Stupid arguments gun owners use?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Stupid arguments gun owners use?
259 answers:
The Warlock
2015-04-03 13:29:09 UTC
I would actually be interested to see what you come up with as the final product, only to see which level of ignorance you choose.

Your "ranking" and views show arrogance on a truly scary level as you must not understand that ownership of weapons is the prime reason you have the freedom to insult people on the level you have chosen. The British government used the power you wish current government to have to make certain civilians HAD no rights.

#6 - This is proven time and again, yet those against guns refuse to accept the fact no matter how much evidence exists. All more laws do it restrict the rights of those who adhere to the laws in the first place.

#5 - This one is possibly misquoted, but the concept is that if responsible gun owners were not so restricted, it truly is a valid concept that when someone goes mad and starts shooting up a place, they will be facing down someone who can stop their attack rather quick. Not the best option, but much better than more innocent casualties.

#4 - Never heard this one, but it seems to be a paraphrase of the idea that gun ownership is a viable means of keeping a runaway government in check. History shows us the results of an unarmed civilian population. It is not a good idea.

#3 - Not the greatest of arguments, but still valid. The right is present and there are MANY gun owners who simply enjoy shooting.

#2 - There really is no getting past this one. It is in the Bill Of Rights for a reason. Liberals and Progressives are constantly seeking to revoke many of the rights in the Constitution.

#1 - A "catchy" phrase, yes, and though it seems silly, it is a very valid statement. A gun is a tool, whose purpose in design is killing--no doubt there--but it is the USER of said tool who determines the good or evil of the object. A car is the same, a tool, and though it's intent is not the same, it does not change the fact that it is the cause of many deaths due to the usage.

Keep in mind that the majority of gun ownership in the old days WAS by civilians. Civilians which defended the rights of themselves and their neighbors to create this great nation. Maybe you should try honoring the history instead of looking only for flaws.

The Warlock
2015-04-03 11:51:40 UTC
You are in fact a moron. #6 and #2 are not stupid arguments. #6 is factual. Majority of crimes committed are done by people who cannot legally obtain a firearm. While there are some who commit crimes after legally obtaining a gun, the vast majority of gun owners are responsible and do not carry assault rifles and shotguns into restaurants and stores. #2 is not a stupid argument either. Constitution does guarantee the right to own firearms. Here are stupid arguments the so called the gun sense(anti-2nd Amendment people) use.

1. Why do you need a gun?

2. Cops and only military should have guns

3. Guns don't make you safer

4. You don't need a gun to defend yourself

5. The 2nd amendment is outdated

I can literally list 20+ dumb arguments used by "gun sense" people
2015-04-02 16:26:13 UTC
6. Most guns possessed by criminal elements are already gotten through non-legal means such as the black market. And gang members where guns are everywhere don't care about gun laws because they know that gun laws don't prevent them from getting a gun. You should watch a few documentaries not done by liberals if you want to see the reality of that.

5. A clinic in I forget the state, had an unstable man walk in, talk to someone, then he took out a gun and blasted the person in the face. Fortunately, a doctor had broken the law that day and had a loaded hand-gun locked away, and when he heard things getting bad, he took out his gun. That day a massacre was stopped.

You never see a crazy gunman walk into a gun show and open fire. Likewise, you rarely, if ever, see that in a police station. However, gun-free zones are just about the primary spot that a crazy gunman shows up too when attempting to commit a massacre.

4. That was actually the primary reason for the Second Amendment, and its sad that you liberal teachers failed you, but if you actually knew what it took to win the Revolution, you'd know that.

3. Home-owned guns are the reason we won the Revolutionary War. Private ownership of firearms is a fundamental part of our foundations. Why do you think that the Founding Fathers actually bothered to specify a right to bear arms if firearms were not seen as fundamental part of the stability of our freedom? No other nation did that before the U.S. did that, not even about swords or bows and arrows. Firearms were obviously seen as a vital importance. They are the Second Amendment the one immediately proceeding the First and most important Amendment. Firearms were obviously regarded pretty highly by our founders.

2. Okay, now I see you're a brainwashed dolt. If you can't understand why the right thinks that then it's not because you can't, it's because you don't want too.

1. Yeah, well in that case cars kill way more than guns do, oh, and for that matter, so does Alcohol. Interesting you don't want to ban those items.
2015-04-02 11:49:06 UTC
Firearms a basically sporting goods. Hunting, target shooting and re-loading ammunition qualify as sport and hobby. Shooting is even an Olympic sport. There certainly is a reasonable element to self protection, and firearms certainly fit that bill far more than any other reasonable device. The police carry firearms for that specific reason. If a felon has the nerve to attack an armed officer, that same felon would have no second thoughts about attacking an unarmed citizen.

If an individual makes a choice to be unarmed then that's a part of a citizens freedom of choice. If a citizen choses to be armed that's the other half of the equation. Forty three states have a 'Right to Bear Arms' amendment in their state constitutions... only seven don't, yet we don't see significant differences in crime, accident or suicide rates between these states. What we do see is a much higher misuse of firearms in certain parts of certain cities where drug and street gangs fight over 'turf'. Outside of those areas most areas have no higher homicide rates than 'Canada' or any other country... about 4.2 per 100,000 and falling.

Also of course not all homicides anywhere are committed with firearms, and more to the point, even legal self defense where the victim turns the tables on the criminal is counted as a homicide... called justifiable homicide. I don't think the above is a stupid argument... it's a catalog of facts.
2015-04-03 12:25:03 UTC
Dear Tyler,

I must say reading this, I mostly disagree. People in America should have the right to own guns. And those excuse's are why we should have guns. First of all, "Guns do not kill people, people kill people."

That is totally true. Look a gun would not just be able to shoot people, only people can shoot people. Ever wonder why when a case about a killing occurs that involves a gun, a person is prosecuted? Not a gun. People are crazy. Its true. It isn't like the 50's where you knew about everyone on the street and a killing (the kinds that quite often happen today) was quite rare. We're not in heaven. Were on earth for now. And it's a dangerous world. And let's say for example you were in your home. And someone came into your home (your private property) and started pointing a gun at you, and was planning and kill you. Suck's right? So what would you do? Defend yourself right? In a matter of second's you life may be gone forever. Well wouldn't you want something to defend yourself with. Maybe a gun? And this is why a lot of people defend the right's of guns, because without gun's how can we defend ourselves. How? Because if we tried defending ourselve's with knife's then won't that just be banned as well? Why don't be ban pencils, Aren't pencils the ones who create mistakes on your essay? Like its not like if we ban gun's then everyone will follow the law's. Its not like the book "The Giver".

People will still break the laws provided. Robber's and criminals aren't going to come up to a bank, planning to rob it and read the sign that say's "No Gun's allowed! Do not Rob this bank!"

Criminals aren't going to follow that? So when that bank is being robbed, who is going to defend it?

Well I guess we'll just let those criminals get away with it that guns are banned. As you can see criminals won't follow the rules. So how will you defend yourself? And let me say I explain examples a lot, and this is a short sentence and very unclear to my standards that I hold. But I must say, you could at least read this ad understand why we should have gun's.

, Your's William.
2015-04-03 14:41:56 UTC
As stupid as you may think that these answers are, there are valid and legitimate reasons for owning guns. How about for one, some people like to hunt? I live in Canada and we have seen in recent times how important owning a firearm is to Canadians, the Federal Govt was recently forced to repeal a very expensive and useless gun registry system to try and control gun ownership, which as it turns out was not even necessary. At one time I was questioning the reason why we needed a second registry system and did some research. I looked at the 2009 national gun crime stats, and low and behold, there was not even enough gun crime in all of Canada to warrant any kind of consideration. If memory serves me, there were only less than 200 gun death crimes IN ALL OF CANADA FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR. More than half were offences committed with stolen or otherwise illegally possessed firearms. Also listed for comparison were murders committed with knives, which were just about equal with gun deaths. So what then? Should we outlaw knives because they are responsible for as many deaths as guns? Of course we cannot do that. That would be like outlawing cars because people die in motor vehicle accidents.The point is that a gun is as much an inanimate object as is a knife. It only becomes dangerous when in the hands of a dangerous person. The problem we have is not the gun, the problem we have is inadequate training on proper use and handling of firearms. In Sweden, everyone is obligated to a 2 year stint in the military. There they get proper training in the use of firearms, and guess what? They have a near zero gun crime rate. That is not a co incidence.Anyway, I need to go back to work. I make money online and earn over $3,000+ per month.You can make money online at . Please comment and let me know what you guys think about what i've said!
2015-04-03 11:05:24 UTC
As stupid as you may think that these answers are, there are valid and legitimate reasons for owning guns. How about for one, some people like to hunt? I live in Canada and we have seen in recent times how important owning a firearm is to Canadians, the Federal Govt was recently forced to repeal a very expensive and useless gun registry system to try and control gun ownership, which as it turns out was not even necessary. At one time I was questioning the reason why we needed a second registry system and did some research. I looked at the 2009 national gun crime stats, and low and behold, there was not even enough gun crime in all of Canada to warrant any kind of consideration. If memory serves me, there were only less than 200 gun death crimes IN ALL OF CANADA FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR. More than half were offences committed with stolen or otherwise illegally possessed firearms. Also listed for comparison were murders committed with knives, which were just about equal with gun deaths. So what then? Should we outlaw knives because they are responsible for as many deaths as guns? Of course we cannot do that. That would be like outlawing cars because people die in motor vehicle accidents.The point is that a gun is as much an inanimate object as is a knife. It only becomes dangerous when in the hands of a dangerous person. The problem we have is not the gun, the problem we have is inadequate training on proper use and handling of firearms. In Sweden, everyone is obligated to a 2 year stint in the military. There they get proper training in the use of firearms, and guess what? They have a near zero gun crime rate. That is not a co incidence.
2015-04-02 13:28:15 UTC
You must be young, at least I hope you're. You need to understand history in order to understand why civilians need guns.

When governments decide they want to take your freedom away from you, sometimes guns are the only thing between you and them. That is why it is our right to own them, it is to protect us from losing our freedom.

This is all you need to know, all the other excuses for owning them mean nothing compared to this, freedom is everything and is worth dying for.

If you haven't noticed, they're working really hard at destroying our freedoms. Patriot act, NDAA, and Net neutrality should ring a bell. They aren't done yet, they will be going for more. When the guns are gone, you can kiss any freedom you enjoy now goodbye. They are working on eliminating guns altogether, but they know they have to slowly do this, which is why they go after what they can when they can. If they went for everything there would be a revolution. The statue of the gun with a barrel tied in knot outside of the U.N. building tells you their end goal. This is the nature of governments, always has been, what makes you think this will be any different.
2015-04-02 09:10:30 UTC
I notice you don't include the

1. I have a right to defend myself from a violent attack.

2. The cops can't be everywhere... usually they get to the scene of a crime after it's too late.

As far as I'm concerned, those two harsh realities negate any other arguments.
2015-04-03 11:53:10 UTC
Your list is worded horribly. I'd like to correct what you said on #2. Every citizen of the US has a constitutional (natural) right to own a gun. It doesn't matter what the constitution says or what any other law says or what you think the world should be. That right still exists. Even if the government takes away that right and confiscates guns, it still exists. That's what a natural right is. It's not yours or anybody else's business whether or not or how I or anybody else exercise that right. The fact that gun ownership is a natural right should automatically end any debate by itself.

#4 is worded horribly too. Guns are what keep the power in the hands of the people. Without them the government could do whatever they want. It's not about starting militias (although constitutionally we're supposed to always have a militia). Your phrase "...should the government begin a wave of tyranny" is pretty absurd considering we've had an ongoing wave of tyranny for 150 years now.
Derek Mccormick
2015-04-04 03:25:47 UTC
Lol man this was good laugh not because what you say is wrong but how good you trolled the gun nuts,

#6 lol

#5 this was almost proven to be fact look up what almost happened with that senator or whatever she was from arizona the "responible gun owner" almost shoot one of the men that took down the lunatic because he had the gun (it took a large group of people to convince him that the guy was not the gunman)

#4 thats a silly argument because the gov't has tanks and planes and thats what they would you if they could convince the US military to blindly follow orders(highly doubt it, thus proving argument)

#3 so is a sub culture of bigotry but lets not talk about that

#2 it does say that but it doesn't say it is unlimited just like it doesn't say that freedom of speech is unlimited(it only says that ones right will not be infringed meaning you cant take away peoples rights to own guns not limit what they can own)

#1 that is the single stupidest liberal saying as an independent i laugh at both sides but that one is the only one that I just can't see the liberal side on, unless there is some statistic that i dont know about of how many accidental suicides there are than nope that is a wrong statement

logic dictates that there should be some control over guns the question how much is too much and how little is to little, we don't allow convicted criminals to have guns but we allow private citizens to use their own judgement in the resell of guns(I don't think this happens in every state or often but it is not good either way). I think an open discussion would be good to have in this country if the NRA stayed out of it because they only have the corporate intrest in mind not the rights of the people.
2015-04-03 14:31:05 UTC
well, first lets use some MORE stupid arguments ok.In Australia they DID take the citizens guns away the criminals still had access and death by stabbing increased to 65%! Being clubbed to death around 20 something%. Next, there are headlines the mass media will never put on the major networks of criminals being shot by citizens when the criminal started a shooting spree. You see, it isn't the decent citizens who armed you have to fear, it the government who wants to make sure you cannot retaliate in any way if they decide to pull a hitler.His first order of business was to disarm the public so they had no way to fight back when they rounded up people for the death camps.Can't happen in America!Why not? You get the right people into office it can happen over night. It is also the criminals out on the street who will be armed and when you disarm the citizens they have no defense and the cops do NOT show up within 2 minutes or less like they do on television.Sometimes it may take an hour or so depending on how busy they are.Restraining orders didn't protect a lot of people who are dead. I think your irrational fear of decent law abiding citizens owning fire arms may be an issue you need to get counseling on.
2015-04-03 18:23:48 UTC
6. This is actually a good point. Criminals do get guns illegally and use them illegally; a gun ban would not only do nothing to change this, but would likely exacerbate it. All that would be "accomplished" would be the disarming of the people who are constitutionally free to own guns for non-criminal reasons, and marking them as easy targets for criminals.

5. This one is a so-so argument. In theory, yes, one crazed gunman wouldn't have much of a chance against two or three or more vigilante gunman. But this doesn't take panic into account, or how fast something like a shooting rampage can escalate before you can even mentally process the situation and get your gun ready to take the shooter down.

However, knowing that most, if not all, citizens around you are armed would likely discourage somebody from going on a gun rampage in the first place.

4. Yeah, this one's admittedly ridiculous. Not that the U.S. population as a whole couldn't take on the military (remember, the U.S. has around 300 million privately owned guns vs. maybe 4 million owned by the military and law enforcement combined, and I seriously doubt the government would use nuclear bombs on its own tax-paying citizens), but we're just too lazy and content to do so.

3. Well yeah, it is a part of the culture.

2. This is really the apex of pro-gun ownership arguments, and rightfully so. The list of basic national freedoms allows you to own a gun, therefore you can own a gun; it's that simple.

While constitutional amendments can be altered, if not repealed like Amendment 18, we shouldn't do so unless there's a need to, and there is just no need to repeal gun ownership rights. Hell, comparing the vast number of guns in this country (approx. 300 million) and the relatively small number of gun murders (average of 11,000 per year), it's really a testament to how safe it is in this country even with so many guns, despite what you'll probably portray in your little project.

1. Technically true, though if we're being honest a gun is a much more efficient tool for killing than, say, a person's hands. But if we're still being honest, a car is also a much more efficient tool for killing than a person's hands. So if one should be banned for this reason, then so should the other.

And while I don't own guns myself I can think of several reasons for owning guns, including:

- Self defense and defense of others from muggings and home invasions alike.

- Recreation. While you or I may not see the joy in going to shooting ranges, some people do and we're not in any position to judge other peoples ideas of fun.

- Hunting.

- Collecting.

Finally, a little point of advice: try to tone down your bias in the finished project, at least for the sake of credibility.
Know-it-All Smar-t-Pants
2015-04-05 05:20:34 UTC
The 2nd omendment is not for hunters. It so we can protect ourselves and remain free.

Please note that freedom only comes from being free of government control.

If you go into your project and take away the far left and the far right opinion you will see a need for people to own guns. The idea that citizens should be left defensless is not ethically sound.

If a 250 man attacked a 110 female she would be defensless. If she had a way to stop the attacker without coming in contact with him...say a high velocity projectile weapon she is now equal or stronger than the attacker.

Working as a deputy I wanted to get to a scene in time but usually I just write a report about who got victimized while the attacker was long gone.

I'm a criminal justice major

X army

Worked at the sherrifs department

Now an engineer.

People should be encouraged to defend themselves and not rely on police to write a report about their death or victimization.

What is your experience?
2015-04-04 11:13:14 UTC
As a person who nearly became a serial killer, I can tell you how important it is to own a gun. I have also had a man kick down my door and try to assault me in bed while I slept, and he was drunk and suicidal when it happened. You have no idea how important a gun can be until you need one.

As an excellent shot, I have a duty to be armed when an assailant comes into the house to do my family harm, or when an assailant walks into the convenience store to do people bodily harm. Have you ever had a gun pointed at you? I have, and on more than one occasion.

Civilians with guns are the fourth check and balance of the American Government. The Japanese where terrified to invade America again (after Alaska), citing the millions of civilians with the right to bear arms as a primary reason.

You do not need to have a firearm, if you wish, but do not try to take ours away, or you will find out the hard way that it is impossible. I am able to manufacture a double-barrel 12-gauge semi-automatic shotgun out of spare parts from a landfill or Home Depot. It is impossible to take them away, and you will lose billions of dollars trying to take them away, and then will make criminals the ones controlling street guns. It will be even worse than prohibition.

You have no idea how foolish these gun control laws are. There are airguns that can kill bison, and a gun is no more than a tube with air pressure pushing an object from it.
2015-04-03 13:48:30 UTC
I admire your willingness to put yourself out there and show just how deft you are. Takes guts.

Your right about gun owner ship. You should never be allowed to own a gun. You would probably shoot yourself in the foot.

The police where you live shouldn't wear guns ether. After all you could protect your neighbors by emitting the stink out your *** like a skunk that works every time but keeps good people away too.

While your stopping gun ownership you can pas a law preventing your from procreating That the police will have one less stupid, your ward, to protect
2015-04-04 09:07:57 UTC
When it comes to sheer ignorance like this it's best to abide by the following quote.

Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.


1. Yes, criminals can obtain guns through illegal means. Criminals don't obey laws.

2. An armed man or woman with a concealed carry could Indeed take out an armed murderer. That's a fact. A no, not everyone has to be armed. There are several videos of people stopping robberies with the use of firearms.

3. If the government by chance happens to fall to tyranny and if you have no real means to protect yourself if need be you will die. But then again the likes of you would probably side with a tyrannical government.

4. Firearms are a part of American culture. People use them to hunt and feed their families or others. For just shooting an animal and leaving the carcass is against the law. People use them as recreation. People use them to shoot for sport. It's even an Olympic sport. The majority of responsible gun owners far outweigh that of criminals.

5. It is our constitutional right to keep and bear arms. That right shall not be infringed. Look it up... But then again I suppose you've never read the constitution or understand it.

6. Last time I checked a gun is an inanimate object incapable of doing harm. I have a 357 ruger new vaquero sitting right beside my dresser loaded and a bushmaster ar-15 at the foot of my bed. Not once has they just hopped up and killed anyone. In fact I've never seen them move by themselves. Guns are tools with the capability of doing harm or good. I suppose you want police officers to deal with armed thugs with batons? The truth of the matter is that people kill people. Not once in history has a gun grown legs, got up, walked, and shot someone. A person grabs a gun and knowingly pulls the trigger.

People can kill with belts, pencils, knives, cars, water, blunt objects, etc.. Are all those objects evil? No, people are evil. It's a truth so plain as day it's astounding that people like you can't grasp such a simple truth.

Your ignorance is astounding and it blinds you.

Good day, happy Easter.
2015-04-06 00:34:14 UTC
I love that fact that so many people disagree with this man's post! As I disagree 100% as well! So retarded that people could honestly think there would be less deaths of guns were out of the equation. Timothy McCleary just to name 1 proven fact. Boston bombing ring a bell? What about 911?? Guess we should ban airplanes as well huh? Lol. With or without guns there will always be bad people hurting other people. I belive in the right to bare arms and I own multiple ones. For hunting, sporting and home defense. You really want someone, maybe even 2 people breaking into your home and you have nothing but a knife or a bat? I don't think so!

*Texas gun supporter*
2015-04-02 23:38:33 UTC
Hitler must have had some good points for your argument, I mean he successfully disarmed a country. While your ripping pieces out of the constitution would you like to own some slaves, because it's only an amendment away.

If your correct, then people shouldn't be allowed to fly planes or drive vehicles either. While we're at it no bomb zones could have prevented so many tragedies. Maybe if we start "no bomb zones" places like France, Australia, and Canada will follow and we can make a global movement. We could also put up bill-boards with 1-800-(Considering Criminal Action), there's so many numbers, because the phone system will be run out of India to create jobs.

I decided to go on a cryptic satirical rant, because I couldn't tell if you faking opposition or just dull. If you read between the lines my answer is fairly clear. But I trailed off a bit at the end there.
2015-04-03 22:32:54 UTC
Guns aren't even used as much as you would think for murders, usually it is some form of stabbing. People hunt. You need a gun for that. And if you saw a woman getting raped, what would you do? Well obviously you can't help her by shooting the man, since you don't want a gun, so are you seriously going to stand there and wait 20 minutes for police? Usually banning something increases the problem. Like how they tried to ban alcohol. So if we take away guns, others will still illegally take them. So they can shoot up anywhere they wanted, because someone can't kill them before they cause too much damage.
2015-04-06 00:11:24 UTC
How exactly are any of these arguments stupid? They all sound perfectly legitimate to me. You probably shouldn't include an obviously biased opinion on a project, unless your instructor says so. But I'm pretty sure that most of the time, especially in any sort of debate assignment, you're supposed to back up your argument with facts, not opinions. I'd like to hear your argument AGAINST guns ownership, or whatever it is you're bashing, if you don't mind exercising a few of your brain cells for a change.
2015-04-05 07:23:10 UTC
#6 - The newton school shooting was done with stolen guns. The mentally ill son did not have access to the locked cabinet. He killed his mother to steal the keys to take the guns. Also in my hometown of Harrisburg most of the gun violence especially by gangs are with illegal guns. More gun laws have not stemmed the violence.

#5 The colorado theater killings was performed in the only theater where there were not armed security guards.

#4 The purpose of the law in the bill of rights was the ability of a militia to arm itself as a check against the central government. You could say it helped the war between the states, but it is a valid argument.

#3 there are many hunters and target shooters. I mean there are sports enthusiasts, botanists, peace advocates, greenpeace enthusiasts and they all have rights to practice their beliefs. Why are gun owners singled out as extremists and unusual.

#2. Can't get away from this one. What other rights do you wish to abolish. I meanwhy don't we get rid of freedom of speech, the press, or religion while we are at it?

#1. People without guns kill people. It is a misunderstanding that murders will end when there is no guns. There are stabbings beatings, stranglings and other deadly encounters. Getting rid of guns does not stop the ability for people to kill peopler.

Oh and I do not like guns, have no guns in my house and do not like to shoot them even though I am a retired soldiers who worked with guns over my 25 years in service..
2015-04-03 18:53:38 UTC
You have a good argument for a city dweller. In the country, where I live, I have a loaded gun at all times, safety on of course. A rifle and a 22. Why? Cause of wild animals. One time a deer was hit, it had both legs broken in front but was hobbling across the field in pain, husband grabbed rifle and put it down. Once, there was a rabid fox wandering could tell it was sick. My son took the 22 and put it down. Once a black bear broke into our mudroom..he smelled trash, we did not shoot it but had it got thru back door it might have came into house and they attack when scared..also it keeps the rest of the world scared of us..we don't need our armies to protect us from an invasion..we have enough hunters in the Tri-county area of where I live to take out any threat. I agree small arm ownership should require licensing..but more deaths occur by distracted driving than gun related deaths in this country. Best we keep our guns, just in case.
brittany borrelli
2015-04-03 23:45:12 UTC
People buy guns because they enjoy to collect them, like to shoot for fun at a gun range, or they need self protection.

Let me ask you this, if some psycho broke into your house trying to rob and kill you with his own gun, how the hell are you going to defend yourself? Call the cops? No, they'd take too long and you'd be dead. You get your own gun and cap that f**ker first.

Idiots like you are always soooooo against guns until a gun is the only line of defense you'll have.

Besides, it's in the constitution. If you are against the constitution, move to another country because you're too stupid, ignorant, and undeserving of living in the land of the free.
2015-04-02 23:18:17 UTC
1) Using the term "stupid" shows a major case about your argument (logic/discussion/debate) not being valid.

2) Our founding fathers embedded the right to bear arms in our US Constitution as to not allow any governing authority to dispose of the people's freedom as a controlling entity. Also refer to The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878.

3) I totally agree with "if guns are outlawed only outlaws would have guns." Very easily debated.

4) I totally agree with "guns don't kill people, people do." Again very easily debated.

5) A gun, like a knife, a chainsaw, an ice pick, a tire iron, or an automobile is NOT a weapon. It's the intent of a PERSONS' use behind the object(s) that makes it so.
2015-04-03 22:00:26 UTC
Well, most of the arguments are rather intelligent, as we have every right to own guns.

There's a statistic, and I forget the exact numbers, but about 2.5 people die in a mass shooting stopped by civilians, as opposed to 22 people in the average police stopped mass shooting.

Historically, every advanced civilization that had an effective dictatorship disarmed its citizens. Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, Commie China, etc.

The shooting in Oslow, Norway, is a prime example of when citizens could have used guns. It took hours to stop the shooters because the military had to be mobilized, as nobody had a gun to call their own.

More Americans are killed with baseball bats than so called assault rifles according to the U.S Bureau of Statistics.

I could keep at this all day.
2015-04-03 11:42:00 UTC
Hitler must have had some good points for your argument, I mean he successfully disarmed a country. While your ripping pieces out of the constitution would you like to own some slave, because it's only an amendment away.

If your correct, then people shouldn't be allowed to fly planes or drive vehicles either. While we're at it no bomb zones could have prevented so many tragedies. Maybe if we start "no bomb zones" places like France, Australia, and Canada will follow and we can make a global movement. We could also put up bill-boards with 1-800-(Considering Criminal Action), there's so many numbers, because the phone system will be run out of India to create jobs.
2015-04-04 01:53:35 UTC
Here's one for you, when every cop has a gun, and they're still killing black kids and being complete tyrants, but every other citizen is left with spears and crossbows, what are you gunna do when those drop out, dumb ***, power tripping, ***** realize their guns make them God and they start plowing through town doing whatever it is they want and you're left with your cock in your hand asking "where's that crazy son of a ***** down the street when you need him?"

Maybe it's just me but this country doesn't seem to be in tip top shape these days, you really think it's a good idea to remove the firepower from the people right when big brothers starting to loose his footing?

Get a clue. Internet going under the government control, cameras on every corner, tracking devices on every person at all times recording a detailed history of who you are where you go and what you're up to. Maybe they're not rounding us up for the slaughter now, but they sure as hell can if they want to.
2015-04-04 12:37:47 UTC
As an English woman....these arguments don't stand up.....our criminals could buy guns on the black market and some do...

But a large number don't because our police are not armed as a general rule....only on very few occasions. It will be difficult for the US having gun ownership enshrined in the Constitution.....but we too have repealed a lot of homosexuality being a crime and the with not impossible. Hope this helps...Mo University Lecturer
2015-04-03 11:48:57 UTC
No one has a legitimate reason for owning a gun unless they like to hunt. We cant just go an buy a gun the England, and we have pretty much zero gun crime. I feel like I am in a safer and more free country than I would if I lived in America where I would constantly be on edge. America should control gun ownership to the maximum possible levels. Screw the "2nd amendment" - the 2nd amendment is not a proper justification.
Animal Mother
2015-04-04 18:39:09 UTC
The Founding Fathers of the United States Wrote the Constitution, and they were well educated, very intelligent men. Keep in mind, the Revolutionary War happened because the Colonist wanted to get away from England Controlling everything and taxing everything.

The Founding Fathers designed the Constitution so people would have the right to Life, Liberty, and to Pursue Happiness. In addition, the Fathers also wanted Nation Government with limited control over the people.

The Founding Fathers also wanted people to protect and Defend themselves, so they wrote the second amendment as follows: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

If the United States Government were to just take away peoples' rights to own firearms, this would be a slippery slope to exactly what the Revolutionary War got us away from: Tyranny.
2015-04-03 07:05:47 UTC
I do believe people do have the right to bear arms. However, there have been some cases where is plainly isn't okay. If someone were to walk into Starbucks with an assault rifle, claiming it was their right, they would be escorted out despite the amendment. You just don't go some places with a gun, especially with civilians all over the place. It's one of those issues where if the government were to let more freedom prevail everything would be in chaos.
2015-04-04 19:45:57 UTC
You'd wish you had a gun If someone put a knife to your throat or was stronger than you and attempted to mug you. But, What do I know? I'm just some dumb guy with an opinion, right? You're probably scared of guns because the loud noise is terrifying to you. Or because you're too narrow minded to understand that knives and hammers and cars kill more people than guns every year. Actually, Alcohol and cigarettes kill more too.
2015-04-04 04:27:34 UTC
What you do Not understand is, there should never have been and never should be Civillians and Non Civillians! all should be Civillian, and from this Premiss all should have the right to defend themselves, with a Council/government over them all and by them all, because although you seem to Not know it, we have amongst us people whom have always been elitists that hate the rest of us and they have slowly but surely taken away our freedoms using horrendous occurences that they secretly have promoted in order to place new laws that Only affect us whilst they own all of the control of Police Armies Airforces Navies etc, so that we cannot overcome them you are Blinded into thinking that your government today is benevolent. I too hate to see trigger happy angry uneducated Gun Nuts with AK47's, but many among them are people with the greatest intergrity very many former serving Soliders that now Know what is Really going on among the hateful elitists! infact they are just about your last chance to keep your property and any remaining Peace, Your Leadership has Demonised Putin whom has been Truthful and Peaceful, and your leadership has brought you into WWIII because we have Been War mongers around the World for Lies following and supporting the Leadership that has destroyed nations, our Leaderships greed and murderous warring have caused us more danger that we have ever been in.
2015-04-04 08:19:10 UTC
1) The constitution says you can have one have therefore you can (no MUST) have guns without limits (

2) It is for protection (a househould with one or more guns is more likely to see that gun used on the occupants than an outsider

3) It will stop a massacre (rarely if ever happens)

4) Gun control doesn't work in countries that have gun control so why bother... (yes but the stats are vastly different - there are three countries that when when combined have a similar population to the US (like Canada, UK and France or UK, France and Switzerland) and the gun related deaths in the US is over 10,000 perannum and in the 3 other countries combined it's like 200... (violence warning:

5) Other stuff is blamed eg music (like Marilyn Manson / metal etc), mental illness, violent video games etc
2015-04-03 14:44:30 UTC
1. Why do you need a gun?

2. Cops and only military should have guns

3. Guns don't make you safer

4. You don't need a gun to defend yourself

5. The 2nd amendment is outdated
2015-04-03 15:55:32 UTC
Those are actually all pretty GOOD reasons to own a gun. However, your level of stupidity astounds me. But I make you this promise, if you or your family is ever being robbed or murdered, I will not use any of my guns to stop the threat. Instead, I will calmly call 911 so the police can come to make a report and call the coroner to collect your dead bodies off the street. Deal?
2015-04-02 23:48:25 UTC
For one thing, they continue to think someone is going to take away their guns. Existing guns except for those that are already illegal (like a Thompson machine gun) will remain legal.I'm not happy with Mr Twelve pack firing his automatic weapons drunk on a Sunday morning. There are lots of them near me. I think they've carried the whole 2nd amendment too far. No reasonable argument is heard over their defense of it. Try a little common sense folks.
2015-04-04 19:36:56 UTC
So you would like statements supporting the absence of home owner guns?

#1. You are three times more likely to shoot a family member than a criminal entering your home.

#2. In nations that ban the ownership of firearm, the level of fatalities decrease. Less people shooting other people, less law enforcement shooting people.

#3. Anyone that has ever set traps and trapped animals....thinks very little of those that need a firearm to do the same, and will capture many multiple times the amount of game at a small small fraction of the expense of a firearm. ...some where in the range of three rounds of ammo...that just keeps on giving a return.
Charles & Willa
2015-04-04 18:39:01 UTC
I own 2 handguns and a shot gun. There are legitimate reasons to own guns. I have the right to defend myself and others against a home invasion / burglary, etc. Hunting and other shooting sports as well as gun collecting are legitimate hobbies. However no one should have ownership of weapons capable of firing multiple rounds rapidly (except a licensed collector). These are not useful for defense , or hunting. Powerful automatic weapons fall into the same category as rocket launchers and bombs. These are offensive rather than defensive weapons and of no use to a law abiding civilian.
Joe Pizza
2015-04-02 22:29:32 UTC
No no. The constitution doesn't say we have a right to own guns. It says we have a right to bear arms. A little known fact about the constitution is that there are actually a lot of typos in it. What it really meant to say is we have a right to "bare" arms. It was referring to sleeveless flannel which was totally in style at the time the constitution was written even though some were strongly opposed to this style. It was a completely controversial issue and so they decided to write it into the constitution.
Atsa me Atsa you?
2015-04-04 07:24:59 UTC
You are against guns, I am against those under 30 yr olds with mouths like yours that should keep their nose out of my dark area. Drug addicts/thieves are kicking in front doors where we live DAYLIGHT HOURS..would take police 15 mins. to get to our home. If you think I would politely ask the to leave, YOU as they are, are NUTS. If someone was going to hurt you or your family member, what are you going to say to them OH PLEASE DON'T! You might, but I won't. I guess I have to explain, a gun does not kill a person, someone has to pull the trigger, it just doesn't roam the neighborhood, pulling its own trigger, see it can't. Ask a gun owner how they work!!!
2015-04-02 17:57:05 UTC
What about "Stupid arguments non gun owners use" about a balanced report? My dad was against, however, I do believe you have a right to defend your life. I don't carry a bow and arrows or hammer with me all day long, but those manage to murder people too. The assumption that guns kill people (yes they do and so does a litany of other devices) is akin to saying forks make people fat.
2015-04-03 00:54:38 UTC
I suspect that your closed-mindedness regarding firearms is based on not having any actual experience with or education on firearms. I am not an owner or an enthusiast, though I have fired guns in ranges. I used to have an attitude about them based on a certain level of ignorant fear. Which is why I asked friends to educate me about firearms and their use. There are lots of reasons people own and use them. I know people who own them for personal safety, for recreation, for sport and as a life style choice, ie, they choose to hunt their food when possible rather than buy it at a grocery store.

As to why people decide to be gun owners, I'm sure there are many more reasons than I can list here, but I will say that personal safety is one of the biggest. You may want to consider the number of women that own guns because it's a difficult world to be a woman in. The safety considerations of a woman on her own in everyday life are much greater than those of a man. Some women find gun ownership to be a reassurance that they are able to protect themselves. You said you're doing a project, if you want to get a more balanced view point, perhaps you should contact a firearms training center, see if they hold special women's training courses and if you can interview the instructors and perhaps participants. I think that might give you a different idea than the one you've gone into this with, that gun owners are stupid. You also might want to think about competition shooters, people that spend a lot of time and effort on becoming skilled in the use of firearms, without the intention of every using them against another person or an animal. You try to dismiss the argument that it is a hobby like car collecting, but it really is. There are classic, beautifully crafted guns in this world that people do collect. There are pieces with historical value as well as family history. And some are just down right fun to shoot.

If you are of legal age, take a training course or get someone to take you to a range and teach you how to use a firearm. The recreational side of it can't be ignored or swept aside, whichever side of the argument you fall under, and I think if you try it, you'll find a better understanding of what people who own guns are experiencing as well as being able to make a more reasoned argument for your own stance. Or perhaps you'll change your mind entirely.

But mostly, if you are really doing a project where your only goal is to "prove gun owners are stupid" what do you care what other people say? Your attitude is negative and combative. You will only end up with "proof" of your own conclusions because you're too short sighted to see the other side. Objectivity is the key to testing any hypothesis.
2015-04-03 14:46:23 UTC
Before I answer your question please allow me to say this: I was driving Down a local street in the city that I live in with my girl friend when we came to a stop light and two men ran out in between several parked cars now the one guy on the driver side of my car had a gun, I also don't know if the guy on the passenger side of my car was armed or not armed, So I immediately his the gas and went thru that stop light and I did not stop until i had reached the forth stop light............. Which does prove in my mind and in the mind of the police that the bad guys seem to always have a gun when the average citizen remains unarmed......... Now a few months later, My Girl friend had asked me to spend the night at her residences for she said That she have a bad feeling that something bad will happen tonight, So we stopped at my home first so that i could pick up something to point at whomever that would prove be more threatening than my fingers would have proven to be.................... Which I am so happy that i did For around 1am the front door bell rang and my lady nudge me while asking me to answer the front door. So slipping on my short pants I got up to answer the front door when the person ringing the door bell started kicking on the front screen door I immediately ran up stairs and retrieved my pistol and went back to the front and yelled the police have been call so it would be wise for you to just be gone by the time it takes for them to respond to our cal well the next sound that I heard was a shotgun blast coming through the screen and front door then the front door knob started wiggling that is when I fired 3 shots through the front door and heard someone started screaming and falling to the ground I went to a window that was was near the front door and that is when I saw him laying on the ground with a shotgun not being that far away from where he is was screaming in pain.................I also found out that I had hit him twice once in the arm and one in his stomach.................. I also found out that he was one of her former man-friends that she had broke it off with a couple of months before we have gotten together.............. Also I wondered what really would have happen that night if I did not fire through that door hitting him twice................. So as of right now I don't feel that your argument against owing a fire-arm can hold a few drops of water without that water leaking out........................
2015-04-03 07:34:00 UTC
I can't tell if you're trolling or if you're actually that stupid. But your list is fairly complete.

By this logic, I could only have a gun if I break the law to do it. You know who actually breaks laws? Criminals. You seem to think they are the only ones who should have guns. We know that they won't give them up, even if every law-abiding citizen would be forced to--that would be part of the "tyranny" you spoke of, as we do have a right to own them. Even liberal *** Bill Maher says he will only give up his guns when the criminals do.

So now, we have cops and criminals with guns and no one else. That puts firearms makers/dealers, gun clubs, and parts and ammo makers out of business, but also leaves all of decent society at the mercy of criminals with guns, that I suspect greatly outnumber the cops with guns.

Sounds lovely.
2015-04-04 19:51:53 UTC
IS THIS A STUPID ENOUGH ANSWER FOR YOU? And don't even suggest it can't happen again.

This list doesn't even include the nightmare going on in the middle east right now.

Turkey (1915-1917)

•Permits required

•Government list of owners

•Ban on possession

– 1.5 million Armenians killed

Soviet Union (1929-1945)

•Licensing of owners

•Ban on possession

•Severe penalties

– 20 million killed

Nazi Germany & Occupied Europe (1933-1945)

•Registration & Licensing

•Stricter handgun laws

•Ban on possession

– 20 million killed

China, Nationalist (1949-1952, 1957-1960, 1966-1976)

•Government permit system

•Ban on private ownership

– 10 million killed

China, Red (1949-1952, 1957-1960, 1966-1976)

•Prison or death to “counter-revolutionary criminals” and anyone resisting any government program

•Death penalty for supply guns to such “criminals”

– 20-35 million killed

Guatemala (1960-1981)

•Register guns & owners

•Licensing with high fees

•Prohibit carrying guns

•Bans on guns, sharp tools

•Confiscation powers

– 100,000-200,000 killed

Uganda (1971-1979)

•Register all guns & owners

•Licenses for transactions

•Warrantless searches

•Confiscation powers

– 2 million killed

Cambodia (Khmer Rouge) (1975-1979)

•Licenses for guns, owners, ammunition & transactions

•Photo ID with fingerprints

•License inspected quarterly

– 2 million

Rwanda (1994)

•Register guns, owners, ammunition

•Owners must justify need

•Concealable guns illegal

•Confiscating powers

-800,000 killed
2015-04-04 15:15:12 UTC
well I guess you weren't here during the Los Angeles roits, a very crazy time, I live 12 mi outside LA in a small city where we had police protection, but that wasn't the case in the downtown area.Los Angeles police could do little to try to stop it.

People were looting and burning down buildings, some strore keepers got up on top of the roofs with guns to defend their businesses. And many of us watched in horror as one man was dragged out of his truck and badly beaten. you can watch a video of it at Reginald Denny Beating - YouTube.
2015-04-04 23:14:11 UTC
Let's see.. A criminal with a shotgun comes into your home and slaughters your entire family and then rapes you at gunpoint. Oh man, perhaps if you had owned a gun you would have been able to protect yourself because God knows that criminal isn't going to allow you to call the police. I'm not sure though, this is just a hunch.
2015-04-05 18:12:51 UTC
If it's a gun owner's argument, it's a stupid argument.
2015-04-03 02:24:33 UTC
Firearms a basically sporting goods. Hunting, target shooting and re-loading ammunition qualify as sport and hobby. Shooting is even an Olympic sport. There certainly is a reasonable element to self protection, and firearms certainly fit that bill far more than any other reasonable device. The police carry firearms for that specific reason. If a felon has the nerve to attack an armed officer, that same felon would have no second thoughts about attacking an unarmed citizen.
2015-04-03 05:05:24 UTC
Firearms a basically sporting goods. Hunting, target shooting and re-loading ammunition qualify as sport and hobby. Shooting is even an Olympic sport. There certainly is a reasonable element to self protection, and firearms certainly fit that bill far more than any other reasonable device. The police carry firearms for that specific reason. If a felon has the nerve to attack an armed officer, that same felon would have no second thoughts about attacking an unarmed citizen.
2015-04-02 21:32:14 UTC
I'll tell you why you have no leg to stand on when you tell us we are stupid. All you can do is list talking points. You don't even tell us why they are stupid arguments. You provide NOTHING to support your claim. This all leads me to the conclusion you are only a dim-witted, knee-jerk liberal who can only rant and rave.

Why do I own a gun? I own a gun because people like you continue to vote in power-hungry elitist who think they are above the law.
2015-04-02 15:09:48 UTC
Can you imagine how stupid you'd be when obama's 2-1/2 million muslim's, 5 million Mexican's in our country & obama's 2 armies waiting in Mexico just over the border attack by murdering all who are'nt muslim born, since he cant run for a 3rd. term in America. Anyway our constitution forbids any Government (even our own) from taking our weapons away. I have approximately 1950 Million Minutemen & Minutewomen ready with weapons to defend those without weapons in America every where. All small towns are ready and all Sheriffs have the people's power over everyone, even Presidents. Mike
2015-04-04 04:45:49 UTC
Okay well you have your opinion and I have mine but.... If someone broke into my home and was threat to me my family ... I would much rather have a gun to protect them with ... While the only option you would have is to curl up in the closet and cry and hope they don't kill you waiting the long *** time for the cops to get there.

(It takes like 5-10 seconds to grab a gun)

( 10-15 minutes Ect. For the cops ) that's your choice but im sticking to the first choice . Long live the Second Ammendment !!
2015-04-03 07:17:26 UTC
No more stupid than the arguments anti-gun people use ... LOL ! There's a lot of stupid people in this World and they are not the Politicians !!
2015-04-03 18:07:38 UTC
Gun owners are in the bad seat in this arena, and their arguments are NOT stupid. Some are just too darn stupid to recognize that, they too stereotypical, thanks to the liberal media which makes out that ALL WEAPONS ARE EVIL! No, it is the times we NEED them that may be evil, we all err and no one is perfect and sometimes one must PROTECT ones self. HOW SAFE WOULD IT REALLY BE IF GUNS DID NOT EXIST?!? EVER LOOK BACK? Oh, you skipped out on world history class.
2015-04-04 11:40:32 UTC
An armed robber breaks into your home and at gun point rapes your wife and daughter, then shoots them. All of this would have been avoided if you exercised your right to own a gun, and took the safety classes in order to learn how to use it.

Really, the right to own a gun is the only one we have left. If we lose that, the government owns us. Don't believe me? I have three words: The Patriot Act.
2015-04-03 12:06:16 UTC
1) Using the term "stupid" shows a major case about your argument (logic/discussion/debate) not being valid.

2) Our founding fathers embedded the right to bear arms in our US Constitution as to not allow any governing authority to dispose of the people's freedom as a controlling entity. Also refer to The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878.

3) I totally agree with "if guns are outlawed only outlaws would have guns." Very easily debated.

4) I totally agree with "guns don't kill people, people do." Again very easily debated.
2015-04-05 18:09:30 UTC
When it comes to the 2nd amendment of our nations Bill of rights you have every right as a citizen to disagree, argue, or complain. However the fact being that the Bill of rights is a charter of negative rights which states what the government cant do, change, or take away, our legislative branch doesn t posses the ability or right to make laws against any part thereof. As explained in the document these god given rights are inalienable therefore no man, or government has the right to take away these rights.The right to bear arms" is non specific to types of weapons for the reason that the only limit is what is deemed necessary by a free citizen. God bless America!
2015-04-03 16:58:40 UTC
One hour from my residence on DR650SE takes me

into bear and cougar habitat. Dismounted, I see the

fresh dung and tracks, during speleological outings.

Forty minute's walks me and my boat to the beach.

Where last fall a one hundred and fifty pound cougar

was found drowned apparently while walking along

tidal cliff frontage. A death that happens to people.

I need the firearm and other emergency gear like

flares, mirror, and orange smoke grenade to signal

for assistance if in distress offshore. I'm willing to

use all that to save human life. I often carry firearms

openly but are licensed for concealed carry. Have

previous paid employment handling firearms in the

private and public sectors following military discharge.

Are a senior citizen, Liberal, and Pagan who votes.
2015-04-03 08:27:44 UTC
I live in a town with a lot of drug use, because of this drug use we have had at least 5 break-ins in the past month because the burglars were looking for stuff to steal so they could sell it and by more drugs. One of the breaks ended in a man being stabbed, another ended up with a woman being tied up and raped. I'm a 21 year old woman that lives in my apartment alone. I wish I owned a gun for protection.
2015-04-03 09:21:13 UTC
I own guns because they're fun to shoot, fun to try to get better at my aim and learn about which ones are good for what purposes, I have one under my bed for home protection, I enjoy hiking in the deep woods so I use one there for protection, and I also don't make a lot of money so I hunt for food for my family.
2015-04-04 16:46:48 UTC
Yoiu show your cluelessness with every word, Europe has some very strict gun control laws, yet apparently the truly clueless, aka you seem to very conveniently forget whathappened in Paris and other places in Europe, not to mention guns being found in other raids before they were abler to be used in an attack. The only people gun control laws work on are law abiding citizens.
2015-04-03 06:23:58 UTC
This sort of confrontational approach to this issue doesn't deserve a response - and is very like the label you've placed on gun-owners.

Ride on, Don Quixote!
2015-04-05 08:25:07 UTC
Yes, as usual, folks such as yourself take on a pet issue and try to move their agenda forward by lies and obfuscation. You use words like "gun violence" and "Sandy Hook," and "Aurora movie theater," and it's all true and it's all very extremely frightening, and guns ARE lethal weapons that most definitely do kill.

You and your ilk are so obstreperous (love that word) in this issue that you force people to turn and look at you, which is what you want; listen to what you're saying, which is what you want; do some research, because that's what thinking people do, which is what you DON'T want, because then we discover that you're full of sh*t.

When you say things like this it makes it sound like gun deaths are an epidemic that needs to be controlled at any cost, not unlike the Spanish Flu of 1918 that killed 40 million people worldwide, the greatest pandemic since the Black Death of the middle centuries.

Problem: It's not true. In 2014, about 12,500 people were killed with guns. This includes self-inflicted wounds, such as suicides and Cousin Bobby cleaning his pistol while drunk, and officer-involved shootings.

Now while that's a terrible number, and it shouldn't happen, etc., etc., we also find that nearly three times as many people died in car accidents. We find that, in 2014, there were 80,000+ alcohol-related deaths -- seven times that of gun violence. We find that MORE people died of AIDS than died of gun violence. And we find that nearly half a million people died of medical mistakes, what, 40 times that of gun violence? We find that more people died of heart disease than died of "lead disease."

Most murders actually happen with weapons that are weapons of convenience; lamps, ashtrays, hammers. Some freak stabbed a pregnant woman and her two children to death with a pen. A PEN. A writing instrument a quarter of an inch in diameter and made of plastic. That freak didn't have a gun. He had a pen. Four people dead with a pen.

(And next you'll tell me that the unborn baby doesn't count, to which I will point out your obvious hypocracy by you pointing to 12,500 gun deaths and failing to point out the more than a million acid & vacuum cleaner/abortion pill/scissors through the spinal column deaths last year alone.)

And you're in here telling us how bad guns are? After this little bout of research, I'm a hell of a lot more afraid of the doctor than I am of the bullet.
2015-04-04 09:08:27 UTC
hunting? You know that still exists right? Not to mention farm owners need guns to protect their livestock from wild animals... There are plenty of reasons. What you are saying is that there are absolutely NO good reasons for civilians to own a gun... you are being naive.
2015-04-03 20:42:03 UTC
It's our constitutional right as americans to bear arms. That is argument enough. When someone breaks into your house and holds you at gunpoint, you're going to wish you had a gun.
2015-04-03 16:32:45 UTC
To dispute #4 you would have to state either 1.The government is trustworthy or 2.We can fight them without weapons.If your for disarming EVERYONE we could talk but gun control is simply saying guns only go to people with nice uniforms and a false sense of infallibility.
2015-04-05 15:14:56 UTC
I don't see how a gun would have a conscience in choosing which person to kill? I think that is an even more idiotic argument than yours. Ha ha ha!

Run off a cliff why don't you?
2015-04-05 14:09:43 UTC
I have guns, and I am 100% for all law abiding citizens to own guns, but our government is not the ones we need to worry about. You have to have people willing to fight for you to have an army, and as one who has served in the Marine Corps I can guarantee that you would have a very well equipped rebellion instead of a well equipped army if given the order to turn on our own people.
2015-04-04 09:01:44 UTC
The reason that justifies me owning a gun is because I choose to. It's about freedom. You do not have the right to tell me what I can or cannot own. A group of you's organized as a government do not have the right to tell me what I can or cannot own. If you claim you do have the right, where did you or your government get the right? Democracies, constitutions do not magically create rights. Learn about freedom at
2015-04-03 18:39:29 UTC
Only a moron would consider them "stupid arguments"

A have guns and will never give them up


Gun owning liberal
2015-04-03 20:02:54 UTC
In Australia we have licences for guns & that works fine !!!! The problem in the USA is that guns are readily available !!! If a woman or man gets shot in a family squabble they will just say "That's the way it goes !!"

A gun is the most accessible weapon & they are all over the USA !! I'm so glad that I live in Australia - the best country in the world !!
2015-04-05 22:14:02 UTC
In Switzerland, a neutral country, it is the law for every household to properly know how to handle a weapon, and own a gun. Switzerland also happens to have the lowest crime rate in the world.

You aren't going to attack someone if you know they have a gun.

Hitler took the German's weapons away before becoming their dictator and controlling them.

When people aren't able to own weapons, they aren't able to fight back to people like Hitler.

Really, they aren't stupid arguments.
2015-04-06 07:36:06 UTC
Baraq Insane Obsama is the only reason. I bought 3 assault rifle , thousands of rounds of ammo, stacks of mags, and a few chest rigs.

Before I just played video games. Then I saw Obsama play with the auto market, stockmarket , pull troops our, jerk off on the constitution , piss tax payer money away, suck foreign commie and Muslim schlongs. Then newtown that was staged like 911. So I said that's it I'm buying guns ammo, vests, and using YouTube to train to use them and clean them.

**** tyranny and **** obsma
2015-04-04 11:44:18 UTC
Okay, bro? I'm entirely neutral on this subject but I can tell you this: your video project is going to suck because of the high-and-mighty attitude you're taking with it. If you can't for one second put yourself in someone else's shoes, or examine their arguments in a detached way without immediately jumping to calling them stupid, it's impossible to debate well on any topic--the logic doesn't matter, you WILL end up sounding just as rabidly irrational as the people you're trying to attack, especially to those who are undecided.
Dave & Donna
2015-04-02 18:41:14 UTC
When one of these violent nut cases has a gun to your head, you'd be real happy to see a law bidding citizen take him out for you. People who have permits to carry concealed weapons are checked and double checked by Law Enforcement including the FBI and are upright citizens, I wonder if you could pass that close an investigation? Most people [ not including some liberal flakes] try to live by the constitution of the United States of America the land of the free and home of the brave where we have a 'right' to protect our selves by being armed. I'm proud to be a licensed carrier and would come to your rescue if I saw you being attacked and your life was being threatened.
2015-04-03 22:43:08 UTC
Yes, Gun owners don't used huns.
Art G
2015-04-03 05:51:27 UTC
Possession of a weapon builds confidence and moral character plus a continuation of your life in this day and age ! For all you non gun owners, may you RIP in potter's field.
Xs V
2015-04-03 06:40:19 UTC
It's my right to protect myself and my family. There are bad people out there who will not think twice about taking what you have and hurting you and your loved ones. Not everyone in this world thinks like you do, peace and harmony is not going to happen.

Ask yourself a question: If a terrorist group were to attack a mall, would they do it in a state like Texas? Or would they do it in a liberal state like New Jersey or New York?

Answer: NY and NJ, why? It would be like shooting fish in a barrel. Not Texas, why? It's just not fun anymore when citizens start shooting back.
2015-04-02 20:53:20 UTC
When I read number 2 I realized you were merely trolling and making rather good points for those that believe in the right to own guns. I'm really hoping this is the case because if you are a liberal and being serious I assure you your teacher will fail you.
2015-04-03 14:35:38 UTC
It is not stupid for civilians to own guns. There was this guy who broke in my house while i was alone and tried to hurt me. What saved my life was a shotgun that i used to defend myself from him. That is why it is not stupid to own a gun. That crap happens all the time to others. You should be prepared in case it happens to you.
2015-04-02 21:31:02 UTC
Well i own guns because i enjoy killing people. Dont really cae who they are, i just love killing. It ives me a massive thrill! I like to shoot them in the gut or legs and let them bleed out, the more pain the better! But sometimes i dont have much time so i just give the a headshot and the make myself scarce. My reason for owning guns is that im a serial killer and violence is fun! Hey, at least im not bullshitting you
2015-04-04 17:00:45 UTC
Its none of your business if I own a gun or not. Oh wait, you said stupid. But you didn't list any stupid ones so I thought I would follow suit.
2015-04-03 02:21:15 UTC
I suspect that your closed-mindedness regarding firearms is based on not having any actual experience with or education on firearms. I am not an owner or an enthusiast, though I have fired guns in ranges
2015-04-04 22:05:20 UTC
I would scrap what you have and then start again but this time open a dictionary and look up the word "stupid" and THEN when you know what it means you can start thinking of stupid arguments.

If you find yourself heading back to "Guns don't kill people, people kill people. " or "The Constitution says I have a right to own guns. " then go back to the dictionary, find the Oxford dictionary too.

PS: here's a "stupid" one from me: " Hell the SWISS have a right to carry weapons and they never even BEEN cow boys!!!"
2015-04-05 17:06:23 UTC
I ve got bad news for you - NONE of those are "stupid" reasons to own a firearm!

What you have to understand is this thing called "difference of opinion". You might not like the idea of civilians owning firearms, but MOST people out there DO in fact support the freedom to bear arms. No one is saying you can t have the opinion you have. However you HAVE TO respect the opinions of people to see things different than you. Just because you disagree with someone doesn t somehow, inexplicably, and automatically, make them "stupid"!

If you want to disagree, then disagree, but you NEED to learn how to do it with DIGNITY.
2015-04-02 13:10:43 UTC
The only thing STUPID are your comments and the way you perceive us gun owners. Talk a long walk off a steep cliff and make Earth a better place.
2015-04-04 11:07:47 UTC are a twisted one !!! Ordinary citizens will always need guns as long as there are criminals who have guns,and as long as there is a democrat party bent on total domination. TWICE in American history,people have been rounded up and put into camps,both times by the progressive democrats.
2015-04-02 19:59:09 UTC
The constitution may say people have the right to own guns but it does not say people have the right to take up arms against their own government. That's called treason and the constitution does not condone it.

About a hundred and fifty years ago some southerners decided to take up arms against their own government. It didn't end well for them.

Also, if outlawing guns will cause only outlaws to own guns, why is it that Australia has a much lower rate of gun crime?

A criminal will use a gun if he can even if it's illegal but if he lives in a country where there are few guns he will have less opportunities to obtain one.
2015-04-02 19:44:21 UTC
That last one has to be the stupidest one of all!! Guns don't kill

people, people kill people. Like a gun has a personality of its own

and can decide to go outside some day and shoot a bunch of

2015-04-05 21:30:36 UTC
The day the Americans forfeit their right to bear arms is the day they forfeit their God given rights and freedoms and Obama is doing everything in his power to make this happen, and yes that is what Sandy Hook was for. Did you know that on Xmas day of that year every house and property lot within a five mile radius of Sandy Hook School had it's mortgage paid off completely ? Don't believe me? Then i encourage you and your lazy *** to research it for yourself. If you can spare the time. That's right even Gene's mortgage was paid down to $0 on Xmas day. Ask yourself, why might this happen and how is it even possible? Lose your right to bear arms..... lose your freedom !!
2015-04-07 10:28:53 UTC
2. The Constitution says I have a right to own guns. Do you doubt this? If so you're the illiterate product of our phuqued up public school system.
2015-04-06 17:32:07 UTC
It's their right to own a gun, pretty stupid
2015-04-03 19:13:46 UTC
The stupid arguments liberals use is that somehow taking guns away from legal law biding citizens will somehow reduce crime. It most certainly doesn't.
2015-04-02 12:33:38 UTC
I am a pacifist "liberal" , and I have a rifle. Most of my friends own guns, even the girls.

I believe it is an inherent right to be able to own weapons for sport, self protection and hunting.

I also believe in some basic regulations for guns such as background checks for purchases,

waiting periods in some cases to reduce crimes of passion.

Conservative gun freaks: The government conspiracy to take all of our guns is not real.

Liberal gun haters: Guns are a tool, they don't make people evil. They are an equalizer.
2015-04-02 21:33:28 UTC
How about: People that are too stupid to understand that people are responsible for their own actions should not own a gun or make videos.
YB Logical
2015-04-02 08:32:05 UTC
You might enlighten all of us by presenting your argument as to why Americans shouldn't own guns.

Got one?
2015-04-05 07:27:40 UTC
I happen to agree with you, although it makes me in the minority to do so. To me a gun is to;

Intimidate others.

make one feel more secure and at the same time feel more paranoid of the government.

Make one feel more superior to others by owning gun(s).

And have something that makes them feel special because they can punch holes in objects without getting up close and personal with the object.

AND the more guns a person owns, the more paranoid them seem to become.

2015-04-04 19:22:40 UTC
Anything to stiffen the Gun control Laws; I am a firm believer in Gun control, Shoot twice...0404/2015
2015-04-03 10:55:48 UTC
Machine guns that can fire several different rounds at once needs to be ban from civilians, only police and army soldiers should use them kinds of guns.
Mark Jack
2015-04-02 23:23:15 UTC
2015-04-03 15:03:20 UTC
If a person was to come into your house at night, threatening your life, wouldn't you want a gun to protect yourself? What? Am I supposed to use my deoderant to defend myself? Its the people who kill, not the guns. People have the CHOICE to kill or not. It is my RIGHT to own a gun, and its liberals like YOU who make me wish I never existed. Its liberals like YOU that try to take peoples rights away. Its liberals like YOU that ignore our constitution and our God given rights. Get out of this country if you don't like its Constitution, our freedom, and our rights. Seriously. Please.
2015-05-01 08:35:09 UTC
However, knowing that most, if not all, citizens around you are armed would likely discourage somebody from going on a gun rampage in the first place.
2015-04-05 18:00:40 UTC
They may all be stupid - TO YOU -. Bullets actually do the killing - guns by themselves - do nothing.

What an individual does with their gun is what the freedom in America is all about.
2015-04-04 20:53:15 UTC
Ignorant and unrealistic people do not see the reason people can and should and may want to have guns... If you dont want one, fine, dont obtain one but those who do have a God given right... btw the 2nd amendment is directed to the legislators telling them what our rights are and that they shall not be infringed. Those who dont want citizens to have guns have an evil ulterior motive... ask Hitler, Stalin... why did they disarm the people? ... it is very easy to control and exterminate the unarmed...
2016-03-10 03:49:44 UTC
I hope the NRA sues the **** out of them. Why not post in the newspaper who owns 60" LED TVs or something, just make people a target of theft. Why does it need to be public knowledge of who legally possesses a firearm which is guaranteed by the Constitution. Where is the ACLU I wonder??
2015-04-04 20:12:06 UTC
Stupid people think it's "macho" to own and carry guns. Hunting is the murder of innocent animals who have no defense against people. Good luck with your project!
2015-04-04 00:19:56 UTC
I'm confused. Are you trying to be funny? All of those "stupid" reasons are valid and legitimate reasons why the 2nd amendment should be upheld. I sincerely hope you are not being serious, and if you are, make sure the bag you wear of your head during your video is made of plastic.
2015-04-03 09:47:05 UTC
Calling someone stupid doesn't make them stupid.

Categorizing a vast, diverse amount of people under one label does not produce clarity.
2015-04-03 04:16:24 UTC
I figure even people that live on US military annex zones play popeye the sailor man. Maybe they punk the civilians and bust a few melons when they are off duty as a military excuse and then just cruise to their annex where civilian cops cannot follow.

I don't own a gun because if I did I would shoot all the right bad guys for the wrong reason and still get death row.
2015-04-02 11:25:51 UTC
Guns don't kill people, people kill people. If guns killed people then guns would randomly shoot people. You see a gun is an object with no thought, and it takes a person to pull the trigger... That's why people kill people, not guns. I have a feeling you will get an F on this assignment little Tyler, but best of luck looking silly.
2015-04-03 13:28:50 UTC
Sound like very good points to me actually. Of course your liberal teacher will give you an A I'm sure anyway. Now run along and be a good little sheep.
2015-04-02 08:39:49 UTC
You should put a sign in your yard stating that your home is proudly gun free. You should also wear a shirt stating the same. A magnet declaring that a thirty foot area surrounding your car would let the bad guys know they can't rob you

Let us know how that works out
2015-04-05 00:49:00 UTC
I can't believe that you are stupid enough to make a project on this! Just drop out of school and work McDonald's!
2015-04-03 11:36:29 UTC
To protect my Country from falling into the hands of people who think like you..

Guns don't kill people... Liberals on Prozac do
2015-04-04 03:44:50 UTC
When I camp or hike in the wilderness, I need to protect myself in case of a bear, rattlesnake or wild cat attack... or in case some nutcase looking for human prey wanders into our campsite. Plus, I live a long way from any city or grocery store. Hunting (and fishing) keeps my family fed.
Hart Breaker
2015-04-03 13:12:19 UTC
You call people "gun toting ammosexual morons" and say their arguments are "stupid". No wonder you expect people to insult you. You assume that everyone thinks like you.
2015-04-02 08:22:47 UTC
You know, calling something stupid doesn't make the idea stupid. You list six things but don't educate us with your massive brilliance as to why they are stupid. So utilizing your own idea here


Okay-now if we follow your ideas--no one will ever listen to you because I said you were stupid
2015-04-03 12:54:06 UTC
Let's get serious You have to be a Troll No sane person could think up such a foolish comment and think it was intelligent. Nice try Troll. LOL
2015-04-05 00:42:25 UTC
In Switzerland (where everyone literally has a ******* gun on them at all times) has the lowest ******* crime rate in the ******* world. So if you tell me owning a gun is stupid, then you need to question your life.
2015-04-03 06:24:14 UTC
Hah, Im laughing at all the pro-gun nuts in here.

The most stupid excuse Iv ever heard is "defence" but that simply isnt true.
2015-04-06 12:24:43 UTC
first prove that the gun owner's arguments have no firm ground. then you will be getting somewhere.

just saying "they're stupid" doesn't change anything.
2015-04-04 14:33:47 UTC
As an American, the rights to bear arms is similar to the rights to own and drive an automobile. Unless you are ready to remove all cars from the road, because they kill more people each year than guns, I suggest you take your misplaced ideology and shove it.
Peace Through Blinding Force
2015-04-02 08:33:43 UTC
6) So the point is, your actual goal is RESERVING guns for felons-only.

5) And obviously THAT is what you hope to prevent.

4) Paraphrasing The Constitution.

3) But we should ban things unless people "need" them, right?

2) Literacy.

1) Obvious things are obvious.

0) At no point has any non-fascist ever demanded a reason to "justify" owning something and at no point will one - ever.
2015-04-04 16:53:20 UTC
Lets see the terrorist's today are killing unarmed individuals at will. They are destroying history that can never be appreciated again. They care nothing for life, History or religion. Since they are going against the teachings of Mohammed, the founder of Islam.

Unarmed= Victims or armed = combatants to protect the lives of others and freedom.

I guess you choose to be a victim.
2015-04-03 12:31:45 UTC
Someone sent some friends of his to do a Capone on me. I heard them coming through the house so I grab my black hawk pointed at them ( could have killed them all but didn't ) they wanted to leave quickly it seemed. Never came back!!!!!!!!!! They had bats not guns. People kill people.
2015-04-02 19:47:13 UTC
I have a question for you: What good would come if only law abiding non-criminal, non-violent people gave up their guns, while allowing only criminals and murderers (who have proven, by their actions their intent) to keep their guns?
2015-04-05 11:07:50 UTC
It is quite trus, as 'anomymous' wrote, your bias against guns is very clear.

Such a bias, unless you are writing an oipinion peice is hardly a good reason for 'researched' information.

Your reported intent is to prove guns overall are not needed in a society such as ours. Bias would essentially wipe out the validity of that 'research'.

Now as to arguments of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, The Bill of Rights guarantees the ability of general citizens, as it was considerd at the time it was written to have arms.

I believe the phrasing is something like: an armed militia being neccessary, the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

One must understand: when the Bill of Rights was written, the MIlitia, which is another reference to both a military and police force, although the two were considered different even at that time.

Both were drawn from the general population of eligible-aged males of the time.

There was no standing army as such, nor, in most cities was there an organised constabulary. generally there were the average citizens, who hunted to suppliment thier diet at that time (butchers did not sell meat generally, they cut it for you at a price and a share), and, as in England at the time, an appointed "Sherriff" who enforced the laws and selected deputies-who were paid out of his pocket.

All of theses, a militia, a 'constabulary' and sherriff's deputies were drawn fro the general polulation of men who already had weapons since there was no organised military supply in the early United States.

The early congress, and indeed other government bodies, such as the virginia House of Burgesses-the precurser to both the Congress and most state legislators, feared an abuse of power by those with the political power and will to use an organised militia or military as a means of power and enforcing thier own autocratic will.

This fear has been shown to be valid as late as the early 1960's when, especially in places like Selma Alabama and Atlanta Georgia, the local police were used against black citizens as both a means of preventing recognised citizens of the US to either register and vote . Either by sitting back and doing nothing but observing when they were being physically attacked ( a federal constutional violation of equal protection under the law) or as direct participants in that same form of tyranny.

This form of history does show any government imbued with such power and organised militia or police to at least be somewhat suspect.

Even today, with domestic violence laws, the idea of physicl assault and rape is often not applied to boyfriends and husbands or mates, without legal force.

So there is indeed a valid reason to be armed as a well-educated citizen.

I personally believe all school children should abe taught basic martial arts in school, for self-confidence, physical developement, and physical self-defence against bullies.

Learning to use a pistol, rifle, or shotgun, for hunting especially or for defence is up to the parents, but I do not go to such extremes as thinking automatic weapons such as machine guns, M-16 type rifles, or machine pistols are particularly needeed however, in the civilian population, other than collecting working, but valuable antiques, both as a means of preserving history, and the technology.

-but the reason for those can be covered later.
2015-04-04 13:25:44 UTC
People should have guns. there needs to be more watch on them, but guns need to stay. Makes us more vulnerable if they are take from us... terrorists can come right in and we could not fight them as effectively
2015-04-04 09:31:29 UTC
so you don't like guns. Pray to god unless you don't believe in him either. that a crack head doesn't break into your home and you have a wife and children for them to rape and kill. that my ignorant friend is why we need guns, to protect our home, family, and property from the worst of or society
2015-04-06 17:01:52 UTC
why do I have to justify my gun ownership? what justifies owning a bath tub. in todays society there is no need to have a tub. since they KILL more people than guns do in America. or cell phones cause car wrecks and people walk into traffic while talking and texting. why do you feel that anyone should answer to you?
2015-04-02 08:24:07 UTC
" I'm doing a video project on how stupid it is for civilians to own guns "

Can't wait for you to upload this video to YouTube. People are going to call you the biggest idiot on the planet
2015-04-03 05:54:07 UTC
I don't jack off to guns like most of these morons do, but I must say, you are dumber than even them by far.
2015-04-03 09:18:34 UTC
Your own words reveal that even the most logical and closely reasoned argument could never sway you, bro, and this life's just too short to waste the time.
2016-02-18 19:33:52 UTC
#5 this was almost proven to be fact look up what almost happened with that senator or whatever she was from arizona the "responible gun owner" almost shoot one of the men that took down the lunatic because he had the gun (it took a large group of people to convince him that the guy was not the gunman)
2015-04-02 18:41:37 UTC
How about you read some history books to learn of th disarming before genocides. Even th recent Nigerian boko haram wouldve been put down if th govt hadn't disarmed their populace. Prolly at urging of uN tied to loans.
2015-04-02 08:25:04 UTC
Wanting only cops and military to own guns so they can walk all over the populous is retarded. Do you know why cops didn't beat Tea Party protestors like they did OWS protestors? Because they were carrying guns and not because the cops supported them. Cops can't stand anybody who questions authority and won't comply to being ordered around.
2015-04-02 08:36:02 UTC
All of the above and especially to protect my family for idiot lunatics NAZI wannbes like you who will vote for Corrupt Hillary and call Harry Reid the "greatest Senator of our time" after Teddy who think MY RIGHTS are just "silly" and revocable by YOU; I bet you hate religion as well along with free speech that differs from yours and want to see serious laws passed to curtail those as well and think they key to happiness is through government intervention... close there, douche bag?
2015-04-03 08:22:19 UTC
You BIT-H about citizen*s having gun*s- How about Fast n Furious over 100 gun*s used in crime*s in T.X. were used in crime*s in L.A.( MSNBC special report) Why don*t you complain about that? An just think of how many more weapon*s are still out there in criminal*s hand*s thank*s to Eric Holder.
2015-04-03 04:43:33 UTC
Totally agree ,check out rating of homocide in central America ,where every individual there own a piece
2015-04-03 21:14:14 UTC
It's always people who live in nice, crime free neighborhoods that are the biggest proponents of gun control.
2015-04-03 10:15:52 UTC
Don't worries. When Pres. Obamas makes guns illegal, all the worlds problem will end.
2015-04-02 08:21:46 UTC
For home defense. I take it you're a pampered, spoiled little 12 year old white boy. Good for you, you will probably never need a gun until you get angry for being bullied (for being a pansy) and then you'll shoot up your school.
I was wrong once
2015-04-03 15:53:21 UTC
Guns can make you feel more like a man for people with little dlcks.
2015-04-03 09:16:25 UTC
Because a moron like you thinks I shouldn't have the right to own a gun.
2015-04-02 20:19:21 UTC
American Gun owners are stupid....No need to argue with FACTS...... Just have to look at the gun crime stats in Canada, Europe, Australia, England to prove the point...
2015-04-06 17:01:11 UTC
Civilians should have exactly as many guns as the government has. You should really educate yourself. You could ask better questions.
2015-04-04 09:41:53 UTC
We need to bare arms to defend ourselves: the Constitution says so.

(Err, that amendment came in for citizens to protect themselves from British aggressors, but that isn't exactky relevant now îs its?)
2015-04-03 15:57:15 UTC
Research Australian murder rates pre and post gun ban. Pretty much says it all BTW. I have as much of a right to own as you do to not own and to attack my constitutional right. God Bless you and America.
The Inquisitor
2015-04-04 06:39:12 UTC
Gun ownership is a human right.
2015-04-03 01:08:36 UTC
Simple. And not a very stupid reason. To protect my family. Ever hear of the saying - 'when seconds matter, the police are minutes away.' ?
2015-04-03 22:07:09 UTC
This comment is stupid and YES this is true you're just a typical Liberal denying the truth.
2015-04-03 01:59:18 UTC
Here is a silly @ss Argument:

If you don't want to own a gun, don't buy one..

Then get out of my face because I want one, and bought it..
2015-04-02 21:45:11 UTC
I don't need a reason to own my guns and I sure don't have to justify it to someone like you.
2015-04-03 08:42:43 UTC
I own a gun because I can. No other reason.
2015-04-04 19:19:06 UTC
I just want a gun so I can attach a bayonet to it and stab people.
2015-04-02 13:36:02 UTC
Grow up and come to the reason that your reasons are invalid especially if you can't vote yet.

In the meantime do some serious thinking.
2015-04-03 16:21:16 UTC
They're going to defend us from an oppressive government! They haven't done so yet!
2015-04-04 06:22:27 UTC
you sound like a child or an idiot, quite frankly.....if you don t think the constitution is correct, then maybe you don t care for free speech either. So, why don t you shut up or we ll send the police to come lock you up? How s that for justice!
2015-04-03 02:34:54 UTC
When you live in a 3rd world mentality Country with outdated laws , thats what you get
2015-04-04 17:48:25 UTC
They are adamant and rigid people. They don't want to listen to my good words of advice. I tried. But everytime it was an epic failure. You are right. They under-utilize or misuse their imagination powers.
Patriot !
2015-04-04 00:55:36 UTC
..."our" Constitution is quite clear ! Try reading it sometime ! (but first), put down that X-Box and come up from out of your Mothers basement and get some fresh air...(and) by the way..."mommy" has some nice clean pajamas for you too ! (and) don't be late for supper... she's making your favorite ! ..."Spaghetti O's" !
2015-04-05 19:45:44 UTC
6 , 5 ,4 are valid reasons.

It seems you are the stupid one.
2015-04-02 08:25:30 UTC
So, your project centers on baseless preconceptions? Make sure you get yourself into a good liberal arts college. You'll get far.
2015-04-04 02:11:49 UTC
You are legitimately going to come across as an imbecile. Props for being straight up about it though.
Uncle Pennybags
2015-04-02 17:06:52 UTC
How about to enable the weak in society, like the sick, elderly or women, to defend themselves from healthy strong young criminals?

Or do you prefer seeing defenseless old people being beaten and robbed, and women raped by strong young thugs?
2015-04-04 16:11:01 UTC
Justifies??? Almost none of the enumerated reasons are "stupid", and of course only one is essential. The US constitution includes a "right" to own weapons. Simple!!!
2015-04-04 14:30:30 UTC
I don't need to justify myself to you or anyone. If you're too much of a candy-*** to own a firearm, thats your problem.
2015-04-05 09:19:41 UTC
Thank you for your level headed question. We will try to follow your directives and amend our thoughts to conform to your thoughts and those of the 6:30 p.m. news.
2015-04-03 23:36:24 UTC
Yeah, I saw that movie where only the police and the military had the guns...'Schindler's List'...right?
2015-04-03 19:06:29 UTC
If you really hate guns you should do something about it.
2015-04-03 14:20:33 UTC
This is the same person who smokes his boy friends gun.
2015-04-03 07:46:47 UTC
HEY WE the civilians have the right to bear arms!!!!! It is the second amendment so unless you can change what has been legal since December 15, 1791 stop what you are doing it is our right!!!! >:( D:<
2015-04-03 20:08:21 UTC
I agree with you. only criminals should own and use guns. the general public should be at their mercy. like in Syria, yemen, Iraq, Pakistan, etc.
2015-04-02 15:04:03 UTC
There sound arguments want stupid look in the mirror.
2015-04-04 20:44:23 UTC
We have multiple guns in my house. I bet you would hate to enter it in the middle of the night. The criminals can have fun trying.
Sam Moore
2015-04-06 01:24:23 UTC
civilians owning guns is a prime reason we have not been invaded in any war
2015-04-03 17:45:11 UTC
the crooks will always find a way to get a gun and kill people , period. Americans who are law abiding citizens have the right to legally protect themselves , you idiot!!!!!
2015-04-03 15:30:32 UTC
FACT. Jesus used guns to defeat the Romans.
Trent Carden
2015-04-03 00:49:42 UTC
the right to bare arms stems not from peoples right to prorect themselves from other people but rather from the peoples right to defend themselves from there own government. thats why it says that you should be able to carry whatever would normaly be found on an infantry man .
2015-04-02 14:19:32 UTC
Let me think about your rant a moment. If I am considering this right. Your 3'6 standing on a orange

crate making noise about something you have absolutely no credibility in pursuing. Thanks for the

Sam P
2015-04-04 03:06:49 UTC
True. Where I live in the UK nobody has guns so nobody is shot and killed. It s simple really.
2015-04-03 08:12:01 UTC
YOU are the stupid one !!

YOU are obviously a LIBERAL PUKE who`s parents are BROTHER AND SISTER !!

Every intelligent citizen of the USA knows you sickening LIBERALS and your ant gun "agenda" .....

Ever hear of the 2nd Amendment , idiot???

It GUARANTEES us the right to bear arms ............. so go and do what you do BEST .............. have SEX with your SISTER !!!
common cents
2015-04-03 15:07:18 UTC
You've got to be a troll, no one could possibly be this ignorant.
2015-04-02 08:25:22 UTC
This is the best set of arguments I've ever heard, plus it's very funny.
2015-04-03 12:23:51 UTC
owning a gun is our 2nd amendment.
2015-04-03 17:27:32 UTC
Don't get rid of guns. Get rid of AK47s. PROBLEM SOLVED YW AMERICA
2015-04-03 17:33:16 UTC
Citizens have the rights to own guns. that is our right
2015-04-03 01:23:44 UTC
As a Canadian, trust me strict gun laws suck.
2015-04-04 08:16:11 UTC
"I need a gun to protect my family from other gun users"
great knight
2015-04-03 14:06:24 UTC
Governments killed millions always after disarming people. See history see reality!!! And you think we should trust this govt that says torture and spying is a-ok!!!??? Wake up!!!!
2015-04-02 23:55:09 UTC
"I'm a racist conservative and I need a gun" is one I hear the racists use all the time!

Go Yanks!
2015-04-03 17:54:09 UTC
Because I like guns. Get off my back ya commie scum.
2015-04-02 22:42:49 UTC
the gun laws suck but there is some good reasons with them
2015-04-04 13:11:10 UTC
We don't want to protect ourselves from oppressive governments or individuals *.*
2015-04-02 23:03:00 UTC
Non of your fvckin business Dipshlt
2015-04-02 08:48:58 UTC
The number one reason: it is guaranteed in the US Constitution. No other arguments are needed.
2015-04-03 13:02:15 UTC
6 and 2 are factual you stupid kid.
2015-04-03 00:45:18 UTC
Why do people try to deny the basic FACT that guns were invented to ... KILL THINGS !
The Devil
2015-04-03 14:58:54 UTC
Go ahead. Anybody can argue against good sense.
2015-04-04 10:13:43 UTC
2015-04-02 17:59:14 UTC
We non Americans just like the fact that the US constitution and 2nd amendment is only valid in the USA.
2015-04-06 20:17:05 UTC
They will deny ANY facts that hurt their agenda, it's sad.
2015-04-02 12:03:41 UTC
None of the things on your list are as stupid as you.
2015-04-02 08:24:46 UTC
If you don't want a firearm don't buy one. Just stick to your rape whistle.
One Horse Pony
2015-07-26 18:28:36 UTC
Because I can and I will. Whether or not they change the law overnight and turn me into an criminal. I will have them.
2015-04-03 21:01:29 UTC
I don't really feel ya

Just sayin'
2015-04-05 15:38:18 UTC
Guns aren't the problem. The person pulling the trigger is the problem.
2015-04-02 11:49:21 UTC
Only a fascist would demand justification to own something that is their right to own!
2015-04-06 05:48:18 UTC
I see this country going back to the wild, wild west days where everyone just shot each other. Judge, jury and executioner. Not a good thing.
2015-04-04 15:19:12 UTC
"Bad guys don't obey GUN FREE ZONE signs"

"When seconds count, the police are only minutes away"

2015-04-02 11:28:28 UTC
How about -- when seconds count a cop is only minutes away.
2015-04-03 21:19:24 UTC
It s so great that you re being objective about the issue instead of using words like "stupid" and "moron"
2015-04-04 22:17:02 UTC
we need a gun to protect our-self from the christian community.
2015-04-02 16:42:06 UTC
I carry firearms primarily to PROTECT MYSELF FROM CRAZIES LIKE ......whom ever the 'shoe' fits......or can you figure this out on your own?
2015-04-03 05:07:16 UTC
My aren't you just full of yourself and what your full of smells like troll excrement GFY
Sarah Gold
2015-04-02 08:23:24 UTC
Where do you live? I would like to plant a sign on your neighbors lawn that says "rob him and rape his wife, he is a liberal"
2015-04-02 17:37:32 UTC
not aware of any "stupid arguments"..I know several that dictatorial idiots like YOU use, tho!
2015-04-05 16:32:20 UTC
my husband says that black and white races will riot one day he buys bullets for that in case the government takes them away
2015-04-03 22:04:30 UTC
You should go to Kenya and ask them for their opinion
2015-04-03 13:03:28 UTC
Guns are illegal if you are not permitted to have it
2015-04-02 14:52:27 UTC
And what is your "stupid" answer as to why we shouldn't have them?
2015-04-02 18:37:00 UTC
defending your family is stupid?

i suppose you think breathing is stupid as well.
2015-04-05 08:41:44 UTC
Your an ignoramus
2015-04-03 11:50:15 UTC
aw tyler honey let me break the news to you...

2015-04-04 11:24:06 UTC
que te jodan
2015-04-04 08:25:42 UTC
majority rules
2015-04-04 06:29:56 UTC
Guns dont kill people. People kill people
2015-04-02 08:22:48 UTC
so you you think one can choose what Bill of rights to enforce and what bill of rights can be ignored?
2015-04-05 07:20:39 UTC
Because it is my right as an American you condecending little sh it.
2015-04-07 10:27:02 UTC
common sense and reasoning
abraham lincoln
2015-04-03 21:06:20 UTC
so if armegaadin comes we can survive by claiming left's property. if you do not have a weapon it will be easy. Thanks much
2015-04-03 08:03:05 UTC
Catch the baseball
2015-04-06 06:22:58 UTC
Gun Control: Myths and Realities (The truth is clearly visible, but can you handle it?)

By David Lampo

May 13, 2000

The number of well-publicized public shootings during the past few years, especially the tragedy at Columbine High School, has re-energized the gun control movement. As a show of strength, a coalition of gun control groups has organized a “Million Mom March” to be held in Washington, D.C. on Mother’s Day, an event designed to stir up emotions rather than promote rational thought. And when one looks at the facts about gun control, it’s easy to see why the anti-gun lobby relies on emotion rather than logic to make its case.

Think you know the facts about gun control? If your only source of information is the mainstream media, what you think you know may not be correct. Take the quiz below and test your knowledge.

1. Thousands of children die annually in gun accidents.

False. Gun accidents involving children are actually at record lows, although you wouldn’t know it from listening to the mainstream media. In 1997, the last year for which data are available, only 142 children under 15 years of age died in gun accidents, and the total number of gun-related deaths for this age group was 642. More children die each year in accidents involving bikes, space heaters or drownings. The often repeated claim that 12 children per day die from gun violence includes “children” up to 20 years of age, the great majority of whom are young adult males who die in gang-related violence.

2. Gun shows are responsible for a large number of firearms falling into the hands of criminals.

False. Contrary to President Clinton’s claims, there is no “gun show loophole.” All commercial arms dealers at gun shows must run background checks, and the only people exempt from them are the small number of non-commercial sellers. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, at most 2 percent of guns used by criminals are purchased at gun shows, and most of those were purchased legally by people who passed background checks.

3. The tragedy at Columbine High School a year ago illustrates the deficiencies of current gun control laws.

False. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold violated close to 20 firearms laws in amassing their cache of weapons (not to mention the law against murder), so it seems rather dubious to argue that additional laws might have prevented this tragedy. The two shotguns and rifle used by Harris and Klebold were purchased by a girlfriend who would have passed a background check, and the TEC-9 handgun used by them was already illegal.

4. States that allow registered citizens to carry concealed weapons have lower crime rates than those that don’t.

True. The 31 states that have “shall issue” laws allowing private citizens to carry concealed weapons have, on average, a 24 percent lower violent crime rate, a 19 percent lower murder rate and a 39 percent lower robbery rate than states that forbid concealed weapons. In fact, the nine states with the lowest violent crime rates are all right-to-carry states. Remarkably, guns are used for self-defense more than 2 million times a year, three to five times the estimated number of violent crimes committed with guns.

5. Waiting periods lower crime rates.

False. Numerous studies have been conducted on the effects of waiting periods, both before and after the federal Brady bill was passed in 1993. Those studies consistently show that there is no correlation between waiting periods and murder or robbery rates. Florida State University professor Gary Kleck analyzed data from every U.S. city with a population over 100,000 and found that waiting periods had no statistically significant effect. Even University of Maryland anti-gun researcher David McDowell found that “waiting periods have no influence on either gun homicides or gun suicides.”

6. Lower murder rates in foreign countries prove that gun control works.

False. This is one of the favorite arguments of gun control proponents, and yet the facts show that there is simply no correlation between gun control laws and murder or suicide rates across a wide spectrum of nations and cultures. In Israel and Switzerland, for example, a license to possess guns is available on demand to every law-abiding adult, and guns are easily obtainable in both nations. Both countries also allow widespread carrying of concealed firearms, and yet, admits Dr. Arthur Kellerman, one of the foremost medical advocates of gun control, Switzerland and Israel “have rates of homicide that are low despite rates of home firearm ownership that are at least as high as those in the United States.” A comparison of crime rates within Europe reveals no correlation between access to guns and crime.

The basic premise of the gun control movement, that easy access to guns causes higher crime, is contradicted by the facts, by history and by reason. Let’s hope more people are catching on.
2015-04-03 12:37:32 UTC
Um your stupid !!!
Thomas Andolina
2015-04-04 15:58:44 UTC
seckint amemint
2015-04-04 20:21:28 UTC
2015-04-03 12:40:18 UTC
YOU are the stupid one.
2015-04-02 12:29:03 UTC
How about none of your damn business. How about that.
2015-04-03 20:54:23 UTC
This gun will make my dick bigger!!
2015-04-03 10:17:22 UTC
2015-04-03 04:34:22 UTC
2015-04-02 08:25:51 UTC
so you're into teen sci-fi then.... huh?
2015-04-03 00:04:32 UTC
guns can kill people so its should be illegal.
2015-04-03 07:07:12 UTC
You already have your mind made up based on your experiences and your personal reality. You probably live in an area where 911 is only minutes away, you buy your food at a market, you don't own livestock, and you really don't have to deal with dangerous animals. I challenge you, however, to consider these:

I grew up with guns, and I actually don't really like them. I don't like loud noises, BUT even I admit that they're a much-needed TOOL in some areas.

Where you live, do you occasionally encounter feral hogs? Do you KNOW what a wild sow with piglets will do to you or your dog, or how much damage a feral hog can do to pasture-land or crops over night? We've had them "plow" up five acres...and a larger herd can do more. They even come into people's yards. Yes, you can set traps for wild hogs, but they're very smart and they learn to evade them. I guess you suggest going after these animals with....? (If you don't know about the wild-hog explosion and the damage it's doing in some areas, there are documentaries on Netflix.)

Also, in your protected suburban enclave, I guess you don't have to worry about rabid or dangerous animals. You can call "animal control." For many people in rural America, THEY are animal control. In some cases, there's no way that the sheriff can respond to every hurt, aggressive, or rabid animal. The farm owner must be prepared to put down animals himself/herself. Raccoons, bats, and skunks are the most likely to carry it in our area. Some coyotes get mange to such a pitiful degree that it's better to put them down. (Some mange-denuded coyotes and foxes have been mistaken for the legendary chupacabra.) Of course, since we have ponds VERY close to our house, we have a horrible problem with water moccasins...and copperheads are a problem in the woods. Some years snakes seem to be all over the place: in the well-house, under the boat, on the porch, even under the A/C unit. In the spring you don't pick ANYTHING up carelessly. I used to be terrified for my daughter, and would check her playhouse before she went into it. We have to constantly thin out the water moccasin population or they'd take over the pond and eat our fish, as well as make life dangerous. They're pretty aggressive, and some think they own the pond. The chicken snakes/rat snakes eat our chicks and eggs, but but usually you can kill them with a hoe. We shoot the moccasins, however, as they are sunning.

Coyotes are a threat to our animals, as is the occasional bob-cat (we've lost 2 of our favorite goats this year to coyotes), but the most dangerous animals in some areas are the wild dogs and coy-dogs. These don't have the natural fear of humans that a coyote usually has, and they can really decimate young calves and smaller animals such as goats, sheep, chickens. The coyotes sometimes get bold (our neighbors had some drinking out of their in-ground pool right outside their back door), but a wild dog is even more so. We also have a few cougar in our area, but none on our farm so far. I know that in even more remote areas bear are a problem.

What do you do if you encounter a seriously injured animal? We also have to be prepared to put down hurt animals. Thankfully in our area, the sheriff DID send deputies to take care of a dog that was hit by a car in front of our farm. The poor thing's spine was crushed, legs twisted, and it was paralyzed. Most people don't have the money to take an animal like that to the vet; the rescues are full, and sometimes the animal is in so much pain it's dangerous to move it. (This was a big dog; an Anatolian mix, but he was a sweetheart. I wish we could have saved him). In our case, the deputies DID take the dog, but in some counties that's not the case. We get a LOT of dumped dogs; most are sweet and we try to find them homes, but occasionally one is aggressive.

Of course, farm owners have to be prepared to put down suffering livestock as well. There are cases where an animal is in extreme agony, and the vet may be on a call somewhere else. This happened to my pony when I was young; it tried to jump an expanse, broke at least 2 legs, and did some other really graphic damage to its face. My father was crying as he put the pony down, but that was the only merciful thing to do. A seriously injured, but otherwise healthy cow or pig can be quickly put down and the meat sometimes saved, so that the animal's death was not in vain.

And you probably never guessed that meth is a REAL problem in rural areas, did you? Yep. We had two meth labs about 3/4 of a mile from our house in one direction (they burned...not very good chemists, I suppose), and another meth lab in the other direction. The police have to have solid proof before doing anything, but that doesn't make you any safer. There's times, too, when you drive by people who are stopped on the side of the road (less common here than in my home-area); they're dealing drugs. You look straight ahead, mind your own business, and drive. There've been times when law-abiding people have had to flash a pistol...sometimes a large pistol or even a convince would-be attackers to mind their own business and let them pass!

And talk about women's equality! A friend of mine with a young daughter convinced a would-be burglar that he wanted to go somewhere else. When he saw her with her massive black Great Dane (the biggest teddy bear in the world, but he didn't know it) and a 12 gauge shotgun, he ran from the house yelling about a "crazy woman" with the "biggest ***** dog you ever saw!" A fairly-young widow had a similar situation, when a man came to her house late at night on the guise of "helping" her. She brought her shotgun into view and told him that she didn't need any help. Nothing quickens someone's pace more than the sound of a shotgun being racked, and even a blast into the air sometimes encourages trespassers to move along. It's like having a strong military; it's a DETERRENT to those who might want attack you.

Of course, many people still rely on guns to provide them with a deer in the freezer or even larger game (in colder regions.) Yes, hunting is a sport, but it is also still practical for some folks.

So don't judge guns from a suburban American mentality. There are still a LOT of places in the US where guns are very-much needed tools for daily safety. Again, I challenge you to present a more balanced view of the subject, and really research what life is like in areas outside of suburbia.
2015-04-03 15:30:19 UTC
eh you won't find much
2015-04-03 17:41:37 UTC
Call back after your testicles drop, kid.
2015-04-03 01:34:45 UTC
Liberal logic
2015-04-04 17:39:52 UTC
Your the dumbassss that brings a knife or brick to a gun fight.......................
2015-04-03 17:13:13 UTC
to hold off the commies.
2015-04-05 12:46:51 UTC
your face.
2015-04-05 07:56:54 UTC
... they cant argue the point.... you cant fix stupid....
2015-04-04 00:07:06 UTC
2015-04-05 08:59:14 UTC
god is real
2015-04-03 10:04:02 UTC
2015-04-03 06:48:12 UTC
2015-04-08 16:44:03 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.