anybody got an ideas for office pranks?
2007-10-18 17:00:11 UTC
anybody got an ideas for office pranks?
Eleven answers:
2007-10-18 17:18:42 UTC
put knox in the toilet. (you'll have to do this overnight, though. and make sure no one goes in there or no janitors clean the toilet)

in the morning, pour about a cup of water on top, to make it look real. the first person to go into the bathroom and use that toilet will wonder why their pee will bounce back at them. (homewreckers, ryan dunn)

take one thing from someone's office they use a lot (stapler, tape) and put it somewhere painfully obvious but out of the way. watch as they try to find it.

send random people secret admirer notes. those annoying cards that sing are a must.

slightly unplug things like keyboards, mouses, speakers, etc. people will go crazy trying to figure it out before they realize they were just unplugged.

if you have a water cooler, put some drops of blue food coloring into it, and put up a sign that reads "glass cleaner". when someone sees you go to drink from it, simply state something like "well, my glasses have been pretty dirty lately" or something to that effect.

glue things like staplers and tape dispensers and such to desks. better yet, nail them.

unbolt toilet seats. works everytime.

if someone has a swivel chair with a cloth-like top, soak the entire thing with water until the color matches, then watch as they sit down unsuspectingly.

find something that beeps. tape it to the back underside of their desk. watch as they go crazy trying to find it.

page fake employee names.

if you take messages for people, say that Ty Gere (tiger) called for them. write down the number of a local zoo/pet shop.

this is hilarious. buy a container of lice powder. spritz a little bit into the sink of the bathroom. leave it out for a few days. this drives people crazy as they try to figure out who has lice. bonus points if you can get some in someone's hair.

swap the 1, 2, and 3 keys with the 7, 8, and 9 keys (on the number pad on the side of the keyboard).

classic. if you have a kitchenette, with one of those kitchen hoses, use electrical tape on the sprayer so it stays depressed. make sure to cover up the entire sprayer handle so it looks normal. remember you did it so this prank doesn't backfire.

fill everything in their workstation/desk with packing peanuts.

i hope these work out for you =]
2007-10-19 00:41:08 UTC
You should really try to resist the need to pull pranks at the office. Office workers, no matter how well you think you know them, can be very temperamental. I've seen people, good people, get fired for the stupidest pranks only because they pulled it on the wrong person. You catch someone having a bad day and sticking double-sided tape under their coffee cup can turn into a career ender. White collar work is the worst place for someone with a sense of humor, I did it for nearly ten years and now I work in industrial construction because there is a lot less stress.
2007-10-19 00:03:48 UTC
I did this. Take a piece of clear tape and put it on the bottom of the mouse for a persons computer. Theyll test all the conections to there computer usally takes a good 5 mins before they figure it out.
2007-10-19 00:11:04 UTC
Office pranks - only for people who are 5 and under.

At your age, you should know better. No pranks at work, save them for your private life.


Tod G. thanks for shedding the proper light onto the situation. You seem to be the only responsible soul in this crowd. Reading the other answers, I can only shake my head about their childish behavior. I would not like to have co-workers of their caliber. Wondering: R they getting any work done at all?
2007-10-19 00:05:45 UTC
Take thier stapler home and make a jello mold with the stapler in the middle. Then take it and put it back in thier desk drawer.
2007-10-19 00:05:02 UTC
take clear silicone and glue down staplers, or calculators, put some kind of vasaline on phone or handles, thats all I can think of right now.

Ive done these many times and it is just a riot !!!! LAUGH!!!! It is good for you!
2007-10-19 00:03:24 UTC
well you should salt in the sugar cup so when people go get coffee it will taste nasty. oh i got one. ok, go to one of your cowokers computer, put all their stuff on a harddrive or cd then delete it off their computer. this will give them a scare.
2007-10-19 00:04:11 UTC
stick a fresh tampon on the water cooler every friday morning
the mrs:)
2007-10-19 00:03:05 UTC
unscrew the screws on the rolling chairs and sit back back and watch the ppl fall back...i saw that on t.v....jajaj hilarious
2007-10-19 00:03:30 UTC
..............take some clear saran wrap and cover the toilet with it....then put seat down....................

...we did this to our boss once, he went in and peed all over the floor!
2007-10-19 00:32:15 UTC
Office Pranks

Keep On Ringing

If you know someone that uses a phone with a hook that presses down when the handset is in the craddle, then tape that part down. When the person tries to answer a call it will just keep on ringing and ringing.

20+ cups on desk

Fill about 20 or more paper cups up with water, place them next to each other on your victims desk. Then staple them all together, stand back and watch as he/she arrives at work and is clueeless about how to go about removing the cups off the desk.

The Zoo called

Call someone at the office while they are away and leave a message saying Mr. Lyon (or Mr. Behr) called and would appreciate a call back. Then leave the phone number for the local zoo on the answering machine for this person to call.

Mouse Trap

If you know someone that uses an optical mouse, place a small post it note over the eye of the mouse. When your victim tries to use their mouse it won't work. When they decide to look underneath it, they will see a small posted that reads, "April Fools"

Ypto Ypto...errr!!! TYPO!

Be carefull with this one, as to not ruin the keyboard. All you have to do is simply and very carefully remove a few keys and switch them around. If your victim is one of those "look up and down" typers. He or she will be very confused while trying to get work done.

Where are those paperclips?

Make a few copies of paperclips then put those copies back inside the paper tray. Whoever uses the copier next will get their copies with those paperclips on them and will look all over trying to hunt them down.

Stale Donuts

About a week before the prank, buy a box of donuts. Keep them in the refridgerator with the top open so they can dry out. On the day of the prank, place the box of donuts near the office coffee pot so anyone with a morning sweet tooth can indulge.

Pick Up The Entire Phone

Wrap a very small piece of wire around the phone cord so both ends are tied together. When the phone rings and your victim goes to pick up the receiver, he will up with the entire phone base with it.

Confusing Drawers

Before your co-worker arrives at the office remove his desk drawers and switch them around. He will definitely scratch his head over this one. Hint: In case you cannot remove the drawers, just remove the items and swap them

Pen Swap

Take all of your co-wrokers pens and replace them with your pens that your glued caps on to the night before. He will not be able to take the caps off to use the pens.

Old Toy

Use an old toy that has a button which is used to activate sound. Such as a baby crying. Then tape it to the back of the victims desk drawer, but don't close it completely, leave it open just a crack. When your victim decides to close it, he will hear the annoying sound and wonder where its coming from.

Something is wrong with the copier!

Leave a copier to print 99 copies at 33% resolution on 8x14 paper.

Upside Down Cup

Fill a cup with water about half way. Then place an index card over the cup. Then turn the cup upside down on your co-worker's desk. Finally, carefully slide the index card out from underneath the cup. Whenever your co-worker decides to pick the cup up, he will be drenched in water.

Auto Correct

Microsoft Word has a feature called 'Auto Correct'. It will auto correct any mispelling such as 'TEH' which will automatically be changed to 'THE'. Anyone can go into the tool and change the words. When your co-worker is away from his desk. Change a few of his common words around.

Hey! I wanted snacks!

Empty boxes of common snacks such as Cheez-Its or Figs and replace them with shredded paper or anything else that will weigh the box down. Then place them in the break room.

Bumper Sticker Prank

Make your own bumper sticker with tape and paper and put it on your co-workers car. Get creative with the message.

Did I Really Park There?

If you have one of those co-workers that parks in the same spot every day, then try this prank. When he isn't paying attention, take his keys and move his car over just one space.

Party Mix

At the next pot luck luncheon. You bring the Chex Party Mix. But get creative, mix in some Pup-eroni dog food snack. Just break them into little pieces and throw them in the same bowl...stir it up and nobody will tell the difference

Format C:

While your co-worker next to you takes a little break, type "Format C:" on his computer screen. Then disconnect his keyboard and mouse. Sit back and wait til he returns.

Glass Cleaner In The Water Cooler

Ok, make sure you don't actually pour any glass cleaner in the water cooler...this is dangerous and very poisonous. A better prank would be to just pour a few drops of blue food coloring in the water and just place a sign on the bottle that reads, "Glass Cleaner"

Jim, You are need in lumber, Jim to lumber!

If you work in a large superstore and have access to the office intercom system. This prank is great! especially if you are good at disguising your voice. All you have to do is page someone over the intercom telling them they are needed in a department far away from where they currently are. Wait a few minutes then send them somewhere else.

Intercom Prank

This is a great prank to play on a new co-worker. Every office has a code to use the PA. Lets say the code is 10. Well, just let the new co-worker know that he has a call for him on 10. When he presses 10 he will say "hello this is Dave" ...hello? hellooo? until he realizes he is on the PA intercom

Hide The Chair

When your victim leave the room, hide his chair. When he returns act like you don't know where it is. A great place to hide the chair would be in the opposite sex bathroom

Myra Mains

This is a great prank for a secretary to play on the office jokester. Maybe the secretary needs to get even. Well try this. When your victim is out to lunch, leave him a message that someone named Myra Mains called and needs a call back ASAP. Leave the number to the local coroner's office with the note. Myra Mains, sounds like My Remains.

New Employee Prank

Send a new employee for various mythical items such as: Double sided transperencies, Dehydrated Water, Bucket of compressed air, A one molar solution of water, A stanchion remover, A bucket of steam, A phallopian tube, A long weight (long wait), A short weight, Short circuits, Lightning bolts, Skyhooks, A mattababe (as in what's a mattababe), A dickfore (same as above), A piston return spring, A left handed wrench, hammer, razor..., Agent Orange (paint color), Sparkplugs for a desiel engine, A short/long stand, A chain stretcher, Hydraulic cement bender, and Snowtires for the shopping carts.

New Secretary Prank

Call the new secretary and tell her that you are calling from the local phone company and will be running a test on all the phone lines in the building. Let her know that its very crucial that for the next 10 minutes that nobody uses any phone line or else electricution will result. Then hang up.

Extra Sugar In Coffee

If you have one of those co-workers who uses the same mug and drinks the same style coffee everyday, then try this prank. When he or she isn't paying attention drop a few packets of sugar into their mug and mix it up.

Eating Out Of The Trash Can

Put some of your chips in a clean back on top of the trash can. Then when you and your fellow co-workers are walking past it, grab a hadnfull and eat them in front of them.

Multiple Outfits

Tell everybody at the office (except your victim) to take more than one outfit to work. Then throughout the day keep changing clothes.


This prank is for Mr. Neato at the office who keeps everything nice n neat and in the same place everytime. When he or she isn't paying attention, move things around on their desk.

File Cabinet Prank

Put a small animal in the file cabinet. Make sure its a cabinet that is opened multiple times daily.

Full Blast!

Turn your victim's speaker volume up full blast. He won't know until the next time his computer makes a sound, it will surprise him to death! haha

Office Rumor

Ask your victim if he heard about the rumor going around, tell him people are saying he is getting fire today. It helps if multiple co-worker also tell him the same thing. So plan ahead and get others in on the prank.

Hostage Situation In The Office

Take something that your co-worker needs. Such as his mouse and leave a ransom note in its place. Don't tell him who you are. Just tell him where to leave the money for it.

Phone Label Swap

Change the speed dial labels on office phones. It will piss off your co-worker when he is trying to call tech support but instead speed dials the courier.

Calculator Fun

Place some clear tape over the calculator to make the numbers very fuzzy.

Discontinued Award

The next time someone at the office wins an award, send out a memo to everyone that the award has been discontinued.

Porn CDs

Relabel the data CDs so they say 'Porn' on them.

Self Recognition Prank

Without disguising your voice, compliment yourself over the office intercom. Compliment yourself on a just completed task or give yourself the rest of the day off.

Screen Capture

Take a screen capture of someone's screen. It would work best if they have a program open. Then save the screen capture as an image and use that as their desktop background picture. It will confuse the heck out of them when they see their desktop icons over their microsoft word.

IT Prank

Send out a memo to everyone explaining that all computers have been infected with the new 'Letter G Virus' and that everything is ok, but for the rest of today nobody can type the letter 'G' or else it will cause even more havoc on the company computer systems.

Fictional Awards

Send out memos congradulating people for dumb reasons. Tell them they won an award. Awards for Best Filer or Paper Sorter, etc.

Person Calls

Send everyone an email memo about the new company policy. No more personal calls at the office and only schedules personal visits. Then give everyone their personal visit time slot. Exmaple: Barbara Smith, visting hours 10:57 AM to 11:01 AM

The Clapper Prank

Plug The Clapper into your co-workers computer so whenever someone claps, the computer will turn off and on.

Monitor Settings

Every day, while your co-worker is away from his desk adjust his monitor settings so the brightness goes down 2%. At a rate of 2% a day from about 2 weeks the brightness will drop 20%. See how long it takes him to notice the change.

Fun In The Copy Room

Copy some images of obsene content such as gay porn, then place them back in the copier paper bin.

Copier Paper Fun

Type in giant bold letter "Copier Needs Service Soon" and make a few copies of the page. Then place the papers back inside the copier paper tray.

M and N keys

While your co-worker in the next cubicle is away, switch the M and N keys on his keyboard.

Fake Ads in the Company Newsletter

Use the ad section of your company newsletter to post fake bulletins. Place an ad for Windows 98 software still in box for $500 OBO. or maybe a desperate plea for someone to buy your timeshare condo. Be creative!

On Hold Music

Change the 'On Hold' music that your office uses for the phone system. Put it on a Death Metal station or even better, put it on a foreign language station.

Paper Clip Daisy Chain

Take out all of your co-worker's paper clips and link them together, then put them back in the box.

Post A Fake Job Ad

Use the internet to post a fake job ad for your co-worker's current position. Use CraigsList or HotJobs or any other free online site to do this. Leave the company contact info as the response on the ad.

Full Of Nuts

Fill a co-worker's desk drawer with packing peanuts. Empty the content of the drawer out first, so you can add more peanuts.

Booby Trap Desk

Booby trap your victim's desk by attaching a piece of wire or thread that goes from the phone, wrap around the back of the desk and attached to the leg of the chair. Scoot the chair all the way in. When your victim pulls his chair out, he will knock the phone behind the desk.

Refrigerator Bandit

What could be more frustrating than a co-worker who steals your food from the fridge? Nothing! So its time for some payback. All you have to do is leave a note either on the fridge or inside. It should read something like: Stop Stealing my Food!! But if you must continue i will put a special treat in my lunch everyday, just for you! Hopefully you will enjoy it. This will cause your victim to panic and never steal again. He may think you are tampering with your own food and will avoid eating it.

No More Germs!

Post a memo in everyone's mailbox to announce a new policy to keep germs out of the office. Tell them tomorrow there will be a free keyboard cleaning session from 10am-noon in the 2nd floor meeting room. Just remind them to unhook their keyboard and stop by anytime during the session to get their keyboard cleaned. Then prior to people arriving, go and place a sign on the meeting room door that reads, "Will Retun In 15 min." Be sure to walk past there a few times during the fake seesion and see how many people were duped and are actually waiting for nobody to return in 15 min.

Fake Note

Leave a note on your victim's desk that read, "I need those PDK numbers ASAP!" Your victim will not only wonder who the note is from, but will also wonder what the heck PDK stands for.

John Tuttle

Call the receptionist and ask her to page a fake employee, who goes by the name of either John Tuttle or Allen Smythee. These are names that the movie industry uses for actors or directors that are unhappy with a movie and don't want their names attached to the project.

Water Cooler Prank

If your office has a water cooler with paper cups on the side, then this should be an easy prank. All you have to do is puncture a tiny hole with a thin sewing needle near the top of the cups. When your co-workers go to get a drink of water. they won't notice the hole until they drink it and notice the dribbling of water down their shirt.

Wooden Leg Memo

Send a memo to a new employee explaining that another employee has a wooden leg (which he doesn't, of course) but explain that he does and not to ever bring it up because it may cause turmoil in the office.

No More Ink

Remove the ink from inside the pens and put them all back in the box.

Problem With Chair Wheels

Use some black tape to tape up the bottom wheels of your victim's desk chair. This will make it difficult to move the chair. Most people will never take the time to look and fix the problem and will just leave it at a nusance.

Sinking Chair Prank

Most office chairs nowadays have a pneumatic piston used to control the height. The chairs are also designed to use a person's weight to control the downward adjustment. So, while your victim is away from his chair, tape the height adjusting lever to the bottom of the seat. This will make the piston lock and when your co-worker takes a seat, he will end up sinking all the way to the bottom.

Salt Cookies

Bake a few batches of sugar cookies to take to the office every now and then so they all get used to your wonderful delicious cookies. Then one day just replace the sugar ingredient with salt. If anyone asks, tell them you are trying to cut down on the sugar intake and make them healthier.

FBI Answering Machine Prank

Change someone's answering machine so it says, "This is the FBI. All calls being made to this phone number are being traced and logged." Don't tell him, find out how long it takes him to realize it.

Unable To Open Desk Drawer

Go underneath and behind desk drawer to tape it up so it cannot open all the way. This will frustrate your victim who needs to go in the drawer just to grab a pen or a notebook.

Memo: Free Pizza in the Lunchroom

Send out an email memo to everyone in the office to let them know about FREE pizza in the lunchroom. Then sit back and wait until the line of co-workers fills the hallway on their way for pizza that isn't even there.

Rear Injection

If you work at a place where shots are either required or encouraged, chances are your company has a day where physicals are free and everyone takes turns getting a shot when the doctor shows up on a certain day. Well, for this prank, before going in to get your shot on the upper arm...make sure you in line in front of the new guy. Then proceed to undo your pants, walk in, get your shot and come out zipping back up and rubbing your bum. The new guy will think the shot is actually in the rear and will be a bit freightened.

Office Raffle

Put an envelope in your victim's mail box slot. In the envelope put a letter with a return envelope. The letter will say something like "Office Raffle - $1 each ticket". Then make up some fake prizes like a new new car grand prize, new computer seconds prize and 5 runner up cash prizes, etc. Have your victim put his dollars in his envelope and put back in mailbox. Then later, go get this envelope of money and put some fake raffle tickets in his box.

Looking For A Stripper?

Place an ad in the newspaper or on any classified website. In the ad, say you are a stripper and can strip at parties for half the price and double the time than a regular stripper. Leave the secretary's name and your company number as the contact info.

McDonald's Application Prank

Fill out an application from a fast food place like McDonald's and put your co-workers name and contact info on the form.Then just wait til his cell phone rings and McDonald's calls him to setup an interview.

Speak Up!

Tell the new employee that a certain someone else is hard of hearing so he better speak up everytime he talks to him. Tell that certain other person the same exact thing about the new employee. Then watch as communicate with each other in high volume every time.

The Boss Needs A Date

Before the next office party, print out a picture of your boss along with his or her phone number and post these printouts in various places throught the building. Oh and don't forget to put this underneath the picture: "I Need A Date For The Office Xmas Party...Please Call Me"

Speed Dial Changing

Change the speed dial numbers on your boss's phone so they dial strip clubs or massage parlors.

Waiting For My Document

Put a chair so it faces the printer then sit there all day long and tell people you are waiting for your document.


Whenever someone in the office asks you to do something, ask them to sign a waiver first.

Would You Like Fries With That?

When people at the office order you to do stuff, ask them if they would like fries with that.

Pen Names

Name all of your pens and tell your co-workers that meetings cannot begin until all of your pens are present.

Pajama Day

Show up to work in your pajamas.

Fun With Business Cards

Print some new business cards for your co-worker without telling him. Only instead of his current title, change it to something else. Choose a title that is below his current title. Such as 'CFO' to 'office assistant'. Then replace his current business cards with these. You can easily do this by switching the cards in his desk card holder.

The Nickname Game

Give all of your co-workers a lame nickname such as Poncho, Chachi, Gumby, etc. Then always refer to them by this name.

Awww, how cute!

Always include a piece of your child's artwork as the cover page for the reports you write.

Meeting At 4:24 PM

Schedule a meeting for 4:24PM. Then after everyone arrives, tell them they can go home.

Company Xmas Party

Volunter yourself to organize the company xmas party. Then choose to have the party at McDonald's Playland. Feel free to charge everyone $15.

If anyone needs me...

Send everyone at the office an email to let them know what you are doing. For example: "If anyone needs me, I will be in the copy room"

The 'OK' Nod

It doesn't matter what anybody asks, always reply with an 'OK' and a nod.


Put the trash bin on your desk and label it with "IN".

Moldy Coffee

Grow mold in your coffee mug.

Headphone Prank

Whenever someone comes in your office, put your headphones on and talk loudly. Then remove your headphones as soon as they leave.

I Think My Phone Is Ringing

During a conversation, tell your co-worker(s) that you think your phone is ringing, even if you are a long way from your desk. Then leave and go and get some coffee.

Office Memo: Reguarding Coffee

Send a memo to all your co-workers telling them that 3 or more cups of coffee during 1 work day is too many.


Tell everyone about your fear of staplers. Then, start acting weird whenever one is present.

Email Rhymes

Make sure every email you send out to your co-workers includes rhyming couplets.

Pimp Yo Chair

Install some buttons and lights in the arms of your chair. If you want you could also put some new chrome wheels on your chair.

Cubicle Lights

Tape christmas lights around the top of your desk cubicle.

Personal Notes

Start including personal notes in every email you send out to co-workers. Example: "On a personal note, I will be ordering pizza tonight"

Those Pesky Mosquitos

Put up a mosquito net around your cubicle area, make it very noticable.

Office Treats

Whenever you try to cook at home and the dishes don't turn out quite right, bring those dishes into the office and tell everyone they are special treats.

Pictures Of Your Kids

Put up a few pictures of Bobby Brady and Danny Partridge in your cubicle. Then tell everyone those are your kids.

Relaxnig Break

Take a break by snorkeling in the company fish tank.

Free Pizza In The Breakroom

Starting on monday, send everyone an email telling them there is free pizza in the lunchroom. They will all check and see none, do the same thing tuesday, wednesday, and thursday. Co-workers will catch on and end up not checking anymore...then on friday, go ahead and order some pizzas, send the same email...then go to the lunch room and eat the pizza by yourself.

Coffee Switch

Switch the decaf with the regular coffee.

Party At Dave's House

While at a co-worker's party, assume that you have to pay for the drinks and keep asking for every drink you get whether you have to pay for this one or not. If your co-worker's spouse gets your drink for you, then be prepared to tip.

Refusal Rebuttle Letter

The next time a company declines to hire you, send them a letter that reads.......Dear (Interviewer's Name). Thanks for you letter of June 15th. After carefully considering I regret to inform you that I am unable to accept your refusal to offer me employment with your company. This year I have been very unfortunate in receiving a vast amount of rejection letters. With such a varied and promising field of candidates it is impossible for me to accept all refusals. Despite your company's outstanding qualifications and previous experience in rejecting applicants, I find that your rejection does not meet with my needs at this time. Therefore, I will initiate employment with your business immediately following graduation. I am looking forward to seeing you then. Best of luck with your future candidate rejections. Sincerly, (your name here)

Internet Downtime

Put a memo in everyone's mailbox telling them that the internet will be offline today from 1:00-2:00pm. Be sure to appoligize and give everyone an extra hour for lunch.

Job Interview Arm Wrestling

During a job interview, offer the job applicant to an arm wrestling match. Let him beat you, tell him he didn't get the job but ask if he can return later this week to take on Big Bubba from accounting. Explain that he is the company arm wrestling champ but is currently on vacation.

iPod Interview

Listen to your iPod while interviewing a job applicant. Tell him or her that everything is ok, you can actually listen and interview at the same time.

Job Interview During Lunch

While interviewing a job applicant, tell him that you are starving and haven't eating lunch yet. Then proceed to interview him as you chomp on a juicy double cheeseburger and suck down a thick choco shake.

Job Interview Prank

Tell the person interviewing you that one of your goals is to be the company job interviewer.

Job Interview Hair Add On

During a job interview, asked to be excused and replace your bald head look with a headpiece. You will come back in with hair that you never had going into the interview.

Company Logo Tattoo

Get a temporary tattoo of your company logo and show it off to everyone in the office. Tell them this is to show how dedicated and loyal you are to your work. Don't tell them its a temporary tat, then try to convince others to also get a perminent tat of the company logo.

Tomorrow is Pajama Day

While interviewing a job applicant, wear a tie dye shirt and a haeadband. Explain to them that its 60's day today. Tell them tomorrow is Pajama Day and if he is hired, he will have to wear pajamas tomorrow. Then watch as his first day he shows up and is the only person wearing pajamas at the office.

Doze Off During Interview

While interviewing a job applicant, doze off a little and look tired.

Stand Up

Remove all the chairs from the meeting room and tell everyone you are trying something new and will be conducting the meeting with everyone standing. Then try your best to drag the meeting on and on for as long as possible.

Will You Marry Me

During a job interview, ask the interviewer: "I know this is off the subject, but will you marry me?"

Company Health Insurance

Ask if the company health insurance covers pets.

Lowering Your Pay

Put a memo in your co-worker's mailbox. Make it look like the boss sent it directly to him. In the memo let him know that after reviewing his latest work progress and salary you have come to the conclusion that he is being over paid and need to reduce his salary effective immediatly. Leave the boss's name and phone number on the memo and let him know if he has any questions, feel free to contact anytime.

Salary Increase

Leave a memo in your co-worker's mailbox to congratulate him on a great past few months. Tell him you are increasing his salary effective immediatly. Then sign your boss's name on the memo. After his next paycheck when there is no increase, he will take it to the boss to complain.

W2 Form Prank

Create a fake W2 form where it shows you make a butt-load of money working for your company. Then run off a few copies of your W2 in your company copy room near tax day. Be sure to intentionally leave a few copies behind for other co-workers to find. It will piss off someone with the same title as you, who has worked there longer than you when they see you made $110K last yr when they only made $60k.

Telephone Cord Switch

Switch the telephone cords for 2 co-workers that sit next to each other.

Garlic Phone

Smash up some garlic and put the pieces inside the mouthpiece of the phone. Then call the victim up and keep him on the phone as long as possible.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.