Why do atheists choose to reject god and go to hell?
2015-04-28 14:46:11 UTC
There is so much evidence for the existence of god, but atheist just reject it. Do atheists know what is coming to them when they die?
219 answers:
2015-04-28 15:47:59 UTC
I'm sorry, but evidence? Where? The "evidence" I've heard of in previous arguments can all be explained by science and history and other things that have been proven. Please do not use the human eye as your evidence if you should choose to reply to this comment as it's not even the most advanced eye on the planet, not by a long shot (search the mantis shrimp). So, by all means, if you have evidence, I'll listen. Until then, I believe in what has been backed up by experimentation and evidence.

On a side note, you asked "Do atheists know what is coming to them when they die?". Let us pretend that your point is proven to be true. There are many possibilities just as there are many religions, but for the sake of this question, let's address the most common mythology: Heaven and Hell. First, let's say you go to Heaven. Imagine how awful, how boring that would be in the long term with everything bending to your whim. A few centuries, sure. Millennia? Perhaps. But billions of years? No. That would drive anyone insane. Second, we have Hell. The fiery pits and all that, but if you think about it, it would be a far more interesting place than Heaven for the company alone, enough to keep a hold on some semblance of sanity for slightly more time at least.

What I'm trying to say is that religion is made up entirely of logical fallacies and lack of evidence and even from your point of view as a believer, if you look closely, you would see that believers would be no better off than atheists as far as after death is concerned.
2015-04-28 21:14:05 UTC
Even if there was a god, a heaven and a hell, I'd still choose hell. And I think everybody should.

Hell is immoral. It's pure evil. An infinite punishment for a finite crime is just simply immoral. And ludicrous. Every good punishment has two parts: education and rehabilitation.

The education part can be a punishment to think about ones sins. It can be combined with lessons about what was wrong about the crime, etc. All to prevent repetitive behavior, and to make people better.

Hell is final. Eternity is a long time. If even one of my friends, or even a vague acquaintance would end up in hell, how can heaven be a happy place? We should all choose hell, to teach this god-figure a little lesson about who's more moral, him or us. Hint: it's us.
2015-04-29 10:07:11 UTC
On the contrary, why do religious people choose to believe in God? There is, as far as I'm concerned, no evidence at all for the existence of any God. As someone else here said, do not take what you see as any form of proof. I don't see why Hell is such a bad place, and why the devil is considered evil.If hell is the place where the sinners go and is ruled by Satan, is the devil not a good character?
2015-04-30 13:57:02 UTC
Okay I am not an Atheist, I am a proud and happy Christian. But You who asked this question I doubt your Christian beliefs as well. What you believe about Hell, is clearly not Bible based at all. Instead of bashing the Atheists why not treat them as humans beings. Even if we have different beliefs, there is never any reason to belittle and insult them. It is God's right to judge them, not yours. So we must follow Jesus' example of compassion, dignity, and respect. It's because of that haughty fake Christian attitude you just showed, is why Atheists are against Religion and God. In order to prove God's existence, it's by our actions and example. And from accurate Bible Teaching. To the Offended Atheists-I assure you not all of us Christians are this annoying and rude. Visit the only site of True Christians!!!
2015-04-29 08:01:01 UTC
I'm not choosing to go to hell, I just don't believe in a hell or a heaven. I believe that when I die I'll be worm food. And I'm cool with that. You guys are the ones that seem to think you're all so special that you have to end up somewhere spectacular like heaven after you die instead of just being grateful for what is arguably the only" heaven" you'll probably ever know - earth.
2015-04-28 16:20:16 UTC
They don't. They choose to objectively question the assumptions about the existence of god, and then, finding that there is no credible evidence to support the idea that ANY god exists, they choose to conclude that there is no god.

Since you are unable to prove god exists, hell exists, or that Jesus ever lived, let alone worked miracles and so forth, why would you be surprised? Aren't you, actually, the one left playing imaginary games with your imaginary friends, while atheists move on and grow up and act like adults?
2015-04-29 00:49:02 UTC
The Christian God and any other does not judge only people do that. A god loves unconditionlly . The hell youi create is in your mind torturing yourself with unhealthy thoughts, frightening yourself or others into being good. As you think God'll get you. How can you love such a cruel God. Why not decide your making your own decisions even though it might be difficult.Decide to be responsible for yourself. Your God will still be there.
Dorothy B
2015-04-29 17:32:54 UTC
Your concept of hell is not bible based. Hell is mankind's common grave (Job 30:23).

Who Goes to Hell?

The Bible’s answer

Hell (“Sheol” and “Hades” in the Bible’s original languages) is simply the grave, not a place of fiery torment. Who go to hell? Both good people and bad people. (Job 14:13; Psalm 9:17) The Bible says that this common grave of mankind is “the house of meeting for everyone living.”—Job 30:23.

Even Jesus went to hell when he died. However, “he was not kept in hell,” because God resurrected him.—Acts 2:31, 32, The Bible in Basic English.

Is hell eternal?

All those who go to hell will come back out, brought to life by Jesus through God’s power. (John 5:28, 29; Acts 24:15) Speaking of that future resurrection, the prophecy at Revelation 20:13 says that “death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them.” (King James Version) Once hell has been emptied, it will no longer exist; no one will ever go there again because “death will be no more.”—Revelation 21:3, 4; 20:14.

Not everyone who dies goes to hell, though. The Bible shows that some people become so steeped in wickedness that they are beyond repentance. (Hebrews 10:26, 27) When such ones die, they go, not to hell, but to Gehenna, which is a symbol of everlasting destruction. (Matthew 5:29, 30) For example, Jesus indicated that some of the hypocritical religious leaders in his day would go to Gehenna.—Matthew 23:27-33.
2015-04-29 02:14:27 UTC
Why do Atheist Choose to Reject God and Go to Hell ? The first response to your question is simply Because I CAN Because I took the Time to actually examined your source and found it fabricated .unjust and immoral .and The religion its self not advantageous to to my life or present day society It provides . nothing that can not be achieved by secular means That your Book which is the Source of your Personified mental Concept . does not actually Become a "BOOK" bound with a cover and a title until 325 AD At the command of a Ruler named Constantine . when he convened the many religious leader to compile a bunch stories To MANDATE people accept the stories. and Christianity ...................................................... Called IMPOSED RELIGION It was made as tool to rule over a land and group of people . and to give it AUTHORITY then said it the word of a GOD .. The book Claims that this personified Mental concept Has always existed, and created everything . yet on a timeline of Human history . Your Deity waits a very long time to make his presence known I have also read this book and found the actions of the AUTHORITY does behaviors and writes commandments 613 of them . That are Clearly Social , And Cultural Laws of MEN reflective of that society and that time and mind set .to regulate those people . That a God shows up for a specific group of people in a specific area of land and suddenly say , I don't care about all the other gods of the time You are to Worship me .Have you ever wondered why that is ( Intent , Motive and Agenda ) . How about the people in China India , Africa Europe. Australia . the Americas Russia and all the Islands The whole rest of the planet . that this Personified mental concept Picked those people at that time Yet He created the whole world and all the people .......................................................... The concept of hell for it to exist as does , Heaven , Satan . Adam & Eve Angels .and the Afterlife are ALL Contingent on the First proportion to be proven the existence of God . If you cant prove your god exist the other concepts are VOID . since your book Claims he is the Causative Agent ..The religion has many built in intimidation factors . to maintain itself . Fear . sin concepts Punishment and the intimidation of Authority ..When you finally evaluate WHY you believe it You too will Stop believing i Have a nice day
2015-04-28 18:35:18 UTC
Imagine an atheist is riding on a dog sled in the middle of Alaska. As the dogs are pulling him, the atheist sees a house,quickly stops the dog sled

and walks toward the house.He sees that it is a two-story house.He walks inside the dining room,the brick fireplace,and three bedrooms.The

kitchen cabinets are filled with canned goods.Refrigerator filled.The house is carpeted,house is decorated.The atheist walks over and warm

himself at fireplace and says this house made itself.Then the maker of the house walks in and say,are you nut,no animals are any other being

on earth can make a house except a human. Athiest say I don't believe

that. The man says I built this house.The athiest says prove it. The man

became upset and said,You bet be out of my house in two minutes or

else. The athiest got out that house in one minute.You cannot prove any

thing to be people if they are spiritual blind, hard-head,stubborn and

love they way they live and refuse to change.This why God did created

Hell because He knew many will not change. It is just to bad that vast

majority of these people won't believe until after they die. Only then

they will believe except it will be to late. So I say to you repent and

come to Jesus and only thru Him can you be saved.
Corey W
2015-04-28 14:50:32 UTC
Evidence? Saying that god made something because you don't know how else it could have happened is an argument from ignorance. It is not evidence of anything. It's like people that said Zeus caused lightning. Not knowing something doesn't make god the default answer. Why would anyone choose hell? I've always found that statement ridiculous. Provide verifiable, testable proof then we can talk. Furthermore, just because a book says something doesn't make it true. Even if god did exist, how would you even know which one? Faith?
2015-04-30 09:46:11 UTC
(Just wanna start by saying I am not a christian and do not believe in god, but you can believe in whatever you want as long as you don't try and shove it in other you are doing right now.)

There's more evidence to support evolution than god.My friend, you are the closed minded one.

Stop trying to judge people just because they don't agree with what you believe in.

People who don't worship god aren't going to hell. There is not even any solid evidence about the existence of hell, or god for that matter; just because some guy 100000 years ago decided to write an insane fan fiction about a guy who walks on water, doesn't prove that there is a mystical guy in the sky who just happened to have made everything. Its a little far fetched in my book.

Either way, say god was real, isn't there something about him loving all his children. Therefore he wouldn't send us tell.

So the whole basis of your argument is wrong. Good Job.
2015-04-30 08:38:58 UTC
What you are stating just comes from a catholic mind.

People are free to believe whether or not God exist - you cannot say that people who think God does not exist [~atheists] will go to Hell. This is a catholic opinion of you - you do not have the right to judge other people who have got a different opinion to yours.

Moreover, you are talking about evidence. So, evidence is a substantive which concerns the eye, the sight.

So far, we have never seen anything, concretly speaking, about God. We have just seen, materially speaking, proofs of what Science says. That is evidence.

As for God, we have just heard from churches and priests.

We are all free to believe or not, but we cannot judge people who have got a different opinion to yours.
2015-04-28 20:03:11 UTC
First off, I would like to say that I m a Christian - in the sense that I follow the values that Jesus preached - not for any other reason - but that they happen to work. According to Dr. Scott Peck, atheism is a stage that we all go through in human development. It is the mental place where we are searching for what WE believe in, and it is where we worship God - or not, from our own true sense of choice and will. This is a very healthy place to be in, and we also "grow" in whatever we happen to believe in, as well. It s too bad that these die-hard religious people don t do a little healthy research - before they decide to put their lives on the line - for something so important!!
2015-04-29 03:56:39 UTC
Atheists do not reject God and do not expect to go to hell. They simply do not believe the God theory. As of today there is no factual evidence of either idea.
2015-04-28 14:57:22 UTC
Haha what evidence? A book? Harry potter must be the truth too since it's on paper! If god was real why did our ancestors not believe in "the one and only god" for how many thousands of years? Most killings/wars are done for some imaginary man in the clouds. Aztecs use to do the same also for gods to bring rain etc...
2015-05-01 14:56:32 UTC
I would start a debate on this but since you have so many answers to this question, I will keep it short.

First of all is there any evidence of God, if so, what? Is there any evidence of Hell either? If so, prove it to us!

We reject not only God but all the religions out there, as they say love one another for who they are and not judge, when they bloody do it every day! So there, that's a debate for you.
2015-04-29 12:25:42 UTC
Honey, it's a matter of there not being a shred of evidence for a god OR a hell. You can hardly "reject" something for which there is no evidence.

Why do you reject leprechauns and Wonderland? Hmm?
2015-04-29 05:30:28 UTC
I believe in a god or creator, but not the one you are thinking of. That god was an alien. What god would come to this tiny speck and do simple tricks that can be done today by magicians. Turning water into wine, or using dried food that greatly expands when water is added. It does not seem right does it. A god with all the powers in infinity, farting around with primitives on this infinitesimally small speck. Hey! watch this, pick a card, any card. He and his angels came in flaming chariots, or vehicles to you and me. What god needs a vehicle? There is more proof of aliens than god.
2015-05-01 21:36:58 UTC
atheists do not choose. They just don't believe in existence of god for lack of any evidence. They also do not believe in existence of hell and so it is wrong to say that they choose to go to hell.
2015-04-28 14:52:34 UTC
"There is so much evidence for the existence of god"

That's an interesting claim. Why don't you go to a university or other respectable institute, reproduce such evidence under laboratory conditions, convince a bunch of scientists (who have dedicated their lives to being unbiased and open-minded) who are experts in whatever field your "evidence" comes under, publish your findings in a peer-reviewed journal and claim your Nobel prize. If you do that, not only would you convince me and everyone else out there that God exists, you would go down in history as one of the greatest minds throughout human existence.

So, assuming you're not talking out your @rse, what are you still sat here for? Get on with it!
2015-04-28 14:53:21 UTC
If there were evidence for god there wouldn't be atheists. Hell is a fairytale in your delusional religion.

You're scared of atheists because deep down you know we are right. Just like we were right about all the other gods man created. You fear us because we have the ability to see right through imaginary bullshit.
2015-04-29 09:20:48 UTC
Your question cannot be answered. You haven't provided enough information. You need to edit it and explain WHICH god you are talking about? The alien gods of Scientology and certain new-age religions? The Norse gods? The Greek gods, living in their mountain? The Pagan gods? The thousands of Hindu Gods? The gods of ancient Egypt? The gods of the Abrahamic religions of the Middle East? I'm sure that, whichever of these mythical creatures you bend your knee to, you believe that, of the thousands upon thousands of made-up gods, yours is the only one that's real. Because yours is written about in old books? Same as all the others. Because people claim to have seen/heard yours? Same as all the others. Because people say he did miracles? Same as all the others. God is not real, and you know it. You're not spamming this question here over and over to find the answer. Maybe you're just one of those bible thumpers that thinks it's their duty to spam on their god's behalf, but I don't think so. I think it just makes you feel special to get so many replies
2015-04-29 12:50:30 UTC
Why do you choose Christianity and go to hell ? Your God is only one of thousands and they all can't be right. Atheists don't believe in hell and choose the only thing they can believe in (i.e. common sense).
2015-04-29 03:30:15 UTC
They don't, and can't reject something that doesn't exist, they simply live, remarkably unencumbered by notions of a supreme being holding sway over the entire universe. A supernatural deity from another dimension that exists only in a non-existent way, and who controls every aspect of your life. If you can admit to believing that...then you need a psychiatrist. Perhaps you are mentally ill, maybe you are just provoking responses from believers and non-believers alike, for the fun of it?

But, do you want to give us just ONE piece of verifiable evidence that your god actually exists?
2015-04-29 09:06:21 UTC
cos they have a greater chance of getting into heaven than any theist

There are thousands of religions, all believing in a different "god"

Problem for believers is- if they believe the wrong one then its a "false god" and they go to hell

ALL the religions claim theirs is the true god but only 1 at most can be right

And maybe ALL are wrong - cos maybe there aint a religion that worships the "true god" and they are ALL worshipping a "false god"

So the odds are very much against any theists picking a "true god"

And THAT means they are VERY likely to pick a "false one"

Atheists on the other hand dont pick ANY "god" so its IMPOSSIBLE for them to pick a false one

So what are the options?

be a theists where you are VERY likely to pick a false god and you go to hell

be an atheists where its IMPOSSIBLE to pick a false god and you go to heaven

So an atheist has got it made both ways

If they are correct then there aint a "god", no heaven, and no hell

If they are incorrect then they aint picked a "false god" and go to heaven

Theists however are really in the pits

If they are correct- then most likely they picked a false god and will go to hell

If they are incorrect then there aint no heaven or hell to go to

Just think - all that worshipping and all those donation, and its most likely time and money down the drain

Athiests can only win

Theists can only "lose"
2015-04-30 04:21:00 UTC
This just typifies the way in which religion is used to coerse, control and scare.

An Athiest accepts the fact that they will only exist for a brief sparking moment in the endless breadth of time. When that spark is extinguished - THAT IS IT FOREVER. What was you has gone permanently.

This really, really scares those who weld the religious hammer, because they themselves cannot concieve or believe in this concept. They would rather believe in a Heaven and Hell than the fact that one day, they will simply not exist.
2015-04-29 21:31:02 UTC
There is no proof of any god existing or heaven and hell. You can't reject something you do not believe in. There is no choice about it.
2015-04-30 20:28:30 UTC
Why do atheists reject God and go to hell? Well atheists are materialists -- they only believe in the physical reality -- not the soul or spiritual dimensions. They think when you die that's it -- since all we have is our physical bodies, consciousness ceases at the moment of death.
2015-04-29 20:19:41 UTC
Because they believe they're right. They say there's no proof and that the burden of proof falls on the one making the claim. And they believe reason, logic, and science are at conflict with religious belief.

Only God can give people faith to believe in him and he won't hide for those who seek him. He gives everyone the opportunity to find him and hear his word, and there are no excuses. All us Christians can do is pray for those who don't believe that they might receive faith if it is God's will.
2015-04-28 15:50:02 UTC
Atheists know that God exists. We are all born with a measure of faith to seek our Maker, free will with the capacity to discern right and wrong. It is known that an atheist in a critical situation will seek God. Meanwhile in an intensely arrogant and self righteous stance they rely, not on our Lord for guidance but on their own understanding. A seared conscience, a reprobate mind and haughty heart is blind to and has suppressed the reality that they did not will themselves into existence. There is no switch to turn your heart or breath off or on; we live on a perfectly balanced life sustaining orb hung in the black of the cosmos and are subject at all times to the mercy of elements we can do nothing about. I wouldn't expect an atheist to acknowledge that their lack of humility and anger keeps them in the hold of a very real and powerful Adversary. They know what's up. Instead of showing an earnest and truthful desire to know The Almighty, like petulant children they want God to show up and present himself on demand according to _their_ wishes. Heh heh. But of course if they have the courage to ask Him to...
2015-04-29 09:20:53 UTC
I'm an atheist myself and although I don't believe in god I believe everyone has a personal choice in what/ who they want to believe in. All in all it's an opinion and telling someone they are going to hell isn't nice whether they believe in God or not. I don't know what religion you are but most religions are taught to respect other people's decisions even if you don't like it
2015-05-02 12:19:49 UTC
its not rejection, they simply don't accept your unproven theory, why should they?...many 'atheists' (label) are just people who don't need to pretend they have answers and simply live their lives with respect and kindness toward other people. all religions are simply words from our ancestors guiding younger generations to look within to find your own consciousness. in my opinion enlightenment is an important part of 'growing-up' which we are only very slowly starting to grasp and most people never actually 'grow-up' completely. the problems of the world are mostly caused by un-enlightened people including most religious people. when enlightened, a person has no need for religion or belief and simply cannot abuse or take advantage of people..... not because of FEAR of Gods anger,,,,not for FEAR of anything....... but because of love of life and people. when everyone is enlightened there will be no more war and corruption,, no more empires, no need for money and no more interest payments..... all the things inherent in religion as well as outside of it..... sorry im ranting
2015-04-30 22:44:38 UTC
They don't. Atheists don't believe in god nor hell. The same could be said to you. Why do you reject Odin and go to Helheim? Why do you reject Zeus and go to Tartarus? See where I'm going with this? You believe in but one of many religions. Atheists have no real reason to believe in any one religion more than any other. They equally disbelieve in all.
2015-04-29 16:03:22 UTC
Because they know they are not going to hell. Probably because they have evolved beyond such worries or concerns. Many have not. Many still need the milk God has sent them and are not yet ready for the harder meal that is to come once they have grown up. But once ready, God doesn't care if you believe or not. Your still human and you are still not a bad person because of it.
Handsome Jack
2015-04-29 15:09:33 UTC
Atheists are just like everyone else except they have the balls to think for themselves and not follow these guidelines made up by bored humans centuries ago. There is no heaven or hell, these are just ideas shoved down our throat to make us pick a side. Are we going to be "good" or "bad". **** that bullshit. Be who you want. If you want to be a racist dick who makes fun of *******, than do it. If you want to be a full blown ****** and suck penis for a living, by all means, there are priests all over the place waiting to bust a nut in your pretty little mouth. If you want to date someone, have children and be parents without getting married, then do it. There is no law against it. You won t get in trouble for following what you want. Don t let these uptight Christian bullies tell you what you should and where you are going. Jesus isn t going to save anyone. Only you can save yourself. And doctors, firemen, the coast guard, and etc. etc. etc. These people just live with the shades down, they want you too be like them because they are afraid of change. I feel sorry for any kids who have these kind of parents. I m glad I was raised in a normal family :)
2015-04-30 13:23:11 UTC
Why do people who follow religions choose to reject athiesim when there is so much evidence supporting the idea of there being no god?
2015-04-30 02:13:39 UTC
Why would they go to hell? I believe in a god but since there is no evidence why should everyone believe it, it doesn't mean they're a bad person. If he showed up and spoke to everyone on earth then i'm sure everyone would believe it!!
2015-04-29 14:57:54 UTC
As a lifelong atheist,when I read a statement like you have given,it just proves to me that the christian religion started by man himself and not god,is so weak there is no proofF on this earth that god exists,has anyone seen him NO,has anyone had a twoway conversation with him NO it is all based on a fantasy world of make believe and illusion ok.
2015-04-28 17:45:06 UTC
Do you fear not being admitted to Valhalla if you don't die in battle? Think about how much time you have spent worrying about that. Hold that though in your head a moment - that is how threats of hell seem to the uninitiated.

If there is compelling evidence for the existence of a god I have never heard it.
2015-04-30 20:36:49 UTC
The same thing that happens to everyone that dies. Hell is the common grave of man and we all go there. The difference is some will get out someday and live again but some won't. Where do you stand. Learn the truth and live. John 17:3
2015-04-29 10:47:31 UTC
Because the liberal utopia is obviously more beneficial to them than heaven, as taught to them by those who indoctrinated them into liberalism. See, when you have something rammed into as far back as early childhood, it's going to stick with you mostly for the rest of your life.

Why do you think the Spartans were near-invincible badasses during the days of Rome? They were taught to be the toughest of fighters since they were little kids, just as how Islamic extremists are able to resist torture and interrogation.

They all learned these things from early childhood, so liberals are going to be illogical as **** when it comes to these things, and they're going to think that full institutionalized slavery, complete micromanagement of all people and things by the government, zero rights, and complete communism is worth going to hell.

It's the sad truth, I'm afraid.
2015-04-30 05:24:16 UTC
What evidence are you talking about? There's no evidence, none whatsoever. I don't believe in hell. It's pure nonsense. Can you prove hell exists? Why would I spend my life frightened of something thast doesn't exist. To me that's as silly as living in fear that a giant may one day kidnap me.
Alice S
2015-04-29 13:48:21 UTC
But that is a contradiction. Being Atheists means that you do not believe in all of that. So if we believed in hell, it follows that we wouldn't be atheists. Gotta love christian logic. Indoctrinated sheep? You bet.

2015-04-28 14:53:17 UTC
There is no evidence for a god. It's nothing but logical fallacies, childhood indoctrination and personal feelings.

Are you worried about the punishments other religions threaten? No? Imagine that.
Dee D
2015-04-30 16:16:07 UTC
That's their choice. No one see clearly with their physical eyes, but we Christians walk by faith, not by sight. They have no faith, and are not allowing the Holy Spirit of God to fill them. This is to their own demise, but we live and die by choices we make. Some to Eternal reward in Heaven, and others to eternal damnation (Hell, Haides, The Pit) Only in this life do we get to choose!
2015-04-29 17:02:04 UTC
Well for a start, Hell does not Exist. its an idea thought up to frighten people not to sin. If there is a God. then why did all those jews die in the death camps who believed in God so Much, and were his Chosen people ? Why did he allow babies to be murdered in those camps who were clean of any sin. Why did God allow my 6 week old baby die, a complete innocent, despite all our prayers to him ?
2015-05-01 02:12:03 UTC
So you are saying it is certain that every single atheist alive today is going to hell? You are no one to judge my friend. Only God has the power to do that. Do you doubt his ways or his power to save others? To turn the scorn and judgement in your heart to love for others?

Check yourself before you check others mate. God doesn't like hypocrisy one bit.
General Zod
2015-05-03 14:03:35 UTC
Why do you choose to reject the Flying Spaghetti Monster and go to hell?
2015-04-29 05:20:53 UTC
Infidel! Why do you reject the Qur'an! It is you Christians who are all going to Hell. There is so much evidence that the Qur'an is true! There is so much evidence that it is not Jehovah who is god but Allah! Why is it that you Christians refuse to see all the evidence!?
2015-04-29 03:53:03 UTC
Any assertion made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. You assert that there is a god, yet offer no evidence. I therefore dismiss your god with no evidence. If you do in fact have some evidence, I would be very keen to see it. Evidence of god must be demonstrable under reasonable scientific conditions, and repeatable against a blind test.
2015-04-30 05:24:34 UTC
I dont reject god, I just dont listen to stupid clerics and human abominations like you and all other religious nutjobs who so feel so insecure in this world that they have to unite as groups. lol. You think thats power? A lone wolf has more influence - proven. My agreement between me and my god has **** all to with Islam Christianity Judaism Budhism etc . Its mines. So basically . . . go **** yourself you little human owned slave. Just because something is written does not mean it can refereed to as knowledge. EVER.
2015-04-29 15:23:47 UTC
Maybe we're just sick of waiting for some miracle to change our lives and limiting ourselves to what someone/something else wants us to do.. and I'm sure living there are worse things than hell. I'll take my chances
Campbell Hayden
2015-04-29 17:53:30 UTC
Quite the opposite will occur.

*In the Eyes of God* everyone's choice as to what to believe, or not, is what is relevant.

Even if Atheism is wrong, the True and Living God will forgive even the Atheists

with His undying and eternal Love .... and He will allow them to look, and accept Heaven, or not.

You and your beliefs mean *nothing* = You stand before Satan, as you accuse many ... in God's name.
military supporter
2015-04-29 06:58:16 UTC
There is ABSOLUTELY ZERO evidence for your sooper dooper invisible sky wizard. NONE. All you bible thumpers say you have proof or evidence but have NEVER shown anything to prove even the possibility of any god existing ( this includes your "god") As for your "heaven" , I certainly do not want to live in a place of complete boredom and subservience like you mindless sheep adore.
2015-05-01 10:54:01 UTC
they dont. literally by definition, athiests can't reject god because they dont think there is a god to reject. wether or not they're right, they still dont choose hell becuase they dont think there is a choice
2015-05-03 20:11:38 UTC
We made this deal with Satan to get cookies every 10000 years and a break from eternal torture as long as we convince everyone of evolution and scientific facts Ha we just make that stuff up I mean natural selection i mean where besides everywhere including the bible does that happen jeez

2015-04-30 21:26:43 UTC
Take a chill pill. Nobody is going to hell because hell doesn't exist.
2015-04-28 14:47:20 UTC
They don't like authority and accountability and they think that denying God makes him go away. It's wishful thinking - sheer denial of the truth. Thats why God calls them fools.

Rom 1:22 Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools.
2015-05-01 21:14:36 UTC
They don't go to hell because there is no hell for them. They're atheist.
2015-04-28 19:05:53 UTC
There is exactly zero credible evidence for ANY gods existence or hell for that matter so we don't see any reason to worry about it. Hope this helps.
2015-04-29 03:58:45 UTC
Atheists are convinced by logic and rationale thinking, and in the lack of evidence and proof that gods, hell, heaven and immortality does not exist.
2015-04-28 15:06:43 UTC
Besides the bible, which cannot be used as evidence since it was written by human hand, what exactly is your 'so much evidence'? And what is your evidence, besides the bible, that this 'god', if it does exist, even cares what people believe or don't believe?
2015-04-28 17:51:15 UTC
Why do you choose to reject reality and live in a dream world?
2015-04-28 14:49:18 UTC
That's where the cool people are at, besides Christians and JW's are so uptight. Need to chill, light some scented candles, smoke some weed and relax.
2015-04-29 13:43:41 UTC
We can only do so much to prove to them of God's existence. But having them knows that they will be condemned to die in a fiery hell is not the way to do it at all
2015-04-30 00:46:00 UTC
In the first place who r v to decide that certain person shall go to hell and this one other to heaven. God hasn't biased mind nor does he have any sort of partiality. those who r kind, generous,polite, respectful, considerate, loving r already on the path to heaven. Morality comes first then religion.
Weird Darryl
2015-04-29 09:07:43 UTC
Why do Christians choose to reject Odin and go to Hel?
2015-04-29 05:15:45 UTC
friends i have seen your comments and also i want to share my view with you...... i'm a daughter of christ.... many people think thereis no hell and heaven its all imagination..... its exactly FALSE!!!!! last century a russian scientist, AZACOVE has a thought that if we drill this earth and make a trail it could be convenient for the people of russia to go to other distant countries.... he undergoes his research in a forest which is 20 miles away from the city.... after he drill 14.1 miles his drilling machine enters into the earth easily like travelling in a vaccum place... he put a radar inside it and hear what does it sounds and how many degrees inside? he shocked that by hearing millions and millions of people screaming and he send his colleagues to check whether any bombblast or any other mishaps happened in between this 20 miles... they searched and found nothing.... he measured its 7000 degree centigrade at the earths core after him many scientist found its more than this degree.... he told to russian government and they recognize it as HELLL!!!!!!! and they released a stamp of his drilling machine.... russia-->communist country itself found hell and where its!!! and also many facts which proved that heaven and hell is there..... the russian government kept it secret bcoz if it is heard to christians they"ll preach it to the world .... and so they didnt publish but azacove in his words he told that he was in belief with the hell was there and so he was in getting ready to go to heaven to visit the mightiest lord..... if possible u get it the sound through any christian book shop....

Actually, hell was not for human..... its made initially for satan and his disciples.... we the people do the satanic things and getting a citizenship in hell..... we think that if we go to hell we'll meet our friends and we enjoy there.... actually it wont be possible.... by bible there the brother hates his brother, the sister hates her sister and its very cruel place.... that our enemy itself not to be getting in..... If we live truthful to lord in this world then we'll go to heaven with rejoice...... There is many more facts about the rapture and second coming of christ.... if i started to explain it wont be filled...... if possible visit website improve your spirituality....god bless you
2015-04-29 15:08:00 UTC
I'd rather live the life i want to live, than live a life of being religious when i don't want to be just to avoid going to a place that has no evidence and makes no ******* sense.
2015-04-28 17:23:06 UTC
No Evidence. We're just realists who know that we're just walking bacteria and when our bodies decay it's DONE. We don't choose to believe in delusional happy endings.
2015-04-28 14:47:32 UTC
Evidence for the existence of God? Well, don't keep it to yourself, lad! Share it! And once you're done, go collect your Nobel prize and $1 million from the JREF! (

But we reject your God for the same reason you reject Odin and don't want entrance into Valhalla.
2015-04-29 03:08:24 UTC
" Do atheists know what is coming to them when they die?"

Yes. Worms and stuff. That's if the body is buried. Or flames. if cremated. Fortunately none of this will actually be experienced, since by the time it happens the illusion of self will have been discarded.

Everything is recycled. That's death for you!
2015-04-28 21:39:37 UTC
Because they are reprobate that have been given up by God. There is no hope for some. Read Romans 1 KJV
2015-04-29 14:32:17 UTC
most atheists are fairly comfortable in the knowledge that there is no hell for them to go to when they die.there is no evidence for an afterlife, that's exactly why atheists do not believe in it.
2015-04-28 14:51:09 UTC
This is just another version of Pascal's Wager. Frankly, fear of Hell is the worst reason to believe in something.
2015-04-29 15:15:40 UTC
Some times you get suckered in with drugs and alcohol and sex with woman but it's when you do these thing too much you become an addict and it's hard to get back in touch
2015-04-29 09:57:58 UTC
You act as though we accept your religion and believe in it literally when in reality we generally don't believe in it at all nor care about it to accept the religious lifestyle as our own. Are atheists like myself the only people on the planet who choose to not believe or participate in your religion? C'mon now...get over yourself asking such a foolish question. I wouldn't be surprised that you're an anti-atheist too...since you have some sort of hostile view towards secular people. I choose to reject your religious ideas and lifestyles. The ideas itself make absolutely no sense to me for my mind to grasp because there is no valid reason for me to believe it. I have a need to question my beliefs and questions that are left unanswered. That is what makes me a freethinking person. I don't believe in having a limited mind. I don't know everything. I do know that there is always a natural and logical explanation to our questions....not a superstitious one. You believe and accept religion with certainty like it has all the answers to our world, life, and our own purposes in life. I find that to be misguided, intellectually dishonest, and mentally limiting to yourself. You're closed-minded to any idea or facts that go against your religious views. There is no tangible evidence to show any validation that your religious beliefs are factual. It's all a matter of personal opinion...which is why you chose to have religious faith in your specific beliefs. I don't agree with the philosophy for the most part of your religion and don't like to live my life with so many strict rules from ancient times that doesn't work nor would be accepted in modern times if taken literally. I love science, humanism, and prefer a secular lifestyle. I have faith in myself and those who I deem as trustworthy. I also have faith in the facts. I'm also pagan since I love nature, pagan symbolism, pagan traditions, pagan history, and have an admiration for the cosmos. I just don't believe in superstitious pagan beliefs in a literal sense...just like your religion. I only accept pagan beliefs as archetypes and metaphors to describe something or someone. You don't have to respect my secular views or lifestyle. That is your problem. and everyone else will respect my right to my secular views and lifestyles. If you choose to use laws to force your beliefs and lifestyle onto best believe there is going to be a showdown because I am not the one to put up with that crap. I have my own path in life as you have yours. Respect me on a individual level and I will treat you the same in return.
2015-04-28 19:48:32 UTC
2015-04-28 14:52:51 UTC
See this does not work because humans are naturally optimistic so believers or non believers think they will go to heaven if it exists , you need to use the honey more , believe in goodness and you will be happier and live longer, even a microbiologist should get this.

search for goodness and string theory
2015-04-28 23:59:19 UTC
1. The experience of age. 2 The absolute lack of evidence that "god" has actually existed at all. 3. The absurdity of the scriptures. I could groan on and on. 4. The freedom from biblical charlatans.
2015-04-30 00:25:09 UTC
I like Timothy's answer to this...

1 Timothy 4 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2 speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; 3 forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. 4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: 5 for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.

6 If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereunto thou hast attained. 7 But refuse profane and old wives’ fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness.
2015-04-29 00:39:17 UTC
They may be thinking about cases such as the apparent un-addressed retributions which would be long overdue from a loving God if he exists, to them; To me, and my research, there must be, and are, legal issue(s), or laws involved with the restraint God has shown in delaying the destruction of the wicked, such-as a loving granting of time to repent.

The matter of Hell, as commonly understood is another matter, and has taken a foot-hold over the last several centuries, because of the wide-spread SAME translation of two different words in the Bible, namely"hell"; and the proper-english translation of the OTHER word being"Gehenna"; which was a garbage-dump outside of Jerusalem, which Jesus used to illustrate "eternal destruction"; and "hell" simply translating as "grave"; as such, the devil has been quiet successful in reproaching God s reputation as a cruel God, in this matter.

Truth be said, no matter how good or bad someone is/was, or this atheist, if he dies, he goes to- the Greek"hades",or English "hell", meaning "grave"; and may-well be one of the foretold "unrighteous", to be resurrected.
2015-04-30 06:30:59 UTC
I wouldn't really say that there are many evidence of the existence of God... but i do still personally believe in him... i know its really hard for them to believe because it must come from yourself. we have to have our own faith. right now the best we can do is just wait and pray for them.. God gave all of us a choice... so... in the mean time... why don't we all just respect others beliefs? it won't kill u to right? PEACE TO EVERYONE... :)
2015-04-28 14:49:58 UTC
Because atheists are a bunch of uneducated people that's why
2015-04-29 20:46:43 UTC
Why do Christians continue to keep believing the twisted false teaching of eternal punishment in hell.
2015-04-29 05:35:40 UTC
God, or no God - Aesthetes don't believe in heaven nor hell!

They are skeptics, i.e. they believe in science, things that can be tested .
2015-04-28 14:50:34 UTC
What's coming to me when I die?

Well, I know I'll get one last retirement check but I won't be around to spend it.

Other than that, I'll be cast into the flames- at the crematorium.
2015-04-29 03:46:01 UTC
I didn't choose *not* to believe in gods any more that I chose not to believe in Pixies.

"There is so much evidence for the existence of god"

Yeah... right.

Want to list a few bits... or even one ?

2015-04-30 05:50:13 UTC
all Christians seem to do is repeat themselves over and over again saying their is evidence that's proves the existence of god but they never explain in detail about this so called evidence they are talking about just the same old religious BS
2015-04-29 16:17:28 UTC
Hell doesn't exist.
2015-04-29 01:12:41 UTC
Okay first, what evidence?

As for hell... If there is a God and hell, I would rather burn in hell than serve in bondage the one who would send me there for not bowing down and kissing his asz.

We get one life, one death, no excuses, so live well.
2015-05-03 01:18:58 UTC
This shows that some Christian's are just downright hypocrites lmao
2015-04-29 02:29:20 UTC
Yes..I do know what will happen to me after death.....I will be cremated and my ashes spread on my roses and that will be the end. Many years ago I studied the subject in depth ..have degrees in Philosophy of Religion, Comparitive Religious Studies...and could not believe in any of them. You are welcome to believe as you wish as am I. Mo University Lecturer Atheist
2015-04-29 05:30:18 UTC
Hi, you can pray to God when somebody gets chronically ill and ask him for help or you can get a doctor and heal a person.

You can pray for caramel to melt on itself or you can put it in a cup of hot water - because it is science not something else that lets us to take care of ourselves and those around us.

For f**** f***** sake stop writing b***** on yahoo and go do something productive
2015-04-29 09:09:21 UTC
Because all the fun people are in hell; in the wise words of Billy Joel, I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints.
Steve B
2015-04-29 14:27:14 UTC

I'm going to Sto'Vo'Kor.

I'm fighting the Ice Giants with Odin and Thor.

He promised me a heoric death and a place by his side in Sto'Vo'Kor.
Milbon Desousa
2015-04-29 11:00:16 UTC
Because its simple

they are grown up believing that there is no God nor there is heaven and once you have been taught something like that it stays in your mind until you die, unless a miracle happens
2015-04-29 15:38:58 UTC
The theory as to how "Jesus" was born

1.) Mary was a hoe and slept with someone else

2.) She lied and her and Joesph actually slept with each other

3.) Joesph ejaculated onto Mary's vagina and a sperm entered its way to the egg

The theory as to how Mary saw "The Angel"

1.) she suffered sun stroke making her hallucinate

2.) Mary was on a popular drug of the time

3.) she was drunk

The theory as to how "Jesus" walked on water

1.) he was in the shallow end

The theory as to how of "The burning bush"

1.) It was a cannabis plat

all in all "Jesus" was being bullied in the playground and said my dad is God and if you bully me he'll he'll smite you and Judas was jealous be Jesus stole his *****
2015-04-28 14:49:15 UTC
You can't reject something you don't believe in. I "reject" god in my life in much the same way as I "reject" Dracula.
2015-04-28 15:03:41 UTC
Guess what....

ROBIN WILLIAMS IS IN HELL!! I WANNA MEET HIM SO BAD!!!!!!!! To to mention Mark Twain, most of the Founding Fathers, Albert Einstein and Joey Ramone!!!!

Gonna be so fun with all the strippers down there........
2015-05-03 17:23:37 UTC
They don't want the responsibility of having to follow a moral standard.
2015-04-28 14:57:30 UTC
If you have proof of god's existence, then you better sell it to the highest bidder. People would be willing to pay good money for that.
2015-04-29 13:47:18 UTC
Because we know that hell does not exist. We don't need to be saved.
2015-05-01 00:20:06 UTC
Haha, Its laughable that any of you fools will ever go to heaven.

What makes you think you'll actually end up in heaven? No one but the Creator knows whether or not you are truly saved.

The fact is that the majority of all of you including Christians here will end up in the place known as hell.

Heaven can only be reached by the very few worthy people that have existed throughout history. The Majority shall die and enter the void.

Even the Christian Lord Jesus Christ states that the path is heaven is beyond the reach of many, the many will fall astray from that path. Only a few shall reach the pearly gates.

I myself know that 99.9% of the people in this world shall enter the void known as hell, most likely including myself.

And so shall nearly all of you.

You think because you're "Christian" that you'll end up in heaven?

Please that's a good one. I have seen the path of the Lord, and none of you have followed it, I myself cannot reach it. Humans are fickle and hypocritical. Changing rules and doing things as they see fit. Picking and choosing what they want to believe in and talking the talking, but not walking the walk.

Christianity has become dumb down so the the dumb complacent and lazy pigs that the majority of you are would embrace and accept it.

If you truly knew and followed the tough and treacherous path to reach Heaven, the vast majority of you would believe something else.
2015-04-30 07:42:17 UTC
You can't reject that which does not exist.
2015-04-28 14:51:23 UTC
We don't... any more than we "reject" unicorns.

But since we are on the subject of damning people to non-existent places for non-existent reasons.... I damn you to Hades on the authority of Poseidon.
Let Me Think
2015-04-28 14:49:16 UTC
I'm afraid of showing favoritism to just one of the gods. I'd hate for the others to get jealous and smite me.
2015-04-29 00:34:44 UTC
There's no choice involved, atheists know they don't believe in god.
2015-04-29 12:28:01 UTC
Well, when a person is born, they are given a thing called Human Rights. It allows them to practice their religion in peace. Maybe you should mind your own business.
2015-04-29 09:10:21 UTC
normally i ignore questions like this one - but when i saw a mention of all of this evidence, i decided to take a look.

and... there's not evidence.

gratz, you asked and answered your own question.

why do i not believe in god or any other supernatural beings?

no evidence to support these wacky claims...
2015-04-29 14:38:52 UTC
Why do you choose to reject the fact that people are allowed to believe in what they want to? Don't force your beliefs on people. It's like forcing peanut butter on someone who doesn't like it. "Oh come on, try it! It's the best food ever!", "Um, no thank you, I don't like peanut butter", "YOU WILL EAT THIS PEANUT BUTTER AND YOU WILL LIKE IT! I SWEAR I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN IF YOU DON'T LIKE THIS!".
2015-04-29 08:01:54 UTC
I hate how atheists say how their isn't any evidence for god. Well their also isn't any evidence that he does not exist.
Gaia’s Garden
2015-04-30 19:33:29 UTC
I can't even find Hell in the Bible. What is this evidence you speak of, btw?
2015-04-29 12:09:21 UTC
In the bible God kills 2,476,633 people, whereas the devil kills 10 people. Who's the bad guy? I think God. Hell would be a safer place.
2015-04-29 07:53:27 UTC
Who wants to live in a land (heaven) that is ruled by sombody who would eternaly punish you for not belieaving in him without seeing him.

Hell is likely better than heaven (assuming this is how it works).

(Im agnostic)
2015-04-30 04:06:26 UTC
The religious "directors" invented Heaven or hell to control the people... what I cant understand is 3000 odd years later the people still believe this crap.
2015-04-29 05:15:16 UTC
2015-04-30 07:37:32 UTC
i would rather go to "hell" when god is so a saddistic creating cancer and death, if god is all knowing and has all the power why make such a ****** up world watch this clip in the source
2015-04-29 10:13:55 UTC
you can only reject something that's there can you not ? even if its an idea or advice or an offer etc. it is because some do not know what is after death that they are frightened of death, The TRUE BELIEVER CAN say death where is thy sting, death your victory
2015-04-28 18:14:54 UTC
Because there is no burning pit where all the evil people go below the earth's crust...or wherever people claim hell is.
2015-04-29 11:08:39 UTC
Where is this evidence? In your story book?

There is no God, you will be dead in a hole and that's that
undefined undefined
2015-05-02 07:42:44 UTC
Because God doesn't exist and you trolled everyone.
Ernest S
2015-04-28 19:37:12 UTC
And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
2015-04-28 15:11:47 UTC
It is unclear they reject God. They certainly reject your god, but is your god God?
2015-04-30 07:42:50 UTC
But there is no evidence of Gods and hell. So why should they be concerned?
2015-04-29 14:28:12 UTC
im open to believe in god but the evidence sound dumb god is real because some people said they saw him yep they are crazy sorry but god is not real in my head it might be real for you but i don't care you think what you want but i don't believe in god.
2015-05-03 14:10:53 UTC
I think you've put this question under the wrong section. Maybe it should go under society and culture instead.
2015-04-29 04:36:02 UTC
Because we don't belive in hell.. That's like saying "Why do you throw your teeth out when you can get 50p from the tooth fairy".
2015-04-28 14:49:11 UTC
I'm shivering in my boots, I really am. Oooh, look at how scared I am. I think my trousers are feeling a bit damp right now.
2015-04-29 01:20:04 UTC
All these Religious questions asked by anonymous posters ... Must be trolls , as they never use their names in any of these questions , what have they got to hide ... apart from lack of education ?
2015-04-28 17:44:47 UTC
There's nothing that proves the existence of the god, so why waste time?
2015-04-29 01:12:07 UTC
Do christians realise their end TOO. It should be God not Jesus all the time breaking the main commandments. It was Our Father and NOT our me
2015-04-28 14:47:38 UTC
Apparently what's coming, is eternal torture by your loving god.
2015-04-28 14:49:21 UTC
Which god? Which hell?
2015-04-28 17:56:35 UTC
2 Corinthians 4:4, says, "among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through."
2015-04-30 04:15:14 UTC
And why do you choose to go to the hell of the zillion other religions out there...?
2015-04-28 21:09:41 UTC
Atheist believe if you can t see it, it doesn t exist.

Well damn that means UV rays don t exist, and cells don t either.

I can t see viruses either so they don t exist, ebola is something made up.

go figure a guy who talked **** about god died of throat cancer.
2015-04-28 15:40:33 UTC
"There is so much evidence for the existence of god"

No there isn't

when atheists, christians, satanists, or anyone else dies, they are dead

How do you know there is a god

Have you saw one?

I suggest you read this:
2015-04-28 14:47:13 UTC
That's what pride will do to a man. They're so involved with worldly passions, they won't even see it coming.
2015-04-28 23:37:31 UTC
Because they can't stand to be as violent as Christians-their conscience won't let them.
2015-04-28 14:54:46 UTC
You have no proof that anyone goes to hell. Think about who is lying here.
s k a n k h u n t 42
2015-04-29 15:43:47 UTC
Stop lying. There is no evidence for the existence of any god. Save your fear mongering for the gullible folks.
2015-04-28 16:38:48 UTC
There is so much evidence for the existence of god,

- Your fantasies are not evidence.

- And if i want to go to hell, THAT ISMY BUSINESS, not yours.
2015-04-29 04:01:49 UTC
Because Satan has filled their spirits with doubt, evil and spite.

God bless!
2015-04-29 15:07:59 UTC
If you guys can't bear the hotness in the summer time, burning feeling when you burn your finger, burning feeling when the shower is too hot. then how will you be able to bear the fire in hell?
el atlatl
2015-04-29 10:35:30 UTC
Atheists don't "reject god" ; we simply do not "believe."
2015-05-03 10:53:58 UTC
What evidence? There is none. There is nothing in the bible about dinosaurs, yet we have proof they existed. The big bang theory. (Not the TV program.) Now, that makes sense.
2015-04-28 14:51:57 UTC
Two points, get a life
Grinning Football plinny younger
2015-04-29 11:03:40 UTC
Evidence for God - maybe, evidence for the hell you imagine - other than the grave, Not one iota!
the big man
2015-04-29 06:55:38 UTC
there is no evidence for the existence of god

and dont tell me to look at nature,thats not evidence of god

nobody knows what happens to us after we die.

even you christians dont know,you think you do but you dont
Wellll... hello then!
2015-04-29 12:40:11 UTC
Cause the devil of whom most people don't believe in,has literally blinded their minds,just like the bible verse in the new testament explains EXACTLY!
2015-05-01 22:59:54 UTC
You guys can believe what ever you want but we are all going to die one day so just know that if you are wrong its eternity.
2015-04-28 22:00:01 UTC
"There is so much evidence for the existence of god" Great! Lay it on us, bruthah.

Oh, left it in your other suit, huh.
2015-04-29 14:49:01 UTC
God doesn't exist anyway, so the question is null and void.
2015-04-29 07:55:45 UTC
What has GODD have to do with DEATH? does the Demi godd support Life after Death/ is that why ZOMBIES exist?, and the living dead population of the EARTH?

2015-04-29 16:02:15 UTC
Because to believe in any supernatural being or a fairytale place of heaven or hell is irrational.
2015-04-29 03:21:16 UTC
Their rejection is some sort of prob into the Search of ALLAH!
Black Sabbath
2015-04-29 01:29:56 UTC
no evidence for either god or hell
2015-04-28 17:14:54 UTC
There other ways to salvation besides Jesus and Christianity
2015-04-28 14:50:02 UTC
Well since you've been there, done that, had the spike up the bottom, tell me. What happens?
2015-04-29 08:10:48 UTC
If you know anyone who has met God or has gone to hell and got back to you personally , whilst ignoring the rest of us , please provide proof.
2015-04-28 20:50:27 UTC
It is their "Fate" that does everything. It is unfortunate and it happens only due to some bad luck or bad time.
2015-04-29 05:28:58 UTC
"There is so much evidence for god."

You spelled evolution wrong. It's 'e-v-i-d-e-n-c-e', not 'g-o-d'.
2015-04-28 14:47:16 UTC
Yes I know what is coming for me. Non-existence.
2015-04-29 10:18:58 UTC
Because in heaven, there is no beer (that's why we drink it here)
2015-04-28 18:44:06 UTC
atheists are immoral and will go to hell.
2015-05-01 22:44:35 UTC
they are all going to hell
2015-04-28 14:48:13 UTC
Blah blah blah
2015-04-30 18:44:37 UTC
God thinks they are foolish too my love.
2015-04-29 11:23:11 UTC
Hahahahahahahahaha!!! LOL
2015-04-29 00:07:01 UTC
i haven't seen my brother in awhile so if i don't into your heaven i will turn around and walk down the hill to visit him.....
2015-05-01 06:05:27 UTC
your question indicates you have been fed a great deal of ,to be polite, a huge pile of misinformation
2015-04-29 06:49:38 UTC
Do you without guessing that you are right

2015-05-02 08:03:43 UTC
That's a choice they make....!!
Geoff B
2015-04-30 08:27:22 UTC
ISIS are not atheists and look at what they do to other believers.
2015-04-29 12:48:29 UTC
Because they reject ﷲ (swt)... They will see their fate (with the christian and the jew and the buddha and the hindu and all other deeyanaat)... where? IN JAHANNAM... 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥
2015-04-28 21:44:57 UTC
People like you.
2015-04-29 20:36:45 UTC
they simply don't want to be told how to live their life
2015-04-29 15:04:33 UTC
Some like it hot.
Theta Works
2015-04-30 02:26:54 UTC
Y'all have been trolled. sheesh,
2015-04-30 04:17:56 UTC
This question gave me a good laugh, thank you!
2015-04-30 11:35:08 UTC
What do you care? Your heart is not big enough for everyone.
2015-04-29 15:45:34 UTC
To be away from you people
2015-04-29 06:12:15 UTC
Na hell isn't real your just ******* stupid
2015-04-29 20:25:12 UTC
The bible is the evidence, and they reject it because they are stupid
2015-04-29 13:34:31 UTC
They be the first ones there too boot
2015-04-29 11:22:30 UTC
I loike spinach I do
2015-05-01 18:21:22 UTC
Because they want to.
2015-04-28 22:37:34 UTC
Why do you reject Allah and decide to go to Islamic Hell?


This could be you!

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...V
2015-04-28 19:17:40 UTC
because atheist think it is science with the answer.
2015-05-01 08:36:12 UTC
who said they did?rem. they don't believe
2015-04-29 03:25:33 UTC
Because they are not very bright
2015-04-29 17:27:08 UTC
Satan was able to twist their minds, so now they belong to him.
2015-04-29 09:27:03 UTC
What evidence you mug.
2015-04-29 19:37:58 UTC
It's not a choice, sorry (idiot)..
2015-04-28 21:29:02 UTC
atheists are smug and arrogant.
2015-04-29 20:11:38 UTC
They want to sin.
2015-04-28 14:56:29 UTC
Yes, that is correct.
Satyr Man
2015-04-28 14:48:33 UTC
"Do atheists know what is coming to them when they die?"

Do you?
2015-04-30 14:58:22 UTC
Shut the f*** and prove hell then
2015-04-28 14:47:24 UTC
Yes, we do. Nothing.
2015-04-29 06:44:49 UTC
Are You Sure?
2015-04-29 00:14:38 UTC
Because you suck at trolling.
2015-04-29 14:35:27 UTC
2015-05-01 02:01:23 UTC
don't know
2015-04-30 04:23:31 UTC
your dad
2015-04-28 14:56:50 UTC
OK. Glad to hear there's finally evidence. Please post it.
2015-04-29 05:37:56 UTC
none of your imaginary friends are real.....
2015-04-30 20:44:25 UTC
I am athiest i will not go to hell that is made up i will go to MOrdor! duh
2015-04-29 08:39:07 UTC
b.c atheists are stupid.
2015-04-28 17:46:42 UTC
I do it for the lulz.
2015-05-02 10:00:51 UTC
they are illuminati
2015-04-29 09:21:17 UTC
Christ, man.
2015-04-30 19:08:12 UTC
2015-04-29 12:01:13 UTC
oh, come on.
2015-04-28 14:50:42 UTC
idk, hell sounds like a fun place. Satan seems pretty chill
2015-04-29 10:27:45 UTC
2015-04-29 10:20:53 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.