A few doctor doctor jokes here!! ? !!?
2009-06-16 08:58:19 UTC
doctor: i have some bad news and some worse news.

patient: give me the bad news.

doctor: you have 24 hours to live.

patient: what could be worse than that?

doctor: i've been trying to reach you since yesterday.

doctor doctor!.....i broke my arm in two places

well then dont go back to those places again!!!!!

patient: doctor, i think i need glasses!

doctor: u certainly do, this is a restaurant!

patient: doctor, can u get the quarter out of my ear?

doctor: goodness,why didnt u come to me sooner?

patient: i didnt need the money until now!

patient: doctor, my ear keeps ringing, what will i do when it rings again?

doctor: ANSER IT !

did u enjoy them ?
which is ur favourite ?
hope u enjoyed!!
Twenty answers:
Lover of God!
2009-06-16 09:14:33 UTC
i loved them!!! haha!!

i luved the first one the best!!! haha
Liverpool FC Supporter
2009-06-16 10:05:29 UTC
Lol, they are very funny jokes!

I do not really have a favourite.

Here is some more doctor, doctor jokes:

Patient: Doctor, doctor, i feel like a pair of curtains.

Doctor: Pull yourself together!

Patient: Doctor, doctor, I feel like a bridge.

Doctor: I wonder whats come over you.

Have a *star*!
2009-06-16 09:03:40 UTC
I like these jokes i think the first one is funniest the 24 hour to live one.

2009-06-16 09:03:15 UTC
I liked the first one best.
2009-06-16 09:15:38 UTC
I likes all of them, Specially the first one.
2009-06-16 09:05:28 UTC
Thank you for the morning laughs. I liked the 1st one best.
2009-06-16 09:02:02 UTC
Loved them
2009-06-16 12:58:17 UTC
I certainly don't want that doctor but anyaway they're very good jokes :)
2009-06-16 18:18:30 UTC
Ye i enjoy them, great jokes

the best is first
I just don't care anymore =)
2009-06-16 09:16:27 UTC
lol. i liked the 1st one the most but all of them were funny and most i never even heard before!
2009-06-16 12:25:34 UTC
Lmfao x
2009-06-16 09:05:43 UTC
1st one wasn't very good. My favorite was broken arm.

2009-06-16 09:03:31 UTC
Doctor, doctor, how do I stand?

Er give me a minute, I'll figure it out.
Bethh ♥
2009-06-16 09:57:16 UTC
Hmm there ok

I've heard better but

My favourite would have to be... the 4th one
2009-06-16 09:48:06 UTC
the last one is the best!
2009-06-16 09:02:45 UTC
I loved all of them...

Star for you..

hahahahahahahahaa xD
2009-06-16 09:01:45 UTC

I LOVED the first one the best!
2009-06-16 09:06:29 UTC
Hahaha they were good.

I liked the second 1 the best.

Cheered me up thanks x
♥Lσσdlε Tσσdlε♥
2009-06-16 09:06:56 UTC
1st one best!!! great jokes!!
2009-06-16 09:02:07 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.