Riddle, if A, B & C go to a restaurant and eat worth Rs. 25/=, they want to share the amount and so each gives Rs. 10/=, now the waiter while returning the change wonders how they will share Rs. 5/= among them, so he pockets Rs. 2, and returns them Rs. 3/=, SO FAR SO GOOD, the problem starts now, lets calculate the other way around, Each person was returned Re. 1/= out of the 10/= paid, means each one gave Rs. 9/= True? i.e. 3 x 9 = 27, Right?, to this we add the Rs. 2/= the waiter pocketed which makes 27+2=29, The question is where did the Re. 1/= go ??? (Vanished into thin air????) only a genius can answer this riddle..