Little Johnny was walking to school one day, when he saw a guy get bit by a snake. The gardener said, "Oh, mushrooms."
Little Johnny thought that was funny. When Little Johnny was at school in his kindergarten class, the teacher asked him, "Johnny, what's 2 + 2?"
Little Johnny replied, “2 + 2 is five.”
The teacher said he was wrong, and Little Johnny said, “Oh, mushrooms.”
The teacher got mad and sent Little Johnny to the principal’s office. When he got there, the principal said, “May I ask why you got sent to my office?”
Little Johnny replied, “I said ‘Oh, mushrooms’ in class today.” The principal got mad and expelled him from the school. When he got home, his mother said “Why did you get kicked out of school, Little Johnny?”
Little Johnny said, “I said ‘Oh, mushrooms’ in class today.” His mom got mad and sent him to his room until his father came home. When his dad came home, he said, “What happened?”
Once again, Little Johnny replied, “I said ‘Oh, mushrooms’ in class today.”
His dad got so mad that he kicked Little Johnny out of the house. So Little Johnny was walking down the street, when a police officer pulls over and says, “Aren’t you a little young to be out walking around at a time like this?”
Little Johnny said, “I got kicked out of the house today because I said ‘Oh, mushrooms’ in class today.” The police officer arrested him and sent him to jail for 25 years later.
25 years later, Little Johnny was released from jail and he saw one of his classmates from kindergarten across the street. Johnny was happy to see someone he knew, so he started to walk across the street but he got hit by a car.
The moral of this story is to look both ways before you cross the street!