Answers for '1 7 S H in the W' according Google's top 10...
19: 1 7 star hotel in the world
2: 1 7 stars hotel in the world
2: 1 7 slowaakse hoertjes in the wallen
2: 1 7 sided head in the world
Answers for '1 O G E 4 Y' according Google's top 10...
24: 1 olympic games every 4 years
1: 1 old geriatric eve 4 you
Answers for '1.6 K in a M' according Google's top 10...
40: 1.6 kilometers in a mile
2: 1.6 kilometres in a mile
Answers for '100 C in a D' according Google's top 10...
36: 100 cents in a dollar
1: 100 centimeters in a dekameter
1: 100 centilitres in a decilitre
Answers for '1000 Y in a M' according Google's top 10...
39: 1000 years in a millenium
18: 1000 years in a millennium
4: 1000 yams in a mash
2: 1000 yards in a mile
1: 1000 years in a milleniumtrue
Answers for '101 D' according Google's top 10...
6: 101 dalmations
2: 101 dalmatians
Answers for '101 K on a S K' according Google's top 10...
41: 101 keys on a standard keyboard
2: 101 keys on a standrd keyboard
Answers for '1024 B in a K' according Google's top 10...
34: 1024 bytes in a kilobyte
2: 1024 bytes in a kilo
Answers for '11 P in a F (S) T' according Google's top 10...
53: 11 players in a football (soccer) team
4: 11 players in a football (starting) team
1: 11 players in a football (soccer) teamtrue
1: 11 players in a footbal (soccer) team
Answers for '115 K C E' according Google's top 10...
48: 115 known chemical elements
5: 115 killed climbing everest
2: 115 kids called elmer
Answers for '12 D of J' according Google's top 10...
8: 12 disciples of jesus
Answers for '12 M in a Y' according Google's top 10...
70: 12 months in a year
1: 12 months in a yeartrue
Answers for '12 N on a C' according Google's top 10...
16: 12 numbers on a clock
2: 12 numerals on a clock
2: 12 numbers on a clockface
Answers for '12 S of the Z' according Google's top 10...
49: 12 signs of the zodiac
2: 12 stripes of the zebra
1: 12 signs of the zodiactrue
Answers for '13 L in a B D' according Google's top 10...
37: 13 loaves in a bakers dozen
3: 13 lesbians in a bondage display
1: 13 loaves in a bakers dozentrue
Answers for '13 S in the U S F' according Google's top 10...
46: 13 stripes in the united states flag
6: 13 stars in the united states flag
2: 13 stripes in the united state flag
1: 13 stripes in the united states flagtrue
1: 13 states in the united states frontier
Answers for '13 is U F S' according Google's top 10...
42: 13 is unlucky for some
8: 13 is unluck for some
3: 13 is up for sale
1: 13 is un ******* satisfactory
Answers for '15 M on a D M C' according Google's top 10...
29: 15 men on a dead mans chest
1: 15 muscrats on a deceased muscrat campaign
1: 15 men on a dead mans chesttrue
Answers for '15 P in a R T' according Google's top 10...
59: 15 players in a rugby team
4: 15 players in a rugby teamtrue
2: 15 points in a right turn
2: 15 plex in a rec tuesday
2: 15 please in a respond technology
2: 15 playas in a red tee
2: 15 phones in a rock tavern
2: 15 people in a row too
1: 15 penguins in a red truck
Answers for '150 P in the B' according Google's top 10...
11: 150 psalms in the bible
1: 150 pee in the butt
Answers for '168 H in a W' according Google's top 10...
27: 168 hours in a week
Answers for '17 S in a H P' according Google's top 10...
40: 17 syllables in a haiku poem
2: 17 slipjes in a harige poes
2: 17 sailors in a hard party
1: 17 seconds in a hot pot
Answers for '17 is a P N' according Google's top 10...
39: 17 is a prime number
4: 17 is a pb nation
Answers for '18 H on a G C' according Google's top 10...
56: 18 holes on a golf course
2: 18 harlots on a greedy clinton
1: 18 holes on a golf coursetrue
1: 18 hands on a grandfather clock
Answers for '191 U N M S' according Google's top 10...
65: 191 united nations member states
14: 191 united nation member states
5: 191 united nation mission statmens
1: 191 united nations manned ship
Answers for '2 D in a W' according Google's top 10...
44: 2 days in a weekend
1: 2 ***** in a whore
Answers for '2 H of a C' according Google's top 10...
12: 2 hands of a clock
Answers for '2 L in a S P of G' according Google's top 10...
23: 2 lenses in a standard pair of glasses
5: 2 liters in a single portion of gravy
2: 2 lungs in a swimming pool of gasoline
2: 2 lines in a single plane of geometry
2: 2 lesbians in a sunny patch of grass
2: 2 leprechauns in a small pot of gold
2: 2 leprechauns in a single pot of gold
2: 2 leprechauns in a single pint of guinness
2: 2 lenses in a single pair of glasses
2: 2 ladyfwaps in a semeny pool of goo
Answers for '2 M a P' according Google's top 10...
Answers for '2 P in a D' according Google's top 10...
15: 2 players in a duet
8: 2 pinches in a dash
3: 2 parts in a duet
1: 2 people in a duo
Answers for '2 P of a M' according Google's top 10...
17: 2 poles of a magnet
Answers for '2 S of a C' according Google's top 10...
11: 2 sides of a coin
Answers for '208 to 214 B in a H B' according Google's top 10...
17: 208 to 214 bones in a human body
2: 208 to 214 bullets in a hard box
Answers for '21 Q S F' according Google's top 10...
68: 21 questions so far
1: 21 quite super forsberg
Answers for '23 P of C in the H B' according Google's top 10...
46: 23 pairs of chromosomes in the human body
2: 23 pairs of chromozomes in the human body
1: 23 psalms of corinthians in the holy bible
1: 23 pieces of chromasomes in the human body
1: 23 pieces of cheese in the holy bible
1: 23 percent of carbon in the human body
1: 23 passsions of christ in the holy bible
Answers for '24 F P S' according Google's top 10...
14: 24 frames per second
2: 24 frame progressive should
2: 24 frame per second
1: 24 fps progressive seems
Answers for '24 H in a D' according Google's top 10...
65: 24 hours in a day
1: 24 hormones in a ********
Answers for '25 P is 1 Q' according Google's top 10...
26: 25 percent is 1 quarter
4: 25 pennies is 1 quarter
2: 25 persent is 1 quarter
Answers for '26 L of the A' according Google's top 10...
50: 26 letters of the alphabet
2: 26 letters of the alaphabet
Answers for '27 B in the N T' according Google's top 10...
62: 27 books in the new testament
1: 27 books in the new testement
1: 27 books in the new testamenttrue
Answers for '29 D in F in a L Y' according Google's top 10...
40: 29 days in february in a leap year
6: 29 days in feb in a leap year
4: 29 days in february in a leap yeartrue
Answers for '3 B M (S H T R)' according Google's top 10...
59: 3 blind mice (see how they run)
5: 3 blind mice see how they run
1: 3 billion more (should hit the roof)
Answers for '3 D' according Google's top 10...
1: 3 days
Answers for '3 M T S - C, F and K' according Google's top 10...
4: 3 major temperature scales - celsius, fahrenheit and kelvin
2: 3 men to shag - clive, frank and kevin
Answers for '3 P C' according Google's top 10...
2: 3 piece computer
2: 3 pc country
1: 3 pc cranks
1: 3 pc come
1: 3 pc coffee
Answers for '3 W on a T' according Google's top 10...
51: 3 wheels on a tricycle
2: 3 wankers on a tanker
1: 3 wings on a triplane
1: 3 wings on a tri
1: 3 wheels on a trike
1: 3 wheels on a tricycletrue
Answers for '30 S is H a M' according Google's top 10...
26: 30 seconds is half a minute
Answers for '32 P (A) T' according Google's top 10...
15: 32 permanent (adult) teeth
Answers for '32 is the T in D F at which W F' according Google's top 10...
44: 32 is the temperature in degrees fahrenheit at which water freezes
8: 32 is the temperature in degrees farenheit at which water freezes
4: 32 is the temparature in degrees fahrenheit at which water freezes
2: 32 is the temperature in degress fareheit at which water freezes
2: 32 is the temperature in degrees farenheight at which water freezes
1: 32 is the temprature in degrees farenheight at which water freezes
1: 32 is the temperature in degree fahrenheit at which water freezes
1: 32 is the temp in degrees farenheit at which water freezes
Answers for '365 D in a Y' according Google's top 10...
66: 365 days in a year
4: 365 days in a yeartrue
Answers for '39 B of the O T' according Google's top 10...
60: 39 books of the old testament
2: 39 books of the occupational therapy
1: 39 books of the old testement
1: 39 books of the old testamenttrue
Answers for '4 (b) P of a C' according Google's top 10...
20: 4 (basic) points of a compass
Answers for '4 C in the H H' according Google's top 10...
13: 4 chambers in the human heart
Answers for '4 H of the A' according Google's top 10...
24: 4 horsemen of the apocalypse
4: 4 horseman of the apocalypse
1: 4 horses of the apocalypse
1: 4 horsemen of the apocolypse
Answers for '4 S and C in a S' according Google's top 10...
24: 4 sides and corners in a square
Answers for '4 S in a D of C' according Google's top 10...
18: 4 suits in a deck of cards
Answers for '4 S of the Y' according Google's top 10...
27: 4 seasons of the year
Answers for '4 W of a C' according Google's top 10...
25: 4 wheels of a car
2: 4 wacks of a cane
Answers for '40 D of L' according Google's top 10...
15: 40 days of lent
2: 40 day of lent
Answers for '42 is the A to L, the U, and E' according Google's top 10...
12: 42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything
Answers for '5 A in a S P' according Google's top 10...
27: 5 acts in a shakespearean play
Answers for '5 R on the O F' according Google's top 10...
23: 5 rings on the olympic flag
Answers for '5 S of G' according Google's top 10...
13: 5 stages of grief
Answers for '5 T on a F' according Google's top 10...
138: 5 toes on a foot
50: 5 tines on a fork
12: 5 toes on a frog
12: 5 times on a friday
10: 5 teams on a field
6: 5 tops on a frog
6: 5 tons on a finger
6: 5 tongs on a fork
6: 5 toads on a flag
6: 5 tips on a fire
6: 5 teeth on a fork
4: 5 tynes on a fork
4: 5 trees on a farm
4: 5 trains on a freight
4: 5 tones on a fork
4: 5 times on a flower
4: 5 teeth on a frog
4: 5 tales on a friend
2: 5 tyres on a fiat
2: 5 types on a flag
2: 5 turns on a friday
2: 5 turns on a freeway
2: 5 turns on a fox
2: 5 turns on a flag
2: 5 turnips on a flag
2: 5 turds on a fruit
2: 5 tuesdays on a friday
2: 5 tttt on a frrr
2: 5 trunks on a flower
2: 5 trolls on a fatty
2: 5 tries on a freight
2: 5 tries on a fact
2: 5 tricks on a face
2: 5 triangles on a flag
2: 5 trees on a fountain
2: 5 trees on a forest
2: 5 trees on a flag
2: 5 trees on a field
2: 5 trees on a fairy
2: 5 tree on a flag
2: 5 trains on a fire
2: 5 trains on a faucet
2: 5 trains on a fairy
2: 5 tractors on a farm
2: 5 tounges on a farm
2: 5 touches on a fountain
2: 5 tons on a frog
2: 5 tons on a friday
2: 5 tons on a freighter
2: 5 tons on a freight
2: 5 tons on a freak
2: 5 tons on a frapple
2: 5 tons on a fon
2: 5 tons on a fire
2: 5 tons on a fighter
2: 5 tons on a fif
2: 5 tons on a fiat
2: 5 tons on a farm
2: 5 tons on a fall
2: 5 tons on a fair
2: 5 tons on a face
2: 5 tonnes on a fool
2: 5 tonnes on a fist
2: 5 tongues on a flame
2: 5 tones on a feather
2: 5 tomorrows on a friday
2: 5 toes on a feet
2: 5 toads on a frog
2: 5 **** on a fart
2: 5 tires on a flop
2: 5 tires on a flight
2: 5 tires on a firetruck
2: 5 tires on a fire
2: 5 tinges on a fork
2: 5 times on a freight
2: 5 times on a frank
2: 5 times on a float
2: 5 times on a flight
2: 5 times on a flag
2: 5 times on a field
2: 5 times on a ferris
2: 5 tiers on a floor
2: 5 tiers on a fire
2: 5 ticks on a fly
2: 5 thoughts on a fruit
2: 5 thomd on a foot
2: 5 things on a fall
2: 5 thangs on a finger
2: 5 tents on a flag
2: 5 tens on a flag
2: 5 tendrils on a fern
2: 5 tells on a fort
2: 5 teets on a female
2: 5 teeth on a fish
2: 5 teeth on a fairy
2: 5 team on a field
2: 5 tassles on a flag
2: 5 tasles on a flag
2: 5 taps on a fran
2: 5 taps on a flag
2: 5 tanks on a fiels
2: 5 tangos on a flip
2: 5 tails on a frog
2: 5 tails on a freak
2: 5 tails on a flag
2: 5 tables on a floor
2: 5 tables on a flight
2: 5 tables on a flame
Answers for '5 to 7 C of the W' according Google's top 10...
23: 5 to 7 continents of the world
2: 5 to 7 catches of the week
Answers for '52 C in a P (W J)' according Google's top 10...
33: 52 cards in a pack (without jokers)
3: 52 cards in a pack (without jokes)
3: 52 cards in a pack (without joker)
2: 52 cards in a pack without jokers
2: 52 cards in a pack with jokers
2: 52 cards in a pack with joker
2: 52 cards in a pack (without jockers)
2: 52 cards in a pack (without jacks
1: 52 cards in a pack (with jokers)
Answers for '52 W K on a P' according Google's top 10...
43: 52 white keys on a piano
2: 52 witty kids on a peak
Answers for '52 W in a Y' according Google's top 10...
70: 52 weeks in a year
2: 52 whores in a yard
Answers for '6 B to an O in C' according Google's top 10...
49: 6 balls to an over in cricket
2: 6 bats to an out in cricket
2: 6 bananas to an orangutan in cage
1: 6 bats to an over in cricket
1: 6 bals to an over in cricket
1: 6 balls to an out in cricket
Answers for '6 S W M (S F)' according Google's top 10...
36: 6 star wars movies (so far)
3: 6 star wars movies (science fiction)
2: 6 star wars movie so far
2: 6 silly wonka misses silly father
1: 6 straight white men (san francisco)
Answers for '6 S of a C' according Google's top 10...
24: 6 sides of a cube
2: 6 seconds of a clock
Answers for '6 is H a D' according Google's top 10...
30: 6 is half a dozen
Answers for '6 is the S P N' according Google's top 10...
25: 6 is the smallest perfect number
Answers for '60 M in an H' according Google's top 10...
32: 60 minutes in an hour
Answers for '64 S on a C B' according Google's top 10...
55: 64 squares on a chess board
4: 64 squares on a chess boardtrue
3: 64 squares on a checker board
2: 64 snakes on a careening boeing
2: 64 slices on a cheese board
2: 64 sandwiches on a cruise boat
1: 64 stitches on a cricket ball
1: 64 sqares on a chess board
1: 64 sluts on a circus bus
Answers for '66 B of the B' according Google's top 10...
55: 66 books of the bible
3: 66 bums of the british
2: 66 bones of the back
1: 66 books of the bibletrue
1: 66 books of the bibles
Answers for '666 is the N of the B' according Google's top 10...
16: 666 is the number of the beast
Answers for '7 C in a R' according Google's top 10...
23: 7 colors in a rainbow
10: 7 colours in a rainbow
2: 7 cars in a row
Answers for '7 D S' according Google's top 10...
2: 7 ds stylus
2: 7 deadly sins
1: 7 ds surface
1: 7 ds son
Answers for '7 D of the W' according Google's top 10...
46: 7 days of the week
2: 7 days of the weektrue
Answers for '7 W of the W' according Google's top 10...
52: 7 wonders of the world
1: 7 wonders of the worldtrue
Answers for '8 B in a B' according Google's top 10...
27: 8 bits in a byte
2: 8 bites in a byte
1: 8 buns in a bag
1: 8 babies in a bed
Answers for '8 H in a R W D' according Google's top 10...
32: 8 hours in a regular work day
6: 8 hours in a regular working day
Answers for '8 L on a S' according Google's top 10...
31: 8 legs on a spider
4: 8 limbs on a squid
Answers for '8 N in an O' according Google's top 10...
26: 8 notes in an octave
1: 8 numbers in an octet
Answers for '8 T on an O' according Google's top 10...
44: 8 tentacles on an octopus
2: 8 **** on an orange
2: 8 tenticles on an octopus
1: 8 triangles on an octahedron
1: 8 tones on an octave
1: 8 **** on an orangatang
Answers for '9 L of a C' according Google's top 10...
54: 9 lives of a cat
2: 9 loves of a cat
Answers for '9 M of P' according Google's top 10...
28: 9 months of pregnancy
2: 9 muses of parnassus
Answers for '9 P in the S S' according Google's top 10...
25: 9 planets in the solar system
2: 9 pirates in the seven seas
1: 9 plutoids in the seventh sector
1: 9 people in the space station
1: 9 peanuts in the space ship
Answers for '90 D in a R A' according Google's top 10...
49: 90 degrees in a right angle
1: 90 degrees in a right angletrue
Answers for '99 B of B on the W' according Google's top 10...
17: 99 bottles of beer on the wall
Answers for 'E S H M P N S with 555' according Google's top 10...
20: every single hollywood movie phone number starts with 555
6: every stupid hollywood movie phone number starts with 555
Answers for 'N C be D to 0' according Google's top 10...
29: nothing can be divided to 0
Answers for 'S W and the 7 D' according Google's top 10...
12: snow white and the 7 dwarfs
10: snow white and the 7 dwarf
4: snow white and the 7 dwarves
Answers for 'The S R of -1 is an I N' according Google's top 10...
27: the square root of -1 is an imaginary number
Answers Complete. This code is meaty.