Go to the library and get a good book or movie,
Pick a room and draw it
Write down every work you can think of
Go swimming: see how many laps you can do under water, or see how long you can float
Go run around the block or down the road then do it backwards
Count all the windows and doors in your house; now count all the walls than all the electrical outlets
Try to learn a new language
Start writing a story
Make up an imaginary friend and talk to them (in privet or people will think your crazy)
Go people watching
Pretend you are a super-spy and disguise yourself then go pick a subject and trail them
Design your dream house
Spin in circles until you collapse
Make a sculpture out of duct tape
"Spiderweb" a room with string
Rearrange the furniture in your room
Pretend you are being abducted by aliens
Erase all your thoughts
Empty the dishwasher (or if you don’t have one wash the dishes)
Teach yourself to do a cart wheal, a handstand and to walk on your hands (NOT inside)
Sing the alphabet backwards
Build a house of tooth picks
See how long you can stay in one place without moving at all
Blow up a balloon until it pops
Count as high as you can
Go looking for elves
Pretend you are someone else
Bake cookies then give them to a homeless person
Go for a walk
Get lost then find out where you are by asking a complete stranger
Do a good deed for someone you don’t know (and don’t accept any payment)
The one thing you DO NOT want to do is eat out of boredom that’s what makes people FAT
I hope these help!!