Melissa K
2009-06-14 17:55:55 UTC
Galaxy center, and amusement park, has a policy that any child who visits on his or her birthday gets one free ride on any attraction and a free ice-cream cone. One day in 2503, four children (including Quasar) took advantage of this offer. Each was turning a different age ( the youngest being 8), chose a different ride, and selected a different flavor of ice cream flavor, and age?
1. Astro's age exactly in between the ages of the child who rode the carousel and the child who chose the chango ice cream.
2. Venus is one year younder than the child who had the straspberry ice cream, who is one year younger than the child who chose to go through the tunnel of holograms.
3. The four children are Echo, the one who opted for the orana ice cream, the child who went on the light-speed roller coaster, and the 9 year old.
4. The one who went into the four-dimentional funhouse is older than the child who chose the tangi ice cream; the one who are the tangi ice cream didnt ride on the carousel.
5. The child who had the chango ice cream was too scared to go on the light speed roller coaster, and opted for a different attraction instead.
Kids: Astro, Echo, Quasar, Venus
Ice Cream: Chango, Orana, Straspberry, Tangi
Rides: Carousel, 4-D Funhouse, Roller coaster, Tunnel of holograms
Ages: 8,9,10,11