What if you are in the middle of telling a joke or story and forget the punchline?
Yahoo Answers Team
2014-12-18 02:16:23 UTC
What do you do when you realise "I don't know how this joke ends"?
Blog: http://bit.ly/1x1LIlT
171 answers:
2014-12-19 00:15:24 UTC
I’m awful at telling jokes – mostly because I usually forget the punch line right in the middle of the delivery. What I'm doing is.....
Michael Jackson? Thats all I gotta say. ...He's become a punchline. He has! Michael Jackson is a punchline. To any joke you want. If you ever forget the punchline to a joke, just say 'Michael Jackson.' "Two Jews walk into a bar...Michael Jackson!" "Why did the chicken cross the road? Michael Jackson!" "So the farmer brings his daughter to the dinner table--Michael Jackson!" It works for anything!
2014-12-21 11:13:04 UTC
As you've already anticipated this scenario, then have an exit-strategy joke pre-prepared. Jokes mostly end in punchlines and the chances of forgetting one is far less costly than thinking up an exit-strategy joke. Or just make it a habit to mentally snapshot the punchline before you invest time and later embarrassment into setting it one up!
2014-12-19 02:27:22 UTC
Simply say to the audiences, to be continued...
It's better than to come up with an alternate ending since it's less effort. You don't need to think anymore. You don't need to search on the web too.
2015-01-06 04:27:23 UTC
It would an embarrassing situation if one forgets the punch line.
Without the punch line it would be a rather dull joke but do not cut in the middle of the sentence. Make something up and move on.
2014-12-23 01:11:47 UTC
The human race has become an awkward mess. Why would it be embarassing if you forget the punchline? just say you forgot it but it was really funny or something. Its not a theisis defense for christ's sake
2014-12-27 01:11:15 UTC
I'll say something like, "what's that over ther?" And once they look in the opposit direction, ill jump in the bushes virtually disappearing into thin air inpressing them so much that they forget about the joke.
2014-12-23 13:29:26 UTC
I'm perfectly capable of coming up with a new punchline. I'm thinking that many new jokes started that way.
2015-01-06 10:49:18 UTC
I would say "Well, this is awkward - I forget the punchline". When everybody just begins to laugh, start right into another joke.
2014-12-21 19:26:46 UTC
if you're are in ther middle of the joke and forget the ending just make something up and start laughing
like the old joke no soap radio
2014-12-18 07:34:04 UTC
I'd make a joke about the fact that I forgot!!! Something like..."They say the mind is the first thing to go. I say it's the 2nd thing!!!"
2015-01-06 12:09:49 UTC
At such a moment, who knows? You may bomb or not? To avoid the silence of pausing in a joke. You might as well shoot from the hip with this. You may apologize first and then try something new. It's really up for the moment. Such is comedy.
2014-12-21 22:06:13 UTC
Well, you'll say the ending of the joke is open-ended and make fun of yourself.
Or just suddenly say "Ain't nobody got time for that".
2014-12-18 05:48:47 UTC
Just say you forgot the punch line. That's been happening to me since I turned 70 6 months ago
2014-12-18 07:46:49 UTC
That 's like :Oh I'm sorry this was not my story even ,but pretending that it was and I forgot details of it .
Can you wait till I put it together ,but when you going to tell it again seem nonsense and you just make it worse.
To be called prik it's better than be called liar.
2014-12-29 15:42:07 UTC
You're getting off easy I do Magic Once made a Horse disappear . Then forgot where I hid the Horse. If You happen to see a horse walking about It belongs to Me.
2014-12-24 13:02:57 UTC
Just tell your audience this "excuse me, call of nature". Then proceed to the washroom and even better if you rehears your joke while you're in the washroom and go back when you are ready.
2015-01-06 12:53:11 UTC
Look at someone standing there and say to the group, "It seems that I forgot the punchline, but luckily Lisa knows!" Now the spotlight is on Lisa, and she will say something like "What..? Me?" and you playfully go "C'mon Lisa, we're counting on you" and laugh and goad her once or twice more, then just move on.
♥ Shane ♥
2014-12-28 14:12:32 UTC
I'd say, "Oops. Hey, you know what? I forgot the punchline." Then I'd take off my clothes and run around with my arms flailing and yell, "I'M FREE! I'M FREE! WOOOOOOOO! I'M FREE!"
2014-12-21 06:47:30 UTC
that's probably why i never tell jokes or funny stories coz i always tend to forget the punchline :p
2014-12-22 11:04:27 UTC
Turn it back on them and say something like, "Oh, come on, don't tell me you don't know this one. Everyone knows it." I'm a horrible person, oops.
2015-01-06 00:50:43 UTC
I just use the same punchline for every joke - "To get to the other side!"
2014-12-21 03:19:54 UTC
I'd say well, the jokes on me. Why did the chicken cross the road?
2014-12-18 05:26:49 UTC
What's the big deal? It happens to me all the time! I just apologize and move on. If it comes back to me, I'll go tell the person. But our bigger laugh is on me for forgetting.
2015-01-06 11:30:05 UTC
I am sorry Just say you forgot the punch line. That's been happening to me since I turned 7 6
2015-01-05 16:16:45 UTC
Well, my dear friends, this is when I would start reciting The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien because I have most of the beginning memorized and who wouldn't applaud for that fantastic piece of writing? Haha!
2014-12-19 13:41:07 UTC
I'd say well, the jokes on me. Why did the chicken cross the road?
2014-12-20 20:54:52 UTC
Admit you forgot the punchine and become it; "You guys can laugh at me now". In that moment, you're bound to come with something funny, that you can say to your friends.
2014-12-28 11:34:31 UTC
I'd say that the forgetting would probably be funnier than the puncher
2014-12-19 16:52:11 UTC
Then...your the joke. Seriously, you could do it on purpose. Tell a long story and build it up and up get them hanging on the edge of their seats and then!... Forget the punch line. :D
David Manhart
2014-12-26 16:23:18 UTC
Perhaps what Ashley Simpson did when she got caught lip synching on Saturday Night Live? Just shrug your shoulders and hop sideways away.
2014-12-23 14:39:50 UTC
Most of my friends are guessing at the punchline near the end, if one gets it good enough, I point at my nose and them to say they got it right and laugh!
They feel good, I get off the hook!
2015-01-04 16:20:27 UTC
I would pass out. mostly because I don't do good in front of an audience.
2015-01-05 07:56:25 UTC
FLIP THE TABLE!!! If that doesn't work just walk away and leave the other person in an endless state of suspense.
2014-12-19 16:01:40 UTC
Try to turn it into a question so each person has to come up with thier own punchline.
2014-12-23 17:28:47 UTC
Just act like the joke is supposed to be awkward, make it an anti-joke.
2014-12-23 09:36:36 UTC
Start over
2015-01-06 12:58:43 UTC
Come up with my own punchline.
2014-12-18 18:51:33 UTC
Just say "Bazinga!:" like on the Big Bang Theory!
2015-01-06 13:20:36 UTC
My friends already know that I will screw up and it's become the funniest part of any joke I tell.
2014-12-28 15:45:24 UTC
Grin, then start making a loud, animated donkey noises Hee! Haw! Hee! Haw! Hee! Haw! then walk away smiling.
2015-01-06 08:51:57 UTC
Punch the nearest person for a diversion. 9 times of of ten, it works every time.
2014-12-18 13:04:48 UTC
I would instantly make something up or get them to finish it! May as well make more humor to be positive rather than being negative about it! Right?
2015-01-06 11:05:32 UTC
Pretend your phone vibrated then look at it for a second and if you need more time pretend to answer it and step away for a minute until you remember.
2014-12-18 05:07:57 UTC
yea that's a big what the hell time!i know....the solution is think of something creative or mimicry!take any topic & fastly make joke or say in funny way!as the memory is as usual will cheat!:D
2014-12-19 09:35:52 UTC
I would just make up my own. The best way if you have a powerfull thinking and imagining source in your brain
The Goodman
2014-12-21 21:53:26 UTC
You tell your audience that they are the punchline. Make them feel special.
2014-12-24 02:06:47 UTC
I will add something by myself and tell another joke which i remember.I never forget jokes.
2015-01-02 02:28:55 UTC
You use a distraction technique and hope the audience forget what you were saying.
2014-12-19 16:15:58 UTC
Why did the chicken cross the road? Because he forgot where he was going.
2014-12-20 22:37:44 UTC
Whether I understand the joke or not, I LOL.
2014-12-21 04:25:02 UTC
Whether I understand the joke or not, I LOL.
We left and returned!
2014-12-18 03:43:06 UTC
I'd look at my watch and exclaim, "Oh crap! My wife's been waiting 45 minutes for me to pick her up! See ya!"
2015-01-06 10:02:03 UTC
Start laughing loudly.. saying that you wont complete the joke.. its just tooo funny :p
2014-12-20 10:49:11 UTC
Whether I understand the joke or not, I LOL.
2014-12-26 07:55:47 UTC
that should produce some laughter for sure! -- though i'll have another one manufactured and ready in a jiffy!
2014-12-21 05:23:20 UTC
Admit that you forgot the punchline...people will laugh at that
2014-12-28 14:24:13 UTC
Say a random funny word.
2015-01-06 09:47:10 UTC
just start saying random *** words and it will probably come out funnier than the joke its self lol
2014-12-19 05:44:44 UTC
Smile real big and say ok who finishes this joke.
Joshua Maulding
2015-01-04 19:13:32 UTC
Say and i forgot the punchline. It can still make people laugh but it may be in a good or bad way
2015-01-04 05:32:24 UTC
I will try to redirect the joke to another simple silly joke, something like that man was walking on a road but guess what.... there was no road and I will pause and start laughing.
2015-01-04 05:32:21 UTC
Turn it into an anti joke.
2015-01-02 06:24:09 UTC
I would make one up.
2015-01-01 02:35:43 UTC
It's funnier than the joke itself. My daughter can never tell a joke straight. I love it !
Joe Chemo
2014-12-31 16:24:54 UTC
Pull down your pants and start masturbating. That should get people laughing and buy you some time.
2014-12-31 14:37:27 UTC
I would improvise and if it doesn't work... better luck next time
2014-12-31 06:42:24 UTC
i'll say thankyou
2014-12-28 18:09:15 UTC
pretend you lost your voice..?
2014-12-27 11:52:53 UTC
That's usually about the point at which you should run. :)
2014-12-26 22:54:35 UTC
I say, aw heck never mind, it was not that funny in the first place. Followed with, I forgot what I was talking about. Sorry.
Ghert Qux
2015-01-04 16:04:11 UTC
tatoo the punchline on my girlfriends forehead and place her in the audience in case I forget.
2015-01-03 13:43:27 UTC
this is the joke. you fell for it. there's no punchline. i am laughing at you.
2015-01-03 10:55:26 UTC
stand in silence and stare at the person then look around , then suddenly start talking to them about a hole new subject and say you don't know what they're talking about if they ask about the joke.
satish k
2015-01-02 23:50:01 UTC
I would be honest and say so,if I am unable to invent something witty instantly.
2015-01-02 11:42:56 UTC
I would be like "bruh" and then walk away
2015-01-02 07:06:39 UTC
well, I've been doing stand-up comedy for about 3 years and I can tell you this has never happened to me. Why? Because I practice THE HECK out of my material for FEAR THAT THIS MIGHT HAPPEN.
2014-12-31 21:58:02 UTC
Make forgetting the punchline the ACTUAL punchline.
2014-12-31 10:51:10 UTC
You pretend there is none and the whole joke was a joke.
2014-12-30 11:57:41 UTC
just start laughing loudly heeeeeeeheeee
2014-12-30 01:13:27 UTC
Simple. You become the joke.
2014-12-29 16:12:25 UTC
Have a coughing fit & run for the bathroom or to get a glass off water.
2014-12-29 12:02:23 UTC
I usually don't do that, I always focus on the task at hand which is the joke I am telling now, my mind doesn't wander when I am focused on one subject.
Morty Smith C137
2014-12-29 11:27:57 UTC
You just pull out some old chestnut.
"I got all my jokes the old fashioned way. I stole them." ~ Milton Berle~
Eh oh well. You really had to be there.
2014-12-29 07:22:34 UTC
Its happened already, start immediately to lead into another joke.
2014-12-27 18:01:20 UTC
My wife is that way. We just do not let her tell jokes anymore which can be funny itself. If she starts some one in the family will jump in and say "Do you remember the end?" It never fails to get her a little flustered when she puts her head down and says "No." You can not help but find that endearing or at least we do.
Cold Winter Nights
2014-12-26 00:21:13 UTC
move on
2014-12-24 18:59:08 UTC
I would think of another joke and weave it into the current joke & embellish it more than usual that way the audience will forget the original joke and accept the second punch line.
2014-12-23 00:24:54 UTC
I'd say well, the jokes on me. Why did the chicken cross the road?
2014-12-22 18:45:42 UTC
...Awkward... >.< Make something random up, and then laugh as everyone stares at you like, "What in the world?"
2014-12-22 12:10:24 UTC
After a moment of silence:
"Are you expecting a joke?
I was just passing the time.
Thank you."
2015-01-04 14:52:33 UTC
If you have remembered everything relevant up to the point of the punch line, using the audience could help you get out of za hole you have dug. By using the audience to your advantage this way,it unleashes the power of YOUR imagination, instead of leaning on someone elses joke. In other words you're on your own kid, good luck at the improve!! Hope ya makes millions.... or maybe thousands?...
The Goat Nose
2015-01-02 15:50:22 UTC
With me it’s medication affecting my word finding skills. I don’t tell jokes but anecdotal information leaves me feeling brain dead. I just apologize for not remembering things.
Just Hazel
2015-01-01 11:24:39 UTC
Oops! Fortunately, I'm old enough to be able to laugh and claim a 'senior moment'.
2014-12-31 09:54:45 UTC
I end with a statement : this funny since it does'nt seems funny ..
Marina 1
2014-12-30 23:14:49 UTC
I would probably end the joke by using a Rich Perry "Oops"
2014-12-30 14:35:20 UTC
i'd make a joke out of it
2014-12-29 14:40:24 UTC
I run.
2014-12-29 11:57:10 UTC
Krusty Clown's laugh wil help :)
2014-12-29 09:40:53 UTC
Haha... just laugh, be honest, admit, what else can you do? Most of our loved ones, know we can be lousy at something...and they love us for it! :)
2014-12-29 04:37:24 UTC
i would say, "i don't know how this joke ends, but it's funny."
2014-12-28 14:46:40 UTC
make one up
2014-12-27 08:19:54 UTC
pee your pants
Pika Pika
2014-12-26 20:24:54 UTC
Either say, Your mom, in bed, or your mom in bed. It works every time.
2014-12-25 13:42:37 UTC
since im good with jokes. ill come up with a new one right on tha spot!
William P
2014-12-24 19:28:51 UTC
Stop and pause for a moment of silence while looking bewildered. Then inform the audience you were living proof that drugs will not kill you. Pull out a joint, fire it up (ok in CO use fake in all other states) take a long drag, hold for a while and exhale and go into character of drug impaired. Then state "However, drugs can cause short term memory loss if used frequently. Then ask the crowd "How do you keep a small dog from humping your leg? Anybody? "Pick him up and give him a B.J."
postal p
2014-12-24 12:23:05 UTC
Excuse yourself for a potty break.
2014-12-23 02:05:32 UTC
2014-12-23 00:54:11 UTC
Break into your best Don Knotts impression!
2014-12-21 18:36:30 UTC
i always do that and i don t like it. just try to improvise.
2014-12-20 14:58:12 UTC
cough say hold on, take a drink of water and that will give u ample time to think and either come up with an puchline or rember the one u were going to say
2015-01-05 07:39:33 UTC
Admitting to everyone that you forgot the punchline will be too funny if delivered the correct way.
2015-01-05 05:54:40 UTC
I would say: "I'm sorry gimme a sec" and remember the joke/story. If I can't, then I say "Sorry I forgot the story. Guess I'm old" with a smiley face.
2015-01-04 09:55:58 UTC
I'm not a professional comedienne, but give me a microphone, and the audience is mine.. sometimes the punch lines I make up are better than the originals.. well. that is what I['m told anyway.. Ah, and to what do we owe this question?:
Ans: comedy writers I just feel it in my "funny bone."
Nina Li
2015-01-03 18:03:19 UTC
Well you can just say that OMG I just forgot the joke not! HA! HA! Then do a dance and say another one of your other best jokes!
2015-01-02 18:54:12 UTC
You put jelly on it then send to Africa so it can get Ebola because it was probably a bad joke anyway.
Vi Spex
2015-01-01 23:44:00 UTC
then i would have to kill you
2015-01-01 01:49:03 UTC
Whoops! I forgot my punchline.
2014-12-31 11:31:02 UTC
2014-12-31 09:47:43 UTC
So, what's new. I do it all the time.
2014-12-30 10:50:52 UTC
Shut up
2014-12-26 13:36:24 UTC
kind of like... stopping to think and forgetting to start again
2014-12-26 05:08:18 UTC
guna seelan
2014-12-23 05:51:22 UTC
I will start laughing about myself
2014-12-20 17:45:56 UTC
Throw in a call back.
2014-12-20 15:04:56 UTC
Commit Hara Kiri with the katana I always carry under my neckbeard.
2014-12-20 08:37:44 UTC
2015-01-05 17:01:42 UTC
"I forget the punchline, but you're mother's a whore."
paul s
2015-01-06 12:31:40 UTC
Just say: "And a wolf ran howling into the night!"
2015-01-06 15:01:59 UTC
Happens to me all the time; I blame my age and say "oops, senior moment"
2014-12-22 13:39:35 UTC
Come si fa a rispondere?
Jucahú Bagua Maorocotí
2014-12-20 06:20:48 UTC
Best thing to do is to improvise by asking what you just asked and prepare and answer for yourself
2015-01-06 13:53:51 UTC
You go with obscenities.
Have you learned nothing from stand up comedians?
2014-12-30 13:15:42 UTC
Slap your face it will become a jokeee hahhhaaaa
Hardcore City
2015-01-06 13:16:09 UTC
Wait for somebody to break silence for me. I guess. It never happened.
Bernard A
2015-01-06 14:32:50 UTC
2014-12-18 19:12:46 UTC
Fart really loud and no one will remember you forgot the joke.
2014-12-19 19:21:42 UTC
I would say: "uhu, fool ya!" while smiling and winking. Or, hell I would just say: "sorry, I forgot it" ;)
2014-12-18 22:06:55 UTC
i am lolo the prnt the people in my dark littl brdi thats my of joke.,,hehe
2014-12-19 13:06:36 UTC
I'd poop my pants so everyone would laugh anyway.
2014-12-22 19:21:49 UTC
if happen like that you should tell that,then that will be the biggest jokes.
2015-01-10 22:45:06 UTC
Just sing " Saare jahaan se achha .. :-P "
2014-12-19 12:26:56 UTC
I would probably get so red in the face, and then pass out. :)
J.Z. Sherrington
2014-12-25 00:40:08 UTC
"Play me off Johnny"
2014-12-31 08:44:53 UTC
why did the chicken cross the road? moo
2014-12-29 01:28:19 UTC
...So he said, "Do you love me?" and she says, "No, but that's a really nice ski mask!"
2014-12-19 09:22:37 UTC
Start all over again.
2014-12-18 05:21:19 UTC
I'd make it up!!
2015-01-05 19:18:50 UTC
I prefer run away
2015-01-06 11:53:52 UTC
I just go, "heh, you know what happens" and hope they agree with me
2015-01-06 16:06:07 UTC
Dance and talk about it, make sure you smile
2015-03-18 01:14:57 UTC
Make something up
2014-12-19 12:45:47 UTC
Improvise and make one up.
2015-01-06 13:08:09 UTC
You do an awkward pause.
amni w
2014-12-20 07:32:54 UTC
I would try to make up some answer :)
Weasel McWeasel
2014-12-18 13:24:40 UTC
You pull the pin and run......and hope no one notices.
2014-12-18 04:27:21 UTC
I would say, oh no! I need the toilet! See ya!
2015-01-06 07:27:12 UTC
I would run away.
2015-01-01 20:06:58 UTC
Well, just for me, I would admit it, and suck it up.
2015-01-06 14:15:37 UTC
run away crying
2014-12-19 05:15:49 UTC
it is time for divorce
Giacomo Casanova
2014-12-21 16:13:30 UTC
just start coughing
2015-01-06 12:05:10 UTC
I just use "everybody dies."
2014-12-18 12:27:17 UTC
That happens every now and then.....!!
2014-12-18 16:03:36 UTC
Shite happens.
2015-01-02 03:48:08 UTC
i bite my toungue and whisper to myself Oops!!!!!!!!!!!!! i forgot
2014-12-28 11:06:29 UTC
2014-12-27 14:59:34 UTC
just say nevermind ;)
2015-01-05 10:24:27 UTC
normally I do.
2015-01-04 09:08:53 UTC
i would drop dead right there... lol
The Lovely And Epic
2014-12-18 08:13:32 UTC
improv :D
2015-01-06 15:05:19 UTC
dumb question
This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.