jokes really funny ones?
the girl
2007-05-07 15:52:55 UTC
i would love to here some jokes that will make me lafe so hard i fall on my *** i have had a really bad day and really nead to lafe my *** of. so plese halp ma threw my bad week ok ok
Eleven answers:
2007-05-07 16:07:44 UTC
A doctor was having an affair with his nurse. Shortly afterward, she told him that she was pregnant. Not wanting his wife to know, he gave the nurse a sum of money and asked her to go to Italy and have the baby there.

"But how will I let you know the baby is born?" she asked.

He replied, "Just send me a postcard and write "spaghetti" on the back. I'll take care of expenses." Not knowing what else to do, the nurse took the money and flew to Italy.

Six months went by, and then one day the doctor's wife called him at the office and said, "Dear, you received a very strange postcard in the mail today from Europe, and I don't understand what it means."

The doctor said, "Just wait until I get home and I will explain it to you."

Later that evening the doctor came home, read the postcard, and fell to the floor with a heart attack. Paramedics rushed him to the hospital emergency room. The head medic stayed back to comfort the wife. He asked what trauma had precipitated the cardiac arrest.

So the wife picked up the card and read: "Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti - Two with sausage and meatballs; two without."
2007-05-15 07:58:27 UTC
Hello?", "Hi honey. This is Daddy. Is Mommy near the phone?"

"No Daddy. She's upstairs in the bedroom with Uncle Paul."

After a brief pause, Daddy says, "But honey, you haven't got an Uncle Paul."

"Oh yes I do, and he's upstairs in the room with Mommy, right now."

Brief Pause. "Uh, okay then, this is what I want you to do. Put the phone down on the table, run upstairs and knock on the bedroom door and shout to Mommy that Daddy's car just pulled into the driveway."

"Okay Daddy, just a minute."

A few minutes later the little girl comes back to the phone.

"I did it Daddy."

"And what happened honey?" he asked.

Well, Mommy got all scared, jumped out of bed with no clothes on and ran around screaming. Then she tripped over the rug, hit her head on the dresser and now she isn't moving at all!"

"Oh my God!!! What about your Uncle Paul?"

"He jumped out of the bed with no clothes on, too. He was all scared and he jumped out of the back window and into the swimming pool. But I guess he didn't know that you took out the water last week to clean it. He hit the bottom of the pool and I think he's dead."

***Long Pause***

***Longer Pause***

***Even Longer Pause***

Then Daddy says,

"Swimming pool? .... Is this 486-5731?"
wwe fan
2007-05-07 16:12:21 UTC
A blonde quickly went out to her mail box, looked in it, closed the door of the box, and went back in the house. A few minutes later she repeated this process by checking her mail again.

She did this five more times, and her neighbor that was watching her commented: "You must be expecting a very important letter today the way you keep looking into that mail box."

The blonde answered, "No, I am working on my computer, and it keeps telling me that I have mail."
boris the spider
2007-05-15 02:57:51 UTC
this old lady goes into a second hand shop and asks the young lad behind the counter if she can buy a second hand mirror . " would you like a screw for that " asks the lad . "no thank you " answers the old lady " but I'll give you a w*nk for the toaster"
2007-05-14 19:02:51 UTC
why'd the cow cross the road?

To see if the grass was greener on the other side...

Why did the chewing gum cross the road?

Because it was stuck to the chickens foot...

These are contributions from my 4 year old after kindy! LOL!
2007-05-15 15:29:46 UTC
I can't outdo "rushfrea" ! That one was the best in a while! If he'd of posted it in questions, I'd of gave him as many stars as I could! I'm still laughing! I hope your day gets better.
2007-05-14 20:00:11 UTC
Why did the surfer dood cross the road?

to get to the other tide
Garbo's snowflake
2007-05-09 15:17:46 UTC
Things You Won't See On Hallmark Cards

OUTSIDE: As the days go by, I think of how lucky I am...

INSIDE: That you're not here to ruin it for me.

OUTSIDE: If I get only one thing for Christmas...

INSIDE: I hope it's your sister.

OUTSIDE: I've always wanted to have someone to hold, someone

to love.

INSIDE: After having met you, I've changed my mind.

OUTSIDE: I must admit, you brought religion into my life.

INSIDE: I never believed in hell 'til I met you.

OUTSIDE: Looking back over the years that we've been together,

I can't help but wonder...

INSIDE: What the **** was I thinking?

OUTSIDE: I always wanted to be rich, powerful and well-respected.

INSIDE: And while I'm dreaming, I wish you weren't so damn ugly.

OUTSIDE: Sex with you is like using drugs:

INSIDE: Lots of people do it, but nobody's stupid enough to

admit it.

OUTSIDE: When we were together, you always said you'd die for me.

INSIDE: Now that we've broken up, I think it's time you kept

your promise.


OUTSIDE: The holidays are a great time to be with family.

INSIDE: Of course, your family won't be with you, since I'm

taking the kids and moving in with my sister, you cheating


OUTSIDE: I'm so miserable without you...

INSIDE: It's almost like you're here.

OUTSIDE: If you ever need a friend...

INSIDE: Buy a dog.

OUTSIDE: Congratulations on your new bundle of joy.

INSIDE: Did you ever find out who the father was?
2007-05-15 13:45:10 UTC
Just look at your spelling- made me laugh my bullacks iff!
2007-05-07 16:42:09 UTC



♥ Jennie ♥
2007-05-15 15:13:53 UTC
Two peanuts were walking down a spooky road at night... One was assaulted. ~The Oregonian~

What do you call a fly with no wings? A walk. ~Robert Wise~

Two ropes walk into a bar. The bartender says to the rope "Hey! we don't serve ropes in here" so one of the ropes left. The other rope frayed up his hair and tied himself in a knot. The bartender said to the rope "Are you a rope?" and the rope said " I'm afaid not" ~The Oregonian~

Why was the Tomato blushing? Because he saw the salad dressing. ~Josh Tallman~

A mom dad and baby tomato are walking down the street and the baby starts to lag behind so the dad goes back and smashes the baby and says "ketchup" ~Pulp Fiction~

A frog is looking for a loan, so he goes into a bank. He sits down at a desk and the name plate says "Patty Whac". He talks to Patty about the loan and she asks him what he has for collateral. The frog replies well I have this vase. He pulls the vase out of a bag to show her. Patty says "well thats just a cheap knick-knack". Then the owner notices the vase and says to himself "gee that's from the 17th century, it's worth tons of money" So he walks over to patty and says "Thats no knick-knake Patty Wha c give the frog a loan". ~Wakk0 Warner~

3 old men are at the doctor for a memory test. The doctor says to the first old man, "What is three times three"? "274" was his reply. The doctor says to the second man "It's your turn. What is three times three"? "Tuesday" replys the second man. The doctor says to the third man, "OK, Your turn. What's three times three"? "Nine" says the third man. "That's great" says the doctor. "How did you get that"? "Simple" says the third man. "I subtracted 274 from Tuesday". ~Eric K.~

A termite walks into a barroom and asks, "Is the bar tender here?" ~Alecia Wolf~

How do you catch a squirrel? Climb into a tree and act like a nut... ~Phil Napier~

Why didn't the skeleton cross the road? Because he/she had no guts! ~Bob Kelly~

A little boy was visiting his grandmother and the young boy asked his grandmother,"grandma, how old are you"? She replied, "you shouldn't ask me questions like that". A few minutes past and the young boy asked his grandmother another question, "how much do you weight"? The grandmother replied, "you shouldn't ask me questions like that"!

The following week when the little boy went back to school he told his friends about the coversation he had with his grandmother and how he was unable to get an answer from her. The little boy's friends advised him to look on her drivers license, all t he information will be there.

The next week when the little boy was visiting his grandmother he told her he knew how much she weighed and how old she was. The grandmother didn't believe him until he told her,"you weight 130lb., and you are 65 years old". Then the little boy in a ba shfull way wispered to his grandmother, "I also know you got an F in Sex". ~Bob Kelly~

why didn't the chicken cross the road? Because he was too chicken.~drtbike~

What do John the Baptist & Winnie the Pooh have in common? Their middle name.~XYTrapp~

Why are there so many Johnsons in the phone book? They all have phones.~XYTrapp~

What do you call a person with lepersy in a bath tub? Stew.~John Stoffer~ (Sorry Barbra I herd it from him first :)

Two old guys at an old folk's home shooting the breeze. One says "How's the memory?" The other says "Perfect, touch wood", and raps his knuckles on the table. 2 minutes go bye, and then he says "Somebody gonna get the door or what?"~Lardass~

Did you hear about the cannibal who passed his brother in the woods one day?~Neil Heiman~

What lies at the bottom of the ocean and twitches? A nervous wreck!~d.j.w.~

A man goes to a psychiatrist, and tells him "Doc, I think I have an obsession with sex." The doctor agrees to examine him and begins by showing him various drawings. First the doctor draws a square and asks the man to identify it. The man immediate ly says "sex". Next the doctor draws a circle, which the man again identifies as sex. Thirdly, the doctor draws a triangle, which of course the patient identifies as "sex". The doctor puts the drawings away and says to the patient, "Yes, I do believe t hat you have an obsession with sex." To which the man replies, "I'm not the one with the obsession! YOU'RE the one drawing all the dirty pictures!"~Paul G.~

Why don't cannibals eat comedians? Because they taste funny.~Howard Burgess~

A skeleton is in a bar. He goes up to the bar. "A pint of lager and a mop please."~Howard Burgess~

"Waiter! This coffee tastes like mud." "Yes sir, it's fresh ground."~Howard Burgess~

What's brown and sticky? A stick.~Howard Burgess~

A horse walks into a bar, the barman says "why the long face?"~Stuart Davidson~

How do you catch a unique rabbit? U Neaq up on it. How do you catch a tame rabbit? Tame way, you neaq up on it.~Jim Molinari and Sammy~

How do you describe the average cannibal? A guy with a wife and ate children.~Corey Jones~

What did the cannibal do when he saw an 'All you can eat restaurant'? He had two waiters and a busboy.~Corey Jones~

Why are proctologists so gloomy? They always have the end in sight.~Corey Jones~

What do you give an elephant with diarreha? Lots of Room~Corey Jones~

Two men walk into a bar. You would think the second one would of ducked.~Shaun Haapala, Daniel L. Miller, and John Stoffer~

What does mozart do now that he is dead? He decomposes.....~Ernest D. Aguayo~

Why did the squirrel sleep on his stomach? To keep his nuts warm.~Taryn Anderson~

Whatdaya call a cow with two legs? Lean Beef. Whatdaya call a cow with no legs? Ground Beef. Whatdaya call a dog with no legs? Doesn't matter, he ain't gonna come anyway... ~John Braden~

A woman asked her husband to go to the video store and get Scent of a Woman. Her husband came back with a Fish Called Wanda.~Ken Attebery and Marc Kletke~

What's big and brown and walks through walls? Spooky Dooky.~Jay Everett~

Why do they put bells on cows? Because their horns don't work!~Jim Luettgen~

Two sausages are in a pan. One looks at the other and says "god it's hot in here, and the other sausage says "OH MY GOD IT'S A TALKING SAUSAGE!"~Robert David Cox~

One day this guys house was on fire so he decided he better call the fire department. He got on the phone with the chief and the man was very frantic. The man said chief you have to get over her my house is on fire. The chief says calm down, how do we get to your house, and the man said you don't have those big red trucks anymore!~Anthony Makoski~

Did you hear about the cannibal who came home late for dinner and his wife gave him a cold shoulder?~Tony~

What do you call a sleepwalking nun? Roamin' Catholic.~unkown~

What's the worst part about eating vegetables? Those damn wheelchairs.~unkown~

There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who can count. And those who can't.~T. Blase~

Why did the bee cross his legs? Because he couldn't find the BP station.~Jen V.~

What did the apple say to the orange? Nothing stupid, apples don't talk.~Jen V.~

What do you do with a dog that has no legs? Take him out for a drag.~Kathy Nicol~

Why don't blind people skydive? Because it scares the crap out of their dogs.~Matt and Roxy~

What is the famous last words in surgery? Ouch!!~Matt and Roxy~

There was a lawyer that was talking to his client who just committed murder. He said "I have some good news, and some bad news. The bad news is that you're getting the electric chair." His client said "That's terrible!! Well, what's the good news? " The lawyer said "I got the voltage lowered."~Matt and Roxy~

A traveling salesman was driving down a country road when a rabbit ran in front of his car and he hit it. The proverbial farmer was sitting on the fence watching. The salesman gets out of his car and opens the trunk. He then removes an aerosol can and sprays the contents on the dead rabbit. The next thing you know the rabbit gets up and hops about 20 ft. down the road, turns and waves to the salesman, goes another 20 ft. and waves to the salesman. The salesman looks at the farmer and says "he'll be ok ay now." The salesman gets into his car and leaves. The farmer wondering what's going on walks over to the ditch where the salesman threw the can, picks it up and read the label which said FOR HARE RESTORATION AND PERMANENT WAVE.~Chuckles~

What do you call a sheep with no legs? A cloud.~Jim Spurrier~

A pork pie walks into a bar and the barman says sorry we dont serve food in here.~Dave Large~

What is the last thing that goes through a bug's mind as it hits a windshield? His butt.~Cohen and Tate~

Two male mushrooms are walking down the road. Walking towards them is a female mushroom all dressed up. They look at her. She ignores them both and walks right by. Then, the one male mushroom, in a very high pitched mushroom voice, says to the oth er: "Jeez, she didn't even look at us. What's wrong? We are a couple of fun-gis!"~John A. Judgate~

Whats the smartest thing a man can say? "my wife says"~Guest 7~

A farmer is milking his cow. As he is milking, a fly comes along and flies into the cows ear. A little bit later, the farmer notices the fly in the milk. The farmer looks up and says, "Hmph. In one ear, out the utter."~Mr. Ed~

How do you turn a cat into a dog? You tie up the cat, pour gasoline on it, light a match and watch him go WOOF!!!! How do you turn a dog into a cat? You tie up the dog, getan electric saw to cut him, and watch him go MEOWWWWW!!!!!! ~John Christoper Rey~

How do you get Dragon milk? From a cow with short legs.~Allen Smith~

What do you call a boomerang that doesn't work? A stick.~Ed Kim~

What do you get when you put a canary in a blender? Shredded tweet~Timothy J. Tate~

Why can't a chicken coop have more than 2 doors? Because if it had 4 doors it would be a chicken sedan.~Sandra Johnson~

Why do seagulls fly over the sea? If they flew over the bay then they would be bagels.~Jon Smith~

What's clear and smells like carrots? A Rabbit fart.~Jon Smith~

What do you call a missing parrot? A polygon.~Steve Hagstrom~

An old man and his wife went to the doctor for a check-up. While the man is with the doctor, the doctor askes him, "So how has life been treating you?" The old man replies, "The Lord's been good to me. Every night when I go to the bathroom, He turn s the light on and when I'm finished, He turns the light off." While the old woman is with the doctor, the doctor tells her what her husband said. She replied "D*mn it! The old fart's been pissin in the ice box again!"~Wendy~

What do you call a parrot wearing a raincoat? Polly unsaturated.~The Oregonian~

How is a divorce in West Virginia like a hurricane in Florida? Either way, you lose the trailer.~The Oregonian~

Have you heard about Ron Howard's new movie, a travel documentary about northern Europe? It's called "Mr. Opie's Holland"~The Oregonian~

Where does a one armed man shop? At a second hand store!~Emily Christain~

What's the difference between a mosquito and a fly? A mosquito can fly, but a fly can't mosquito.~Yatin~

Three guys are in a bar on the top of a cliff. The first guy says to the other guys "You know, if had just one more beer, I think I could fly." The second guy says "No Way!" So the first guy orders a beer and drinks it. Then all three guys walk ou t to the edge of the cliff. The first guy jumps off, starts falling to the ground, and then flies back to the top of the cliff.

The second guy is totally amazed, so he says "You know, if I had another beer, I bet I could do that too." So all three guys go into the bar, and the second guy has another beer. After he finished, he said "Ok, I will be able to fly now" So they all went outside and the second guy jumped off of the cliff and feel to the bottom, where he hit the ground and died instantly. The third guy turned to the first guy and said "You know Superman, you are a real jerk when you drink"


What Happened to the fly on the toilet seat? He got pissed off!~Preston & Tony~

A couple cannot wait to be married. They are driving home and hit a patch of ice, crash, die and go right to heaven. Appearing before Saint Peter, they tell him, "Saint Peter, we couldn't wait to get married, Could you get us married here in heaven ." Saint Peter pauses and says, "I'll see what I can do." Time passes and Saint Peter calls the couple to his office and tells them, "I have some good news, you are going to be married." They are married and are so happy. As time goes on, they go back to see Saint Peter. They tell him, "we want a divorce. This marriage isn't what we thought it would be. We can't stand it." Saint Peter responds,"give me a break, it took me 10 years to find a priest to marry you, it will take me forever to find you a lawyer."~Father Joseph Sica!

famous last words of a mafia hit man... "who put the violin in the violin case !"~Dhiraj~

Did you hear about the Barbie doll; it's called Divorce Barbie. She comes with all of Ken's stuff.~The Riddler~

What do you do if you see a person having an epilepsy attack in a bathtub? Throw your laundry in quick!~unknown~

How do you kill a blue elephant? Shoot it with a blue elephant gun. How do you kill a pink elephant? Choke it until it turns blue, then shoot it with a blue elephant gun.~Got this one from a ton of people~

What did the cannibal do after he dumped his girlfriend? Wiped his butt.~Craig White~

How many Psychiatrists does it take to change a lightbulb? Just one, but the lightbulb has to really want to change.~Craig White~

How do you top a car? Tep on the brake tupid.~FSUFAN~

What do you call a sleeping cow? A bulldozer.~FSUFAN~

How does it change many dyslexics to take a lightbulb?~FitzEbaby~

What do you call a man with a pint of beer on his head? Beartrix~Lousie-Kate~

What do you call a guy with no arms and legs on your doorstep? Matt~Lousie-Kate~

Did you know that five out of three people have trouble with fractions?~RugRat~

What do you get when you squeeze an olive? Oliver Twist!~Anita~

Didya hear about the procter and Gamble worker who fell in the vat of lotion? He softened to death~krlc~

Which of these things don't belong: A tuna, a lobster, or a chinese guy run over by a truck? The tuna. The other two are crustaceans.~Darcy~

Why doesn't Smoky the Bear have any children? Because every time his wife gets hot he beats her with a shovel!~Katherine~

Why did the girl fall off the swing? Because she had no arms!~Candy Leeb~

Did you hear about the cat who swallowed a ball of yarn? She had mittens!~Alice~

Why can't skeletons play music in church? They have no organs!~Alice~

How do you greet a 2-headed monster? Hello, Hello~Spencer~

What do you do when you are inside an elephant? Run around and run around til you're all pooped out.~unknown~

I once had a diamond but I took it for granite.~David~

what do you call a guy with no arms and no legs in the water? Bob~David~

what do you call a guy with no arms and no legs on the wall? Art~david

What did the bald man say when he got a comb for his birthday? "Thanks, I'll never part with it!"~Mark~

What do you call a parrot wearing a raincoat? Polly Unsaturated~The Oregonian~

How is a divorce in West Virginia like a hurricane in Florida? Either way, you lose a trailer~The Oregonian~

Have you heard of about Ron Howard's new movie, a travel documentary about northern Europe? It's called "Mr. Opie's Holland."~The Oregonian~

How do you make pizza? Stick a leper next to a fan.~Giles~

What's the ultimate doom for a leper? An epileptic fit.~Giles~

Why did God make only one Yogi Bear? Because when he tried to make a second one he made a Boo-Boo.~Bob M.~

What do you do with an elephant with three balls? Walk 'em and then pitch to the rhino.~Jafo~

This guy has been working at the local grocery store for over two years. When the promotion list goes up and he sees that the new stock-boy got the cashiers job over him, he becomes irate. That night, after ten or so beers he and his co-worker Arty s tart talking about the bad decision Mr. Boss made. The conversation turns to murder. In his drunken state, Arty agrees to kill the new cashier and Mr. Boss for the contents of his saddened friends pockets. The next day the local papers headline read, " Arty chokes two for a dollar at MegaFoods".~Jafo~

A young man comes into the doctors and says, "Doc, is it hereditary to lose your memory?" "No," the doctor replies, "Why?" "Well," the man says, "both of my parents are. For example, one day my mother wanted some Ice Cream, so she went out to get so me. But my father stopped her, telling her that he would get some. 'Alright,' she said, 'I'll write it down'. 'no', he says, 'just tell me, I won't forget'. 'Okay', she says, 'I want some vanilla ice cream in a cone'. 'Okay', he says. He leaves, come s back half an hour later, gives his wife a bag. "What!" she scrams. "This is a cheeseburger, you idiot! I wanted a hamburger!"~Shane Conway~

What did the grapes say when the monks stepped on them? Nothing - they just let out a little whine.~Wonko the Sane~

Why doesn't Smokey the Bear have any children? Every time his wife is in heat he hits her over the head with his shovel.~Joe Burke~

What did Batman say to Robin before they got in the car? Robin, get in the car.~Jonathon Waunch~

Once apon a time, their lived in a magical land a snake, named Nate. In this land, actually rather close to Nate's house there was a great road, and next to this road was a lever. The lever was ancient, and the mythology around the lever was that if you were to push it, it would trigger the end of the world. One day, Nate was slithering down the road, and he came upon the lever, and began crossing the road so he could look at it. At the same moment, a truck came careening around a corner, and the driver found himself in a dilema: either hit the snake or end the world. Needless to say, the driver ran over nate and went on his merry way. The moral of the story is: Better Nate than Lever...~Sean Ruppert~

When is a car not a car? When it turns into a driveway.~Mirjana Calnan~

Why Did The skeleton cross the road? To get to the body shop!~unknown~

Did you hear about the hyena that swallowed the Oxo cube (beef stock cube)? Made a laughing stock of himself!~Henry Dermot~

This man has this dog that has no legs. One day someone asked him "Whats wrong with your dog?" And the man said... "What are you blind or something? He has no legs." Oh well what is it's name? Well I call it cigarette. Why in the world do you call it cigarette? Well because sometimes I like to take it out for a drag~Nathan Chambers~

How did Hitler tie his shoes? In littel nazi's~William Noah~

What do you get when you cross an alligator and a railroad track? Three pieces of alligator.~Chuck Chatlynne~

A man left his beef ranch to his three sons and they named it "Focus" because that's there the sun's rays meet (sons raise meat).~Chuck Chatlynne~

Two blondes were walking in the woods. One said, "Oh look! deer tracks! The other one argued, "No silly! Those are wolf tracks!" They fought over it. Two hours later they were both killed by a train.~Brittany Sale~

What did the clown say when he cracked an egg on his head? Yuk, yuk, the yolk's on me.~Connie Settle~

What does a one leggeged ballerina wear. A one one~Kevin C. McCabe

What's brown and sounds like a bell? Dung.~unknown~

What do you call a guy who never farts in public? A private tutor.~Eric Prestel~

How did the teenager know that he had bad acne? His dog called him spot.~Eric Prestel & Will & Carlos~

What's the biggest advanage of being a cannibal abortionst? You do not have to go out for lunch.~Eric & gang~

A snail is returning home late at night and has to cut though a dark ally. As he is passing though, he is mugged by two slugs. Later on at the police station, the officer asks him,"Can you give me a desciption of the assailents?" The snail ponders thi s for a moment, and then replies," Gee, I'm not sure... it all happpened so fast."~Tony Jenkin~

What do you call two men with no arms and no legs hanging on the wall? Curt and Rod (curtain rod)~unknown~

What does a lawyer use for Birth Control? His personality~Billy

Why are fish shops always crowded? Because the fish fillet!!!~Dermot Henry~

What's long, yellow, and has been out in the sun too long? A bananna peel.~Multiple Personality Girl~

A hillbilly walks into a feed store and stares at the fan. "Wowee," he says, "thet's the fastest dern squirrel I've ever seen!"~Multiple Personality Girl

Where do zombies go for relaxation? A dead ranch.~Multiple Personality Girl~

What goes 99-thump, 99-thump? A centipede with a wooden leg.~Multiple Personality Girl~

A man is sitting on a park bench, making the STRANGEST noises."Are you all right?" asks a concerned stranger. The man nods and keeps making the noises. The stranger then asked "Then why are you screaming like that?" The man replies "It keeps the eleph ants away." The stranger mentioned that there weren't any elephants for miles. The man smiled "See, it works!"~Multiple Personality Girl~

Have you ever seen an elf fly? It's at the top of elf pants.~Multiple Personality Girl~

If you have a bee in your hand, what do you have in your eye? BEAUTY is in the eye of the bee - holder.~Meredith and John~

What bird can lift the most weight? The Crane.~Meredith and John~

What did the cannibal say when he first saw a skating rink? What do you know... People on the rocks!~Eric Prestel & Law Keeper~

A chicken and a pig were knocking back a few beers at the tavern one night when the chicken said, "Hey, let's go into business together. We could open a ham-and-egg restaurant." "Not so fast," the pig replied. "For you it's just a day''s work. For me, it's a life-and-death proposition.~Eric Prestel & Law Keeper~

Did you here about the nearsighted whale that followed the submarine? Every time it shot a torpedo, the whale passed out cigars.~Eric Prestel & Law Keeper~

A blonde is driving down the road and sees another blonde out in a corn field sitting in a row boat just rowing away. She gets very upset and gets out of the car to tell her off . Its blondes like you that give all us blondes a bad name and if I could swim I'd come out there and Kick Your ***!~Toonz~

Two statues, male and female, have been guarding the door of an old church for centuries keeping out evil spirits and such, so one day God decides to reward them. He comes down and says, "Ok, since you have been so good, I am going to give you a day off from guarding the church, spend it however you wish." A few minutes later, God sees the statues dissapear behind a bush. The bush commences rattiling and shaking like no ones business. Twelve hours later, they emerge. "Hey," God says "You've still g ot twelve hours left, go have fun!" So the female statue turns to the male statue and says, "Ok, this time you hold the pigeon and I'll crap on it."~Jordan Jacobsen~

A salesman comes up to a farmer in his barnyard. Next to the farmer is a pig with three legs. As the pig hobbles around, the salesman says to the farmer, "That's terrible! Why don't you put that pig out of his misery?" The farmer drew a deep breat h and said, "Let me tell you about that pig. One night, my house caught fire and that pig ran through the house, woke everybody up and got us out safely." "That's no reason to let him suffer!", said the salesman. "That's true", said the farmer. "But t here's more. One day, my tractor flipped over. That pig ran back to the house and got help for me. He saved my life." "I'm sure he's very talented", said the salesman, "But look at him. He can hardly walk. Why don't you just take him to a vet and ha ve him put to sleep?" The farmer looked at the salesman and shook his head. "Listen buddy, if you had a pig that was that good, would you eat him all at once?"~Ruffy~

Why did the leppers have to quit playing hockey? Because there was a face off in the corner.~Paul Tetzloff~

Why was the man arrested for waiting in the Big Top? He was loitering within tent.~Andrew Margerison~

What do you call a deer with no eyes? No idea. (no eye dear) What do you call a deer with no legs and no eyes? Still no idea.~James Turner~

What's long, yellow and fruity? An apple in disguise.~James Turner~

Two biscuits walking down the street. One gets crushed by a passing car. The other one says "crumbs".~James Turner~

A guy walks into a bar, orders a pint and a pork pie, downs his pint, puts the pork pie on his head and smashes it with his hand, then walks out, leaving the barman a little confused. The next day he comes back in, orders a pint and a pork pie, downs the pint, puts the pork pie on his head, smashes it with his hand and walks out, leaving the barman even more confused. The next day he comes in again and orders a pint and a pork pie but the barman, trying to figure him out, says "sorry, no pork pies" so the guy orders a packet of cheese and onion crisps instead, downs the pint, puts the packet of cheese and onion crisps on his head smashes them with his hand and is about to leave when the barman stops him and asks "why did you just smash that packet of cheese and onion crisps on your head?" and the guy replies "because you didn't have any pork pies."~James Turner~

Granny was visiting town for the first time. She checks in at the hotel, and the bellboy takes her bags. She follows the boy, and as the door closes, she looks around and shakes her fist at him. "Young man, I may be old, and straight from the hills, b ut that don't mean I'm stupid! I paid good money, and this room won't do at all! It's too small, and without proper ventilation! Why there's not even a bed!" The bellhop looks at her and says, "Ma'am, this isn't your room, It's the elevator!"~MPG~< /LI>

Why can't they have baseball stadiums in Poland? Everyone would be sitting behind a pole!~Peter G. Harwood~

What time does a proctologist get up in the morning? At the crack of dawn.~Bill~

Why did the chicken cross the road? To show the opossum that it COULD be done!~Lori Carson~

What do you get when you cross Lassie with a pitbull? A dog that bights off your leg, then runs for help.~Jim Mckenzie~

What's black white black white black white black white black white...a penguin rolling down the stairs.~The Rocker~

Why did the elephant paint his toenails different colors? So he could hide in the M&M dish! Have you ever seen an elephant in the M&M dish? See it works!~Amanda G.~

Why did the booger cross the road? Because he was being picked on.~Amanda~

Why does E.T. have such big eyes? Beause he saw his phone bill.~Amanda~

In the days where tall, wooden ships sailed the high seas, there was this one ship sailing during a war. That morning, the lookout shouted, "enemy ship on the horizon." The captain said to his ensign, "Get me my red shirt." The ensign, rather bewilder ed from this odd request, did as his captain ordered. Thought he battle was a long one, the captain and his crew managed to fend off the enemy ship. Later that day, the lookout shouted, "two enemy ships on the horizon." As before, the captain said to his ensign, "Get me my red shirt." And, as before, the ensign did as his captain asked. The battle took the rest of the day to fight, and managed to defeat the two enemy ships. That evening, the ensign asked his captain, "Sir, Why, before every battle, do you ask for your red shirt." The captain replied, "Well, if I am wounded in battle, the blood will not show and the crew will continue to fight." The crew was listening, and they were impressed. They had a brave captain. The next morning, the lookout sho uted, "Ten enemy ships on the horizon." The ensign looked at his captain, waiting for the usual orders. The captain said to his ensign, "Ensign, get me my brown pants."~Larry Davitz~

Why did the Mexican push his wife off the cliff? Tequilla! (to kill her)~A Feathered Friend~

How does a blind parachutist know when the ground is close? His guide dog's lead goes slack.~Murray Shields~

What's bright yellow and can't swim? A bulldozer.~Murray Shields~

Two vomits were walking down the street when one started to cry. The other said, "What's wrong?" The first replied, "This is where I was brought up!"~Murray Shields~

What looks like Blu-Tak, feels like Blu-Tak, tastes like Blu-Tak, but isn't Blu-Tak? Smurf poo.~Murray Shields~

Once there was a marine biologist who loved dolphins. He spent his time trying to feed and protect his beloved creatures of the sea. One day, in a fit of inventive genius, he came up with a serum that would make dolphins live forever!

Of course he was ecstatic. But he soon realised that in order to mass produce this serum he would need large amounts of a certain compound that was only found in nature in the metabolism of a rare South American bird. Carried away by his love for dolph ins, he resolved that he would go to the zoo and steal one of these birds.

Unbeknownst to him, as he was arriving at the zoo an elderly lion was escaping from its cage. The zoo keepers were alarmed and immediately began combing the zoo for the escaped animal, unaware that it had simply lain down on the sidewalk and had gone t o sleep.

Meanwhile, the marine biologist arrived at the zoo and procured his bird. He was so excited by the prospect of helping his dolphins that he stepped absent mindedly over the sleeping lion on his way back to his car. Immediately, 1500 policemen converged on him and arrested him for transporting a myna across a staid lion for immortal porpoises.~Murray Shields~

What do you get when you cross an agnostic, a dyslexic and an insomniac? Somebody who lays awake wondering if there's a dog.~Hex Fiend~

What's better than finding Barney the Dinosaur in a gargage can? Finding him in TEN garbage cans!~Ziggee~

A guy goes to the shrink and says, "Doc, you gotta help me...I'm a Wigwam, I'm a Teepee, I'm a Wigwam, I'm a Teepee!" The Doctors says, "Just calm down, calm down, you're TWO TENTS!"~Anonymous~

Why were all the ink spots crying? Thier father was in the pen.~mcr~

What did the dog say to the tree? bark.~Dodger39~

A grasshopper walks into a bar. The barrtender says to him "Hey we have drink named after you." The grasshopper replies "You have a drink named Murrry?" ~unknown~

Why was Tigger looking in the tiolet? To find Pooh ~unknown~

One day a priest was walking down a street when he saw a young boy jumping trying to reach a doorbell. The priest asked the boy if he needed help. The boy said yes. Then the priest asked what next. The boy replied "RUN LIKE HELL." ~Sarah~

A boy came home from school one day and his mother said that the office had called her and that he had been distracting the class all day long. So the mother takes her son upstairs to his room and looks at him sternly. Then she sighs and says: "okay, Johnny, Take off all my clothes. And I mean ALL of them." Johnny says: "Mom, do I have to??" and the mother says "yes." So Johnny takes off all her clothes and then the mother says: "Now you must promise never to wear my clothes to school again, John ny." ~Allison~

Why did Helen Keller burn her face? She answered the iron. ~Stew~

What's the difference between a guy falling from the 1st floor and one falling from the 17th floor , the guy falling from the first goes, ' splat , Aaaaaaaargh " and the one from the 17th goes, " Aaaaaaargh , splat ". ~David Vannucci~

Did you hear about the idiot who was in a spelling bee and was asked to spell Mississippi and the idiot said "which one? The river or the state? ~Carl Buchanan~

Did you hear the one about the idiot who drained his pool and his wife asked him why he did that and the idiot responded "I want to pratice diving but I don't know how to swim" ~Carl Buchanan~

Did you hear about the idiot who got a camera for his birthday? He just got back his first roll of film, twelve shots of his right eye. ~Carl Buchanan~

What do you call spending the afternoon with a cranky rabbit? A bad hare day. ~Holly~

Have you ever seen an elephant hiding behind a flower? That means he hids well. ~Alpha Echo~

What do you do if you see a spaceman?. Park your car in it man. ~David Whalley~

Why is the sea so rough? You'd be too if you had crabs on your bottom and clams in your bed! ~The Muppet's Movie~

Once upon a time, long long ago, in a land far far away there lived a woman who was just too busy! She decided to make a clone of herself so she could get twice as much work done. Well, the clone helped her a lot, but it also gave her a bad reputati on because the clone constantly swore. One day, the woman couldn't take her clone's foul mouth anymore, so she took it to the top of a building and pushed it off. Soon after, the woman was arrested for making an obscene clone fall. ~Eric Bandy~

What was the centrepiece of the annual Anorexia and Bulimnia sufferers convention? A cake jumping out of a girl. ~Daniel McMahon~

I was sitting at the bar, and the brunette sitting next to me rolled her eyes at me, so I picked them up and rolled them back. I decided to leave and go back to my apartment. When i got there, I decided to take the elevator upstairs. Gee it was heav y! I finally got into my room, and closed the door. I walked into the kitchen and heard a tap on the door. What a funny place to keep a tap. I glanced toward the window, and noticed a tall blonde walking past my window. I KNOW she was tall, because I live on the 3rd floor... ~Kyrsty~

Ok, the opposite of PRO is CON, right? So what's the opposite of progress? CONgress. ~Kyrsty~

Why did the booger cross the road, because he was being picked on!!!!! ~Ryan Z.~

What do you get when you drop a piano down a mine shaft? A flat minor. ~Dar~

What did one casket say to the other casket? Is that you coffin? ~Steve Girard~

What time did the Chinese man go to the dentist? Tooth hurty. ~Steve Girard~

What's Irish and stays out all night? Paddy 'O Furniture. ~Mike Webb~

I was in the country one day. As I was walking, I saw this chicken cross the road. I was curious why the chicken crossed the road, so I ran to catch up to it. When I got to the chicken I asked it, "Why did you cross the road?" It said, "Buck-ah, bu ck, buck, buck-ah!" ~Patrick Carino~

Where do kings keep their armies? In their sleevies. ~Karen Williams~

What's the difference between mashed potatoes and pea soup? Anyone can mash potatoes! ~unknown~

This joke is a REAL long one so I have it's VERY OWN PAGE devoted to it and only it. -->The Joke<--

What do they call the plastics in the White House? Tipperware. ~April Marquet~

Poo Poo Boudreaux and Poo Poo Tibideaux were coming up a inlet in their motor boat when they saw another boat loaded with fish. Seeing as how their luck was pretty piss poor today, Boudreaux asked the fisherman what his secret was. He said, "Jes go ou t to sea until the water gets fresh. Stop there and drop yer line." Excited, Boudreaux fired up the motor and headed out to sea. When they got a little ways out, he told Tibideaux to fill up a bucket and taste the water. Tibedeaux complied and said, "It's still salty Boudreaux!" Boudreaux went further out and told Tibideaux to taste the water again. Tibideaux said the same thing, "It's still salty Boudreaux!" This went on for hours... Finally it was starting to get dark, and they were in the middle of now here, when Boudreaux said to taste the water one last time. Tibideaux replied, "But Boudreaux, there's no more water in the bucket!" ~Jeff Mills~

Why does the name"Edward Woodward" have 4 'd's? 'Cos his name would be Ewar Woowar! ~Malcolm~

Three friars were banished from their monastery for strange behavior and various rule violations, so they decided to start a business together. They traveled around until they found a town that they liked, and opened up a plant shop. Their floral bus iness was soon thriving.

One day, a woman was shopping at the friar's store, and while she was strolling down an aisle with her toddler, a large plant reached out, grabbed the child, and ate it. Needless to say, the women was quite upset at the loss of her child. However, the friars refused to believe that one of their plants could have done such a thing. The woman told all of her friends about the incident, and soon everyone in the town was in an uproar. They decided to kick the friars out of tow n. Every person in the town, except for a man named Hugh, gathered outside of the friars shop, shouting, waving sticks, and demanding that they leave. But the friars said "No. We're not leaving". So the townspeople gave up and went home.

Well, a coup le weeks later, another woman was walking through the friars shop, looking at plants with her baby, when a plant grabbed her child and ate it. She ran through the streets screaming that a plant had swallowed her baby. The townspeople were outraged, and again gathered outside the floral shop (except for Hugh), waving torches, and demanding that the friars leave town at once. But the friars said, "No way." And all the people gave up and went home.

A few days later, yet another woman dared to take her child into thefloral shop. She held her infant tightly in her arms, but it was nouse. A large dandelion wrestled the child from her arms, and ate it. When the townspeople heard of this, they were extremely upset. They again gathered outside the friar' s store (except for Hugh), yelling and threatening bodily harm to the friars if they didn't leave town. But the friars said, "We're staying". So, the citizens gave up and began to go home.

Just then, Hugh showed up. He walked up to the friars, and s aid, "Get out of town, now!". The friars immediately packed up all their belongings and stupid plants and fled that very day, never to be heard from again.

The moral of this story is: Only Hugh can prevent florist friars. ~Phil Repino~

A man is in a mental institution, and after 5 years he can take a test to see if he can leave. They call him in and ask him to name his body parts. He says "finger, hand, wrist, knee....", but points to his elbow when he says "knee". He fails, and five years later he comes back again. He says "finger, wrist, elbow, shoulder, bellybutton....." but points to his nose, not his bellybutton. He fails again, and he also fails the next four tries. Finally after 30 years he comes in and says "finger, han d, wrist, elbow, shoulder, eye, nose, mouth." So they let him leave, but before he goes they ask how he did it this time. The man points to his head and says "I used my kidneys." ~Adam Bishop~

What did the crypt keeper say? Let's go chopping!! ~Nanette Lai~

How to you organize a spacey party? You planet. ~Nanette Lai~

How do you start a book about ducks?...With an introducktion. ~Geoff VanHerwaarden~

What do you call a person with nothing to do?...WAKKO (I personnally like this one... of corse if it was true it wouldn't take me 6 months to update my pages :) ~Geoff VanHerwaarden~

How do you catch a rabbitt? Hide behind a tree and make carrott noises. ~Stewart~

Let me know when the list is updated. Here's the joke: Why don't lepers play poker? Because they can only throw their hands in once. ~Tim Alm~

What do you get when you cross 100 pigs with 100 deer? 200 sows and bucks!!! ~Sir James of Steele~

Why can't you play cards in the jungle? Because there's too many cheetas! ~Sir James of Steele~

Why can't you play cards in the jungle? Because there's too many cheetas! ~Sir James of Steele~

What did one frog say to the other? Time's sure fun when you're having flies! ~Sir James of Steele~

Why don't anteaters get sick? Because they're full of anty-bodies! ~Sir James of Steele~

What do you call an Italian feline trying on clothes? Catalina dressing. ~unknown~

There was this old lady and old man. The poor man couldn't hear very well, so he depended on his wife to interpret for him. One day, while they were at the doctor's office, the nurse asked the man to take off his shirt. He asked his wife, "Huh, what did she say?..." His wife repeated, "They want your shirt!". Then the nurse said, "You need to remove your pants." The old guy asked his wife again, "Huh, what did she say?..." His wife repeated, "They want your pants!" Then the nurse said, "Excuse me sir, but we need a stool sample and a urine sample". Again he asked his wife, "Huh, what did she say?..." His wife said, "They want your underwear!.." ~unknown~

Whats round and red and goes up and down? A cranberry on an elevator. ~unknown~

If a athlete get's athete's foot wha does an astronaut get? Mistle Toe. ~Kim~

Santa says to Mrs. Claws "Any idea what the weather will be like for Christmas?". Mrs Claws: "Look's like rain, dear" ~Kim~

What do you do with two pieces of bread in the desert? Make a sandwhich! ~Sean Ohlenkamp~

Did you hear that the Governors mansion in West Virginia burnt down. All the way down to the axel! ~Gail~

Why did the boat go to the doc? he was sick. ~unknown~

Once upon a time, there was a small village called Trid nestled in chain of huge mountains. The peasents who lived in this town were very poor (as peasents usualy are) because every year the king sent his tax collector out to take almost all of the f ood that the peasents grew. One year, when the tax collector went to retreive his annual tax, none of the peasents had any food at all, claiming that the giant who lived in the mountains had stolen all that they had. Being unable to collect the taxes, (o r to find anything else worth taking) the tax collector returned to the king to bring him the news that there would be no taxes this year and to relay the story of the giant in the mountains. When the king of Trid heard of this he was outraged and order ed 100 of his bravest soldiers to go to the mountains, slay the giant, and bring back the lost crops. The soldiers began to march up a steep mountain path, but before they had gone too far, the giant appeared from around a corner and kicked all of the so diers off a nearby cliff. Only one soldier escaped death and he, being a good soldier, returned quickly to the king and told him of their misfourtions, after which he died of internal injuries. The king was now even angrier, and ordered 200 soldiers, le d by a preist, to march up the mountain and recover the crops. The soldiers instanly set off up the steep path, but around the same corner the giant came again and kicked all of the soldiers (and the preist) off the cliff. Once agin, one man returned t o the king to retell his sad story. The King of Trid was now FURIOUS and orderd 500 soldiers, led by a rabbi, to attempt the same mission. Once again the solders reached the cliff and were greeted by the horendous giant kicking them off the cliff. Every body was knocked off execept for the old rabbi, who watched the others meet their demise and then saw the giant turn to walk away. "Giant," the rabbi called, "why have you killed all of these men but spared me, an old rabbi?" The giant turned again, walke d to the rabbi and gently patted him on the head as he said, "Silly rabbi, Kicks are for Trids." ~Drew Courtney~

The Hunchback of Notre Dame wanted to go on vacation, so he put an add in the newspaper for a temp bell ringer. Well, weeks and weeks go by, and there the hunchback is, sitting on the bottom of the steps woeing his bad luck, when a short man with no a rms walks up to him and says: "Excuse me, but are you the hunchback who needed the bell ringer?" "Why yes I am, but how can you ring the huge bell, you have no arms?" "Let me show you, its amazing." said the little man. So up and up they go to the ve ry top of Notre Dame. And the little man walks to the very last possible inch and runs, face first, into the bell. "BANG!" went the bell. "WOW!" went the Hunchback."Can you do it again?" "Sure," said the little man. So he runs to the last possible inch a nd starts to run back. But the bell was still swinging, and right as the little man is about to run into it, it swang out of the way and the little man fell though the hole, all the way down into the street below. "Oh no, now I'll never get my vacation" s aid the Hunchback as he ran back down the stairs. By the time he got all the way down, the police had arrived. The detective asked the Hunchback if he new the name of the victim of the fall. "No, but his face sure rings a bell" ~XenaInTraining~

What kind of milk makes you blink? Past eur ized ~Shannarra~

What did the digital watch say to his mom? "Look mom no hands." ~unknown~

How does the gingerbread man make his bed? With cookie sheets. ~Gord Goudie~

Why does an elephant lie on the ground with its legs up in the air? To Trip Birds!! ~Win Graham~

A burglar was in a dark house. When he picked up the T.V. a voice said "Jesus is watching you." He dropped the T.V. and whirled around his flashlight looking for someone without any luck. After picking up the VCR the voice said once again "Jesus is watching you." He dropped the VCR and demanded "Who said that?" A voice in the back of the room said "Me, Clarence!" He spotted a parrot with the flashlight and said "Did you say that?" Clarence acknowledged. The burglar then asked "Who would name a Parrot Clarence?" To which Clarence replied "The same guy who named the rottweiller Jesus!" ~Pat Nutter~

One day there was a guy named Mack. All his friends called him "Big Mack" because of his size. Mack had always wanted to be a bus driver, and one day his dream came true. He finally became one. They gave him his bus, which was yellow. When he saw it, he asked the boss "Can I paint it a bit, make it look better?" and the boss said he could. So he painted Sesame Street Characters all over the bus and off he went on his first route. His first passenger was a young, pale boy of about 8. When he stopped, Mack said "Hi! My names Mack, but my friends call me Big Mack". The young boy said "Oh hello, I'm Paul, but all my friends call me 'Special Paul' because they think I'm special". The boy got on the bus and Mack kept driving. At the next stop there were 2 really fat, obese ladies. When he stopped he said "Hi! My names Mack, but my friends call me Big Mack". The ladies introduced themselves as Patty and Patty (2 patty's). They got on the bus and away they went. At the next stop was this punk guy. When Mack stopped he said "Hi! My names Mack, but my friends call me Big Mack". The Punk said "Yeah Hi, I'm Lester, But people call me Lester Sneeze because I sneeze a lot." He got on the bus and away they went. Everything was going fine until Lester pulled out his knife and started to pick the Bunyins off his foot and fling them at the Paul. Paul got really scared and ran under the seat where the 2 Obese Patty's where. They didnt know what was happening and started to scream, and then Paul started crying and then Lester started picking his bunyins and flinging them at the 2 Patty's and Paul. Mack got really confused and didnt know what to do, so he ran off the bus and to the phone booth. He put his money in and called his boss. When he picked up, Mack said "HEY! I GOT A PROBLEM!!! I HAVE TWO ALL BEEF PATTIES SPECIAL PAUL AND LESTER CHEESE PIKCING BUNYINS ON A SESAME STREET BUS!!!!!"

These jokes are so stupid they are funny.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.