2017-05-12 19:36:40 UTC
It's quite understandable why a person must use their imagination because NOTHING that Dawkins may claim that may came about through evolution, has ever been eyewitness, or tested to be a fact. That is why a person would really have to use their imagination to grasp the evolution theory.
Now many Atheist, may believe that evolution is a 'fact' because it's taught in many schools, and It's publicize a lot in the movies and on the television. But when you think about it there are a lot of science fiction that is taught in different schools, and publicize in the movies and on the television, Does that mean that we should accept it as being a fact, like the evolution theory?
Or does the things that we see in nature PROVES God's Word The Bible to be ACCURATE when it let's us know this as brought out in the Bible Book of Psalms 104:24 when it says this: "How manifold are thy works, O Jehovah! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches."(DARBY Translation). Clearly the complexity of nature had to be created by Jehovah God, as brought out in these Bible verses.
Those Atheists who wants to base their evidence on facts, instead of imagination, on how life came about, then feel free to email me so I can prove to you through nature that Jehovah God does exists.