Wanna create a REALLY sticky situation? Replace a sibling's (or mom's) shampoo with honey and get ready for a not-so-sweet reaction!
Step 1: Wake up early (hey, pranks take sacrifice!) and nab your mark's shampoo bottle. (FYI, the gold-colored stuff works best for this trick, but you can probably fool 'em with any ol' product. I mean, who pays that close attention in the shower anyway?)
Step 2: Dump out the 'poo (or be nice and put it in a sealed container!) and replace with sweet, sweet honey. Lick fingers clean so there's no evidence. Yum!
Step 3: Listen and wait — you should be able to hear the scream from miles away!
If you get caught: Tell 'em you read about a new-fangled honey hair treatment online that's supposed to be great for the follicles. I mean, you were just trying to help! Geez!
Step 1: Scout out a room with a ceiling fan often used by a gullible friend (or parent, or annoying sibling…well, you get the point).
Step 2: When your soon-to-be-victim isn’t around, climb up on a ladder with a bag of flour and coat the back of each fan blade with a thin layer of the stuff. Lick fingers clean so there’s no evidence!
Step 3: Lead your "mark" into the room, but make sure they go in first…when they flick on the fan, they’re going to be covered head-to-toe in white flour!
Step 4: Laugh hysterically.
How to cover your butt: If you get caught, just say, “I was just about to bake a cake…thanks for finding my missing ingredient!” Of course, you may be forced to do some vacuuming. A small price to pay for priceless comedy
Shaving cream and markers are always fun at slumber parties, right? But this prank is so cool, your friends will squeal with delight (or anger...whatevs)!
Step #1: Single out your victim. Someone totally bogarting the remote? They're toast!
Step #2: Pretend to go to sleep (a convincing snore or two would help). When your mark is getting his or her zzz's, sneak into their overnight bag and nab their bra or tightie-whities. Evil? Maybe...but the funny part is yet to come!
Step #3: Quietly tip-toe to the bathroom and soak the underwear in water. Then go to the kitchen and place them in the freezer. (And then maybe grab some ice cream for yourself as a treat for your hard work!)
When your victim wakes up, send them to the kitchen for frozen waffles — and that's where they'll find your little surprise. Now that's cold!
How to cover your butt: Just tell your victim that you thought they looked uptight and needed to be more chill.
Step #1: Get a cup of warm water or, better yet, lemonade. Any liquid with a yellow color gives the gag that extra pee-nache.
Step #2: Making sure that your target is in a deep slumber, slowly pour the liquid in the crotch region, so it makes it look like he or she has a bladder control problem
Step #3: Hide the cup, then announce to whoever’s around, “Eww, look who needs a diaper!” When the target wakes up, it may take a while to figure out what’s going on…but be prepared to run if you get chased
How to cover your butt: If the victim wakes up while you’re in mid-pour, just say you were helping them get rehydrated! Then offer to do their laundry to avoid any soggy feelings.