if i get the lamp,
i will nationalise all politician's properties, jewels, cash account, bank account. i will nationalise all private universities, colleges, deemed universities under the control of government. i will allow one politician per home, and no one should not be allowed to come to power. i will give 12 days casual leave to every member of the parliament. They can avail 12 days per year. If they absented from 13th day, the pay and allowances will be cut. For continued absence more than 4 days, their membership will be suspended and again new bi-election and thereby people will be benefitted by cash, briyani etc.,This is applicable to MLAs. The ministers should submit weekly reports for their work done. No minister or government officials permitted to leave india under any circumstances on govt expenditure. i will make all roads pucca for the people's welfare. i will make all rivers with flow of waters. i will make full electricity 24 hours without any cut. i will reduce current charges.
No free bees. All people can avail free cable connections. They will be charged minimum amount while buying television for cable connection. i will reduce telephone charges. The govt only do 2 G, 3 G and no auctions. No private mobiles, all govts.
i will request genie to give good mind to rajabhakshe in dealing with tamil problem at srilanka. i will send all srilanka repriates back to their home land giving ten lakh rupees each family.
i will find out trolls in yahoo and if the troll answer it will not appear in yahoo. i will ask to show the members who thumbsdown in yahoo. i will ask genie to spread kindness, no hate, compassion to all humans. Internett connections free for those who are having yahoo answer member.
Every yahoo member will be awarded a certificate and a cash prize who crossed 10,000 points, and next 25000 points. Those who achieved 50,000 points will be given a great certificate and a prize and they will be terminated from membership. They are allowed to open new account only one time. can read yahoo bud lines.
Importantly when 6000 young tamil floats a question, atleast minimum 100 members should answer his question.