2009-11-26 09:23:46 UTC
Teacher: you all finished the home works ?
students: yes, teacher.
Teacher: Good pupils.. ok. what is this ? (showing 3 monkey dolls)..what is the dolls doing ?
student 1: This is monkey doll, teacher. one doll is hiding the eyes with two hands.
student 2: one doll is hiding the the ears with two hands, teacher.
student 3: one doll is hiding the mouth with two hands, teacher.
Teacher: so, this is the doll ..hiding the eyes, ears, and mouth. good. do anyone know why this
action of hiding ear, eyes, and mouth...student 4, you answer.
student 4: For hiding eyes, it shows that one should not see the bad.
Teacher: good. next student 5, why it is hiding the ears ?
student 5: weather...
Teacher: Don't you know, ? student 6, you answer now.
student 6: Teacher, it is not to hear bad words. The ear is for hearing good words.
Teacher: very good student 7..come here what are doing there ? say about mouth.
student 7: Teacher, it is showing to talk good and not to talk bad..teacher..not to talk bad..
Teacher: so, you now learned from the dolls not to hear bad, not to see bad, and not to talk bad.
Also know that ear is created to hear good, eyes are created to see good, and mouth is
talk good. it is alright. i ask you another question. There are two ears, so two hands
are used, and also two eyes, no wonder two hands used. but, there is only one mouth
why this monkey not used a single hand and used its two hands ?
students: we will answer tomorrow teacher.
Teacher: why tomorrow ?
students: we ask our daddy, sister, brother and all to float this question in yahoo. They will
get answer.