Ok... So here are some pranks (over 10)
I know most of them from school and friends.
/\/\/Computer Pranks.\/\/\
I know two good pranks for computers. The first one should go like this:
1.Take a screen shot with the Prt Sc \ Sys Rq button.
2.Go to "Paint", and press Ctrl + V.
3.Click "File", then "Save As" and save it on the Desktop with the name "Desk".
4.Open the Picture and Right Click > Set As Desktop BackGround.
5.Go to the Desktop and Right Click > Arrange Icons By > Show Desktop Icons.
6.That's it! So the Snapshot is on the Desktop, you can't see the original icons, so this makes them "Unclickable".
2nd Computer prank:
1.Open Notepad.
2.Type msgbox and then open these " ". You type your message there. Ex. at the end.
3.Type msgbox as much as you want on new lines with the following message. Be sure to put a new line, then a new one with the word "do", then your message (msgbox "...") and on a new line, write down, loop. The loop command makes the window "freeze", but it can simply be ''killed'' with the Task Manager.
4.Go to "File" and "Save As" on desktop " [name].vbs " Ex."Error.vbs"
5.Open it and it will have a window with your message and "OK" below. To kill the process, go to Task Manager and "wscript" is what you should kill.
Now the example I should've written:
[ msgbox "Virus entry code: 6178569EG Which 61785 is hash, 69 is dread code and EG is Entry extension!"
msgbox "Virus Point to Destruct (PTD) is RAM which freezes the window and destroyes the operating system when Turned off!"
msgbox "Hash Jesture in Progress."
msgbox "RAM destruction in progress."
msgbox "Injecting code: 596728 which 5967 is root code and 28 is Virus entry injection code. Sim."
msgbox "."
msgbox ".."
msgbox "..."
msgbox "Computer ID and Main Automation Cut with 836 which 836 is Virus reaction code. -|9469167FA|-"
msgbox "Active parameters destroyed with 9268FI which 9268 is Filter Code and FI is Abreviation for Frame Injection."
msgbox "Frame on 7155 which 7155 is Entry code from A-virus program."
msgbox "A-virus immunity is destroyed and A-virus itself."
msgbox "Internet will not help. This can't be distributed anywhere!"
msgbox "Window has frozen. All parameters cut and A-virus program can't kill this process. Nothing can!"
loop ]
And this is it. it is NOT a virus, but it looks like a virus. ^_o
/\/\/Toilet pranks.\/\/\
The most known:
1.Put some salt on the victim's toothbrush and wait for the *BLAAAaaaH!!!*
2.Get a small bowl, or glass. Prepare an orange Wet paint Tablet and cut a quarter of it(food colouring will work too).
Stir it so it gives all of it's colour.
Pour on the places (seat, near the toilet, EVERYWHERE) where you want it to look like pee.
When it looks like pee, make the quarter into dust.
Place different amounts of dust on different places so it looks like more denser at one place and less at other place.
3.Pretty easy one. Turn the nozzle right\left (from where you come in the tub) of the bathtub.People don't usually watch it, so when he gives the water to go *foooosh* it goes out, out of the bathtub.
4.Prank for making the victim change water temperature always.
Flush as many toilets as you can. Draining hot\cold water... Result is pissing the enemy off!
5.Make a coat on a soap with nail paint. The invincible one that only shines. Make it so it looks like the soap surface. *SLIPPY!*
6.While your victim is taking a shower, turn off the water supply to the house. Result:Pressure will fall and hot water will come out if the hot water is with a boiler. Best when he\she is using shampoo, ot shower gel.
/\/\/Other Pranks:\/\/\
1.(One of the nastiest!) Put laxative in his\her drink and see him\her go to the toilet every 15 minutes! Can be done on both of them!
2.(A bad one, Use if you choose to)Get some clear tape. Stick it all on the bottom of the door (sticky towards room). Be warned that when he\she trips over the tape (if sticked enough), he\she might have an injury... Just for safety, find something that is soft\cushiony so that there might be no bad injuries. Try to find with the same colour as the floor. If not, Please don't try this one. I try it when I am 100% sure that Nothing will go wrong.
/\/\/Sleeping Pranks.\/\/\
1.While your victim is asleep, reset their alarm clock so it goes off at 2am or 3am. Don't place it back on their nightstand! Instead hide it somewhere that is very hard to find. The person waking up will be on an early morning hunt for where that annoying sound is coming from. For even more laugh, try unscrewing the light bulb and watch the person scramble around the room in total darkness. Just for safety when unscrewing the light bulb, get a torch, turn off the main electricity switches, unscrew than get everything back to normal.
2.Try the same with many alarm Clocks, so they go off in 5-20 minutes one after another. Use everything you have for this pranks [all alarms (mobile alarm, clock alarm, Watch alarm e.g.)]
Comment if you want more funny pranks!