I am a mut mixed with hispanic, french, german, and I don't want to even get into everything else. lol. I love racist jokes. The reason why is because they are only jokes. Everyone should learn to laugh, even at themselves sometimes. You can't help what you are born into, so why should you get offended? You should not be proud of being a certain race either. I am a nerd(smart), and I would wear a shirt that says nerd on it without caring. A good comedian can laugh at themselves, they aren't trying to hurt people. There are sick people in the world so let's not be dillusional, so there will never be world peace. It is nice to think so, and people can make a vast difference in the world, but we can't change the sick people in the world. That is just how it is. If I hear a joke about Mexicans, I will laugh, or French, or Asian, or African American, or American. I don't get offended. I guess it all depends on who you are joking around with. The only kind of jokes that get me angry are when people make fun of the Special Ed. You can not help being a certain color, but you can help your personality and your health, and your brain(unless you have a condition or something). We shouldn't make fun of the mentally handicapped people, because they can't even think normally or speak normally, or do anything normally like we can, and that is nothing to make fun of. We should be able to laugh at ourselves, and laugh at a joke, but not at the mentally handicapped. Race is just a color. I am not racist, I have many friends of different colors, and I hate racist people, but I love jokes. They are only jokes people, so get some humour!!!! ;)
why are you getting all worked up over the holocaust?? People like them are just laughing, they aren't Hitler. Besides, you should be more concerned about abortions rather than the holocaust which is in the past. Abortions kill more people than the Holocaust and Slavery in history alone, and is actually WORSE, because it systematically involves killing people. They don't even get to laugh at any jokes, because they haven't been born. Have you ever thought about that?