Why do people still buy iPhones?
2016-04-29 10:32:39 UTC
It's like a trend that never dies, android and Samsung are at least 10 years ahead of Apple. I can do so much more on my Galaxy S7 edge than I ever could on the iPhone 6. I feel like the iPhone is incredibly boring. Like it's literally just a wall of icons. The iPhone 6 looks so ugly too. The Galaxy S7 edge is to much more premium looking and feeling.
131 answers:
2016-05-02 01:10:05 UTC
How can you say the iPhone 6 is ugly than advocate the Samsung Galaxy's it was re designed to look like?

Because iPhones are a status symbol.

Because iPhones are more attractive than most other phones.

Because iPhones are relatively durable.

Because there friends have iPhones.

Because there tech support guy has an iPhone.

Because it works well with other Apple Products.

Because Windows Phones and Blackberry OS are lacking in free apps.

I like Android more and once the Flagship Galaxy stopped having a removable battery you might as well as just have an iPhone. (at least the S7 put the expandable memory back)

I like Android because I have more than one company to chose form.

Why do people still buy $900 phones when they can no longer pretend that the latest smartphone cost them under $300 because of service providers going away form artificial prices with a 2 or 3 year contract?
2016-08-10 15:13:13 UTC
2016-05-01 05:31:10 UTC
Because people are blind. They love the image iphone gives them. Apple is a genius at marketing and making you feel cool for having any of their products. They could rebrand an iphone 6 as an iphone 7 and make zero changes. All the apple fanboys will dump their identical iphone 6 and buy the new iphone 7 without any thought whatsoever just because it's apple and it's a "new" phone. People are idiots.
2017-01-13 15:04:14 UTC
Why Do People Buy Iphones
2016-04-29 12:38:20 UTC
Because people are blind. They love the image iphone gives them. Apple is a genius at marketing and making you feel cool for having any of their products. They could rebrand an iphone 6 as an iphone 7 and make zero changes. All the apple fanboys will dump their identical iphone 6 and buy the new iphone 7 without any thought whatsoever just because it's apple and it's a "new" phone. People are idiots.
2016-05-01 01:24:51 UTC
As one of these apple "fanboys" that Android users seem to use as a derogatory remark, I don't assume an Apple product is superior until I have used it compared to the competition. Your claim that the Samsung Galaxy S7 is "light years ahead" on the iPhone is simply a pompous statement with little to incompetent evidence. The Galaxy S7 is less durable than the current iPhone 6S, which has been proven through multiple youtube videos. The Galaxy is water resistant, yes, but you act as if that technology isn't already in Apple's arsenal, simply because they haven't released a machine with it yet? Apple has a history of achieving technological innovations years ahead of their actual release. Why? Because they attempt to ensure it's quality. Based on Androids' history, they release a bell or whistle here and there, and don't utilize as strict of standards on their products/services. Samsung has been a step behind for a few years now, which I will admit is a lot better than the universe behind they were when the iphone originally released in 2007.
2016-05-01 20:10:52 UTC
It isn t a matter of hardware, it is a matter of software. I had an iphone until last year, when I got a Note 4, and although the hardware is far superior to that of an iPhone, the real difference is that Androids aren t made by Apple. Apple product have software that Androids don t and never can. iPhones have iTunes, iMessage, facetime, iOs, and some others which are much easier to use for less hardcore consumers, especially when pretty much everyone else has them. It s hard for me to take part in group chats when all of my friends have iPhones. I cant listen to Views without Apple Music (not that I want to). iPhons software is better, Android hardware is better.
2016-05-01 01:55:36 UTC
It's a trend you see iPhones in movies and celebrities are often seen holding them also singers use them so that feeds the minds of all the brainwashed people and they run off to buy one. I use android and wouldn't ever buy a iPhone. However I see some people on here talking bad about Apple products but apple computers are really good I've had windows pc and got crapped on by viruses but on my macbook I couldn't even purposely put a virus on it if I wanted to.
2016-05-01 11:53:23 UTC
This isn t a question. I have an iPhone. I had a Galaxy note and it had some advantages. But as soon as there was an upgrade to the operating system I had nothing but problems. I have rebooted my iPhone twice in two years. The Galaxy I was having to reboot once every other week. Some people like being able to dink around and change this and that. Quite frankly, I don t. I happen to program for a living.
2016-04-29 18:04:19 UTC
This isn t a question. I have an iPhone. I had a Galaxy note and it had some advantages. But as soon as there was an upgrade to the operating system I had nothing but problems. I have rebooted my iPhone twice in two years. The Galaxy I was having to reboot once every other week. Some people like being able to dink around and change this and that. Quite frankly, I don t. I happen to program for a living.
2016-05-02 10:31:38 UTC
For me its more about durability. My Dad's Iphone 4s is like 4 1/2 years old and its still working great. On the other hand my family has gone through 6 android phones in the past 5 years...
2016-05-01 09:25:08 UTC
Because Apple products are more to the richer side of the market. If you have a new iPhone that means that you are rich and stuff like that. Fanboys love apple and some people don't know all the features o android and so they choose Apple. Simple design, simple user interface and 0% virus chance because you can't download nothing but the AppStore apps
2016-04-30 22:21:12 UTC
I used to have an iPhone and I liked it a lot but now I have a Samsung the picture quality of mine is bad but soon I'm going to get a new Samsung edge which has better quality than an iPhone camera
2016-04-30 17:53:48 UTC
well thats you're personal opinion I personally think iphones are better like cmon does ur phone have a front flash because mine does can ur phone take pictures and have them move i think not and the emojis on samsung phones or any android looks really ugly and you can facetime like yeah you can use skpe but iphones have a built in video chat kinda thing and the touch id works really fast AND to top it off iPhones have iMessage so if you don't have connection you can just connect to wifi and still text and you android people ask why iphones sail so much it's because people know they're better
2016-04-30 14:07:50 UTC
That's an opinion. I currently own a iPhone 6s and I love it. I don't see anything wrong with it and I love it's technology. It's very useful. But I do agree with someone saying that Apple makes people think it's cool if they own one of their products but that's not particularly my reason as to why I have an iPhone.
White Locust
2016-05-01 06:31:17 UTC
Because I have hundreds of gigabytes of music, photos, tv shows and movies purchased and stored in iTunes. My wife also has an iPhone tied to this iTunes account. We use Apple to sync our family calendar. We are dug in so deep that 1. why in the heck would we unwind or abandon what we've set up only to do it all over again with Samsung? 2. It works fine and we have no desire to switch brands.

It doesn't matter what brand you have. If you have taken enough time to configure your systems for media and other helpful routines, why would you want to switch brands / basic setups and redo all of that? These are sticky products and very difficult to abandon or change.
2016-04-29 19:29:39 UTC
I own several iphones... the reason I own those is because problem free operating system and the battery life is very stable compare to the Samsung phones....

I bought iphone 4 and my friend bought a galaxy s2 6 years later he changed 2 more phones and my iphone worked exactly the same way it did before.....
2016-05-01 01:02:12 UTC
Every brand has its own characteristic/selling brand ideas. Iphon, for some people, has something that differentiate it from other products. That makes Iphone still popular until now.

Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean everyone shouldn't like it. I still wonder why nowadays people lot more childish & narcissistic.
2016-04-29 19:04:35 UTC
Because Apple (iPhone maker) sells products, and Google (Android maker) sells you. Have you read the privacy policy for Google, you know they can read your email, track where you go, and while I am not certain they have the technology in place, they have permission from you to market to you based on what you say on a phone call you make from your Android phone. With iPhone you have the option to opt out of Googles tracking of you, but they have been to court (Google, not Apple) for ignoring user settings for privacy.

I guess the short answer is a company with a slogan like "Do no evil" is hiding something.
2016-05-01 14:12:38 UTC
I tried both I got iPhone 6 and 5 and 6 plus ,and I bought Samsung note 5 and Samsung 3s

iPhone is better for me the reason why is because its much well organized and better in camera and video calls ,less risk for damage also compare to Samsung, I use mine for business transaction and payments its way safe
2016-04-29 21:05:17 UTC
Theres 2 answers.. either they are stupid and got duped by some advert or they want a secure phone which the iphone is. So in conclusion iphone is rubbish compared to competition but it has good security
2016-04-29 20:55:08 UTC
Because buying the apple is a massive trend due to the unprecedented endorsement the company receives for free.. Eventually, if you don't update your iphone you will feel left behind.

So most just hop on the bandwagon
2016-04-29 15:50:26 UTC
I have an iPhone 6....but only because the phone company was giving them away for FREE with a minimum 2 year contract of your choice because no one was buying them haha
2016-05-01 10:57:55 UTC
Because Apple is popular, everyone has a iPhone and in my opinion iPhones look amazing. Happy iPhone owner!!
2016-04-29 23:11:36 UTC
Its actual is a trend that is slowing dying. Just go on google and type just two words. iPhone Sales.

You can see that their sales have been slowly decreasing. Each new release is slightly different from the last iPhone, people are catching on.
2016-05-02 08:56:24 UTC
I think people feel rich and fancy when they have iphones ,The iphone looks amazing and feels really good in the hand but thats about it , you can do alot more with android phones like actually downloading stuff instead of screenshot your way throught life.
2016-04-29 18:41:10 UTC
I'll take the latest and best iPhone over any other phone out there. I am not loyal to Apple or any company for anything, Apple just makes the best smart phones without question
2016-05-01 12:54:26 UTC
Everybody has their own options I personally hate the Samsung software compared to apples and Ik u can argue that it's has its advantages but I still want an iPhone
2016-04-30 22:18:04 UTC
I just bought an iPhone 6. Before I left the store it had all my wifi passwords, all my music, all myemail, appointments, contacts, photos, documents, spreadsheets, notes synced with every other Apple device I own.

It just works.

I don't have time to mess with all the tweaks required to get all that on an Android.
2016-05-01 23:57:41 UTC
Ive had all apple products since the iPhone 4 and I'm nothing but pleased. My friends who have samsung say its crap and is always having problems. I have the iPhone 6s and i haven't had one problem with it, and apples connectivity if you have multiple devices is better. Also apples more visually appealing than samsung and androids but thats just icing on the cake.
2016-05-02 03:45:29 UTC
People still buy I phones becaue they were like iPhone feature. They are thinking that it is good and easy for use
2016-04-29 18:34:09 UTC
I have an iPhone 6a and s7 and I have to say I like both but the 6s has a better camera than the s7 but s7 is way more customizable and fun to use than the iPhone but iPhone shad perks like iMessage FaceTime and other cool features but both are good in my opinion
2016-05-01 04:23:02 UTC
Its your personal opinion which you are entitled to have. I have an iphone but it concerns me that all of the cell phone companies make a lot of money but make the phones in china and pay low wages then turn around and sell westerners at highly inflated prices.
2016-04-30 10:25:54 UTC
Yeah the only reason I have an iPhone is because if you have an android people automaticly think it's cheap. also on snapchat the quality is bad so when people view it it appears you have a crappy phone. It's more of an image thing.
2016-04-30 20:06:48 UTC
My opinion, but iPhone has a much smoother OS. Samsung feels VERY cheap. While iPhone is built more solid if you get what I mean.
2016-05-01 00:24:18 UTC
Opinions. It's not like samsung is so much better than ios. I mean, it gets viruses so easily. Also samsung is so big, bigger than the iphone 6+, it takes my friend her whole hand and a third of her other hand to hold it.
2016-04-29 22:12:28 UTC
I have Samsung galaxy s4 and Samsung galaxy mega 6.3 and I planning get iPhone 6 plus around when school is out or before High School
2016-04-30 13:39:46 UTC
Honestly, i know a lot of people who have the iphone just for face time haha
2016-04-29 19:55:06 UTC
For the same reason people buy sports cars and suits. iPhones are associated with wealth. Not that hard to see
2016-05-01 00:34:56 UTC
I had android for years. The apps were not the best and the phone crashed all the time, it finally prompted me to switch to Apple. My iPhone works wonders and I've never had a single problem with it.
2016-05-02 02:48:15 UTC
Apple is the best company my mum had a Samsung was so crap! Worst phone ever now she has a iPhone works like a charm. IOS is better than android and guess what! ANDROID COPIED APPLE! Lol Apple makes the future android copies.
2016-04-29 15:45:33 UTC
I'm a senior and I don't need a phone for business, so a basic phone -- no camera -- answers my needs. Had the same one for years. Does everything I want in a phone at a low monthly cost. I have a good camera for the times I want to take photos.
Bisexual Aromantic
2016-05-01 18:11:02 UTC
Android is garbage and you can't do anything worthwhile with it. The damn thing is useless and not user friendly at ALL. The first few phones I had were androids, and they all broke within a month of me getting it. Sometimes even less than that amount of time. And each time it was a "glitch" or "software error" or some other problem that was too damn expensive to fix
2016-04-30 13:57:42 UTC
Iphones are a disaster
2016-04-29 20:19:28 UTC
People get iphones and we invest time and money into them, so getting rid of it after enough time using one is kind of a waste, that's why i do it
2016-04-30 17:18:42 UTC
Maybe everyone doesn't want or need a fancy shmancy gadget that can do all of the things you like. They simply buy what they need to do a certain job. My cell phone is for making emergency phone calls. I don't know how to send or receive text messages, take photos, or any of the other crap it can do and I don't intend to learn because I don't need to know. Besides that, my phone works. No need to replace it.
2016-05-01 13:50:13 UTC
Ikr. Example: "Yo, I just got that iPhone 7cs" said Derek."I just got that Samsung core prime" said Larry. *Everyone busts out laughing*. I don't care. I have a android Samsung core prime and proud. It doesn't matter what kind of phone carrier, type of phone, just be lucky and grateful you have one. I hate this generation and I'm 15yrs old. TF!!
2016-04-29 17:42:19 UTC
They are nice phones.

I like both Apple and Samsung products.They both have their pros and cons. I've never had an iphone but am considering it.
2016-05-01 14:49:05 UTC
Because :

1) The Emojis are much more updated {you can adjust skintones} etc.

2) Apple is more popular than Samsung [35% of people know who created 'Samsung' while 87% of people know who Steve Jobs is.

3) Rumor has it "Samsung copies Apple."

4) Apple is possibly cheaper?
2016-04-30 11:49:21 UTC
iPhones are easier to use and they look better. And face time is way batter then freaking skype. And when u have an iPhone u can use iMessage to text people on iPads and iPods. iOS is so much easier to use
2016-04-29 11:00:25 UTC
because people assume they are better just because of their popularity. i worked for a phone company and oh man the iphone complaints would come in like crazy! i always recommended samsung- a much higher quality device in my opinion
2016-04-30 00:18:53 UTC
i have a iPhone 5 butt i try to change and switch to Samsung galaxy s7 edge i think apple and Samsung are face a good competition different country market butt i think samsung market is much better then apple market flagship. Because samsung provide the much better features in galaxy series. i have a one web portal to compare iphone and samsung mobile please search these name in google
2016-04-30 19:32:24 UTC
Because they feel bored without iPhone :P
Miss. Mandy
2016-04-29 15:08:36 UTC
Because people are suckers for having "the best" and "newest" products, and it doesn't help with Apple's flashy, expensive advertising that sucks them in. I jumped that ship along time ago when my first iPod kicked the bucket after just a year.
2016-05-01 12:32:25 UTC
dunno i just prefer iphone cause they are slim and for my use they are good, simple nothing too fancy just what i need. tried my mom's and sister's androids just dont like it they a bulky and not slim and stuff also im talking about iphone 5 which i have cause iphone 6 is so huge its not cool
2016-05-03 06:22:22 UTC
2016-04-29 19:36:55 UTC
2016-05-01 03:09:21 UTC
Essentially they are buying the same product every time. People are just conditioned thru well thought out marketing to believe they need the product they already own.
2016-04-29 18:53:16 UTC
Because you cant transfer music from your ipod classic to an android... which is really annoying. I have like 3000 songs on there.

Also, the headphone jack isn't really needed if you have bluetooth headphones; which apple sells on their website...
2016-04-29 17:08:17 UTC
Most people buy them because they prefer the IOS operating system over the android one. Wish people like you would stop throwing passive aggressive insults on Yahoo Answers.
2016-05-01 05:39:21 UTC
Yes but the iPhone are cute and trendy looking.
2016-05-01 08:01:00 UTC
I love iPhones! They are simple to me, and pretty!
Andrew Aoun
2016-05-02 02:17:10 UTC
iPhones are more secured than devices running on Android
2016-04-29 10:40:13 UTC
Because it's easy to use and they have the best camera quality and have better apps and iPhones don't look crappy at all
2016-05-02 00:17:29 UTC
I don't know why anyone buys anything but a regular cellphone. Nothing else is needed.
2016-05-01 21:59:30 UTC
It's a trend
2016-05-01 09:24:04 UTC
Beacuse that's why. You needn't worry about these things. Mmmmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmmm mmmm k. Lol :)

Hehehehaaa haaaaa.
2016-04-29 13:09:52 UTC
IMO... They are afraid of the change over. iTunes organizes things for them, Android takes a little bit more 'tech savvy' person to set it up.
2016-04-30 22:34:55 UTC
men get many benefit from iPhones.
2016-05-01 09:19:19 UTC
It'd really because it is just exactly like the gameboy color, it was in a generation ahead of its time but sold because of its titles and style
2016-09-03 00:05:11 UTC
because iPhone is simple to use and the product itself is very good
2016-04-30 16:55:05 UTC
I’vefound apple’s video is higher quality. like on certain apps, its a dramatic difference. the samsung dulls and pixelates. it’s over sensitive, loud, and gorilla glass is very weak once slightly damaged.
2016-05-02 03:18:39 UTC
Because they want to just show off! Many of them won't even be knowing how to operate it.
2016-05-01 09:57:19 UTC
iPhones are user friendly, the camera is better quality, it has a more modern look, they are quicker and the design is impeccably beautiful.
2016-05-02 04:01:39 UTC
....because it's APPLE and everybody thinks they're great. 😒😒 and if you have one it's like "omigosh I have an iPhone, I'm so freekin lucky and spoilt" my opinion
2016-04-29 18:34:42 UTC
Samsung phones have more storage out of the box and they are cheaper. I have had both but have went back to Samsung.
2016-05-02 08:06:08 UTC
No idea, Apple suck. I hate the os, I hate the design of them, I hate how fragile they are, I hate how Apple think there products will only last 2 years
2016-05-01 02:47:39 UTC
I love Samsung
2016-05-04 06:31:15 UTC
iPhone is love, iPhone is life
2016-04-30 13:00:24 UTC
I buy a new one every 5 years....I don't buy into the hype
2016-05-02 08:10:24 UTC
Because they want to, it's not your business what people spend their money on
2016-05-01 18:35:38 UTC
Safari and 1500.00 Imacs have brain washed people.
2016-05-01 23:08:24 UTC
The battery sucks on galaxy I phone small hold more
2016-04-30 18:48:05 UTC
They buy it because of Status.
2016-05-01 12:27:32 UTC
To go along with the fad. They're junk.
2016-04-30 18:26:10 UTC
Because you're poor
2016-05-02 10:23:53 UTC
They are rich and looking for something to spend money on.
2016-05-01 11:11:33 UTC
Just because
2016-04-30 17:56:42 UTC
Whatever you do in your life. Never !ever! Discuss cellphones while we are all in that cell prisoners
2016-05-01 09:15:53 UTC
More user-friendly than android in my opinion
2016-04-29 19:17:08 UTC
sale gimmicks win

some prefer them too over microsoft

i never got to have one
2016-04-29 14:46:16 UTC
You don't want answers to your question, you just want to rant.
2016-05-02 10:16:16 UTC
Cause is a phone
2016-04-30 02:36:17 UTC
It is show your standard. It is the sign of high society.
2016-05-01 16:40:05 UTC
I don't even know, battery dies to fast for me
🙊 🙈
2016-04-29 16:11:54 UTC
It popular
2016-05-01 23:00:08 UTC
It's so that they can say iCalled.
2016-04-29 10:41:36 UTC
Same reason you change your underwear, personal choice.
αℓωαys sмιℓε ツ
2016-04-29 22:58:02 UTC
I agree edge is better
2016-04-29 10:50:01 UTC
Because they have a different opinion than you.
2016-05-01 18:59:35 UTC
This documentary attempts to sum it all up
2016-04-29 13:17:01 UTC
because in my opinion theyre better phones
2016-05-01 16:05:18 UTC
Samsung is better
2016-04-30 13:57:51 UTC
I am American. so i buy i phone. i contribute towards American economy .
2016-05-02 06:34:22 UTC
why do people still buy food..?
2016-04-30 08:31:09 UTC
There cheap
2016-05-01 02:59:02 UTC
shouldn't gossip.
2016-04-29 13:48:11 UTC
I don't.
2016-04-30 11:12:37 UTC
it's just the image only
2016-05-01 06:37:48 UTC
i phone is a class
2016-05-01 06:51:50 UTC
apple is perfect for me
2016-04-29 21:50:29 UTC
cuz poopoo head said.
2016-05-01 19:08:48 UTC
cause there's no U phone so they use i phone
2016-05-01 16:35:18 UTC
They good
2016-04-30 20:04:26 UTC
Because of iTunes..
2016-05-01 09:58:35 UTC
because it has the best way to synchronize data
2016-05-02 09:02:17 UTC
stupid iphone
2016-04-29 15:44:48 UTC
why the **** do you care what anyone buys? jesus christ, get a life.
2016-05-01 03:08:06 UTC
they are good products
2016-05-01 15:32:20 UTC
because we fancy you peasant
2016-05-02 03:33:09 UTC
waste money
2016-04-30 08:26:00 UTC
they don't know better
2016-04-30 20:45:48 UTC
because they need it
2016-05-01 07:29:17 UTC
There the best
2016-05-01 11:59:00 UTC
why do you care?
2016-05-01 21:24:45 UTC
2016-05-01 23:34:25 UTC
they ******* suckk
2016-05-02 05:24:26 UTC
Thanks to Steve jobs
2016-05-01 21:36:12 UTC
2016-04-29 17:58:59 UTC
2016-05-01 07:04:53 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.