I believe the God of the Bible is the only God in existence.
- Sorry about the serious head injury.
what happens after you die?
- What will happen, will happen, REGARDLESS of what any one believes. The difference between yo and I is that you will waste your life thinking it is important to incessantly kiss the ecclesiastical a$$ while I live this life as if it is the most precious think ever to exist.
Atheism is grounded in the rejection of all things supernatural
- Since it, by definition, cannot be proven in any manner and can only be an opinion, yes we reject your personal fantasy.
I can only assume that they have their own theories on how life started,
- Science has explained that in great detail. The University of Manchester has proven the process of Abiogenesis, the last gap.
and what happens after it ends here on earth.
- Again, it makes no difference what we "believe" it will happen regardless.
One of the more popular answers is "you revert back into nothing".
- Other than the many fantasies out there, that is the most likely possibility.
But if that's the case, then it genuinely means you are nothing right now living and breathing.
- That really is THE most ignorant fundie concept ever conceived. I am something and I am contributing to making this earth a better place. You on the other had think kissing the ecclesiastical a$$ is actually something.
Life wouldn't matter,
- Life is the ONLY thing that matters. Your fantasies are fantasies, they do not exist except in your hallucinations. You heard some other idiot say that life does not matter unless you are kissing that a$$ and "believed" it. It is the most ignorant concept possible. This life is the most precious thing you possess.
rules are nothing but restraints,
- SO? You have far more restraints than I do.
and murder could not possibly be amoral or illegal because after all, life means nothing
- And here we are, the monumentally ignorant Comfort/Hovind concept. TO YOU life means nothing, to us who have functional brain cells it is THE MOST PRECIOUS, MOST IMPORTANT THING POSSIBLE. Which is why 99% of the murders in jail ARE RELIGIOUS since this life is meaningless to you, but precious to us. I cannot understand how you people can be so monumentally stupid. YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT THIS LIFE, it is the next one you are looking forward to, so to you THIS life is meaningless. But to us, it is the most precious thing possible, and then you say the incredibly ignorant things as you just did.