i'm a white girl and i make lots of racist jokes. would you get mad at me if i targeted your race?
2008-07-19 20:36:48 UTC
i love racists jokes, always have and always will. i tell them alot, of course always making sure my friends will understand, wont get offended, and know that im joking. just trying to get opinions on what other people would do if they overheard me. =]
73 answers:
2008-07-20 10:12:39 UTC
As long as you're an equal-opportunity offender, it's all good!

Gotta make jokes about EVERYBODY!!! :)
2008-07-20 19:26:30 UTC
I love how most people say how awful these jokes are and yet they are the same people who are telling them. Honestly, if you can't laugh at yourself then you can't laugh at anybody else. I don't think racist jokes are that bad...even minorities make jokes about white people and I find them funny too. However, I would be careful where you do tell them and who you tell them to because not all people will take them lightly and will be very offended...which is not the point of a joke. So enjoy them, but don't be an a** about it.
2008-07-20 17:24:00 UTC
I have to admit that I've been guilty of laughing at racist jokes in the past, but they are not funny at all to the people of the targeted race.

I'm sure you don't mean any harm, but by telling those jokes you give the impression that you are willing to be prejudiced and hurt people just to make your friends laugh.
2008-07-20 12:02:21 UTC
There are lot of comedians that can spin a race joke and make it halarious without being offensive like Lisa Lampenelli, Chris Rock, the late Richard Pryor, Kathy Griffin, and Don Rickles. But if you're making a joke to see how people will react don't do makes you look like a douche.
2008-07-20 11:50:55 UTC
Well, if I knew that you would just be joking and that you make sure that I do understand and won't get offended, then I'd just laugh. But if you tell jokes about my race and actually mean it, then I'd be pretty mad. As long as you don't mean it.
2008-07-20 06:17:14 UTC
Why do you have to tell racist jokes? It's not big, it's not clever.... You'll just make yourself look uneducated. It isn't funny really, either. Would you like it if someone called you 'white trash' or made jokes about our race? There's a fine line between a 'joke' and racist bullying. You could upset people.
2008-07-19 23:37:40 UTC
I am a mut mixed with hispanic, french, german, and I don't want to even get into everything else. lol. I love racist jokes. The reason why is because they are only jokes. Everyone should learn to laugh, even at themselves sometimes. You can't help what you are born into, so why should you get offended? You should not be proud of being a certain race either. I am a nerd(smart), and I would wear a shirt that says nerd on it without caring. A good comedian can laugh at themselves, they aren't trying to hurt people. There are sick people in the world so let's not be dillusional, so there will never be world peace. It is nice to think so, and people can make a vast difference in the world, but we can't change the sick people in the world. That is just how it is. If I hear a joke about Mexicans, I will laugh, or French, or Asian, or African American, or American. I don't get offended. I guess it all depends on who you are joking around with. The only kind of jokes that get me angry are when people make fun of the Special Ed. You can not help being a certain color, but you can help your personality and your health, and your brain(unless you have a condition or something). We shouldn't make fun of the mentally handicapped people, because they can't even think normally or speak normally, or do anything normally like we can, and that is nothing to make fun of. We should be able to laugh at ourselves, and laugh at a joke, but not at the mentally handicapped. Race is just a color. I am not racist, I have many friends of different colors, and I hate racist people, but I love jokes. They are only jokes people, so get some humour!!!! ;)

why are you getting all worked up over the holocaust?? People like them are just laughing, they aren't Hitler. Besides, you should be more concerned about abortions rather than the holocaust which is in the past. Abortions kill more people than the Holocaust and Slavery in history alone, and is actually WORSE, because it systematically involves killing people. They don't even get to laugh at any jokes, because they haven't been born. Have you ever thought about that?
2008-07-19 21:11:50 UTC
I would simply think that you are ignorant. But I wouldn't get mad at you.

However, you must understand the chance you are taking by doing this. Or haven't you read the newspapers or looked at the news. You may offend someone that has just been discriminated against or offended in another situation and has decided to take their anger out on you.

So, as long as you are willing to accept the ultimate consequences of your actions, keep on with your bad self.
2008-07-20 13:23:24 UTC
You are young and naive, this behaviour will not do well when you are older and out in the real world

this is inappropriate behaviour and why do you think it is so funny?

You make it look bad for all the people who respect and care about race discrimination
2008-07-20 19:22:40 UTC
You shouldn't be making stupid racist jokes. I always get mad when some wisecracking person starts cracking up about my religion,.
2008-07-20 17:44:22 UTC
I dont know about any of these other uptight a-wholes i also enjoy a good racist joke now and again....i mean the whole point of a joke is to make fun and thats it... I am of Hispanic decent and i hear all kinds of BEANER and PAISA jokes all the time, and you dont see me crying about... so go ahead and lay them on me.... :D
2008-07-20 13:31:15 UTC
yes i would even though im white. the jokes are mean and cruel.. you should stop... i know what it's like living w/ somebody who's racist.. don't understand it at all!
2008-07-20 14:19:04 UTC
well down here you get caught saying that it will be the last joke you ever tell.i personally would just get back at you and depends how far you went with the joke if its not that serious i'll be good.
2008-07-20 12:29:37 UTC
see jokes are meant to give u a good laugh....i wont mind if there are any against my race..but on second thoughts..thinking about others...joking about someonez race might hurt their why joke about the 'race' ?

there are many other things to joke on..aint it??

still i wont mind.. :)
2008-07-20 05:42:40 UTC
em if its funny i think i would let u get away wid it but if its a reli racist joke i would get relly mad n offended(but im a vry violent person n dnt let anyone push me like dat),cuz everyone of us r equal n i think anyone of use shouldnt be make fun of jst bcuz wer a different kind of skin sure if i told u a really nasty white racist joke u would also get offended by it,
the insider
2008-07-20 16:24:43 UTC
ur just trying to be cool. u think ur all funny and hardcore just bcuz u tell racist jokes. u do realize that ur just gonna get beat up eventually right?
2008-07-20 16:30:09 UTC
i don't mind because i laugh at them..even at the ones about my own race but there is such thing as taking it too far sumtimes

but just make sure to make fun of your own race also or else you'll just seem racist

if i didn't know you, then yeah i would get offended depends on what you said

you get me?
2008-07-19 23:05:00 UTC
it depends on the joke if its just really ignorant and not funny then id be offended but hey a jokes a jokes and i can take one
2008-07-20 21:09:12 UTC
I'm white too, so I won't get mad if you tease my race. :)

I tease my friends, too. They tease me for being white.

We all laugh. Hey, if they're your friends, then the joke

turns into a harmless one compared to if you tell it to a random stranger. Friends will always understand, and we have friends to care for and to tease. :)
Lord Sowron
2008-07-20 07:44:39 UTC
Hey I'm white too. Joke as much as you like about my race. Won't bring a tear to my eye.
2008-07-20 06:39:04 UTC
here r 2 jokes

they opened a six flags park in Mexico but had two close no one was tall enough to get on the rides

only in Mexico can their be a one car accident that kills 17 people
2008-07-19 22:42:21 UTC
When you degrade someone else, you are actually degrading yourself. It makes you look bad to say these kinds of jokes. I'd be careful with these and better yet, refrain from making racist jokes. You never know who might overhear you and end up crying into their pillow that night.
Makaveli The Don: Tupac Shakur
2008-07-20 16:29:16 UTC
yes i would get mad and no offense,but the majority of the white girls always think they are all that and make people feel bad because they think they are better.
2008-07-20 01:29:10 UTC
Hispanic and I do the same **** besides they are funny so no I wouldnt get mad. Oh and by the way stupid as it is I especially love the jokes against hispanics, ah good times
2008-07-19 20:56:19 UTC
In the past I always enjoyed racial jokes too.

It was only recently that I realized that white supremacy is subtly taught in public schools everywhere cloaked in the sugar-coated deception of "evolution".

Have you ever thought about how other races feel when they're sitting in evolution class as they're taught that some races are more highly evolved than others? Do you think, as whites do, that they're just sure they are the more highly evolved race?

Don't think so.

I'm a little more sensitive about enjoying racist jokes now.
2008-07-20 09:07:51 UTC
i love racists jokes and dont mind if one is made about me, its just a joke. laugh and be happy
2008-07-20 17:41:53 UTC
i would be offended if you were making fun of any race not just my own. and if people overheard you, im sure they would be offended too.
2008-07-20 12:58:09 UTC
I like 'em too. You just have to be careful with them. There's a fine line between insanely funny and incredibly offensive.
2008-07-20 08:42:20 UTC
How would you feel if someone was telling jokes about your race?
2008-07-20 20:43:28 UTC
whites dont usually mind . but blacks do mind.

if your white and tell white jokes on your self. thats what people can say oh she is white. . but if your telling black jokes around blacks and your white . its really not that healthy.
2008-07-20 15:07:29 UTC
racist jokes are pretty funny, only if they are meant to be funny, and not meaningly targeting them.
2008-07-20 14:31:24 UTC
i wouldn't 'cause people who live in glass houses...blah blah. I'm a Mexican and i make all kinds of racist jokes, especially Mexican and black jokes......and blond jokes.....
2008-07-19 22:35:52 UTC
I love racist jokes. But I think a lot of people wont admit they like them because most of the jokes are TRUE!
2008-07-19 20:58:12 UTC
I would be offended if it were any race. If you joke out of malice you will cause more hatred and more people who will dislike you. I don't see any other reason why you would find them funny. Someone gets hurt. If you like that you should seriously evaluate yourself.
2008-07-20 18:47:12 UTC
jokes are ment to be funny and if you did make fun of me i wouldn't really care. but i suggest you don't go too crazy with them.
2008-07-20 19:57:18 UTC
i dont thnk any1 should care. . . every1 makes fun of every1 thats why its called a joke, people get so offensive, so, to answer your ? no i could care less
2008-07-20 09:52:16 UTC
i actually wouldn't be offended but i know many people that would.

You should be aware that you can be arrested for any racism...............and you could end up with a smack in the mouth if someone took offence.
2008-07-19 22:52:07 UTC
if i wasnt white, and you were making fun of me, id probably make a racist joke to you.

or maybe just not care and get on with life.
2008-07-19 20:53:47 UTC
I'm Bohemian (bohunk) which has come to mean 'arty'.which is as much derision as one can take, but go ahead........ and lay it on me ..... sob!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, 'good taste and discrimination' is the art that determines a good joke-teller from an indiscriminate a-ho,
2008-07-20 20:48:29 UTC
I'd probably laugh :)

I laugh at pretty much all jokes.
jazman stevens
2008-07-20 13:23:47 UTC
i would get mad at you for targeting any race at all.
2008-07-20 05:39:36 UTC
i'm racist too so i wouldn't care

like heres one

-Why do black people only have nightmares?

-Because we killed the last one with a dream.

dont be offended its just a joke

i mean i would feel bad if u actually meant it but if u were just telling jokes random jokes then i wouldn't care

i mean if ur gonna tell racist jokes then switch it up dont just target one race and be a hater
2008-07-20 04:47:17 UTC
If I was African American, I would feel bad. It would be the same if you made white jokes, if you made Christian jokes, or if you made Southern jokes.
2008-07-19 23:28:12 UTC
i am the same way! i LOVE racist jokes! it's in my blood we are all rebels and my grandfather was probably in the KKK but i'm not racist and most of the jokes are true....
2008-07-20 02:08:41 UTC
the question is.. wud u feel bad or offended if i made fun of ure race.
2008-07-20 15:04:06 UTC
im white too, so any jokes you tell about white people im okay with...but for some reason i don't like hearing jokes about other races because i don't know if they are okay with it or idk
2008-07-19 21:24:23 UTC
They are just jokes. I like when people tell black jokes. They are always funny.
2008-07-19 21:07:16 UTC
Depends what it is but black people take the piss out of themselves and are racist against white people. haha check out reggie dabbs =] v. funny
2008-07-20 07:41:07 UTC
My friend does that. She says she's joking. Its not funny. No one appreciates them.

So stop making stupid racial 'jokes' that aren't even funny.
2008-07-20 10:51:03 UTC
i am a blonde so i am targeted all the time and it hurts my feelings think about how you would feel if you were targeted
Arnold G
2008-07-19 20:59:44 UTC
Some jokes are funy, But just try to watch it. "tageting" a race would just be not right. Some are okay, but there's always a limit.
Count Alucard II
2008-07-20 04:07:32 UTC
Dosen't bother me
2008-07-20 07:06:17 UTC
im white too but i'd be offended
Hardy Boyz Italy Rocks
2008-07-20 15:19:33 UTC
as long as you dont talk about italians im fine
2008-07-19 23:39:24 UTC
ya i wil get mad!

there are lots of other things to joke about
2008-07-19 20:58:54 UTC
People are going soft. Its just a joke. Your being a racist for telling the jokes. You didnt make up the stereotypes the jokes are talking about. Your just talking about them and laughin about them. If they think your racist they are just ignorant
★Nick Jonas #1 Fan!★
2008-07-20 17:22:59 UTC
i'd be really mad even though im white.
2008-07-20 07:45:38 UTC
uh if you tried my race, i would be really pissed off, BECAUSE im not one of your lil friends and YOU probably are racist, oh and guess what, its because of people like you that the holocaust happened.............RACIST.............

oh great now im mad
2008-07-19 20:42:42 UTC
aww this is true it may sound dorky but you can't stop hate unless you start peace and telling these jokes just hurt people and how would you feel if a child heard you targeting their race?
L.A Woman
2008-07-20 17:02:05 UTC
Not really
2008-07-20 14:42:06 UTC

i just find it mean
2008-07-19 20:41:57 UTC
Even if you weren't making fun of my race, I would be offended. I don't appreciate racist jokes. I think they are idiotic and makes the person telling them look unintelligent. I don't think they are even the slightest bit funny. When I hear people telling them I am immediatly repulsed, even if I can tell the person is joking.
where are my lucky charms?
2008-07-20 11:25:18 UTC
i wouldn't be offended at all.
2008-07-19 21:34:48 UTC
I wouldn't care; SHOOT away at em.

But i don't know how other people feel.
Cj L
2008-07-19 21:10:26 UTC
hell ya im mexican ide get all my ese's to come kick ur ***....

jk there pretty funny
2008-07-20 15:44:08 UTC
i think it depends on what you say about their race that will offend someone.

um. idk. some might be physcos and wanna kill you.
ready to sleep
2008-07-20 11:53:48 UTC
no. I'm white.
2008-07-19 21:06:58 UTC
why don't u try 2 make a race up, then pick on dat?

like, ppl made a person up who they can pick on...chuck norris

i made up my own race and everyone in that race is racist 2 ppl about being innies or outties & they make racist jokes 2.

u know wat, even black ppl can b racist. uhu. not jus against white ppl. but against asians 2. i'm asian.

did u know... that mariah carey called asia's songbird a singin monkey?
Matt M
2008-07-20 14:29:08 UTC
2008-07-20 01:47:50 UTC
nahh cuz i make fun of you peple too you ***** white albinos
2008-07-19 20:41:45 UTC
i don't really care either way, as long as they are tasteful and not down right rude or degrading to others
2008-07-20 03:45:31 UTC
2008-07-19 20:40:04 UTC
well they're stupid you shouldn't do it. i'd be mad if it was any race not just mine. it's also pointless your just causing more hatred

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