Two blondes are flying up to heaven, the first blonde asks the second blonde, " how did you die?" the second blonde says,"i froze to death, it's really cold at first but then you get really sleepy and die. then the second blonde asks the first blonde, "how did you die?" the first blonde says,"i had a heart attack, well i thought husband was cheating on me, so i got home really early from work, and ran up stairs to the bed room but my husband was just sitting on the bed watching t.v. so i ran all the way to the basement but no one was hiding there, then i ran to the second floor but no one was hiding there either, so i ran ALL the way to the attic and there i had a major heart attack and died. the second blonde says "well if you would have looked in the freezer, we'd both still be living..
Do you get it? and was it funny?