wishes, dreams and nightmares, and the many of her varied orifices and what to insert where. Her parents, the Lord Pumice Stone-Hare and the Lady Malamuta Grosspuke, were very worried about her and they summoned the court's OB-MAG (obstetrician magician), The Amazing Dr. Phylus Buttspread. They explained the situation to Phylus and pleaded with him to see if he could find out what had befallen the Princess, why she cried herself to sleep, and why she made small children scream in horror. Dr Buttspread agreed to examine the Princess at his earliest convenience. At that, the three rejoiced, drank wine, and engaged in many strange and wonderful sexual acts on the dining table while the court servants watched in fervor.

Meanwhile, up in her room, the Princess, while feverishly writing in her journal, suddenly heard a strange noise. She put down her quill and surveyed the cell that had become her haven of solitude. Only darkness. She shook her head (with this motion, sending scores of dandruff flakes onto the parchment pages of the journal), brushed off the page, and continued writing to her Fairy Godfather. Just as she began to write, she heard the sound again. She looked up again to see a small cat and a troll standing at the foot of her bed, quietly giggling and making obscene gestures directed at the Princess.

" What? Who are you? How did you get in here?" the Princess beckoned, while pulling a rather impressive booger from her left nostril, rolling it between her left thumb and forefinger, then flinging it forcefully across the room.

The small cat spoke first. "I am Ocelot, your greusomeness, and this is my troll Thunderpuss." The troll smiled, revealing a mouthful of brown rotten teeth resembling dried corn, waved, and said "Howdy doo, meeskeit?"

The Princess sat upright and scowled. "You better tell me how you got in here and what you want or I shall be forced to call the guards." She twirled a lock of her blonde hair, thinking "I really must get a nose hair trimmer soon."

"We have heard your prayers, Dear Princess," said Ocelot, "and we have come here help you." The cat hopped up on the end of the bed. "Nice digs you got her, Princess." he said as he bounced on the soft mattress. Thumderpuss spoke up, "Yes, my dear, we have come to help. We have information for you about your Fairy Godfather." The Princess's eyes grew wide and wild and she leaned in toward Ocelot.

"You know where Bernie is?" she asked pleadingly, innocently.

"Yes, we do," said Ocelot, who was now stretched out full on the soft bedding. "Jeez, Thunderpuss" he said to his troll friend, "why dont we have a bed like this? I swear, you treat me like..." Then realizing where he was going, Thunderpuss broke in, interrupting Ocelot in mid sentence, "Yes yes yes, Ocelot, can we talk about this later please?" The cat rolled his eyes. Thunderpuss addressed the Princess. "We have important information, but I must warn you, I believe that we were followed and must leave shortly." The Princess got down off the bed and stepped into the light, revealing herself from the shadows. Ocelot gasped. Thumderpuss threw up.

"No, you can’t leave yet. You must not. Please oh please tell me what you know, for I am so very sad and ugly and...." her words trailed off in tears. Ocelot rolled his eyes again, but Thunderpuss waved at him to stifle.

"Come with us, Princess Enid. Come with us to the craggy rocks beyond the glen through the forest to the frozen lake, will you, and we will reveal what we know, but we must go now!" Thunderpuss grabbed the Princess's hand and began to lead her to the window. Ocelot followed behind, holding up the Princess's lovely tail...
2007-03-02 07:22:14 UTC
i get two points!
2007-03-02 09:10:44 UTC
"you need to get a better job"
2007-02-25 15:40:51 UTC
I don't know about anything.
2007-02-22 15:55:46 UTC
pick me so i can get 10 points.. :-)
Marty D
2007-03-02 12:23:49 UTC
i've got a lotion for that if you want it !
Abiola S
2007-03-02 10:01:24 UTC
It wasn't me!
2007-02-22 14:46:39 UTC
wins what?
well thts it......
2007-03-02 14:46:03 UTC
coool thanks for the points i still don know wat to say so happy holi in case u r wondering what it is its a festival in ndia
2007-02-22 15:17:50 UTC
sometimes when you hurt inside nobody knows.

sometimes when things just fall apart for you nobody notices.

sometimes you just feel you are worthless, nobody notices.

sometimes you feel you can't go on, nobody notices.


















































































...but fart just one time...AND EVERBODY KNOWS ABOUT IT!!!
2007-02-24 19:38:19 UTC
heyy sherry
2007-02-22 14:45:41 UTC
omg i love you mikeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


asldkfja;slkdjf;alksdjf;alksjfd;kld aksdfja;lsfyayayayayyayay!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-02-24 10:25:12 UTC
I answered!!!!
2007-02-22 14:46:03 UTC
the devil made me do it
2007-02-28 12:03:09 UTC
OK......HUMMM.....LET ME SEE......UMMMMM.....YEAH.....COOL......YUP......... JUST WRITING.......ANYTHING .....I .......WANT............WOWEE.............THIS IS ACTUALLY PRETTY KOOL........:)...HEHEHEHEH..........YEAH........SO HOW WAS YOUR DAY?......MINE WAS GREAT......YUP.....GOTS TA GO NOW SO LATA... :) :} =)

Deep Rocks
2007-02-28 01:35:00 UTC

u only asked just write.....
discombobulated girl
2007-02-22 14:52:36 UTC
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla enim. Fusce at diam vitae orci congue luctus. Mauris scelerisque fermentum felis. Suspendisse ultricies. Nam non sapien sed lectus scelerisque pulvinar. Proin gravida ultricies nulla. Phasellus nec purus sit amet lacus malesuada auctor. Nunc sit amet ante. Donec libero. Nullam quam. Mauris posuere scelerisque mauris. Suspendisse potenti. Ut rhoncus pharetra tortor. Sed lorem purus, facilisis sed, interdum quis, mattis at, odio. Sed tincidunt sapien et ipsum. Sed nec massa. Suspendisse mauris lacus, feugiat ut, molestie id, viverra quis, ligula. Suspendisse commodo sodales lorem.

Pellentesque erat. In ipsum. Maecenas pellentesque leo eu lorem. Ut pretium neque et diam. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis facilisis porta libero. Integer aliquet eros vitae orci. Donec ac pede sit amet elit bibendum elementum. Maecenas consectetuer. Aliquam erat volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi ac nunc.

Pellentesque accumsan, tellus nec luctus ullamcorper, mi lorem pharetra tellus, et porta turpis massa at elit. Fusce rutrum, est at mattis sodales, orci est luctus velit, at ornare pede leo vitae dui. Integer faucibus nisi et dui. Ut vel elit. Nullam blandit ornare est. Aenean laoreet ligula eget nibh. Nulla blandit, mauris quis vestibulum elementum, augue nulla tempus magna, id pulvinar ligula urna ut justo. Phasellus faucibus ullamcorper ante. Morbi egestas. In a pede. Maecenas pede nisi, bibendum at, hendrerit a, eleifend a, nisl. Sed tempus, nibh adipiscing sodales pretium, mauris enim vulputate orci, ac mattis mi lorem tempus libero. Etiam quis mi. Cras id nibh a massa sodales vestibulum.

Nunc quis nunc non erat porttitor porta. Cras orci nibh, venenatis in, convallis a, commodo pharetra, augue. Fusce libero velit, lobortis nec, placerat eget, auctor eu, orci. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla sapien massa, consequat nec, posuere et, convallis vel, est. Etiam facilisis enim sit amet libero. Quisque sed neque. Duis nulla. Cras cursus sapien quis nisi. Nulla mollis fermentum ipsum. Aliquam ante. Sed at felis. Etiam vitae erat at turpis tempor adipiscing. Proin lacinia odio vitae nisl laoreet tristique. In velit. Aenean id augue. Nam aliquam, pede et facilisis fringilla, turpis neque luctus pede, ut interdum dui diam ac leo. Suspendisse rutrum augue id est.

Integer sem. Maecenas ipsum. Proin volutpat, urna non volutpat aliquam, turpis lacus rutrum augue, ultricies sodales enim turpis eget enim. Nam faucibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum placerat, tortor tincidunt lacinia ullamcorper, sapien justo luctus erat, quis auctor libero purus vitae nulla. Etiam adipiscing urna et pede. Curabitur interdum posuere purus. Quisque magna. Vestibulum euismod. Donec et est. Mauris malesuada, mauris ut imperdiet fringilla, nunc massa sagittis dui, et interdum enim orci quis velit. Nam vel nisi.
2007-02-22 14:45:55 UTC
WATEVS who gives a crap??!!!
2007-02-22 15:12:56 UTC
2007-03-02 10:37:56 UTC
2007-03-02 00:43:10 UTC
____re u deranged___
2007-02-22 14:53:10 UTC
im bored...
2007-02-22 15:33:50 UTC
Docta Jones
2007-02-22 14:45:27 UTC
2007-02-26 12:36:52 UTC
2007-02-22 15:01:53 UTC
ill see if i can entertain you!!!..............

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in

waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht

the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae.

The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm.

Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but

the wrod as a wlohe.

and i tohuhgt slepinlg was inmoprat!!!

haha reading this aught to keep you u cant skip anything or i will find out TRUST ME!!!












dont get impatient!!

What to do when you're bored....

-Wax the ceiling

-Rearrange political campaign signs

-Sharpen your teeth

-Play Houdini with one of your siblings

-Braid your dog's hair

-Clean and polish your belly button

-Water your dog...see if he grows

-Wash a tree

-Knight yourself

-Name your child Edsel

-Scare Stephen King

-Give your cat a mohawk


-Mow your carpet

-Play Pat Boone records backwards

-Vacuum your lawn


-Rake your carpet

-Re-elect Richard Nixon

-Critique "Three's Company"

-Listen to a painting

-Play with matches

-Buff your cat

-Race ferrets

-Paint your house...Day-Glo Orange

-Have a formal dinner at White Castle

-Read Homer in the original Greek

-Change your mind

-Change it back

-Learn Greek

-Watch the sun...see if it moves

-Stand on your head

-Stand on someone else's head

-Build a pyramid

-See how long you can stay awake

-See how long you can sleep

-Spit shine your Nikes

-Paint your teeth

-Wear a salad

-Speak with a forked tongue

-Get your dog braces

-Shave a shrub

-Have a proton fight

-Watch a car rust


-Rotate your carpet

-Learn to type...with your toes

-Set up your Christmas tree in April

-Buy the Brooklyn Bridge

-Be someone special

-Mail it to a friend

-Go back to square one

-Factor your social security number

-Take the fifth

-Memorize a series of random numbers

-Read the 1962 Des Moines white pages

-Join the Foreign Legion

-Learn Sanskrit

-Exist...existentially, of course

-Print counterfeit Confederate money

-Kick a cabbage

-Take a picture

-Sandpaper a mushroom

-Put it back

-Play solitaire...for cash

-Abuse your patio furniture

-Run for Pope

-Count to a

-Make a schematic drawing...of a rock

-Commit seppuku...with a paper knife


-Think shallow thoughts

-Sleep on a bed of nails

-Boil ice cream

-DON'T toss and turn

-Run around in squares

-Think of quadruple entendres

-Speak in acronyms

-Have your pillow X-rayed

-Drink straight shots...of water

-Calmly have a nervous breakdown

-Give your goldfish a perm

-Fly a brick

-Play tag...on 35W

-Exorcise a ghost

-Be blue

-Exercise a ghost

-Be red

-But don't be orange

-Paint stripes on a lake

-Ski Kansas

-Sleep in freefall

-Kill a Joule

-Test thin ice...with a pogo stick

-Apply for a unicorn hunting license

-Do a good job


-Invite the Mansons over for dinner

-Paint your windows

-Watch a watch until it stops

-Flash your goldfish



-Paint a smile

-Flirt with an evergreen

-Rotate your garden...daily

-Shoot a fire hydrant

-Pretend you're blind

-Apologize to it

-Plant a shoe


-Give a Rorschach test to your gerbil


-Take your sofa for a walk

-Write a letter to Plato

-Mail it



-Go to a funeral...tell jokes

-Play the piano...with mittens on

-Starch your shoes

-Polish your Calvin's

-Contemplate a cockroach

-Get a dog to chase your car

-Investigate the Czar

-Let him catch it

-Form a political party

-Climb a sidewalk

-Have a political party

-Get diagonal...with a good friend

-Ride a loaf of bread

-Sharpen a carrot

-Interrogate a gerbil

-Annoy yourself

-Get mad at yourself

-Stop speaking to yourself

-Be a side effect

-Ride a bicycle...up Mt. McKinley


-Redecorate...your garage

-Develop a complex

-Join the someone simple

-Try harder

-Hit the deck

-Put leg warmers on your furniture

-Cut the deck



-Water your family room


-Cause a power failure

-Roll over


-Play dead

-Donate your brother's body to science

-Find a witch

-Ask why

-Burn her


-Sleepwalk without sleeping

-Go bow hunting for Toyotas

-Kidnap Cabbage Patch Kids

-Jump back

-Play to lose

-Scalp a street light

-Have your car painted...plaid

-Read a tomato

-Sharpen your sleeping skills

-Watch a game show...take notes

-Put out a fire

-Interview a cloud

-If you can't find a fire, make one

-Play tiddlywinks...go for blood

-Play a minefield


-Translate Shakespeare into English

-Skydive to church

-Cheer up a potato

-Do aerobic your head

-Play cards with your swimming pool

-Pinstripe your driveway

-Play Kick the Fire Hydrant

-Harness chipmunk power

-Build a house with ice cubes

-Call London for a cab

-Mug a stop sign

-Change your name...daily

-Go for a walk in your attic

-Challenge your neighbor to a duel

-Try to join Hell's Angels by mail


-Be a square root

-Ask stupid questions

-Weld your car doors shut


-Vacation at Three-Mile Island

-Surf Ohio

-Teach your pet rock to play dead

-Go bowling for small game

-Be a monk...for a day

-Wear a sweatband to your wedding


-Run away

-Intimidate a piece of chalk

-Abuse the plumbing

-Bend a florescent light

-Bend a brick

-Annoy total strangers

-Don't talk to things

-Draw Lewis structures on your ceiling

-Have your cat bronzed

-Have your gerbil gilded

-Write books about writing books

-Create random equations

-Misspell words

-Tell your feet a joke

-Throw a tomato into a fan

-Sing the ABC song backwards

-Pretend you're a dog

-Dial-a-prayer and argue with it

-Grease the doorknobs

-String up a room

-Stack furniture

-Relive fond memories

-Tie your shoelaces together


-Count your teeth with your tongue


-Find your half-life

-Build a house out of toothpicks


-Wear a lampshade on your head

-Memorize the dictionary

-Stomp grapes in the bathtub

-Find a bug and chase it

-Make yourself a pair of wings

-Be immobile

-Dance 'til you drop

-Check under chairs for chewing gum

-Squish a loaf of bread


-Bounce a potato

-Out maneuver your shadow

-Climb the walls

-Appreciate everything

-Challenge yourself to a duel

-Believe in Santa Claus

-Let the best man win

-Throw marshmallows against the wall

-Hold an ice cube as long as possible

-Adopt strange mannerisms

-Blow up a balloon until it pops

-Sing soft and sweet and clear

-Sing loud and sour and gravely

-Open everything

-Balance a pencil on your nose

-Pour milk in your shoes

-Write graffiti under the rug

-Embarrass yourself

-Grind your teeth

-Chew ice

-Count your belly button

-Sit in a row

-Stack crumbs


-Save your toenail clippings

-Make a pass at your blender


-Make up words that start with X

-Make oatmeal in the bathtub

-Search for the Lost Chord

-Chew on a sofa cushion

-Sing a duet

-Balance a pillow on your head

-Hold your breath



-Flash your mailman

-Teach your TA English

-Learn to speak Farsi

-Swear in Russian

-Use an eraser until it goes away

-Disassemble your car

-Put it together inside out

-Record your walls

-Interview your feet

-Make a list of your favorite fungi

-Sell formaldehyde

-Make napalm

-Tattoo your dresser

-Watch a bowling ball

-Buy some diapers

-Eat everything


-Pour milk in the sink

-Make cottage cheese

-Tie-dye your sheets

-Hold your earlobes

-Carpet your ceiling

-Fold your earlobes



-Read tea leaves

-Analyze the Koran

-Be Buddha

-Award yourself a Nobel Peace Prize

-Plug in the cat

-Turn on everything

-Drop pebbles down the chimney

-Turn off your neighbor

-Kill a plant

-Buy a 1931 Almanac

-Memorize the weather section

-Think lewd thoughts about yourself

-Peel grapes

-Make paper from the skins

-Send chills down your spine

-Blow bubbles


-Catch them with your radiator

-Get run over by a train of thought

-Make up famous sayings

-Bite your pinkie

-File your teeth

-Design a better toilet seat

-Shred a newspaper


-Have a headache


-Hatch an egg

-Play air guitar


-Act profound





-Develop hearing problems

-Put your feet behind your head

-Tie bows in everything

-Hold your hand

-Watch the minute hand move

-Grow your fingernails

-Pretend you're a telephone




-Play hopscotch...with real scotch

-Clock the velocity of your REMs

-Put your shoes on the opposite feet

-Cross your toes

-Roll your tongue


-Baby oil the floor


-Attack innocent bunnies

-Declare war

-Destroy a tree

-Hide the scrabble bag

-Seduce your stick shift


-Memorize the periodic table


-Pretend you're a roadie

-Buy a Ginsu knife

-Collect electrons

-Correct typos that aren't there

-Polish your neck...use Pledge


-Ad lib


-Loosen the lug nuts on your dad's new car

-Drop your cat off the roof to see if it lands on all four feet

-Count the bags under Walter Mondale's eyes

-Unscrew all the light bulbs and rearrange the furniture

-Found the Jim Jones School of Bartending

-Listen for non-satanic messages (i.e. "Drink milk")

-Dress like Motley Crue...surprise your grandmother

-Dial-a-Prayer and tell them they're wrong

-Go into a bar and ask for a Molotov Cocktail

-Learn everything there is to know about the Holy Roman Empire

-Make a drive-in window at your local bank where there wasn't one before

-Walk on water...but don't get caught

-Confess to a crime...that didn't happen

-Be in the wrong place at the right time

-Plot the overthrow of your local School Board

-Request covert assistance from the CIA

-Discover the source of the Mississippi

-Search for buried Nebraska

-Hot wax the bottom of your brother's dress shoes

-Preach the philosophy of Marx...Groucho, that is

-Drink as much prune juice as you can

-Write a book about your previous life

-Serve ping-pong hors d'oeuvres

-Jump up and down...on your alarm clock

-Make a quilt out of used cocktail napkins

-Sterilize your stereo...with Jack Daniel's

-Carve you and your girlfriend's a marshmallow

-Drive the speed your garage

-Sing the national anthem...during your calculus final

-Wear a three-piece a sauna

-Pay off the national debt...with a bad check

-Go to a cemetery and verbally abuse dead people

-Give yourself a hernia...for Christmas

-Defend your neighborhood from roving Mongol hordes

-Recite romantic your toaster

-See if you really can build a nuclear device in your own basement

-Go to McDonald's and pretend you can't speak English

-Write to your congressmen, senators, President, etc. to tell them what a good job they're doing...On April 1st

-Find the heat capacity of your chemistry professor

-Take apart all your major kitchen appliances...mix and match them

-Turn your TV picture tube upside down

-Phone in a death threat on President Kennedy

-Put lighted EXIT signs on all your closets

-Carry a tune...drop it, see if it breaks

-Be planar...but don't tell your parents

-Play hockey with your little the puck

-Make a deal with the devil...but keep your fingers crossed

-Put instant concrete in your big brother's waterbed

-Give a lecture on the historical significance of cream cheese

-Debate politics with a fern

-If you lose, stop watering it and try again.

-Increase your territorial holdings by force

-Find out how many ways there really are to skin a cat

-Boldly go where no man has gone before

-Be a threat to the American way of life

-Do research into the cause of World War III

-Be a threat to the Northwestern Tibetan way of life

-Re-establish the Roman Pittsburgh

-See how small you can scrunch your face

-Sell firewood door to Atlantis

-Found the TLO (Toledo Liberation Organization)

-Play nuclear chicken with a small third world nation

-Raise professional certified racing turnips

-Give your grandmother a raise and another day of paid vacation

-Lead an aerobics class...for patients of the I.C.U.

-Go to a drive-in movie in a tank

-Go to a non-drive-in movie in a tank and drive in anyway

-Send President Reagan an alarm clock...wind it up first

-Found a cockroach stable and stud ranch

-Send your goldfish to obedience school

-Free the oppressed toasters of America

-Weave a tablecloth out of copper tubing

-Give your cat a the microwave

-Park your car...with a friend

-Park your car...with a group of friends

-Frame your first statement of bankruptcy

-Place it on the wall of your office

-Solve the population problem (x^2 + y^2 = population...solve for x)

-Contribute to the population problem

-Wear a T-shirt that says "I'll walk on you to see The Who" and a peace sign

-Practice the Aztec method of heart removal on your professor

-Find out who made the super glue commercials and give them your Ginsu knife

-Get Ronco and K-tel to merge...they sell the same stuff anyway

-Sneak into a nuclear physics lab and stay the night

-Play with anything that looks interesting

-Drop piston engines on two people and see who squishes first

-See if your goldfish can live in Coors rather than water

-Try to ignite water...the Mississippi might work

-Draw Venn diagrams...screw them up

-State fallacies as fact (like, "peanuts grow on bushes")

-Visit the Architecture building...loudly criticize its design

-Wallpaper your laundry room...with pages from books you don't like

-See if diamonds really do cut glass...on everything in your neighbor's house

-Tenderize your tongue...chew on it for a while

-See how long you can stare at a fluorescent light...try green

HEY HEY HEY HEY i just saw u skip that!!!!

if u didnt im sorry but i hope i kept u entertained!!
2007-02-22 14:47:17 UTC



































































































Can you count the dots?
2007-02-22 14:45:08 UTC
..... turd.
2007-02-22 14:45:02 UTC
hey!im the firstt.[to answer. duh.] i rock.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.